i created the old gods

Chapter 200 Indian Wizard

Chapter 200 Indian Wizard
The blazing sun is hanging in the sky, the sun is scorching, even in the early morning, the blazing sunshine makes this place full of heat.

It is summer now, the vegetation is growing particularly lush, the leaves are shiny, and the trees are lush and leafy, creating a thick green shade.

Serena got up early, stood in front of the mirror in the dormitory, looked at the face in the mirror, and said nothing.

Her mind was buzzing, and she still couldn't forget the devastating news from Britain a few days ago.

"Ms. Serena, we regret to inform you that your parents and three brothers disappeared in the London disaster. Your brother Will is suspected of having died in the line of duty. Please express our condolences."

The news from the British Embassy left Serena devastated, desperate and in disbelief.

A few days ago, she had a happy family, and her elder brother had a decent job, but now she has become a widow, and the whole family was killed. How could she not feel sad and hopeless?
She has already booked a flight and is leaving for London today, ready to do something more meaningful.

Because the embassy not only conveyed the news about the disappearance and suspected death of his family, but also a crucial news, a possibility for Serena to take revenge.

Magic Academy, an invitation letter from Jindal Magic Academy, an invitation letter inviting Serena to enroll.

Serena knew that the reason why the British government issued the invitation letter to her was probably to pay for the bones and set an example for others in Britain.

After all, his brother Will is a police officer in London, and his parents are both government workers. In such a family situation, he is the only one left, so naturally he is the best recipient of pension.

But Serena doesn't plan to make any moves, she just wants to take this opportunity to learn magic to destroy the evil organization the Destroyer!

"Goodbye, America."

Serena packed all her bags and looked at her roommate who was still sleeping soundly. Without saying a single word, she murmured something and stepped out of the dormitory building.

The trees and grass on both sides are luxuriant, and the entire school is full of youthful vitality. After stepping out of the school, on both sides of the street, Serena can clearly see many simple Evernight missionaries in black robes conveying the message of the Lord of Evernight. teachings.

On the road, the National Guard was patrolling everywhere, and there were slogans to resist the 'Destroyer' everywhere. Leanna took a deep breath and looked at the location of a church bell tower not far away from the street.

Serena knew that there was an extraordinary person from the Eternal Night Church who was responsible for guarding this part of the university town.

Today, the entire state of Massachusetts has been perfectly integrated with the Church of Eternal Night. The slogans of the Lord of Eternal Night are everywhere. The National Guard, police and night watchmen have become the main security guards in Massachusetts.

It can be said that in Massachusetts, the American government does not have as high a prestige as the Eternal Night Church, and all the Massachusetts officials are believers of the Eternal Night Church.

It can be said that the prerequisite for joining the Massachusetts government is to believe in the Lord of Eternal Night.

Since the emergence of the Eternal Night Church, the crime rate in Massachusetts has been greatly reduced. Everyone knows that there is a Transcendent from the Eternal Night Church in every area, and crime here is simply a trap.

70% of the residents of Massachusetts have begun to believe in the Lord of Eternal Night. Even Serena somewhat believes in the Lord of Eternal Night. She even planned to join the Church of Eternal Night and become a night watchman when she received the news. revenge.

However, the cruel conditions of 8000 million believers and only a thousand night watchmen stopped Serena. She could only go to the magic academy with an uncertain future to seek revenge there.

“If only London had been like Massachusetts back then.”

Serena couldn't help but murmur, and two lines of clear tears fell from her eyes at an inappropriate time: "Even if it is not like Massachusetts, it is at least like Northern Europe. The Church of Thunder will also protect the comfort of London."

Britain advertises that it has the legendary magician Merlin, the Blue Dragon that protects the country, and the angel who saves the world, but Serena knows in her heart that these are all false.

If Britain was really as advertised, how could London have suffered such changes?
Boston has also been attacked by Destroyers, and there has been a conflict between gods, and there were three of them. Why didn't Boston suffer large-scale casualties?
In the final analysis, the law and order capabilities in London are far inferior to the Eternal Night Church!

