Chapter 204
Wizard Rhodes' words caused silence from everyone present. George took a deep breath. He never expected that his previous thought without thinking was the only correct answer.

After Leon coughed lightly, he broke the awkward situation: "Ahem, what Mr. Rhodes said is absolutely true. I think we must organize three people to enter the terminal immediately and kill the monster inside, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous! "

"I agree!"

Seeing this, the Governor of New York also stood up and said righteously: "I think this is what we should do, destroy the monsters as soon as possible and restore order in New York!"

With clear organization and strict logic, coupled with the New York governor's appearance of serving the people, George almost thought that he was a governor responsible for the people.

It's a pity that George still knows the true face of the capitalists, so he sneered at the move of the Governor of New York: Does this kind of thing that will pass 100% need you to point fingers and make unnecessary moves?

Leon looked at Epad and then at George. A sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart. He seemed to feel that his position as archbishop was a bit unstable. He immediately said: "Sending a team is too cumbersome. In this way, we who are here now All extraordinary beings go into battle together and act collectively.”

In the past, most of the activities like this were led by Eppard and George. Such actions allowed them to accumulate a lot of prestige, while Lyon, as the archbishop, had very little prestige.

This is just like the truth in "Water Margin". Chao Gai, the second leader of Liang Shanbo's village, was originally a soldier, and everyone obeyed him. After Song Jiang came, he went down to the mountain to experience everything in person. This also made Chao Gai's original leader The status was shaken, which led to what happened next.

At this time, Lyon's situation was even far worse than that of Chao Gai. After all, Chao Gai still had a group of brothers to support him, but he had nothing but the title of archbishop.

This is not possible. Leon wants to change this situation, but he does not want to publicly break his face with George and Epad, so he can only continue like this.

"Of course, I agree!"

George was a little surprised, but with a relatively simple mind, he didn't think so deeply. He just felt that there are more people, and it should be stronger if they all go, and it will be easier to destroy the monster that threatens the entire New York.

And Epad's eyes flashed brightly, as if he sensed something, but at this moment he couldn't deny anything.

Lyon holds great righteousness for the people of New York and for the Evernight believers in New York.

I have no excuse to refute anything. If I insist on objecting, my situation will be somewhat dangerous.

'Archbishop Lyon, as expected of you, even if you haven't dealt with matters for more than half a year, you can still handle them with ease. '

After reading, Epad said slowly: "Your Excellency Lyon is right. The more people there are, the greater our power will be. But I think with the number of extraordinary people we have in New York now, we should wait until Bishop Smith from Boston arrives."

Smith is also one of the candidates for the Archbishop's successor. Bringing him in can naturally greatly affect Lyon's plans.

Although Eppaid didn't know what Lyon's specific plan was yet, he still pulled Smith together and it would be done.

After all, if Lyon doesn't go on, no one can become an archbishop, let alone go one step further and achieve the position of pope.

George suddenly realized:

"That's right, we wait for Bishop Smith to come together, the chances of winning are even greater, more people are more powerful!"

"One more minute is one more minute of danger. It will take at least three hours for Bishop Smith to get here. This is a life!"

Leon categorically rejected Epad's proposal, and said confidently: "I have the scepter of God given to us by the Supreme Lord. It is indestructible. Why should I care about a mere spider?!"

George also echoed: "Yes, I think Archbishop Lyon is right. Although we have a small number of extraordinary people in New York, we are all good at fighting one against a hundred!"

There is no room for grass on the wall!

Epad cursed George for being a wallflower in his heart, and finally he could only agree to Leon's suggestion and said, "I agree, let's leave now."

After saying that, Epad stood up and, together with George and Leon, began to gather all the extraordinary beings from the Eternal Night Church.

But when Epad found the two Indian wizards, they said nothing.

Let all the people in New York die. If they are really dead, they may still applaud. After all, those people are the descendants of the invaders. The wizard is now forced to cooperate with the Church of Eternal Night for his livelihood, which does not mean that he will obey his orders. .

As for the two Indian wizards who didn't want to join, Epad didn't say anything. After all, everyone has their own ambitions, and Epad couldn't influence other people's thoughts. He could only start gathering all the extraordinary people to attack!

There are 910 four extraordinary beings recorded in the Eternal Night Church, and only 130 nine are gathered in New York. Some of them have just become extraordinary beings and do not yet know how to use extraordinary powers. Only 95 of them can actually fight. , and this is the number of people including Leon, Epad, and George.

With such a huge number of extraordinary beings, the New York branch of the Eternal Night Church alone can hang up the Thunder Church and beat them up, not to mention the magic academy that has not yet opened.

As the leader of the Night Watch, George held a Western fencing sword and walked at the forefront of the road with Archbishop Lyon and Bishop Aiped. Behind him were 92 members of the Evernight Church wearing black clothing, marching toward their destination in a mighty manner. .

Of course they didn't just walk over. Soon, 95 people got on the helicopter prepared by the military and began to move towards their destination.

The pilots are also extraordinary, because ordinary people will fall into sweet dreams when they are close to it. Therefore, the helicopter pilots can only use the night watchmen of the Eternal Night Church who have military backgrounds to pilot the helicopter.

"Boom boom boom."

The sound of helicopter propellers swirled in the sky, and dozens of helicopters carrying more than 90 extraordinary people were operating over the New York City area. George, Leon, and Epad sat in a helicopter together, all closing their eyes to relax.

Everyone knows that the war is about to begin, and half of the more than 90 extraordinary people may die here, but no one will back down.

Even though each of them has evil intentions and wants to step into the church's power, they all have the same degree of belief in the Lord of Eternal Night.

Saving the citizens of New York is also saving the Evernight believers. For the sake of the church, there is no turning back.

The helicopter landed not far from the terminal. Leon looked at the high-spirited extraordinary people, took a deep breath, and said to George and Epad: "According to the plan, the three groups entered. Be sure to deal with this." This monster will be killed in one hit!"


(End of this chapter)

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