i created the old gods

Chapter 208 The Helping Hand of the Eerie Skeleton

Chapter 208 The Helping Hand of the Eerie Skeleton


The low roar belonging to the gloomy God of Cold Bones echoed throughout the dream space, and all those who were trapped in the dream and unable to extricate themselves woke up.

All the people who woke up became confused. They were surprised to find that the beautiful things in the original dream had completely disappeared, and there was only a blue land in sight, and in the distance, the huge and eerie god of cold bones was standing. on the bridge.

"Where is this, my business empire?"

"Beauty. Beauty"

"My empire on which the sun never sets."

The cries of mourning continued, and all the people who woke up from the dream did not immediately notice the towering, creepy and gloomy God of Bones. Instead, they loudly complained about their "Business Empire" and "Immortal Dynasty" "Waiting for disillusionment.

Some people couldn't even accept the reality and just lay down on the blue ground, wanting to return to their dreams.

They would rather die in a sweet dream than return to the cold and biting reality.

"Has the gloomy and cold-bone god awakened all the sleeping people?"

Leon was stunned. He never expected that the name was terrifying. The 'gloomy God of Bones' who had appeared in Boston was actually actively provoking Atracnaxia, the spider god!
What's going on? Could it be that the gloomy god of cold bones and the spider god Atracnaea are enemies?
He didn't understand, but in front of the two 'evil gods', the gloomy God of Cold Bones and the God of Spiders, not to mention himself, even the entire New York population might be able to harm them in the slightest!

Surrounded by crowds of people, Leon was inconspicuous among the crowd. He sighed a long time, covered his chest, wiped away the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and did not dare to look up at the gloomy and cold bone god.

Now, whether he and the New York citizens can return to New York depends on the help of the gloomy and cold-blooded god.

If the Frosty Bone God is powerful enough to smash the Spider God, then they will definitely escape from the dream space and return to the real world. However, it is unknown how the Grim Bone God will treat them.

But no matter what, it is more hopeful than staying in the dream world and waiting for death.

As for those who don't want to leave the dream and want to live and die in the illusion.
Sorry, that's fine if you just live in a drunken dream and die, but now we normal people have been affected, so you are not allowed to live in a drunken dream and die. If you want to die, you have to return to the real world to die.


At this moment, a thin sound like beating on the ground reached Leon's ears. This dense sound really made Leon feel numb, but Leon still lowered his head and did not dare to look up.

He knew that it was the sound produced by the spider's feet passing through the ground. This extremely regular magical sound made Leon feel dizzy, but he gritted his teeth and persisted, not daring to make any move.

Do not look directly at gods. This is the law between mortals and gods. Even if the god does not care, mortals will have certain side effects due to their actions.

Right now, many people near Lyon have bled to death. This is the consequences of peeking into the gods without permission. Lyon does not want to go to the kingdom of the great Lord of Eternal Night so early.

Distant roars and sharp, indescribable sounds spread throughout the space. All humans could only lower their heads here, waiting for the winner between the gloomy God of Cold Bones and the God of Spiders.

Weak people cannot control their own destiny. Like now, they are at the mercy of others.

In the real world, inside the Special Operations Forces branch base in the suburbs of New York City.

Two hours have passed since Lyon, Epad, and George lost contact. Smith has arrived in New York with more than [-] extraordinary people from Boston, and together with the governor of New York, they have begun to discuss how to deal with the spider phantom and the zombies that are constantly approaching the airport. Ghosts.


When Smith saw these "old friends" of his own, he took a long breath and sighed.

Ghouls are not a rare creature in Boston. In fact, in a corner invisible to everyone, the Church of Evernight in Boston has reached cooperation with ghouls.

Ghouls are responsible for monitoring the enemy's situation in dirty and messy environments such as sewers, while the Eternal Night Church is responsible for purchasing pork, sheep, cattle and other meat to supply the ghouls.

