i created the old gods

Chapter 213 Ragnarok (1)

Chapter 213 Ragnarok ([-])

Sixteen gods from the world of eternal night formally drafted a preliminary covenant, and among these sixteen gods, there are still two spies hidden.

Hercules was a little ashamed of his actions, while Hela was much more calm.

Above the clouds, Jingchuan, who received the message from Hela, shook his head and did not take the message to heart.

Lord of War?A wise sage?God of craftsmen?

Not to mention them, even the presence of all the members of the Starry Sky Parliament is of no use. There may be something unusual about the chairman of the council, but the final outcome is still the same.

Jingchuan has full confidence in Cthulhu. If Cthulhu and those gods are brought together, Jingchuan believes that they will never be Cthulhu's opponent!

"When these gods fight Cthulhu, they will know what a serious mistake they have made, and this mistake will directly lead to their sudden death."

Jingchuan stood above the clouds, staring into the distance, and said with a slight smile: "The only great god who saved this world when the gods fell and confined Cthulhu in the ocean is the Lord of Eternal Night."

"At that time, all the people on this continent will only have one belief, and that is the Lord of Eternal Night."

After finishing reading, Jingchuan raised his head high above the clouds and watched the actions of Cthulhu and those gods.

Ordinary people don't know what the starry sky council is, they only know the gods in the world, so Cthulhu only needs to kill the gods in the world.

After Cthulhu destroys the gods on earth, Jingchuan will go to the Starry Sky Council to put an end to it completely.

Everything is under control.

The ocean is roaring, and countless deep divers emerge from the depths of the seabed, densely packed, roaring and rushing towards the coast, like emotionless monsters.

The wise sage ignored these ferocious deep divers, looked at the direction they came from, nodded slightly, nodded and said: "Yes, the aura of the outer god appeared there, he should be there."

"What to do with these monsters? They won't affect anything, right?" The Thousand-Faced Horse God glanced at the deep divers heading towards Logan County and asked worriedly.

Poseidon has fallen. When the outer gods are defeated by them, the people and land here will of course be included in the belief of the Thousand-Faced Horse God. Every citizen here is the future property of the Thousand-Faced Horse God. The Thousand-Faced Horse God Of course there are concerns about this.

"Don't worry, when we defeat the foreign god, all his minions will be dead."

The wise sage glanced at the Thousand-Faced Horse God, said something lightly, and started heading towards the deep sea.

The Lord of War followed closely behind, and the God of Artisans hesitated for a moment before also keeping up with their pace.

The remaining million-level faith gods looked at each other and followed the pace of the three. However, the Thousand-Faced Horse God looked a little embarrassed. The Frost Lord looked at the Thousand-Faced Horse God meaningfully and followed the wise sage. .

The area of ​​belief of the Frost Lord is the Malris Empire, which is located in the vast northern plains, with a vast land, sparsely populated areas, and severe ice and snow coverage.

Although the Kingdom of Karl and the Empire of Malris are separated by the Kingdom of Fathi, the Frost Lord still wants to expand his sphere of influence to the Kingdom of Karl.

Therefore, the Frost Lord now wishes that the Thousand-Faced Horse God would die in the battle to encircle and suppress the Outer Gods, so that he could take down the Kingdom of Karl without a single soldier, and even annex the grassland where the Thousand-Faced Horse God is located.

Hercules and Hela kept a low profile as much as possible, appearing particularly low-key among the gods, so as not to be spotted by the wise sages.

As the gods went deeper and deeper into the ocean, a vast fog began to appear in their sights.

The vast fog is like a dream, an illusion, a poem, or a painting. It cannot be waved away, pulled apart, or cut away. It blocks the sight and consciousness of all the gods. They cannot see through these layers of fog at all.

"This fog is weird!"

The Lord of War's expression became solemn, and he clenched the Spear of the God of War tightly in his hand. He whispered: "It should be related to the outer gods!"

At the same time, the face of the million-level god Fog God suddenly turned pale, and he said: "I can't mobilize this fog!"


The Lord of the Wind, who had been silent all this time and represented the power of wind, suddenly stepped forward and issued an order, followed immediately by a strong wind!
The wind was howling, and the originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent. The inexplicable mist did not move at all under the blow of the strong wind, and had no intention of dissipating!

A flash of panic flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Wind. In terms of controlling the wind, he prides himself on being the best in the world. Even the barrier put up by the wise sage with all his strength will not be unscathed by his strong wind, but now.
"It seems that this foreign god is stronger than we expected."

The Lord of War raised the Spear of the God of War in his hand, and a divine light suddenly appeared from the top of the spear. Then, a ray of light rushed straight into the fog, and in the gray mist, he successfully repelled it, showing a small The passage is coming!
The Lord of War was obviously a little shocked by this result. He originally thought that he should be able to dispel most of the fog: "Huh, it's a bit difficult to deal with."

"Retreat, something big has happened."

The wise sage showed a serious expression for the first time, and said to the gods: "According to the current situation, we may not be the opponent of this foreign god. I am afraid that only the Starry Sky Council can solve it!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, the overall strength of the Starry Sky Council was indeed stronger than them.

The God of Craftsman didn't say anything. He was not good at fighting and was always paddling. But the Lord of War had some other ideas.

"Is this how we are?"

Before the Lord of War could finish speaking, an earth-shattering voice suddenly came from the deep sea. Under the deep sea, a tentacle suddenly stretched out from the bottom of the sea, instantly grabbing the Lord of Gale and the two gods around him!

The Lord of War's eyes were like torches, and he reacted instantly. The Spear of the God of War in his hand burst out with a dazzling golden light, and the inscription inspired his divine power, and he stabbed towards the tentacles!



A huge sound came from the bottom of the sea again. The Spear of the God of War did not stab out as expected. A rough, muddy giant hand instantly knocked the Lord of War to the ground!
The three captured gods were also torn into pieces by the tentacles and completely perished!


The Lord of War cursed in embarrassment, looked up, and saw the towering giant creature, and his mind was instantly captured!
The huge head with pits and pits, like the head of an octopus, shone with a dazzling red light, and a wonderful feeling that could not be described in words lingered in the heart of the Lord of War.

The War Lord's mental state was tainted.

 The proposal report for the thesis that needs to be delivered tomorrow morning is being worked on, and it only has [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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