i created the old gods

Chapter 205 The Phantom of the Spider God

Chapter 205 The Phantom of the Spider God


With the sound of the propellers stopping and stepping on, the action officially began. More than 90 extraordinary people surrounded the entire terminal, looking for the entrance.

The entire terminal was wrapped in spider silk. These spider silks could not be broken even by intercontinental high-efficiency cloud blast bombs. Naturally, they could not break the spider silks, so they could only look for some holes around them that they could enter. hole.

George led more than 30 extraordinary people to observe carefully nearby, and finally found a one-meter-large gap near the window. George was immediately overjoyed and said: "Let's go in from here. After entering, pay attention to the situation nearby. Spider Catching relies on a net, and although according to the current information, this net is just a dream of relationships, we can’t be careless and underestimate the enemy!”

"Yes, Captain!"

The remaining 30 or so extraordinary people shouted in unison and began to follow George, slipping into the terminal through the gap.

There are intricate spider silks everywhere. The white and tender spider silks are connected into sheets, which are dazzling and dazzling. It has a different kind of beauty, making everyone feel like they are in heaven, and every cell in the body is cheering for joy.

George raised his head and looked towards the center of the terminal. A huge ball of spider silk was hanging in it, and a huge Lord with a human face was constantly working, burying the white Zhu Siqiu deeply in the countless flying balls. Among the silk, the huge feeling gives people a somewhat oppressive atmosphere.

"What is that monster doing? What are those balls of spider silk? Are they eggs laid by spiders?"

George looked at the spider silk ball hanging in the air and the giant human-faced spider entrenched nearby, and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "This scene is too much, too much."

It was even difficult for George to use words to describe the wonderful scene in front of him. After all, the current terminal was so wonderful that it was beyond George's imagination!
"It's incredible."

The other extraordinary beings were also shocked. Looking at this incredible scene, they all expressed the admiration that a tool man should have.

"Okay, boys, now it's time for us to get to work."

After sighing, George slowly drew out his Western fencing sword and began to think of a way to pierce the belly of the giant human-faced spider!

Before, he could not defeat the Man-Faced Spider alone with two assistants. Now he has thirty assistants. If he joins the other two teams, then the number of people is guaranteed to be 95. Why should he be afraid of the Man-Faced Spider?
George felt a little proud and began to think about how to get to the place where the spider was.

The surroundings are full of spider silk, but the human-faced spider is still in a suspended state. Without touching the spider silk, there is almost no possibility of getting close to the human-faced spider, let alone killing him.

'It would be nice if those two Indian wizards were here. I remember they are proficient in archery and can attach witchcraft to arrows and shoot them.'

Suddenly, George unconsciously thought of the two Indian wizards. Their skills should be able to easily resolve this situation, and they would never encounter difficulties like his.

But now no matter what George thinks, he can't possess the unique arrow skills of Indian wizards, so George plans to climb up tentatively to see the elasticity of the spider silk and whether touching the spider silk will have any side effects.

So, George grabbed a handful of spider silk, held it hard, and tried to climb, but something unexpected happened to him. The spider silk broke into two pieces, and George almost fell on his butt.

George: "."

What's going on? Isn't it said that the spider silk is woven by the spider god and is indestructible?Why did it break when I pulled it lightly with my hand?

At this moment, George felt that he had been cheated.

Is this called indestructible?
If this is indestructible, I will eat all of these spider silks, without drinking water!
After figuring out the 'truth' about the spider silk, George no longer held back. He directly took out his Western fencing sword and began to stir up and clean up all the spider silk in front of him. The extraordinary people behind him also started to clean up the spider silk in front of them. Make a road.

In the past, they thought that the spider silk was indestructible, so they worried about how to attack the human-faced spider. Now that they knew that the spider silk was not indestructible, why did they go to the trouble? They just opened a way and killed the human-faced spider.

Even though he was hanging in mid-air, if the Eternal Night Church wanted to kill it, it would certainly be able to easily hit such a monster less than ten meters away from the ground.


Just as George was leading the members of his team to open a road, a slight sound suddenly reached George's ears. George instantly became alert, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the human-faced spider.

I saw that the human-faced spider had been cut in half, and green pus began to spray from the body. Leon breathed heavily and pulled out the scepter inserted in the belly of the human-faced spider, like a heroic epic. generally.

Looking at this scene, all the extraordinary people began to cheer. This time there was no danger, they defeated the spider monster!

But George felt something was not right. Such a popular monster died so simply?

Moreover, why didn’t this monster resist?

According to the characteristics of creatures, when they entered the spider's prey area, the spider had already noticed them. In other words, every move of George and others was under the watchful eye of the spider. With the perspective hanging turned on, the spider Can you still be attacked by someone?
This made George feel that something was wrong, especially when he first saw the spider, it was hanging near the spider silk ball, motionless, as quiet as death.

Wait for death?

Suddenly, it dawned on George that if the monster spider had died before they came in, then all this would be explained.

But why this spider died, in whose hands it died, and what the purpose of his death was were unclear. However, George felt that there must be a certain reason, and it was probably to achieve a special goal. ceremony.

Gotta get out of here asap!

Leon, who had 'killed' the spider, also realized that something was not quite right. He looked at the tightly wrapped spider silk ball, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart, and he immediately shouted: " Everyone quits, the matter may not end.”


The spider silk ball exploded at this moment. At the same time as the explosion, all the extraordinary people present began to feel top-heavy, their bodies were tired, and their tiredness rushed to their heads, and they fell into dreams one after another.

The next moment, a huge, illusory, and indescribable spider-shaped monster descended on the airport!
His body is so huge that it directly covers the entire airport. Looking from a distance, its body may be over [-] meters tall!

Thousands of miles away in the temporary safety camp in New York, the Indian wizard Rhodes looked at the towering spider silhouette, his eyes filled with fiery respect. He murmured: "Great Spider God, please come to this land, Give these invaders a devastating blow!"

"These invaders, who are full of sin and ugliness, need to be punished as they should be, and the debts of their ancestors must be repaid by them!"

(End of this chapter)

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