i created the old gods

Chapter 201 Mutation

Chapter 201 Mutation
"not good!"

After hearing the words of the Indian wizard, Edward secretly screamed something bad and took out his magic wand, ready to face the enemy at any time.

He and the Indian wizard can be said to be irreconcilable life-and-death enemies. When encountering this situation, it is natural to stop the Indian wizard.

As the Indian wizard roared angrily, the entire airport began to shake!


A deafening explosion suddenly sounded, nearly paralyzing the entire airport. Serena screamed and squatted down, shrinking her body in the chair. Through the gap, Serena could clearly see the people in the terminal. A large, neat hole four to five meters long appeared in the wall next to the inspection entrance!

The edges of the hole were very neat, as if a professional welder had welded the hole bit by bit.

Serena trembled, put her hand against her mouth, and shifted her gaze to the direction of the terrifying wave.

I saw a skinny yellow old man wearing a coarse yellow linen costume with a few chicken feathers on his head slowly walking out of the toilet. There were black fluctuations visible to the naked eye all over his body!
"Da da da--"

At the moment when the Indian wizard appeared, the National Guards, who had already aimed their guns at them, struck out heavily, and the bullets shot towards the Indian wizard for free.

However, the bullets flying at high speed did not hit the wizard. As if the bullets had eyes, they avoided the wizard and kept flying towards the walls on both sides, unable to harm the wizard at all!

"what happened?!"

The members of the National Guard were shocked. Under the watchful eyes, the wizard suddenly raised his hand like a dead wood, and a powerful force suddenly burst out from the skinny fingers, shooting at the surrounding walls. The bullets began to flow backward one after another, and returned quickly in the direction they came from!

The surrounding National Guard members were hit by their own bullets. The bullets penetrated their flesh and blood, and a burst of blood mist erupted. The shot members fell to the ground one after another and began to scream in agony.

"You take the wounded and leave, seal off the scene and evacuate the people!"

At this moment, George, the night watchman holding a Western sword, stood up with a solemn look in his eyes. He whispered to the National Guard officer beside him: "This is no longer something you can handle. , don’t increase casualties here.”

The officer's lips trembled, as if he was thinking of saying something, but after hesitating for a moment, he gave up his original plan and nodded heavily.

Immediately, the surrounding National Guards quickly withdrew, and George quickly walked towards the Indian wizard with a Western sword. Following George, there were two night watchmen.

"Go to hell, intruder!"

The Indian wizard ignored the evacuating National Guard members and looked at George and the other three who were approaching him. He let out a sharp cry, and a black air suddenly came out of the Indian wizard's breath!
In his eyes, even if 1 of those mortals die, they are not as important as the death of a few intruder 'wizards'!

George sounded alert, and without any extra words, the two night watchmen behind him quickly came to the position in front of George and formed an inverted triangle formation with George. The next moment, the two night watchmen quickly performed their hand seals, and George raised his sword high!

At the moment when the three of them formed their movements, a dark energy shield enveloped the three of them. George withdrew his fencing, moved his elbows back, and quickly attacked the Indian wizard in a state of stabbing at any time.

When the sword was about to thrust out, a bright moon appeared faintly above the energy shield, dotted with stars all around!

It's obviously noon, but at this moment, the waiting hall feels like night has fallen!

Upon seeing this, Edward's eyes gradually showed a solemn meaning, and he murmured: "The Church of Eternal Night. I'm afraid only the top magicians can match this method. I don't know who the highest-level 'Dawn' is among the Night Watchmen." How powerful.”

Edward himself is a top magician, so he naturally knows how powerful the night watchman named George is, and his power is probably almost the same as his own magic attacks.


The sword light pierced out and instantly destroyed the entire toilet. A corner of the terminal collapsed directly. The passengers who were still in the terminal and had not yet been able to evacuate screamed. They felt extremely desperate about their current situation.

If it were in the past, George would naturally help these tourists trapped here to escape, but today is different from the past. George knows that if the extreme Indian wizard in front of him is not dealt with in time, the consequences will be disastrous!
Therefore, even if he sacrifices all the tourists in the terminal, he cannot let this Indian wizard escape from here!


Looking at the collapsed corner in front of him, amidst the flying dust, George looked serious and raised his fencing sword again.

Although George did not feel any aura from the Indian wizard, he definitely did not believe that he had just eliminated the Indian wizard.

Because this wizard is extremely difficult to deal with, I have been chasing him for three months. If it were so simple, I wouldn't have chased him for three months!

An unremarkable impact suddenly came from the dust. George followed the sound, but could not penetrate the movement in the dust.

A night watchman who was following George frowned and said, "Captain, something's not right. The dust fog can't be so big. Even if there is some dust fog, it should have dissipated after so long."

"Be careful and don't be careless. I have already called for reinforcements. The bishops of New York will soon provide reinforcements. As long as we hold him back, he will not be able to escape!"

George nodded solemnly. Suddenly, he seemed to feel a wave of fluctuation. He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Edward!
When Edward saw George's eyes turning to him, he smiled awkwardly, pointed at the movement in the dust and mist, and said: "Friend, be careful, he should transform inside and become one with their most revered messenger of Quetzalcoatl. .”

Two become one, what does it mean?
George's expression was obviously stunned. He didn't know what Edward meant by becoming one.

Edward shook his head helplessly, and then he began to wave the magic wand in his hand rapidly, and began to speak plausibly.


The three Georges became alert. They did not know Edward's true identity, nor did they know whether Edward was an ally of this Indian wizard.

The Indian wizard is not going anywhere. He sneaks into the airport, most likely to meet up with his allies. George has to guard against this.


