i created the old gods

Chapter 203 The Invincible Spider Silk

Chapter 203 The Invincible Spider Silk

"Is the situation so serious?"

Listening to the Indian wizard in front of him named 'Rod Salstvinason' telling about the situation of Atrakna Kea, George also realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately said seriously:
"From the time this monster appeared until now, only five hours have passed, and already more than ten thousand people have fallen into a dream. If it continues to be delayed, I am afraid that everyone in the city will be dragged into a dream!"

The God of Spiders, although George had never heard the name of this god, but the ability he showed now made George feel a little creepy.

Just one influenced Indian wizard can affect the life safety of millions of humans in a city. This is really too powerless. George also deeply felt that humans are powerless to fight back in front of the gods.


Epad was also reciting the name lightly, but unlike George, after Epad read the name, a strange emotion suddenly arose in his heart.

This feeling is like a stone suddenly falling into a calm lake, causing ripples to appear in circles.

Epad shook his head vigorously to shake all such thoughts away, and looked around again, feeling a little resentful in his heart: "We can't delay it any longer, hasn't Archbishop Lyon arrived yet?!"

Lyon is the nominal archbishop of the Eternal Night Church, but at this stage, Epad has a strong opinion against Lyon.

Not only Epad, but also George, Smith and other senior members of the Eternal Night Church also had strong opinions on Lyon.

Lyon is the archbishop in name, but he never paid attention to the strategy of the Church of Eternal Night, even today he didn't arrive in time.

Epad admitted that Leon had made outstanding contributions in the early days of the Eternal Night Church, but as time had passed, Epad now believed that Leon was no longer worthy of becoming the Archbishop of the Eternal Night Church.

"Yeah, what on earth is Leon doing?!"

Hearing this, George echoed and said: "Now this thing is in danger to the whole of New York. As one of the people in charge of New York, what on earth is Leon doing instead of coming?!"

"Ignoring Leon's problem for now, we must organize manpower as soon as possible to enter the terminal and deal with the monsters inside!"

Epad sighed deeply and said in a low voice: "We can't let the situation spread like this, we must deal with this matter immediately!"

George began to become more serious and said solemnly: "I am the sword holder of the Night Watch. Before the birth of 'Dawn', I was the highest-ranking person in the Night Watch. I volunteered to lead several teams to go in and kill them. monster!"

Epad looked at George, and after a moment of silence, he whispered: "No, I mean why can't we use cloud bombs to conduct tentative bombing first?"

George fell into silence. Suddenly, he felt that the scene in front of him looked very familiar, as if he had experienced it somewhere before.

Damn it, I forgot there was such a thing as cloud bombs.

After George complained in his heart, he opened his mouth and said: "But... General Bolennis is in a coma while we are not from the military. How can we launch cloud bombs?"

"There are still some soldiers at the military base outside the city. We can order them to fire cloud burst bombs."

Epad said: "We now need to move all the people who are in a comatose state and be ready to attack here at any time. If it fails, we will consider entering as a small team."

But after saying that, Epad smiled bitterly and did not continue to say anything.

For now, the extraordinary beings of the Eternal Night Church have not been able to unleash an attack comparable to the cloud explosion bombs. If the cloud explosion bombs cannot destroy this monster, then the personal mobile team will naturally have no effect.

At that point, it may take the help of gods or the adoption of new age weapons of mass destruction to solve the problem.

Otherwise, there might really be no way to deal with this weird and terrifying monster that occupies the entire terminal.

Epad began to give instructions: "Send the sleeping soldiers and residents to a safe place first. The cloud blast bomb has a wide range of influence, so no accidental damage can be done."

Following Epad's order, all the night watchmen began to take action, and no one carried two or three unconscious soldiers to a safe location.

Ordinary people outside the dream-affected world were also mobilized and began to transport these sleeping people one after another, working together to overcome this difficulty.

