i created the old gods

Chapter 212 The Death of Poseidon

Chapter 212 The Death of Poseidon
Waves of waves lapped at the rocks on the shore, and the roaring waves roared like thousands of horses galloping, setting off huge waves.

In a small town near the beach affiliated with Anzhun City, Logan County, Carl Kingdom, a young man hid in Poseidon's church and prayed to Poseidon.

His name is Logan, which is the same as the name of the county. This is not a coincidence, but his parents deliberately chose this name to let Logan remember that he will always be a Logan.

Unfortunately, after giving Logan this name, his parents died because of the war between the Kingdom of Karl and the Kingdom of Fatesi, and Logan became an orphan.

Fortunately, the priest in this town took Logan in and allowed him to receive Poseidon's education, hoping that Logan would take over his business in the future and become the new generation of priest in the town.

There was no way. Although Poseidon was where most of the beliefs of the Kingdom of Karl lay, there were really not many people in a small town who were willing to be priests. Those priests who were half-way monks didn't believe it, so they could only adopt Logan and train him from an early age.

The weather was gloomy, and the sky was full of thick, low, gray-yellow turbid clouds. The northeast wind roared and raged in the air. It seemed to have a sharp sword, and it kept cutting Logan's body. Cheek, Logan couldn't help shrinking his neck, looking at the rough statue of Poseidon, hoping in his heart to be blessed by Poseidon.

Logan raised his head slightly and glanced out the window, looking at the turbulent sea water and the dark clouds in the sky. A flash of panic flashed in Logan's eyes, and he asked in a low voice to the priest who was sitting peacefully praying: " Father, will His Majesty Poseidon really bless us?"

"Of course, we are the most loyal believers of His Majesty the Sea God, and His Majesty the Sea God will definitely protect us."

The priest touched Logan's head, smiled kindly, and said gently: "The ocean is the territory under Poseidon's crown. Even though it is so turbulent now, it will not hurt us."

"What's more, a few days ago, the bishops of our Poseidon Church held a meeting on Moro Island. We are only a few dozen miles away from Moro Island. If anything unusual happens, the bishops will deal with it."


Although Logan was still a little scared, with the priest's assurance, Logan began to become brave.

It was the priest who gave him warmth, bread, and hope in life when he was most helpless. He naturally obeyed the priest's words without any doubts at all.

"Father, what does Poseidon look like under his crown? How did He become the ruler of the sea?"

At this time, Logan asked the priest, wanting the priest to tell the story about Poseidon.

Before, he had been studying Poseidon's code. From there, he knew some of the stories about Poseidon, but those stories were a bit old-fashioned. He preferred to listen to Poseidon's other stories.

Looking at Logan who kept asking questions, the priest said kindly: "In the last century, His Majesty the Poseidon held the Sea King's halberd and stepped on the waves."

Time passed minute by minute, Logan was very obsessed with the story told by the priest, and listened to it in rapt attention.

It was pouring rain outside, like a bead curtain, sweeping obliquely in front of the light gray sky, sweeping over the rough waves, stirring up a white mist on the crest of the waves, giving the whole There is a trace of stain on the sky and the earth.

The glass of the church was washed away by the rain, and a chill drifted into the church. Logan, who was listening to the story, suddenly shuddered and raised his head curiously, only to find that the sea outside the window seemed a little different.

The riptide that originally hit the beach has disappeared and been replaced by a huge wave!

A crisp sound suddenly sounded from inside the church, and the priest's story-telling voice suddenly stopped. He and Logan looked at the only valuable thing in the entire church.

That crude statue of Poseidon!
The Poseidon statue was already covered with cracks, and the voice that the priest and Logan heard just now came from the left arm of the statue.

The hand originally holding the shield crashed to the ground, and the priest panicked: "What's going on?! This statue has been placed here for more than 20 years and has never had any problems. Why is it suddenly like this now?!"

At this time, Logan couldn't help it anymore, pointed at the waves that were gathering outside the beach, and shouted: "Father, look outside!"