As Edward's staff fell, a breeze began to blow. The dust mist contained in the corner began to blow away quickly, and the scene under the dust mist began to shine into the eyes of George and others.


The moment the dust mist dissipated, a tentacle-like green object suddenly crashed out. George quickly raised his sword to defend, and they collided with each other, causing a sharp sound in an instant!

At this time, George could see the true face of the Indian wizard now!

All the skin on the Indian wizard's body had fallen off, and what was exposed in the air were blood-red muscles. I don't know when several tentacles suddenly grew out of the Indian wizard's back, and the tentacles were full of mucus.

His face was so bloody that his original appearance could not be clearly seen, leaving only a terrifying skull-like face!

George's expression suddenly became frightened. He stared at the Indian wizard in front of him who had lost his human form, and shouted loudly: "Mr. Magician over there, is this the two-in-one with the messenger of Quetzalcoatl? It's really disgusting. !”

"No, no!"

Unexpectedly, Edward looked at the Indian wizard in front of him with great consternation and said in amazement: "The messenger of Quetzalcoatl is a big snake. When the two are combined into one, they should be transformed into a big snake. It is impossible to be what he is now." Such a state!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie"

The Indian wizard let out an eerie roar of laughter from his throat. His swollen tentacled body began to shake violently, and his eyes were full of admiration: "Great God, give me power hehehe. Power! Power! "

Seeing this, George's heart suddenly sank, and the Indian wizard's body was getting bigger, and with the tentacles all over his body, this feeling made George couldn't help but think of the gloomy skeleton he saw in Boston that day. God and the master of the deep sea, Cthulhu, who is only recorded in the Book of Eternal Night!
This is not to say that the "god" given to Indian wizards is the god of eerie bones, Cthulhu, but another god who is very similar to them, another indescribable existence that makes people feel horrified and weird!

"Damn it, what he believes in is definitely not Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl is not like this!"

George took a deep breath and looked at the Indian wizard who had turned into three or four meters tall, with a slightly complicated mood.

He had also communicated with two other Indian wizards who wanted to cooperate with the Eternal Night Church. They believed in the genuine Quetzalcoatl. Through them, George also learned some about the methods of Quetzalcoatl believers.

The Indian wizard in front of me is definitely not a believer of Quetzalcoatl!

Or maybe he was deceived by some kind of existence in the name of Quetzalcoatl!


The Indian wizard in front of him had gradually lost his mind, and it seemed to have given up its offensive methods. For some reason, it began to lie on the wall, and some unknown milky white sticky objects began to form a network around it, surrounding it layer by layer.

"Seal this place and evacuate the tourists here!"

George immediately ordered the night watchman beside him, then looked at Edward and said, "Sir, please do me a favor and watch the monster in front of me together to prevent it from suddenly attacking and hurting anyone!"


Edward also nodded seriously. He understood how powerful the energy was in this monster at this moment. This energy was no longer comparable to that of the previous Indian wizards.

It can be said that none of the previous ten Indian wizards were as powerful as the monster he incarnated in front of him, and if George had a head-on battle with the monster in front of him, he would most likely die here!

"Do you know what is going on?"

Edward and George took a few steps back, trying to get more than ten meters away from the crazy monster in front of them, and began to ask in a low voice: "By the way, I don't know what to call you yet?"

"My name is Edward. I am a friend of Merlin. I originally wanted to teach in Britain."

Edward sighed, looked at the monster in front of him, and whispered: "I don't know what's going on with this monster, but it looks like it's building a nest."


George was stunned for a moment, and following Edward's thoughts, it seemed that the monster in front of him was really building a nest, wrapping it heavily with those milky white sticky objects.

The shape of the monster is still changing. At this moment, the human form that originally belonged to the Indian wizard has completely disappeared, leaving only the appearance of a monster!

But in George's eyes, the Indian wizard who was gradually transforming into a monster now looked like a huge spider!

The growing tentacles began to solidify gradually, turning into spider legs.

Seeing this, George was a little at a loss. He didn't know what was happening and why a good human being suddenly turned into such a monster form.

He has been hunting down this Indian wizard for three months, but nothing like this has ever happened before!


At this moment, the 'spider' that had started to build a nest suddenly moved into action, making a huge noise as its huge body moved, but the direction of the spider seemed to be heading towards them!

"not good!"


Edward and George reacted at the same time and began to flee quickly towards the terminal!

You can't beat him, but there's no problem in escaping.

I don't know why, but the spider seemed to just want to push Edward and George back and let them leave their 'territory', and had no intention of taking any further action.

When George and Edward escaped from the terminal and came to the wide tarmac, they looked at the spiders inside and felt a chill rise in their hearts.

The Indian wizard's purpose was clearly to kill all the intruders, but after transforming into a monster, he only wanted to build a nest.

Why does he want to build a nest, and what is the purpose of building a nest?
These things are unknown to George, but George vaguely knows that he cannot be allowed to build a nest like this, otherwise New York is likely to be in crisis again!
At this moment, Epad arrived. After he arrived at the scene, he quickly met with George, pointed inside, and said: "I have notified the New York State government, and the military will blockade this place immediately, and all flights will be blocked." They will all stop, and what I want to know now is the detailed situation."

George opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he suddenly saw two other Indian wizards coming towards him not far away, and whispered: "Your Excellency Saint Epad, I know what happened. Not much, and suddenly he became like this."

"I think we can ask the wizards for help. There are too many mysteries in the American continent. Ancient people like them may know some hidden secrets."

(End of this chapter)

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