i created the old gods

Chapter 202 Weaving Sweet Dreams

Chapter 202 Weaving Sweet Dreams
Soldiers quickly surrounded the place. New York State General Bolennis quickly arrived at the scene. Looking at the airport that was completely wrapped in white silk, he swallowed and whispered: "Your Highness Saint Epad, what is the situation now?"

After hearing this, Epad shook his head and said that he didn't know what happened. He further explained: "The two Indian wizards don't know what happened inside. They have never heard of this situation."


Borennis sighed, looked at the silky situation inside, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Do we need our military to launch missiles? Cloud bombs, a few cloud bombs go down, I think it should be possible Destroy the monsters here!"

"We can't act rashly. The monster inside is unfathomable. We must be careful."

George suddenly spoke, interrupting Bolenis's words, and whispered: "This monster is very strong. I think the cloud bomb may not be able to cause harm to him, and it may also anger him."

Bolenis's voice became a little urgent: "Then what should we do? We can only watch this monster wreak havoc here unscrupulously?"

Epad said: "Of course not, we have set up a research team, and members of the Night Watch and sword holders and above from all over the country will arrive here quickly to discuss tactics."

Bolennis looked at Epad and others with serious and serious faces without saying a word. Bolenis trusted them very much.

After all, a few months ago, Bolennis was just an ordinary army major general, and there were countless people like him in the United States.

However, since he followed the Eternal Night Church and unswervingly supported the Eternal Night Church's strategy, he has now been promoted to general and can be said to have a bright future.

These successful experiences tell him that as long as he unswervingly supports the strategy of the Eternal Night Church, then the benefits he will get will definitely not be less.

"Now, what we need is to appease the nearby people, evacuate all surrounding residents, completely block this place, and don't let those reporters in!"

George said expressionlessly: "Especially those reporters, we must not let them in, they are so good at asking questions!"

Bolennis smiled and said: "Don't worry, I understand, His Highness St. George."

Bolenis knew that what George hated the most were those reporters who kept asking questions. In George's heart, they were second only to enemies and heretics.

Therefore, preventing reporters from intruding has always been a top priority. Bolennis has done a good job of protecting it every time, and this time will be no exception.

"Friends, although I also want to stay and work with you to solve the abnormal situation here, I'm sorry, but I need to rendezvous with my friend Merlin as soon as possible."

At this moment, Edward on the side suddenly spoke: "When I return to Britain, I will tell Merlin about the situation here. Merlin is one of the few legendary magicians in our magic world, and is about to become the god of magic. To deal with such a The Warcraft should have plenty of experience."

Merlin is a legendary magician, a legend in the magic world. He is second only to the God of Magic. He has always been known as a demigod in the magic world.

Even though Edward is known as a top magician, compared with a legendary magician like Merlin, ten Edwards are no match for Merlin.

"Master Merlin?"

When Epad heard this, his expression was slightly moved.

As a member of the Earth's extraordinary world, Epad is of course familiar with this famous legendary magician. It can be said that he has been a close friend for a long time: "In this case, we will immediately arrange a special plane for you to go to London. Please go and meet him as soon as possible. Master Merlin sets out, preferably within two days."

Edward said seriously: "I'll try my best. Don't worry, I won't ignore it."

After saying that, Edward seemed to have thought of something and asked, "By the way, do you mind if I take one more person to London?"

Bolenis smiled and said: "Of course, our military's special plane is very big, you can take a lot of people."

"Thank you very much. I want to bring a little girl named Serena back to London. She was in the terminal before and should be evacuated and protected by you now," Edward said.

Bolenis turned around and began to guide Edward towards the safety point set up by the military not far away: "I will arrange for soldiers to invite Miss Serena out, please come this way."

After Epad and George watched Edward leave, they continued to discuss how to deal with the Indian wizard inside who was suspected of becoming a spider monster.

"Sorry, the front is a military restricted area and entry is prohibited!"

Near the London International Airport, reporter Andrew was stopped outside the gate. Looking at the heavily armed soldiers and police, Andrew's body was trembling, full of powerlessness, and he could only argue: "Michelle is a democratic country, and the people enjoy The right to know, we have the right to know the truth, get out of the way!"

"Ha ha."

The soldier just laughed and ignored Andrew's right to know and continued to do his job: "General Bolennis ordered that everyone is prohibited from entering the restricted area. I will give you the first warning. After the third warning, we will Shoot."

Andrew looked at the camera behind him, it was live broadcast.

He immediately gained courage, raised his head, stared at the soldier who was speaking, and shouted loudly: "Come on, if you can, beat me to death today! I, Andrew, am doing this for the people of the United States and for the people's freedom! You guys!" What are you hiding?! We the people have the right to know!”

After that, Andrew put on a brave face and charged straight in, as if he wanted to rush in at one go.


At the moment of Andrew's action, the triggers of the firearms were pulled at the same time, and the bullets were shot mercilessly on the ground in front of Andrew, revealing several thumb-sized bullet holes. The soldier said expressionlessly: "Second warning, next time we will The rifle will be aimed at your head!"

The soldier didn't care, since it wasn't him who rushed to death anyway.

He is a believer in the Eternal Night Church, so he naturally knows the habits of George, the sword-bearer of the night watchman. His Highness hates these reporters appearing at the scene of the crime. If he shoots this reporter in accordance with the regulations, he will at most suffer from the consequences. There will be no punishment at all for the condemnation of the Internet.

He even got the attention of His Royal Highness George, officially joined the Night Watchman, and became a glorious transcendent!

Thinking of this, the soldier's expression became a little excited. He unconsciously moved the gun in his hand upwards and pointed it at the reporter named Andrew in front of him, expecting him to attack the checkpoint again.