After all, the "Destroyers" are most famous for their pervasive worms. Those worms like to infiltrate the city from places like sewers, and with the help of ghouls, those worms will naturally be unable to penetrate.

For ghouls, eating ready-made food is certainly better than risking their lives by hunting.

The Eternal Night Church in Boston can cooperate with the ghouls for two main reasons.

To some extent, the senior members of the Eternal Night Church are also a kind of ghouls, but the human genes account for a larger proportion.

They are half of the same race, so communication is easy.

And there is another reason, which is also the most important reason.

Smith once talked with the ghoul leader. Their king, the supreme Mordiggian, also known as the "Gloomy God of Bones" in the Church of Evernight, is not as scary as his title. He can actually communicate with humans. of.

Generally speaking, the Gloomy God of Bones is actually an evil god who is more biased towards human thinking and can communicate and cooperate. This is the most important reason why the Boston Eternal Night Church and the ghouls live in harmony.

Although Smith didn't know what happened to the ghouls in New York, he felt that it should be no different from the ghouls who contacted Boston.

"Let's put the ghoul problem aside for now. I already have a solution."

Smith cleared his throat and said: "The most important thing at the moment is the ghost problem. Only by solving the ghost problem can New York be truly protected!"

The governor of New York immediately flattered him and expressed his doubts: "What Bishop Smith said is absolutely true, but the question now is, how to solve the phantom?"

"That's the end goal of what we're talking about right now."

Smith nodded and said: "I have arranged for a small team to negotiate and communicate with the ghouls. During this time, we will quickly discuss the results and stop the losses in time!"

"Now, I hope to get the two wizards in India and all the information your New York officials have about the current situation!"

Smith's voice was sonorous and powerful, and he was extremely domineering. He took all the power into his own body as soon as he came up, and the New York government, the headquarters of the Eternal Night Church, and the Indian wizards seemed to have become his vassals.

The headquarters of the Eternal Night Church is now without a leader. Naturally, it can't do anything. The two Indian wizards are full of weird ideas and don't care about this.

Although the New York officials were a little angry, the matter was now at this point, and they could only rely on Smith to resolve the crisis.

In other words, they can only count on Smith to turn things around.

However, the outcome of the matter may not have developed as the New York officials hoped. Smith carefully understood the causes and consequences of the matter, and also listened to the Indian wizard "Rod"'s account of the Spider God, but he still had no clue.

Smith simply didn't know where to start, how to start, or how to rescue New York citizens.

His originally confident expression gradually darkened, and the Indian wizard Rhodes, who was sitting not far from Smith, sneered in his heart and looked down upon Smith's behavior.

That is the great God of Spiders, how could it be cracked by an ant like you?

There is only one final destiny for you, and that is to die obediently in the dream of the Spider God and supply all the nutrients in your body to the Aztec Empire that is about to revive!
Rhodes thought like this and could hardly suppress his inner emotions, and almost laughed out loud, but fortunately, he had superb acting skills and stopped his thoughts in time.

Now, Rhodes just wants to see what magical method Smith has to expel the Spider God and save New York from the brink of destruction.

Rhodes sneered in his heart: "Give up, let's continue to call for reinforcements, and call all the Eternal Night Church's extraordinary people from all over the United States, so that we can catch them all in one fell swoop."

But soon, a dull loud noise suddenly came from the sky. This sound was so shocking that it almost shattered people's eardrums!
The sound like a thunderbolt from the blue terrified everyone. Ordinary people were so frightened that they could only squat on the ground and cover their ears, shouting loudly. Even Rhodes was startled by the sudden sound.

"what happened?!"

"What's going on?!"

"Did a god take action?"

Various voices sounded in Rhodes' heart, and the sudden situation made Rhodes a little uneasy.

It's not that he has been doing nothing these days. At least he has learned a lot about modern knowledge and information about gods. He knows that the Eternal Night Church believes in a god named the Lord of Eternal Night.

