i created the old gods

Chapter 207 Dreamland

Chapter 207 Dreamland

Leon slowly woke up from his dream, opened his eyes, and looked at the scene between heaven and earth. He was at a loss.

What comes into view is a bright yellow sky like sand, and what stands under our feet is indeed a piece of blue land.

The colors of the sky and the earth seemed to be reversed. Looking from a distance, not far away, a bridge that seemed to be able to span the chasm was being built non-stop. At the forefront of the construction of the bridge, something seemed to be moving there. But Leon couldn't see anything clearly.

It's like you know there's something there, but your consciousness prevents you from looking up.

It sounds abstract, but it is what it is.

Leon temporarily ignored the bridge spanning the chasm, but fell into thinking.

How could I appear here?

Immediately afterwards, memories began to flow out like a flood. Gradually, Leon seemed to remember everything he had experienced when he arrived here.

He remembered that he used the scepter of God to insert it into the belly of the spider monster with lightning speed, but the spider monster remained motionless, as if it had been dead for many days.

Just when he was confused, the spider silk ball not far away suddenly exploded. When he opened his eyes, he appeared here.

What is this place and why do you appear here?
Leon couldn't help but start to imagine that everything here was different from what he knew, the environment was very different, it was like everything was illusory.


Suddenly, Leon seemed to have thought of something, and he couldn't help but said in shock: "Could it be that I was also pulled into a dream by this spider thread? But I am a possessor of supernatural abilities, how could I fall into a dream?"

"Besides, is this what my sweet dreams are like?"

Looking at the endless blue land and deep yellow sky without any vegetation, Leon fell into deep thought.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke Leon's fantasy. Leon looked up and saw Smith appearing in front of him with a flattering look on his face. Behind Epad, hundreds of extraordinary people followed, saluting Leon together. : "Yongye is above, greeting Your Majesty!"

"Well, what?"

Leon was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Smith was saying: "Bishop Smith, I am only temporarily serving as archbishop. I cannot bear the title of Your Majesty."

In all churches, only gods or popes are qualified to be called the pope. Lyon is just an archbishop. Although he is only one step away from the pope, this step is a natural chasm.

"His Majesty the Pope, have you forgotten?"

Smith continued flatteringly: "The great Lord of Eternal Night has issued an oracle to execute the heretic Epad and officially canonize you as pope!"

"Me? The Pope?"

Leon was stunned again, but this time, there were suddenly many more memories in his mind.

In his memory, he successfully killed the spider monster, saved New York, and thus secured his position as archbishop.

In order to protect himself and obtain the Pope's position, Ai Paide openly colluded with the Church of Thunder, trying to put the Church of Eternal Night in danger, thus creating his identity as the savior of the Church of Eternal Night.

However, Lyon stopped all this in time and defeated Epad, thus gaining the recognition of the great Lord of Eternal Night and officially serving as Pope.

"Am I the Pope?"

For a moment, Leon fell into confusion. At this moment, he had completely forgotten that he was probably in a dream: "Is this the Lord's Kingdom of God?"

"Yes, this is the kingdom of God under the crown of the great Lord of Eternal Night!" Smith continued to flatter: "Epad has been executed, and his minion George is now being held in the prison of God. Do you want to... "

"real or fake?"

Leon fell into deep thought.

Is this really a dream?But all of this is too real. The memories that I just suddenly remembered, those scenes are full of reality. The call of the Lord of Eternal Night seems to be just yesterday.

Leon felt a little headache, wondering if he was in a dream: "I always feel like there is something in my memory"

"Your Majesty the Pope, this is all normal."

Smith continued to flatter, "Have you forgotten? This is the kingdom of God under the crown of the great Lord of Eternal Night. When we come here as mortals, we will inevitably get some constraints. Your vague memory is one of the constraints."

"Is that so?"

Leon murmured, and this explanation seemed to be accepted by Leon: after all, this explanation was more realistic than maybe he was dreaming.

Thinking of this, Leon rolled up his sleeves and was about to start his papal work with great enthusiasm, but the moment he raised his head, he suddenly saw the bridge that had not yet been completed.

Leon pointed to the bridge and said, "What is that?"

"That is the Bridge of God, the bridge connecting the Kingdom of God and the human world."

Smith said vaguely, "His Majesty the Pope is also requested to go to the Divine Prison and kill Epad's lackey George!"

"No, that's not right!"

Suddenly, Leon's thoughts became clearer and clearer, and he seemed to understand something: "The Spider God built a bridge across the gap between the waking world and the dreamland. Once Atracnaxia weaves the web, , the bridge will be completed, and as soon as the bridge is completed, the end of the world will come!”

This is the introduction of the Indian wizard Rhodes before setting off, the Spider God Atracnakya!
"This is the land of dreams, and the world is on the other side of the big crack!"

For a moment, Lyon was like a enlightenment, and everything became clear.

The brightly smiling expressions of the 'Night Watchers' who had discovered everything suddenly turned cold, and Smith's old expression was even more eye-catching.

They looked at Leon together, and began to move towards Leon quickly, and said as they walked: "Please also ask His Majesty the Pope to go to God's Prison and kill Epped's lackey George!"

The sound echoed throughout the space over and over again, and the atmosphere dropped to the extreme. Leon felt something was not good, so he could only retreat step by step, trying to avoid these 'colleagues'.

However, for some unknown reason, the speed of these 'night watchmen' was getting faster and faster. The aura on their bodies made Leon feel a little scared, and he repeated the slogan "Kill George" over and over again.

Leon was threatened all the way, but suddenly, slogans also appeared behind him!
He turned around, only to find that General Bolennis was walking towards him with soldiers as far as the eye could see. His face was gloomy, and Lyon was surrounded!

Leon cursed angrily, and just when he was about to unleash his extraordinary power, a bolt of thunder suddenly resounded through the sky, and then, a hole suddenly appeared in the deep yellow sky above the bridge.

In that hole, a blue-black hand suddenly protruded, and then, an unknown roar came!

Leon only felt some pain in his eardrums, and his orifices were bleeding in an instant. He couldn't bear the pressure of the sound!
And the 'people' surrounding Lyon were like yellow sand, all blown away by the wind!


The ground trembled, and the next moment, a tall and majestic figure appeared on the bridge, staring at the end of the bridge, bursting out with great hostility.

Leon endured the pain, and after barely taking a glance, he fell into a state of shock.

That is the gloomy bone god who once appeared in Boston!
(End of this chapter)

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