Under such a general environment, Lyon arrived belatedly. When Lyon arrived, he immediately began to join the transportation team and do his own small part.

However, Leon's lateness still caused dissatisfaction among most of the senior officials of the Eternal Night Church. However, when Leon explained the reason, all the senior officials shut up.

Leon got the last of the three divine rods given to the Eternal Night Church by the great Lord of Eternal Night!
This is not only a symbol of strength, but also a symbol of identity. The appearance of this scepter of God can greatly inspire the hearts of all believers, allowing them to burst out with extraordinary power!

To put it simply, this can actually be said to be a group BUFF that can enhance one's own output level, and it can also be used for one-time use to exert a trace of the power of the gods.

With the help of such gods and objects, it is possible for people to defeat monsters.

Five hours passed in a blink of an eye. All the extraordinary people and ordinary people had evacuated the place. The only ones left near the airport were drones hanging in the air for reconnaissance.

"How's it going? Are the cloud bombs ready?"

In the temporary conference hall formed by the New York Provisional Rescue Conference, Epad looked sternly at the Chief of Staff, the highest-ranking colonel among the remaining members of the New York military, and asked: "When can we launch?"

"Already ready, just"

After hesitating for a moment, the colonel said: "It's just that the launch of large-scale weapons of destruction like cloudbursts must be approved by the Supreme Military Council and reported to the president. And we really want to launch this cloudburst in New York City." Play?"

This is New York!

Where is New York?It is the largest city in the United States and the location of the Eternal Night Church. The land here can be said to be very valuable.

If bombing is carried out, it will take at least several months to recover. How much GDP will this cost? !

In the past, no matter what, the most they could do was carry out small-scale destruction in Times Square, and no further actions were taken.

Now, Epad actually wants to use cloud bombs to destroy most of the bustling streets centered on the international airport, which makes the military colonel hesitate.

He is not a member of the Eternal Night Church. He is loyal to the U.S. military and is still hesitant about the orders of the Governor of New York and Epad.

"Launch, the cloud bomb must be launched!"

Epad said categorically: "This is related to the lives of the people of New York. This relationship has fallen into coma. If it is not dealt with, it will even endanger the whole world!"


The colonel fell into deep thought: If it is really this serious, are you lying to me?

"No, I still have to ask my superiors for instructions, me."

Before the colonel could finish speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark and fainted immediately.

Behind the colonel, George appeared impatiently, pressed the launch button, and said at the same time: "It's so troublesome to complain, just launch it and it's over!"

Eppaid and the governor of New York both cast approving glances at George.

As the button was pressed, soon, in a deep mountain military base thousands of miles away, one cloud bomb after another was pushed onto the launch pad, aligned with the commanded coordinates, and prepared to launch a missile attack on New York International Airport. bombing!
George, the Governor of New York and others quickly came outside the conference room, stared in the direction of the airport, and waited quietly.

Although you can also observe every move in the conference room through the monitor, it is not as delicate and comfortable as observing with the naked eye.

About half an hour later, a "roaring" sound suddenly came from the sky. Then, a little firefly dotted from the sky, and a red light suddenly appeared in the sky. Then the red light became more and more red, dyeing the entire sky. Into crimson!

The missile fell from the sky, splitting the entire sky into two, and the red flames behind it erupted with a huge roar. It fell from a height of ten thousand feet, and its destination was the airport terminal!


A dazzling white light bloomed in front of everyone's eyes in an instant. This white light was like the moment when an epiphyllum was about to bloom!
A huge roar rumbled, and a strong explosion shot straight into the sky. A powerful impact swept across the wasteland, with the airport as the center, and all the surrounding buildings were reduced to ruins!

The missile wrapped in flashing light carried a huge shock wave, instantly forming a powerful and huge energy, and then evolved into a high-temperature fireball!
The moment the fire formed in this huge fireball, the oxygen in the surrounding air was quickly extracted. The flame burned more and more vigorously, the oxygen in its area was consumed faster, and the burning situation became more and more spectacular!
"No one can survive such an attack."