The priest glanced at the window that was wet by the rain, and his whole expression changed deeply.

Regardless of everything, he ran out quickly, opened the door of the church, ignoring the rain dripping on his body, and looked at the continuously gathering waves, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"How... how could this happen?!"

At the same time, a mournful sound seemed to suddenly erupt from the depths of the ocean. This sound was as loud as a bell, reverberating between heaven and earth, and made the priest feel an inexplicable sadness.

In the midst of this grief, the priest's expression was still full of surprise and fear!

The priest was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why he suddenly felt a sense of mourning. He knelt down weakly in the rain, but before he started to show pain, several black shadows suddenly rushed towards him. In front of him, he looked up and found that these people were the members of the Poseidon Church on Moro Island, dozens of miles away from the mainland.

Before the priest could take the initiative to ask, one of them saw the priest's clothes and spoke in an urgent voice: "Run, run quickly, Moro Island has been submerged, we have to run quickly!"

"Otherwise. Otherwise, if those things catch up, we won't be able to escape!"

The man's voice was filled with a huge sense of fear, which made the priest panic a little.

"What happened? Why was Morro Island suddenly submerged?!" the priest asked.

"Poseidon has fallen! Everyone is dead, the archbishop, the bishop, the deacon. The entire Moro Island has been submerged, and those monsters are catching up!"

Looking at the believers who were already having a mental breakdown, the priest felt a little ridiculous and couldn't help but said: "What nonsense are you talking about? If the archbishop heard it, you might..."

"Archbishop?! He is already dead! I saw with my own eyes that his stomach was torn apart by the monster and his intestines were taken out!"

Before the priest could continue to ask anything, one of these people suddenly looked towards the beach and seemed to see something. His expression became frightened, he stopped talking, and started running wildly.

Several other people also looked back, with expressions of shock and fear on their faces, and began to run wildly.

The priest looked at the beach suspiciously, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He saw countless green monsters bouncing towards here on the beach!


The priest cursed angrily, turned around, and quickly ran into the church. He looked at Logan and shouted urgently: "Logan, run, run!"

However, Logan sat there blankly, not moving at all, as if he had not heard the priest's voice at all.

"Logan! Logan!"

The priest called Logan's name anxiously, ran to Logan, and shook Logan's body vigorously: "Look at me, look at me!"

Logan slowly raised his head, a ray of red light flashed in his eyes, with an indifferent expression, he nodded and said: "Father, I just saw Poseidon."


The priest was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why Logan suddenly said such a sentence, but he felt from the bottom of his heart that something bad was about to happen.

Logan ignored the priest's expression and said to himself: "I saw that Poseidon was easily killed by a supreme and great being. The two are not on the same level at all."

"Poseidon? You're just a young fish in the sea. How can you compete with sharks?"

The priest looked at the completely different Logan, his whole body trembling: "You, you."


The door of the closed church behind him was suddenly knocked open, and gray-green monsters with fish heads and human bodies stared at Logan and the priest with their huge eyeballs that could not be closed.

Logan showed no expression, as if he was not afraid of these gray-green monsters. He just nodded slightly and said compassionately to the priest: "Father, thank you for teaching me a lot of knowledge. Goodbye."

After saying that, Logan walked out of the church alone and began to move towards the town among thousands of gray monsters.

Gray-green monsters kept jumping out of the ocean. Looking along the monster torrent, at the end of the monster, in the depths of the ocean, in the mist, there was a head with countless tentacles, and a fat and long body. The mysterious creature with scales, soft claw-like things on its forelimbs, and a pair of bat wings on its back watched everything.

Inadvertently, a red light flashed in his eyes, which was exactly the same as the red light in Logan's eyes.

"The God of the Sea has fallen, and a group of monsters washed up on the coast and slaughtered all my people!"

In the capital of the Kingdom of Karl, King Gendry VII was pacing back and forth in the palace, looking nervous.

Now, Logan County is full of gray-green monsters, and half of Logan County has fallen. Duke Logan is now leading his troops to resist the monsters, but with little effect.