When Andrew saw this, he naturally knew that these soldiers were serious. He turned around and babbled a lot to the cameras and photographers, expressing his condolences to the military, the New York government and even the Evernight Church. dissatisfied.

After a series of sharp questions such as 'Soldiers don't care about human rights', 'The New York government has become the lackey of the Evernight Church', 'Is the Evernight Church or the government calling the shots in New York today', etc., he turned around and left, planning to Quietly enter the restricted area from some isolated and neglected areas.

The soldier looked at reporter Andrew's leaving figure, laughed mockingly, and shook his head slightly.

In his opinion, the reporter was probably close to death.

If he simply dissed the military and the New York government, it would be nothing, but he just dissed the Eternal Night Church.

Up to now, the believers of the Eternal Night Church are all over the United States, and there are even many extreme believers. If these extreme believers know what Andrew said, then...
A beautiful murder case is about to happen in New York State, and the inspectors will drop the case because it involves the Church of Evernight.

It can be said that in today's United States, the Eternal Night Church has become a well-deserved number one force, and their words and deeds can affect many people.

If placed in the novel, then the Church of Eternal Night is the ultimate organization where the final villain is located. It is in charge of the black and white, and no one in the whole United States and America can compete with it.

"Andrew, he must be a new reporter transferred from another state, right?"

The soldier smacked his lips and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, you may not be able to show off your skills in this prosperous city like New York."

The surrounding soldiers also laughed, but then, they suddenly felt a surge of sleepiness, and a feeling of extreme fatigue arose in their bodies, giving them the feeling that they had not slept for ten days and ten nights. .


One soldier after another fell down and fell asleep soundly. There was a smile on their expressions, as if they had experienced a very good thing.

"what happened."

The soldier who was talking to reporter Andrew held his eyelids open and looked at his teammates who had fallen asleep. He was horrified, but the strong sleepiness prevented him from reacting at all.

He turned on the intercom and said quickly: "Report, there was an accident at G3 point. I...we"

Before he finished speaking, he collapsed on the ground, fell into sleep, and fell into a deep sleep.

What stays on the face is a happy smile.

Not far from this checkpoint, the reporter Andrew who had just left was very angry. Although the live broadcast had ended long ago, he from Los Angeles was eager to know what happened inside.

So, despite the objections of his colleagues, he carried the camera alone to the top of a building not far from the airport, hoping to look into the airport from a height and report truthfully on the situation inside the airport.

This building is more than 30 stories high. Andrew tried his best to get to the rooftop. Looking down at the airport, he was stunned.

At this moment, the airport has been completely wrapped in white spider silk, and spider silk is everywhere. Around the airport, countless tanks are surrounding the place. I don’t know if it is to prevent the monsters inside from coming out or to stop the people outside. Go in.

Suddenly, Andrew yawned, and a strong sense of sleepiness invaded his brain. He shook his head, trying to stay awake as much as possible.

But when he turned his head, he suddenly found that not far from him, several military snipers had fallen asleep.


Andrew was stunned. Only then did he realize that the rooftop of this building turned out to be one of the sniper points set up by the military. But why would the sniper sleep here?

"Could it be."

Andrew yawned again, but this time he did not wake up. Like the sniper not far away, he fell into a dream.

The camera on his shoulder also fell to the ground and shattered into a ball of debris.

However, Andrew's face was filled with a happy smile, and he seemed to be in a sweet dream.

The same situation as Andrew's, with the airport as the center, everyone nearby fell into a dream, and only the extraordinary were immune to this situation.

"what happened?!"

George looked at the sleeping soldiers around him and was shocked. He couldn't help but said, "Could it be that the monster inside has become powerful?!"

"It should be that all the teams can't be contacted. They should be in the same situation."

Epad nodded solemnly: "The soldiers in the distance who have not participated in this event have no problem. It seems that the situation here is very complicated!"

After that, Epad asked again: "How many of us are not in a dream now?"

"75 people, all night watchmen, all ordinary people have fallen asleep."

George said uneasily: "What is the spider inside doing? If you kill it, will it affect these comatose people?!"

Nowadays, the Eternal Night Church is a bit jealous. They don't know what impact the pillars inside have on these sleepy people.

If we attack that spider now, will the people here die directly?

Thinking of this, George raised his head, glanced at the spider silk that had wrapped the outer layer, and fell into deep thought.

These spider threads are intertwined in an extremely precise way, without any sense of chaos, as if it is a work of art made by nature.

As the spider silk continued to expand, George also knew that the spider inside was constantly weaving a large web.

"I think I know what's going on here."

At this moment, one of the two remaining Indian wizards suddenly came from a distance and spoke in green and unfamiliar English: "This should be woven under the influence of Atracna Kea." Dream Network!"


Epad repeated the name and asked, "What is that?"

"He is the God of Spiders, a giant spider in the void, with a face similar to that of a human being, constantly weaving a huge web."

The Indian wizard spoke solemnly: "He has built a bridge across the great gap between the waking world and the dreamland. Once Atlach Nakya weaves the net, the bridge will be completed, and this As soon as the bridge is completed, the world will end."

"In ancient times, He once enjoyed human sacrifices. What happened here should be caused by His influence!"

"Now, Suohan is weaving a net. The larger the area of ​​the net, the greater the scope of influence. Human beings affected by this net will fall into sweet dreams. As this net gets bigger and bigger, people will die one after another. , once this net is weaved, all those people who fall into the dream will die!"

 Is it better to have 4000 words per day in one chapter, or split it into two chapters with 2000 words each?

(End of this chapter)

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