i created the old gods

Chapter 214 Ragnarok (2)

Chapter 214 Ragnarok ([-])

The strange state of the Lord of War naturally attracted the attention of the God of Craftsmen and the wise sage.

However, the wise sage does not want to care about any situation of the Lord of War. The wise sage is now highly concentrated, paying attention to the surrounding situation at all times, and does not dare to make any rash actions. The wise sage has only one idea now, to escape as much as possible.

What is the Lord of War?It doesn't matter to me whether He dies or not, the most important thing now is how to escape!
And to put it bluntly, if the Lord of War falls and he is alive, then the followers of the Lord of War are like batches of leeks that can be harvested at any time.

"Ah uh."

The Lord of War's eyes began to turn blood red, and the aura throughout his body became a bit shuddering. This feeling made the millions of gods around him feel uneasy, especially the Thousand-Faced Horse God.

why?Because the Thousand-Faced Horse God is beside the Lord of War, if something happens to the Lord of War, he will be the first to suffer.

"God of War, are you okay?" The Thousand-Faced Horse God asked fearfully.

At this time, there was no sound on the matt surface, as if the mysterious creature that had just torn apart the three gods had left, but the scarlet gaze continued to echo in the heart of the Lord of War.

The Lord of War numbly turned his head and looked at the Thousand-Faced Horse God. The corners of his mouth began to rise slightly, and his eyes were full of madness: "Of course I'm fine. What can happen to me?"


The Thousand-Faced Horse God was originally a little frightened. Looking at the current situation of the Lord of War, a strange feeling came to his heart.

This feeling was indescribable and unclear, making the Thousand-Faced Horse God feel a little timid.


Suddenly, a sharp pain surged up from his chest. The Thousand-Faced Horse God felt as if his entire body had been torn apart, and the divine power all over his body was rapidly dissipating!
The Spear of the God of War, which represents the identity of the Lord of War, is inserted into the chest of the Thousand-Faced Horse God. The divine blood belonging to the Thousand-Faced Horse God flows freely, drips into the sea, and is crazily eaten by various creatures under the sea.


The Thousand-Faced Horse God's eyes widened as he looked at the crazy expression of the Lord of War. In the end, he was unable to say a word and just turned into fragments all over the sky and dissipated in the air.

The surrounding gods reacted quickly and stared at the Lord of War, while the wise sage's light of wisdom flourished, and the tyrannical divine power concentrated on the surrounding area, wrapping the Lord of War!


The Lord of War suddenly laughed like crazy, looking at the surrounding gods who had already mobilized various divine powers, a destructive force suddenly erupted from his body, and this energy caused a huge cyclone!
The expressions of the wise sage and the god of craftsmen changed from anger to shock. The next moment, they gathered their divine power and moved thousands of meters away in an instant!

The Lord of War is exploding!
And those gods with millions of beliefs are obviously not as experienced as the wise sages and the gods of craftsmen, and they can't react so quickly. When they react, it's already too late.

A huge explosion rose into the sky, and red fire visible to the naked eye bloomed over the ocean. The gray-white fog seemed to have been ignited for half a year at this moment, and the overwhelming flames began to rotate!
The war authority controlled by the Lord of War was twisting crazily in the air, and all the magic elements in the air were controlled, and then burst out one big explosion after another!
The sea surface was affected by this huge explosion. Countless fish and shrimps died from the self-destruction of the Lord of War. The gods suffered heavy casualties. Only a few gods in the outer layer were spared!

Most of the gods were more or less bruised by the self-detonation of the Lord of War, and the "fog god" was even more unlucky to be directly caused to fall by the self-destruction of the Lord of War!


At this time, the wise sage also flashed back again and joined the gods. At this time, he was surprised to find that including himself and the God of Craftsmen, there were only ten gods left present, and six of them were injured.

The wise sage's eyes became stern, he looked around and said, "Where are the two new gods who replaced the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of Flame Domain?"

After the wise sage said this, the gods realized that Hercules and Hela seemed to be missing!

Frost Lord instantly realized that something was wrong and was the first to speak: "I haven't seen them since entering the fog area."

The expression of the wise sage instantly became unfriendly. He felt that his title of wise sage was really irritating: "No matter how useless the Lord of Thunder and the Lord of the Flame Territory are, they will not be overthrown and killed by their angels. It seems that these two They should be the minions of the outer gods, damn it!”

The God of Craftsman nodded. He didn't care if Hercules and Hela were the minions of the Outer Gods. Even if Hercules and Hela were not the minions of the Outer Gods, even if they were attacked and died after entering the fog zone , the God of Craftsman now has to insist on saying yes.

Without him, they always have to find some excuses to cover up their failure this time.

"Exit, this matter is no longer within our control, leave it to the Starry Sky Council to resolve!"

The wise sage was always paying attention to the situation around him and whispered to the remaining gods. At the same time, his own divine body began to retreat quickly.

The remaining gods are not fools either. Six gods died this time, including such big figures as the Lord of War. Of course they must retreat.

Rainbow lights formed from the sea and began to retreat rapidly inland.

However, there was a little trouble when retreating.

Because they found that no matter which direction they flew or flashed from, they couldn't get out of this foggy area.

There is only one possibility that caused this situation. They were trapped here by the outer gods.

The hearts of the ten gods present suddenly sank, and they all realized a situation.

Today, I'm afraid it's going to be very bad.

Without the active command of the wise sage and the god of craftsmen, the other eight gods with millions of beliefs began to concentrate their divine power and began to prepare to resist!
But now that the enemy is clear and we are hidden, they don't dare to act rashly. They can only form a circle and stare at the mysterious gray fog around them.

This defensive state did not last long, and soon they felt that they were being watched by a powerful mysterious will.

Suddenly, the space in front of them was distorted, and a huge tentacle with a weird suction cup appeared out of thin air, directly rolling up the Frost Lord!


The moment he stared at the tentacles, the Frost Lord felt that his whole body was full of madness. At the moment when he was rolled up by the tentacles, he went crazy, and he didn't dare to make any movements at all, and was directly swept into the space. The other end is smashed directly!

The other gods watched this scene, as if they had received a huge impact, their condition was unstable, and mottled corrosion marks began to appear on the surface of their bodies.

The wise sage and the god of craftsman were not in very good condition either. They could only hold on to their bodies and try their best to prevent themselves from collapsing.

But soon, the twisted space appeared again, but this time there were many tentacles extending from it, enough to roll up all the gods and pull them into the space that belonged to him.

The red light flashes, and the spirit dies.

PS: Happy May Day everyone, have you worked today?
(End of this chapter)

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