i created the old gods

Chapter 215 Ragnarok (3)

Chapter 215 Ragnarok ([-])

Thousands of miles away, above the starry sky, countless stars are shining brightly, and the Starry Sky Council is located on a star far away from the Evernight World.

Here, the remaining members of the Starry Sky Parliament suddenly realized that something was not quite right.

At this moment, he could not receive any power of faith!

As we all know, the growth of the Starry Sky Parliament's strength is mainly to use the gods in the mortal world to take a share of the faith they have harvested, so that they, the members of the Starry Sky Parliament, can benefit.

The specific measures to be implemented were naturally formulated by the Chairman of the Starry Sky Parliament. This Chairman can be said to be a genius. When he became a god, he accidentally obtained some of the origins left behind by the Lord of the Star Territory. Force, a contract was made through the power of the source.

The content of the contract is very simple, that is, the Starry Sky Council hires these human gods and asks them to hand over most of the power of faith to the Starry Sky Council, leaving only 5% of the power of faith for themselves.

This contract is directly effective between heaven and earth, and no one in this star field can reverse this except the star field master, so the Starry Sky Council can lie down and earn the power of faith.

As for the question of whether the gods on earth will discover the contract?
If you find it, just kill it directly, let it fall by some kind of 'accident', and then continue to support new gods and continue to harvest faith.

Anyway, there are countless extraordinary people who want to be gods, so if you just support one, it's over?

But now, an accident has occurred. The power of faith that was originally provided every day is now suddenly interrupted. There is only one situation where this problem occurs, and that is that all the gods on earth are dead!

Under normal circumstances, how could it be possible that all the gods on earth would die at the same time?

Even if it's a battle of gods, there should be a winner. What's going on now, there's no one? !

The Starry Sky Parliament has a total of seven members and one chairman. The other six members and the chairman are all looking for various resources in the star field. Therefore, he can only quickly inform them: "Stop wandering in the star field. Don't you have any?" Did you find something big happened?!"

"Come back quickly. All the gods in the world have fallen. Something big may happen. I can't control the field by myself. Please come back quickly!"

His code name is Five. Before joining the Starry Sky Council, he was the God of Light in the First Era. He was the most cautious in dealing with people. When this happens, he still prefers to call everyone back to solve the problem together.

Gou is done.

After notifying all the council members, No. [-] felt relieved, breathed a sigh of relief, and began to secretly watch the situation in the world of eternal night from the stars.

"Huh? What are these green-skinned monsters that appear in the Kingdom of Karl?" No. [-] immediately became confused after catching a glimpse of the Deep Diver, "They seem familiar."

But soon, he seemed to have thought of something, the terror from the First Era, a powerful god from the deep sea.

Immediately, No. [-]'s pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a great sense of fear in his heart, but before he could react further, a hand fell on his shoulder.


No. [-] was shocked and turned around quickly, but saw a very strange face, the owner of that face was smiling at him.

Number [-] immediately took a few steps back, stared at the owner of this face, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?!"

Being able to appear here quietly means that the person in front of you is definitely stronger than yourself, and much stronger.

If this person had attacked me just now, then I would most likely perish!
"Are you asking me?"

The owner of that face smiled and said: "I have many names. Some people call me the Lord of Eternal Night, and some people call me Savindas. But my identity should be summarized as the Lord of the Star Territory."

"Lord of the Star Domain?!"

Number [-] was dumbfounded. In his mind, there was only one star field in this world, so the master of this star field represented
Thinking of this, No. [-] was sweating like rain, but he was not upset by Jingchuan's words. Instead, he pretended to be calm and said: "Lord of the Star Territory? He has fallen long ago. What the hell are you doing?" who is it?!"

"Don't believe it? Don't believe it."

Jingchuan smiled slightly and disappeared directly in front of No. [-]. At the same time, a whisper suddenly sounded in No. [-]'s ears: "After contacting the other people in the Starry Sky Council, your role will be over. One by one It’s quite troublesome to find them on the planet.”

No. [-] was stunned for a moment, and in the next second, an earth-shattering severe pain suddenly appeared from under his feet. He lowered his head in horror, only to find that he was disappearing from his feet!
Seeing this situation, No. [-] finally believed in Jingchuan's identity as the 'Lord of the Star Territory' and immediately said in horror: "Great Lord of the Star Territory, spare me! Spare me! I am willing to be your loyal lackey. , I am willing to serve you as my Lord, I.”

It's just that before he finished speaking, he dissipated directly and turned into a little starlight in the vast galaxy.

As No. [-] disappeared completely, a person who looked exactly like No. [-] suddenly appeared out of thin air, with an indifferent expression and seemingly no emotion.

However, it contains rich energy within its body. Once it detonates, the entire star will be blown up.

This was Jingchuan's little gift to the Starry Sky Council. If the chairman could withstand this blow, it would be worth facing Jingchuan himself.

"Wait, I hope they can come back soon."

In the vast star field, No. [-] and No. [-] of the Star Council followed the chairman of the council. After receiving the message from No. [-], they were stunned for a moment.

No. [-] is the God of Beauty from the Fourth Era. When he heard No. [-]’s summons, he was a little anxious. Next to the Speaker, he whispered: “No. [-], what should we do now?”

Among the seven gods of the Star Council, he is the weakest, so he does not want anything to go wrong.

"Well, we can go back."

The speaker's voice was relatively calm. He had risen from humble beginnings and had gone through many storms, but there were no problems: He possessed part of the original power of the Lord of the Star Territory, so why panic?
The only big storm he experienced was from the Lord of Eternal Night, the god who also controlled part of the original power.

But it’s all meaningless, now He is the winner.

After getting the promise of the chairman of the council, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] quickly approached them, and the six gods returned to the star where the Starry Sky Council was located.

When they saw No. [-] sitting motionless in the conference room, they immediately felt a little baffled.

What the hell is he doing?

The Speaker originally had this idea in mind, but the next moment, he seemed to feel something and said in horror: "Run!"


(End of this chapter)

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