Serena sighed, picked up her suitcase, and got on the train to New York.

She booked a flight from New York to London.

As for why we didn’t book a flight from nearby Boston to London, the main reason is that due to London’s post-disaster reconstruction, only some cities in various countries can reach London.

After getting on the train to New York, the journey was smooth, but leaving Massachusetts made Serena feel a little lonely.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Serena put away her sad emotions, cheered up, and set off for New York!

But Serena felt something special about the smiling middle-aged man on the seat in front of her left.

This feeling seems to be full of hope and full of indescribable charm.

In this situation, Serena couldn't help but want to look at him more.

The middle-aged man seemed to feel Serena's gaze, turned his head, smiled very gentlemanly at Leanna, then turned away and closed his eyes to rest.

Serena was a little embarrassed when she was discovered, so she could only pretend not to know, sitting on the chair solemnly, pretending that she had done nothing.

When the middle-aged man saw this, he just smiled and said nothing else.

The train traveled smoothly all the way to New York, without any disasters on the way. For now, the safest route in the United States is probably the journey from Massachusetts to New York State.

After all, these two states are the two most active states of the Eternal Night Church in the United States. Boston and New York are the two core cities of the Eternal Night Church. San Francisco, which ranks third, is simply unable to compete with the two.

After getting off the train, Serena made the dusty journey to the airport. After arriving at the airport by taking a taxi at a high price, she saw a familiar figure at the boarding area.

The middle-aged man on the train.


Serena screamed in surprise, attracting the attention of the middle-aged man. He looked at Serena, smiled slightly, and bowed slightly, showing a sense of gentleman.

When Serena quickly approached, she realized that she and this middle-aged man were on the same flight, from New York to London.

"Hello, may I ask?" Serena hesitated for a moment and then stepped forward to ask.

The gentleman seemed to understand what Serena wanted to ask, and smiled and said: "My name is Edward, a British Londoner. I have lived in New York for a long time. Recently, a friend wanted to set up a school in London and asked me to teach."

"Ah oh."

Serena didn't expect that Edward had seen through her problem, so she could only be stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "I see."

"It just so happens that I am also from London, and I came back to London to go to school."

Serena said this, but she did not connect Edward with the magic academy she attended.

After all, for now, the Magic Academy only accepts 500 students. With such a small number of students, there must not be many teachers, and the teachers have probably arrived in London a long time ago. How can they take a flight with me?

Edward and Serena just chatted one by one. Edward seemed to have been away from Britain for a long time and was not familiar with many things in Britain. He needed Serena's help to understand.

The principles contained in Edward's words and deeds also benefited Serena a lot, making Serena even wiser.

Just when they were chatting enthusiastically, a handsome young man in black robe suddenly appeared from the airport. All of a sudden, everyone's attention was attracted, and Serena couldn't help but take a few more glances.

At this moment, Edward suddenly said: "I have been seeing those people in black robes recently. I don't know what they do."

Serena glanced at Edward in surprise and said, "Sir, are you living in the last century? Those people are believers of the Eternal Night Church. The one in front of us, dressed like this, is from the Eternal Night Church. The night watchman is a real superpower!"

"I didn't expect that there was a night watchman on the same flight as us. It seems that our flight should be stable this time." Serena sighed.

After listening to Serena's speech, Edward muttered the word 'Night Watch' without saying anything further: "Night Watch"

"Mr. Edward, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Edward seemed a little distracted, Serena asked with concern: "Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

"No, no, I just lament that times have changed too fast."

Edward sighed, shook the crutch in his hand, and reminded: "By the way, your wish may be in vain. This night watchman is probably not here to take the flight."


Serena was stunned for a moment, a little confused: "Why?"

Edward smiled and said: "The night watchman is commanding the National Guard and other believers of the Eternal Night Church. He seems to be looking for someone."