Most of the extraordinary beings from the Poseidon Church were buried on Moro Island along with the archbishop. The remaining extraordinary beings from the Poseidon Church were just two or three big cats and kittens, and they were unable to turn the tide of the war.

But this monster is not what Gendry VII cares about. What Gendry VII really cares about is the fall of Poseidon!

It has been 3000 years, and no god has ever fallen, and now the first fallen god has appeared!

Gendry VII is a transcendent, and has lived for hundreds of years. He can be regarded as a powerful transcendent, second only to the angels under the command of Sea God in the Karl Kingdom.

To be honest, there has only been one Gendry in the Kingdom of Cale from beginning to end. The so-called first, second, and third generations are nothing more than deception and fooling the people.

A shadow suddenly appeared in the corner of the palace. He looked at Gendry VII and slowly said: "Your Royal Highness, Fathi has agreed to send troops to support our country. At the same time, the Court of Wisdom and the Horse God Temple have promised to support our country. .”

The Court of Wisdom is an organization that believes in wise sages, and the Horse God Temple is a temple established by the Thousand-Faced Horse God worshiped in the nomadic country of the southern grasslands, Karada.

Gendry VII believed that the reason why the Court of Wisdom and the Horse God Temple agreed so quickly was entirely because of the death of Poseidon!
The fall of Poseidon is full of too many unknowns, completely disrupting the current situation. It can be said to be an unprecedented change in the history.

The Wisdom Sage is one of the most powerful gods today, and the former Thousand-Faced Horse God is one of the gods closest to the Kingdom of Karl. When this happens, he will naturally come to investigate the situation.

"The musketeers, all troops equipped with muskets, are marching to Logan County to lock the battle in Logan as much as possible."

After Gendry VII thought for a moment, he said, "I will personally go to Fathi and Luan to meet King Fathi and King Luan. We will fight against these monsters together and ensure the safety of the people!"

Without the people, how could Gendry VII continue to be king, how could he continue to scavenge resources for promotion?
Coincidentally, now that Poseidon has fallen, Poseidon Church has suffered a heavy blow. This is when Gendry VII rises. Gendry VII feels that he may not become a newly rising god in the future!

What Gendry VII didn't know was that at this time, dozens of gods had gathered in the sky above Karl Kingdom.

The Sage of Wisdom, the Lord of War, and the God of Craftsmen, the three major gods with tens of millions of faiths, have all arrived. The remaining eleven million-level gods of faith, including the Thousand-Faced Horse God and the Frost Lord, have also arrived here.

The Angel of Power Hercules and the Angel of Darkness Hela attended the meeting on behalf of the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of Flame respectively.

"The Lord of Flame Domain and the Lord of Thunder didn't come, so you two are asked to come?"

The wise sage in gray robes looked at Hercules and Hela. Hercules and Hela were about to explain something, but the wise sage's wise eyes seemed to see something different.

The wise sage said: "Tsk tsk. Forget it, if you can show your strength in this incident, I will not allow you to take the place of the two idiots, the Lord of Flame Domain and the Lord of Thunder."

"The strength of the two of you is no less than that of ordinary gods. There is no problem in replacing the Lord of Flame Domain and the Lord of Thunder."

The other eleven million-level gods present were stunned. They immediately reacted and immediately thought that Hercules and Hela had killed the two gods, Flame Domain and Thunder, and took their place.

"Let's not discuss this matter for now. The most important thing now is Poseidon's death."

The three-meter-tall Lord of War coughed lightly, interrupted everyone's thinking, and said: "We can understand the death of Yanyu and Thunder, but the death of Poseidon may not be that simple."

"I feel that it has something to do with the outer gods." The God of Craftsmen agreed.

The Lord of War looked around at the gods around him and said: "The appearance of the outer gods is extremely urgent. What we should do now is to surround and kill the outer gods in time, and at the same time notify the members of the Starry Sky Council to let them know that we who are hiding in the world are The gods of the country are not as useless as they think."

(End of this chapter)

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