i created the old gods

Chapter 211 Preparations before Invasion

Chapter 211 Preparations before Invasion
"What's going on? Why are there so many bloody conflicts in the slums?!"

The governor of New York looked at the statistics he received half an hour ago. He stared at the inspector in shock and said in disbelief: "In just two hours, there have been fifteen murders, and the number is still going on." Increase?!"

Unexpectedly, the governor of New York really never dreamed that such a situation would happen.

Although places like slums have always turned a blind eye and tolerated it as long as it was not too excessive, what is going on now? This is a blatant challenge to the authority of the government!
Fifteen murders, if this news is known by the media, coupled with the previous incidents, I am afraid that I will be finished!

"Control the scene immediately. Have the murderers been caught? Has the interrogation yielded any reliable information?!"

Listening to the New York Governor almost roaring, the Inspector-General gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Governor, we have arrested nine murderers in fifteen murder cases, shot two on the spot, and the remaining four escaped. "

"But I have collected all their information. They are Jack Pingsiman and Doug Minna Tiara."

The director's voice became smaller and smaller. The governor of New York took a deep breath, tried his best to look calm, and said: "I don't care what information you collected, three days, I will give you three days to collect these four Catch me personally!"


The director immediately accepted the task and said at the same time: "After interrogation, we learned that the main reason why they went to kill people was to collect sacrifices."

"Sacrifice. What sacrifice?!" The governor of New York grasped the key point.

"Sacrifice to the Spider God. They want to return to the dreamland and experience the feeling of dreaming."

Listening to the words of the Inspector General, the governor fell silent for a moment. He didn't know what to say.

Immediately, after some fluctuations, the Inspector General left with the mission, while the Governor of New York sat on his chair and fell into deep silence.

"God of Spiders"

The Governor of New York sighed, feeling a little powerless towards the sudden appearance of the Spider God.

If his grandson hadn't joined the Los Angeles branch of the Eternal Night Church, New York Governor Zetek would not have wanted to continue serving as governor.

But now that the situation is like this, Jetek can only try to do this job well.

Thinking of this, Zetek no longer hesitated, picked up the phone, dialed the number of the military general Bolennis who had just woken up, and said: "General Bolennis, I hope you can lead the troops to conduct operations near New York." Military exercises, I’m a little worried that the Destroyer will take advantage of this time to attack New York.”

Bolennis generously agreed to Governor Zetek's request. After all, Bolenis also worked for the Eternal Night Church, so he would naturally help the Eternal Night Church wholeheartedly to protect the safety of New York.

After doing all this, Zetek picked up the document report left here by the Inspector General, looked at the four fugitives recorded on it, and fixed his eyes on the thin young man named 'Jack Pingciman'.

For some reason, Jetek seemed to feel that this young man was a bit unsophisticated, which gave Jetek a very uncomfortable feeling.

None of the other three fugitives gave Zetek this feeling. This feeling is unique and unique to Jack Pingciman.

"Illusions are all illusions."

Zetek shook his head to calm himself down: "He's just a drug addict living in a slum. There can't be anything unusual about him."

Although he said so, Jetec still very wisely issued an important document, an important document about this 'Jack Pingciman'.

The main content is very simple. The government has increased the bounty of Captain Jack Pingsiman. If he captures Jack Pingsiman, he will receive 500 million yuan, and if he kills Jack Pingsiman, he will receive 500 million yuan.

Jetec only hopes that the money can be spent as soon as possible, so that he can be sure that this 'Jack Pingximan' is a parallel importer and is purely his own illusion.

If there is no expenditure, then there is only one problem.

That's maybe there really is something wrong with this Jack Pinchman.

Atracnaea, the spider god, and Mordiggian, the gloomy bone god.

Both of these are identities created by Jingchuan. Like Cthulhu, Lord of R'lyeh, they are the next trump product that Jingchuan is preparing to launch.

But between the God of Spiders and the God of Gloomy Bones, Jingchuan was a little hesitant, not knowing which one to choose as the main direction of the next structure.

After all, after the creation of Cthulhu was completed, Jingchuan did not continue to shape the next powerful god.

Therefore, in New York, Jingchuan deliberately let the spider god and the gloomy bone-shattering god appear at the same time to see the reaction.

The gloomy god of cold bones showed a special "contrast cuteness" and cooperated with the American government. He did several things that were not consistent with his name. The harvest was not bad, and he was suitable for a world that was not too chaotic. .

The effect of Spider God is very good. The poor people of New York all miss the rule of my Spider God. They accept the rule in their dreams, and eventually die and occupy a world.

The God of Spiders and the God of Gloomy Bones each have their own benefits, but Jingchuan has already made his decision.

He decided to put the gloomy and cold-bone god on hold for a while and let the spider god prepare to shape it to facilitate the rule of the next world.

The entry time is just after Cthulhu invades the other world, in the near future.

Because Jingchuan has decided the time for Cthulhu to invade the other world, and plans to officially intervene in the other world now and start his own rule.

"It's not good to always call another world this way. Let's give it a name."

Jingchuan murmured to himself, thinking of a different world in his mind, and casually named it: "Let's call it the Eternal Night World. There, all the false gods will be ended, the Starry Sky Council will be completely destroyed, and the Eternal Night will be It’s the only faith.”

All gods unite and become the Lord of Eternal Night!
Immediately, Jingchuan opened the entrance between the two realms and stepped into it. Following Jingchuan was an entire R'lyeh and Cthulhu who was sleeping there.

Since he is the Lord of R'lyeh, it is time for the city of R'lyeh to follow Cthulhu to conquer the future core world of Jingchuan.

All this is to better implement Jingchuan's will.

The picture flashed by, and what caught Jingchuan's eyes was the endless ocean. This was the ocean on the west side of the Fatesi Kingdom. According to rumors, this was the domain of the Poseidon.

But it is a pity that this god who has been roaming freely for thousands of years is very likely to die today and his country will be destroyed, and he will completely fall!

(End of this chapter)

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