Following Edward's instructions, Serena followed the sound, and sure enough, the handsome young night watchman was directing people, sealing off the airport, and looking for something.

Almost at the same time, the airport's announcement sounded, causing a commotion: "Gentlemen and ladies, I am very sorry to inform you that this flight will be delayed for half an hour. Please be patient and cooperate with the implementation of the Evernight Church. Mr. George, the swordsman, checked, thank you for your cooperation."

The broadcast was played over and over again in the entire hall, and when she heard this broadcast, Serena was a little shocked. She seemed not to have expected that the young and handsome night watchman turned out to be a sword holder!
Seeing Serena so shocked, Edward fell into confusion again: "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you hear? The radio just said that we should cooperate with the sword holder, Mr. George, to check!"

Serena's eyes widened with a look of disbelief: "That's the sword holder!"

Edward: "?"

Seeing Edward's confused expression, Serena sighed heavily, and explained: "The sword bearer is second only to 'Dawn' among the night watchmen of the Church of Eternal Night, and every sword bearer is The best among extraordinary beings, most of the extraordinary beings are the ones favored by the Holy One, and are the most loyal believers of the Lord of Eternal Night!”

Edward was still a little confused. He didn't have a clear idea about 'Dawn' or 'Sword Bearer'. He pushed up his glasses and was about to ask what to say. Suddenly his expression changed and he quickly pushed Se Lei away. Na!


The moment Serena was pushed away, a thunderous explosion sounded in the airport hall. Construction debris flew everywhere. Many passengers waiting in the terminal were hit by these construction debris and fell into a pool of blood and groaned. With.

As for Serena's original seat, a fifty-centimeter-thick steel bar was inserted directly there. If she hadn't pushed it away in time, Serena might have been penetrated by the steel bar just now through her entire body!


Serena exclaimed, and before she could react, she saw that Edward had already stood up skillfully, his eyes fixed on the direction of the airport toilet.

There, he smelled a familiar scent.

Of course this smell is not the smell of the toilet, but the smell of his old opponents!

Of course, Edward was not an ordinary person. He was a magician who sat on the British colonial ship during the colonial period. He was one of the original thirteen magicians in Britain and made great contributions in suppressing the local indigenous people.

He had also fought with the local wizard before, and knew that the other party was very difficult to deal with, and he also knew how terrifying the other party was.

If it hadn't been for that incident, I'm afraid America would never have been colonized by them!

Thinking of this, Edward's eyes flashed with brilliance, and he said coldly in his heart: "But unfortunately, the times are on our side. Since you have failed, then don't jump out like fleas and continue to give us Adding to the congestion."

Edward was about to pick up his magic wand, but unexpectedly, the indigenous wizard hiding in the toilet didn't seem to pay him any attention.
All the eyes of the indigenous wizard were focused on the night watchman's sword holder named 'George'!
George held a Western fencing sword in his hand, looked at the Indian wizard, sighed, and said softly: "Your two companions have signed a peace agreement with us and announced that they will advance and retreat together. There is no need for you to continue to resist. , stop it."

"Close hand?!"

The Indian wizard hiding in the toilet laughed angrily: "Haha, just kidding, you white-skinned pigs, why didn't you stop when you invaded our great territory?! Now that I have recovered, you actually want to persuade me to stop. ?!"

When George heard this, he frowned and was about to say something. Unexpectedly, a roar suddenly came from the terminal of the airport: "Yellow-skinned monkey, get out of our country!"

George's heart thumped, and he turned around suddenly, wanting to see who the idiot was forcing Lai Lai to do something.

I saw a black man shouting with all his strength and winking at George. He seemed to be very satisfied with what he had just said. He must not have known that George wanted to kill him directly now.

Sure enough, when the Indian native heard this, he said angrily: "Get out of your country? Okay, okay, okay, I will let you know the power bestowed upon us by the great Quetzalcoatl!"

(End of this chapter)

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