With the current posture, could it be that the Lord of Eternal Night took action?

Rhodes suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the airport, only to see hundreds of ghouls around the airport at some point. They cheered each other with fiery eyes, as if they were paying their respects to some great existence.

And the spider shadow that originally shrouded the airport completely disappeared, replaced by the sky full of ice and snow!

Rhodes was completely dumbfounded. He had no idea what was happening and kept roaring in his heart: "What the hell is going on?!"

On the other side, Smith, who was still thinking hard, also saw the changes in things. He looked in the direction of the airport, looking at the dark clouds covered dome and the windy and snowy airport, and he was slightly surprised. However, unlike Rhodes, He knows what's going on.

"The ghastly god of cold bones, Mordiggian!"

Smith couldn't help but murmur the name of this god. As the bishop who had the most contact with ghouls in the Eternal Night Church, he knew the ghouls and the gods they believed in very well.

But what surprised Smith was, why did the gloomy God of Bones choose to help humans save New York?

In Smith's impression, the gloomy God of Bones has always been an evil god who has no profit and cannot afford to be early. If the transaction does not comply with His will, the ghouls will riot, and Boston can only use a large amount of recycled meat. To satisfy the appetites of ghouls.

How could such an evil god do such a thing?

The enthusiasm made Smith a little scared. Smith was now a little worried about whether Boston could provide the flesh and blood of the ghoul family.

At this moment, the governor of New York seemed to have heard what Smith was murmuring, and immediately came up to him and said to Smith: "Did you just speak of the gloomy and chilling god?"

"Yes, as far as the currently known information is concerned, only the Gloomy God of Cold Bones fits the current situation."

Smith nodded, sighed, and said: "In order to satisfy the gloomy and cold-bone god, New York may have to pay a lot of meat, otherwise these ghouls will not give up."

"Lots of meat?"

Hearing this, the governor of New York widened his eyes, stared at Smith, and showed an expression of disbelief: "You want me to hand over the people of New York to ghouls?! If this is the case, what is it with that?" What's the difference if the spider god takes over New York?"


The governor of New York obviously misunderstood what Smith meant. Smith immediately explained: "Meat does not only refer to human flesh, but also pork, beef, mutton... It doesn't matter, they accept no matter what kind of meat it is, even those that are rotten and expired." Meat."

After that, Smith added: "Compared to fresh meat, rotten meat is more popular with ghouls. We in Boston have used rotten meat to establish long-term cooperation with ghouls."

"That's it?" the New York governor asked hesitantly.

New York is a big state, and dozens of tons of meat rot every day. If that was all, there would be no problem at all.

"Yes, that's it."

Smith nodded logically and said, "There are not many ghouls now, so there is not much demand, and it may be difficult in the future."

"That's really great, I'll do it now!" After that, the governor of New York hurried away and began to deal with the incident.

While the two of them were chatting, the clouds and fog had dispersed, and the ice and snow had completely disappeared, but the ghouls were still wandering on the streets.

The residents who fell into slumber are gradually waking up, but the lives lost in the past few hours cannot be returned.

Smith stood on the rooftop, looking at New York that had calmed down, taking a deep breath and staring into the distance.

What did the gloomy God of Cold Bones want to do? Did he defeat the Spider God for some unknown purpose?

The number of ghouls is increasing, and something feels wrong.

After pondering for a moment, Smith sighed and murmured: "Forget it, let's go back to Boston. That is my territory. Even if something happens, I will be the first to find out. Everything is not going well here."

After that, he started to turn around and walk towards Leon and others who were coming back from the airport.

In a dark corner, wizard Rhodes had a cold look in his eyes.

He couldn't believe that his plan had failed, but facts were facts and it was inevitable.

But Rhodes can still endure it. He can endure the destruction of his country and his family. A mere plan is of no importance.

Rhodes believed that he could always wait for the right time to regain the empire!
 4100, two-in-one.

(End of this chapter)

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