i created the old gods

Chapter 199 Magic Academy

Chapter 199 Magic Academy
"At 18:23 yesterday evening, 21 countries including the United States, Russia, China, Britain, and Gaul launched a joint operation to launch a joint attack on the Maga Kingdom in West Africa. It is reported that the Maga Kingdom's government and army have been destroyed By."

"This is a great victory for mankind. This action has hit the arrogance of the Destroyer and made the Destroyer."

Listening to the sound on the TV, Merlin showed no expression and just listened to the news broadcast on the TV.

Not far from Merlin, a family of three looked at Merlin excitedly, and their 14-year-old son looked at Merlin with admiration, showing great enthusiasm.

This is the Gironde province of Gaul. It is a little-known place in Gaul, and it is an ordinary place name in the world.

What everyone didn't expect was that Merlin, Britain's legendary magician known all over the world, appeared here and was investigating the address of the magic academy.

The little boy from Gaul looked at Merlin with admiration, and said excitedly in less than proficient English: "Mr. Merlin, do you plan to open a magic academy here? Can I enroll?"

Although Gaul and Britain have a feud, it is a matter of ancient times after all. In modern times, Gaul and Britain have always advanced and retreated together, and the new generation of Gallic youth has begun to gradually accept British culture.

Legendary magicians like Merlin were originally the protagonists in fairy tales, not to mention the current vigorous publicity. I am afraid that even children in extremely underdeveloped areas can hear a few legends about Merlin.


Merlin raised his head, glanced at the little boy who spoke, and agreed.

Although this little boy's talent cannot be said to be peerless, he is considered one in a million, and he is considered a good talent. Naturally, there is no problem in joining the Magic Academy.

Not to mention that the little boy's family had enthusiastically helped him visit the area in recent days and kept his whereabouts secret.

Taking in an extra little boy was no problem for Merlin.

After hearing Merlin's reply, the three members of the Gaul family cried with joy and hugged each other, as if celebrating that the little boy would have a bright future.

Seeing this, Merlin shook his head slightly, stood up, and said, "I'm leaving. I've already decided where the college will be built. When it's over, I will send the invitation here. You can just wait and see. , no need to rush.”

"Ah, you have to leave."

The little boy was a little reluctant to let go. His parents looked at each other and were about to say something, but suddenly their eyes flashed and Merlin disappeared from their sight, disappearing out of thin air!


The two parents were shocked and immediately exclaimed: "As expected of Mr. Merlin, we are really surprised by such methods."

At this time, Merlin had already appeared outside. He was standing on a high-rise building with a calm expression, suddenly showing his aura, waiting for Salvester to come to the door.

He knew that Salvester had been looking for him, but Merlin also knew that Salvester came alone without the company of the mysterious magister, so he didn't plan to talk to Salvester.

Because Salvest is too eye-catching, if you let Salvest follow you, your assessment plan will definitely fail.

Merlin shuddered at the thought of walking to a place and being surrounded by a large crowd of people, and he was glad that he had made the right choice.

Now that he has found the address of the Magic Academy, he will soon return to Britain for further screening. Asking Salvester to come at this time can be regarded as an explanation to the mysterious magician.

Just as Merlin expected, after he released his aura, half an hour later, Salvester instantly arrived in this unknown small city in the Gironde Province of Gaul.

Amidst a burst of exclamations, Salvester stood high, like a god. He looked at Merlin, feeling a little unhappy. The huge dragon head let out a low and terrifying whisper: "Merlin, what are you doing? Why are you hiding? Follow me, I almost turned Africa upside down in search of you!"

Salvester's face was not red, and his heart was not beating. He described his random running around as looking for Merlin, and described accidentally bumping into the Destroyer's secret base, killing two Cyclops and then escaping in a hurry as "turning Africa away." Everything turned upside down.

In fact, in a sense, there is nothing wrong with him saying this.

Merlin said indifferently: "I'm looking for the address of the Magic Academy. Presumably that great Mr. Magician also wants to build the Magic Academy as soon as possible."

"Forget it, I can't speak to you humans, you are so good at speaking."

Salvester waved his hand and said without pursuing anything further: "Come up, I will take you back to Britain. The next step is up to you. The master only asked me to guard the gate of your magic academy. The nursing home didn’t give me any further instructions.”

"It's okay to guard the courtyard, thank you for your hard work."

Merlin's figure floated behind Salvester, and Salvester rose into the sky and flew towards Britain.

A few seconds later, there was only a flash of white lightning left in the sky, and it disappeared immediately.

In Maple Leaf Kingdom, in the Destroyer's base camp, Leanna played with two or three small bottles in her hand, glanced at the humble Park Yisheng in front of her, and said proudly: "I will give you the blue dragon blood and part of the one-eyed giant blood you want. It was delivered, and it was obtained at the expense of a base in Africa, so don’t let me down.”

Pu Yisheng respectfully took the small bottle handed over by Leanna, took a look at the blood that seemed to be no different from human blood to the naked eye, and was overjoyed. He quickly kowtowed and said: "Please don't worry, if the experiment fails, I am willing to I will die to apologize and repay the organization!"

With the blessing of the dragon's blood, if he didn't succeed, he would just commit suicide.

Seeing this, Leanna nodded, waved her hand and said: "Okay, you go down and do the experiment."

After hearing this, Park Yisheng retreated wisely and stopped disturbing Leanna's work.

And when Park Yisheng completely left the office, Leanna looked at the computer screen with interest, looking at the eye-catching news headline, she couldn't take her eyes away at all:
"The Jindal Magic Academy has been established. The legendary magician Merlin will serve as the first dean. We are now recruiting 500 students from all over the world!"

Looking at this news, Leanna's brows relaxed slightly. She had already received the report from her subordinates and the plan was successfully implemented.

Four of the ten spies he has placed have passed the interviews at the Kamindal Magic Academy and are waiting to start school.

(End of this chapter)

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