The Governor of New York looked at the majestic momentum in the center of the airport, took a breath, and murmured.

Although he has become the governor of New York State, this is the first time he has witnessed the explosion of a large-scale weapon of destruction such as an intercontinental cloud bomb, and he will naturally sigh.

Epad also said with emotion: "Well, under this kind of attack, I believe that even the most active and powerful supernatural being currently recognized, the legendary magician, will not be spared, and this If this kind of attack attacks the Destroyer’s base camp, maybe the Destroyer will also be destroyed.”

Leon silently put away the Scepter of God, thinking that he might not be able to use the last Scepter of God this time.

With such an astonishing degree of explosion, Leon simply couldn't imagine what kind of existence could survive the attack!


Perhaps only the gods would survive such an attack.

Leon sighed and looked at the center of the cloud bomb explosion, already acquiescing in his heart that the monster entrenched at the airport had died.

"Has the sleeping person woke up?"

Leon sighed, and then said: "Evacuate the crowd as soon as possible. We have wasted a lot of time. Let's deal with the airport properly."

But before Leon finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that those who fell into the dream showed no signs of waking up!
"Sirs, I just went to check. No one is awake, and there are even deaths!"

A soldier reported the situation in a panic: "Since twelve minutes ago, one person has died approximately every three minutes, and the death rate is also accelerating. According to calculations, after three hours, this time will be reduced to two minutes, and one person will die." !”


George was shocked and couldn't help but said in shock: "Is that monster not dead yet?!"

As soon as these words came out, the hair on everyone's chest stood up unconsciously, and a chill filled their hearts.

Under such a tyrannical missile bombardment, this monster is still alive? !
How can this be? !
Epad looked desperately in the direction of the airport and rubbed his eyes. A soft dark aura condensed from his eyes. At this moment, Epad's eyes were like a pair of stars.

Epad instantly penetrated the large amount of dust produced by the cloud bomb, and through the dust, he saw a scene that shocked him!
All the buildings around the terminal were destroyed, and only the terminal wrapped in spider webs still stood there!

There is no grass growing for several kilometers nearby, and only the terminal exists here!
It can be clearly seen that the violent combustibility of the cloud bomb has burned out the spider silk wrapped on the surface of the terminal. However, the spider silk is covered very quickly, just like metabolism, and quickly burns out the burned spider. Replace the silk with brand new spider silk.

New defenses are being built layer by layer. The layers of spider silk seem to be indestructible and impossible to conquer!
"WTF, what's going on?!"

"OMG, why didn't you destroy this monster?"

"Oh my god, is this monster actually a demon?!"

"Is God going to destroy New York?!"

"Great Lord of Eternal Night, rescue your followers"

All kinds of voices filled the temporary shelter established by the New York State government. Countless people felt despair at the scene before them, while the higher-ups were even more silent, speechless, and did not know how to deal with the enemy next.

"You can't destroy it by doing this!"

The Indian wizard named 'Rod Salstvinason' (hereinafter referred to as Rod) ran all the way from the rear to the command center, looking at the people present, using his not very proficient English, He spoke as calmly as possible:

"The spider silk it weaves comes directly from Atracnaxia, the god of spiders. Although Atracnaxia disdains these spider silks, it is also the product of a god, unless it is another god. Otherwise it will be difficult to penetrate the spider silk!”

"I originally thought you were going to go deep into it to behead people, but I didn't expect you to do something like this!"

Rhodes took a deep breath and said: "There is only one way to eliminate him, and that is to go deep into it, bypass the heavy spider threads, and kill the monster inside!"

"Only in this way can you save your companions, otherwise you will have to wait to collect the corpses of the people in this city!"
PS: I have been busy with the materials and research for my graduation thesis recently, and I really have no intention of typing. Please forgive me for any omissions.

(End of this chapter)

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