i created the old gods

Chapter 210 Sacrificial Ceremony

Chapter 210 Sacrificial Ceremony
Dinan yawned and sat on his bed boredly, looking at the 'beef' burger on the table in a daze.

He is a white man, but in New York, he is a real servant. He hangs out in the slums every day. Most of his friends are other people in the slums, and few people will make friends with him.

He was not like this before. When he was in middle school, Dinan lived a prosperous life and could be considered a well-off family. However, due to a serious illness and drug addiction, a well-off family was completely in ruins.

In New York, there are not a few people like him, who live in a daze all day long, and give all the money they make to those dealers, and their lives are gloomy.

However, there has been a slight change recently. Many ordinary young people in Dinan began to believe in a god called the Lord of Eternal Night, joined the Eternal Night Church, and slowly gave up their addiction.

Dinant expressed great surprise at this situation. In addition, the New York government launched a vigorous anti-drug operation to prevent the London incident from happening in New York. This led to Dinant not daring to go out at all and could only suck the previous inventory.

Just when he had exhausted his inventory and ran out of ammunition and food, a sudden change broke his stagnant life.

In the dream, he was the founder of the immortal dynasty, the emperor above ten thousand people, with three thousand beauties in his harem, and everything he wanted.

But such a beautiful life was soon shattered. When he heard that it was the Church of Eternal Night and the ghouls who saved him, Dinan's entire expression was distorted.

This kind of life of being a master is exactly what he fantasizes about. Even Dinan is willing to dream of it. He is even willing to die for this dream!
So, he joined the parade without hesitation, but he was quickly brought back by the lackeys of the US government. Now he is very unhappy.

"Damn ghouls, and the Eternal Night Church, they all deserve to die!"

After Dinan cursed in his heart, an unprecedented idea suddenly came to his mind. This idea seemed to be a mysterious sacrificial ritual, which seemed to allow him to return to his sweet dream.

Dinan instantly became alert. He recalled the sacrificial ceremony. It was not complicated and only required a fresh living corpse.

A living corpse can provide you with ten days of sweet sleep.

There was no doubt that Dinant was moved.

"Ten days, ten days"

Dinan stood up excitedly and paced back and forth with an extremely excited expression. He quickly rushed to the drawer and took out a sharp dagger. His eyes were bright and he murmured: "Concubines, wait, Wait for me, I’ll come to see you soon!”

He was holding the knife and was extremely excited. At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Dinan glanced at his phone. The caller ID showed a person named Jack.

Jack is the 'richest man in the slums' and is relatively wealthy. He occasionally shares his own goods with Dinant and is considered a fair-weather friend of Dinant.

Dinant realized that he needed a fresh human corpse and answered the phone without hesitation.

The moment Dinan answered the phone, he heard Jack's voice: "Dinan, what are you doing at home? Come to my house. I have new goods recently. Come here secretly. Don't get caught by the police."

This is really God helping me!
Dinan was overjoyed, and after sighing in his heart, he concealed his excitement and said in a calm voice: "Okay, I will go over right away. I will touch it quietly without disturbing everyone, and I will go in through the back door. "

After hanging up the phone, Dinan quickly changed his clothes, put the dagger on the outside of his thigh, put on a mask and hat, and started heading towards Jack's house.

"Jack, as a good friend of mine, you bought time for me to spend time with my concubines. I will always remember you."

Dinan said silently in his heart: "When I return to my kingdom, I will make you the guardian of the whole territory and the Duke of one side."

Dinan was cautious all the way, not communicating with others, just to go to Jack's house, kill him silently, and complete everything without revealing his identity.

As long as some basic evidence is avoided, the big shots in New York will not go to great lengths to deal with a murder case in the slums, and they will be considered safe.

After thinking everything through, Dinan arrived at Jack's back door and knocked gently on Jack's back door, using his and Jack's unique code words.


The door opened, and a thin white man stared at the dark circles under his eyes, glanced at Dinan, then looked around carefully, nodded and said: "Come in."

Dinan nodded and followed Jack into the room.


After the back door was closed, Dinan took a look at the room and saw that there was no one there except himself and Jack. So he took the courage to hold the hidden dagger and slowly approached Jack.

Suddenly, Jack, who had his back to Dinan, suddenly made a sound, which made Dinan stunned: "Dinan, for the sake of my great business empire, I can only sacrifice you. After meeting Hades, don't resent me. ,do you know?"

Business empire, what business empire?
Before Dinan could react, a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his chest. Dinan looked down and saw an arrow stuck in his chest.

Jack held the compound crossbow, turned around, looked at Dinan who had not yet breathed his last, shot a few more arrows, looked at the dead Dinan, and murmured to himself:
"I originally planned to shoot you in the head with a gun. It's a pity to let you die quickly. The sound of the gun is too loud. I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble. I just want you to be tortured like this."

Naturally, Dinan was not the only one to receive the Spider God's sacrificial ritual. Jack received it earlier than Dinan, so he had already prepared everything and could only enter Dinan's net.

To him, Dinan was just a dog that could be controlled. Let him die, there was no harm in it.

Immediately afterwards, Jack quickly cut Dinan's body into pieces and began to play with it quickly according to the ritual in his memory.

"Great Spider God, you are the embodiment of beautiful dreams, you are the pillar when the end comes, your..."

Jack began to pray. The ceremony was very long and took about ten minutes to complete.

Complex sacrificial incantations were recited from Jack's mouth, and one after another blood-red patterns began to gradually appear in the room.

Just when everything was about to be finished, a rapid knock on the door disrupted Jack's rhythm.

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom."

"We received a report that someone heard screams and smelled blood near your home. Please open the door and let us investigate!"

Jack's face turned gloomy, he picked up the compound crossbow and a pistol placed on the table, and cursed angrily in a low voice: "Fuck!"

(End of this chapter)

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