i created the old gods

Chapter 209 Parade

Chapter 209 Parade
The governor of New York quickly contacted many meat companies, slaughterhouses and restaurants in New York, and transported dozens of tons of meat that was on the verge of decay to be handed over to the ghouls. The ghouls ate it deliciously and comfortably. extremely.

This is a win-win deal. Originally, the rotten meat could only be thrown away, but now the government pays to collect it. Of course, the capitalists are extremely happy.

And the government is naturally happy to use these carrion to attract ghouls for underground defense.

As for the ghouls, they also got food, and the price they paid was not high. They just defended their territory and prevented other creatures from invading. This was what they had to do, and of course they were happy.

This may be the legendary triple win.

The Indian wizard Rhodes sat in the corner depressedly, hiding himself in his cloak and not wanting to speak.

After learning what happened, Rhodes became even more depressed.

Why does the Evil God bother to embarrass the Evil God?

The plan is so perfect. As long as he waits quietly for a few hours, the Spider God will be able to destroy New York and annihilate those extraordinary beings. The great empire will also revive, and he will become the king of a new generation.

But why would that gloomy and cold-bone god help humans? !

Are you worthy of your name, 'Gloomy God of Cold Bones', 'King of Ghouls'? Shouldn't such a domineering name kill everyone? !
If the extraordinary people in the United States had solved the problem on their own, Rhodes might not feel so angry, but it happened that all the extraordinary people were helpless, and problems arose just when the plan was about to succeed.
In this regard, Rhodes just wanted to look up to the sky and ask 'why'.

Unfortunately, no one would answer his question, so he could only pick himself up and start a new round of plans.

He has already arranged for another of his companions to cause trouble in other states in the United States. Although it has no big effect, it is great to add some trouble to the United States.

There was no other way. After his only plan failed, Rhodes could only do this.

After all, Rhodes was just a simple and ordinary wizard in the empire before, without any great talent, and the Aztec Empire was still a slave society at the time. Under such circumstances, Rhodes naturally There won't be any elaborate plans.

Sacrificing a companion in exchange for the invasion of the Spider God is a great plan, and so far, Rhodes has not been discovered by the Americans!
"What are these bitches raised by female cousins ​​thinking?!"

At this moment, a sharp roar reached Rhodes' ears. Rhodes was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked in the direction of the New York Governor.

The voice came from the throat of the New York governor. After seeing this, Rhodes walked up to him and asked with concern: "Mr. Jetek, what's wrong with you? Do you need my help?"

After hearing this, the Governor of New York turned his attention to Rhodes, squeezed out a smile, and said: "There is no problem, but those people who were rescued from the dream are clamoring to go back to the dream. There is no way, they can't accept it. It’s reality.”

That's right, there is everything in the dream. After experiencing the reality-like dream of the spider god, it is difficult for ordinary people to accept the psychological gap after waking up from the dream.

Rhodes nodded. After understanding the situation, he took the initiative and said, "Leave this matter to me. I will go meet those who want to commit suicide and comfort them as much as possible."

The governor of New York couldn't help but glance at Rhodes: "Do you still have this ability?"

"Of course."

Rhodes smiled and nodded: "Although I am called a wizard, I know many methods. It is only one of my abilities to calm people down."

In this regard, the New York governor stopped saying anything and left it to professionals: "In that case, let's trouble Mr. Rhodes."

"No trouble."

Rhodes narrowed his eyes and smiled, "I'll go first."

After all, Rhodes walked out of the office quickly.

When Rhodes left, Leon passed by him and came to the governor of New York. He glanced at Rhodes and said, "What is he doing?"

"He's going to deal with people who are screaming about suicide."

The New York governor's smile gradually disappeared and his expression became dull: "How are things going?"

"Bishop Smith communicated with a priest of the ghouls, and the ghouls agreed. Some of their tribesmen will enter the sewer pipes of New York. Please pay attention to it in the future."

Leon said calmly: "The main reason why the gloomy God of Cold Bones took action this time is because the God of Spiders crossed the line and invaded his territory. There is no other meaning. Don't think too much."


The governor of New York was a little surprised, wasn't New York...
"Don't think too much. The American land is still under the protection of the great Lord of Eternal Night. The gloomy and cold-bone god is very hostile to the gods of the dreamland, so when he discovered that the gods of the dreamland came to reality, he was very unhappy."

Lyon spoke word by word, which reassured the governor of New York: After all, to a certain extent, the governor of New York could be considered a casual believer of the Eternal Night Church.

Afterwards, the governor of New York asked: "Archbishop of Lyon, what should we do now?"

"To stabilize the people's hearts, we directly stated that this was an accident. We have once again strengthened protective measures to reduce the negative impact of this time as much as possible."

Leon said helplessly: "As for the airport and surrounding real estate projects, don't lose money. I allow the capital behind it to have an opportunity to contact the extraordinary."

Extraordinaries of the Eternal Night Church have always been exclusive to fanatic believers. Now in order to reduce the impact, Lyon can only exchange the quota for low-level extraordinary people.

However, Lyon is not panic at all. Low-level extraordinary beings who have no way to advance are not a threat at all, and Lyon will also impose some restrictions. If he teaches extraordinary abilities without authorization, the Eternal Night Church will directly declare his death.

There is no other way, this is the only way.

As for where the money comes from?

Not many of those capitalists believe in the Lord of Eternal Night wholeheartedly, which makes it very difficult for the Eternal Night Church to handle.

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

The governor of New York nodded, and then said: "Will this open a new river and make those capitalists feel that as long as they have money, they will have the opportunity to become extraordinary?"

"That's understandable."

Leon nodded: "The Eternal Night Church will directly announce a guideline in a few days. After all, we also need certain financial support."

There is no way, people always have to make ends meet, and if you don’t have money, you will encounter restrictions everywhere.

Looking at Lyon's remarks, the New York governor was speechless. He was about to curse capital in his heart, but then he thought about it and he seemed to be one of them.
After coughing slightly, the New York governor said: "I will always support the church's decision. Now that you have decided these issues, I will say no more."

After saying that, the governor of New York hurriedly left and began to prepare to implement the plan Lyon mentioned.

Lyon looked at the leaving figure of the New York governor and sighed slightly, feeling a little complicated.

Rhodes was walking on the streets of New York, looking at the marching groups holding signs to protest against the ghouls and wanting to return to the dreamland. He seemed particularly surprised and did not understand this kind of operation by the Americans.

What is going on with these little guys? Although I am on the side of the Spider God, I have never seen such an enemy.

Although dreams are good, if they continue for a long time, they will die!The Ghastly God of Bones and his ghouls have saved your lives, so why do you want to resist them?

Rhodes curiously stopped one of the demonstrators, looked at the fat white man, and asked curiously: "Why do you boycott the ghouls? They saved your life, otherwise You might die in your dream!"

The fat man was furious and immediately shouted: "If it weren't for them, I would still be living with my beauties. How could I come back and continue to face everything here?!"

Rhodes felt a little incredible: "Keke, you will die."

"So what? Just die. I'll be happy and that's it. What does it have to do with those ghouls?!"

After saying that, the fat man bypassed Rhodes and continued to hold the flag and demonstrate.

Rhode stood there, looking at the people demonstrating, lost in thought.

Maybe I don't need to make any plans at all, these Americans may be able to finish it by themselves.

Rhodes thought truthfully in his heart. After all, the current situation was too unbelievable. He even suspected that his companions were secretly exerting force to hypnotize the consciousness of these people and make them oppose.

After being silent on the road for a long time, Rhodes finally regained consciousness and began to feel warm in his heart.

"This is really great. If every American is like this, why worry about the empire not being prosperous?!"

After reading, Rhodes quickly rushed to the marchers and shouted to them: "Everyone, please be quiet and stop arguing. I have something to say. Please listen carefully!"

"Where is NM?!"

"Get out of here, let the supernatural beings and ghouls get out of New York, New York belongs to us!"

"Get out of Eternal Night Church!"

"What did you say?! The Eternal Night Church is the people's hope for survival, you..."

Soon, simple internal strife began in the parade, but these internal strife were only a small part. Most of the wishes were just to drive away the ghouls so that they could dream again.

Looking at the indignant marchers, Rhodes smiled slightly, raised his crutch and hit the ground hard.

Immediately afterwards, the point where the crutch hit the ground quickly condensed a lavender magic power, which began to extend along the ground toward the crowd.

On both sides of Rhodes were the National Guards. They held submachine guns. Looking at the incredible scene in front of them, they were calm and even wanted to laugh.

In New York, extraordinary methods are common. Of course, armed organizations like the National Guard are often exposed to such extraordinary forces, and of course they will not look shocked.

The lavender ripples echoed on the ground, making ripples in circles. At this time, there was already some commotion in the parade.

The extraordinary methods of extraordinary people make some people extremely nervous. They are afraid that they will suffer some kind of special attack from extraordinary people.

Especially the extraordinary person in front of him who is suspected of being a wizard. As we all know, wizards are the best at using unusual methods.

The corner of Rhodes' mouth slightly raised. He looked at the parade that had been fully covered. He was preparing for the next step when suddenly a voice roared from the crowd:
"He's a wizard, kill him!"

With this sound, a bullet shot out from the crowd and flew towards Rhodes!


Seeing this, Rhodes moved the crutch in his hand slightly, and heard a "ding" sound. The bullet hit the crutch and immediately fell to the ground, making a subtle sound.

The crutch in Rhode's hand was made from the bones of nine enemies and hundreds of slaves. It was so hard that ordinary bullets could not leave any traces on the crutch.

"Protect Mr. Rhodes!"

"Sniper ready, sniper ready!"

The surrounding National Guardsmen all panicked and began to take action, intending to directly kill the man with a gun in the crowd.

If Rhodes had been injured or even killed just now, then they would probably be severely punished!

"No need."

Rhodes raised his hand, stopped the restless National Guards around, and said with a smile: "I believe they have calmed down now."

After that, Rhodes pointed at the people marching. At this time, people were surprised to find that the people marching on the street suddenly stopped what they were doing and began to become confused. It seemed that they didn't know who they were here. for what.

Rhodes said with a smile on his face, "You are just impulsive. Let's go home. Prepare yourself and face the reality bravely."

As Rhodes' gentle voice sounded, all the parade people began to return home consciously, as if it was really just a momentary impulse.

The National Guard members around Rhodes were dumbfounded. Parades like this are not uncommon in the United States. This was the first time that they solved the problem so easily, without even arresting anyone.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, please go back and recover."

Rhodes turned his head in high spirits, looked at the National Guardsmen, and said with a smile, "I'll just go find Mr. Governor later."

After all, Rhodes ignored the National Guards and left the scene alone.

He was very proud in his heart. Although he had just calmed down the turbulent emotions of these people and brought the parade to an end, Rhodes actually made some small moves in it.

When they return home, various methods of worshiping the Spider God will appear in their minds.

Although it is unlikely that the Spider God will be summoned again, it is still possible to let them continue to enjoy sweet dreams every night.

The way to sacrifice to the spider god is very simple, that is, to sacrifice human flesh and blood.

Only by killing each other can they collect enough flesh and blood to sacrifice to the Spider God.

As long as there is an opportunity to cause damage, Rhodes will definitely intervene.

PS: Today’s big melon in the Internet literary circle, I feel a little uncomfortable eating. Friends who have monthly votes can vote for them.

(End of this chapter)

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