i created the old gods

Chapter 216 Doomsday

Chapter 216 Doomsday

A huge explosion ignited across the entire star, and the violent explosion wave swept away the entire conference room in an instant. The artificial star created by the seven gods of the Star Council collapsed in an instant and turned into a mass of cosmic garbage. drift!
In this violent explosion, No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] tools had turned into dust and fell on the spot, leaving only the embarrassed parliament president struggling to support them.


The Speaker of the Parliament spit out a mouthful of turbid essence. This essence instantly enveloped the Speaker of the Parliament, and immediately turned into a gray escaping light, and began to flee into the distance!

He is not stupid. Encountering an ambush of this level naturally proves that the ambusher's cultivation is definitely not inferior to his own. Now that he is seriously injured, of course he must run away and escape as soon as possible.

However, how could Jingchuan satisfy the Speaker of Parliament?

Jingchuan stood in the starry sky out of thin air, staring at the fleeing parliament president. As soon as he raised his hand, the two stars began to tremble violently, and then he chased after the parliament president!

The speed is simply jaw-dropping, and there is no way for the Speaker to avoid it!


The parliament president's pupils shrank suddenly, and his handsome face was full of ferocious color. Looking at the stars that were gradually approaching, he had chosen to give up. Instead, he gathered all his divine power, held his breath and looked in the direction of Jingchuan.

Before he died, he wanted to know who the one who killed him was!

As for the reason, it is no longer important, whether it is vendetta or resources, even if you know it, it doesn't mean much.

Under the condensation of Zhou Tian's divine power, the parliament president's eyes gradually understood everything, passing through the vast galaxy and reaching the place where Jingchuan was.

However, in the sight of the Speaker, he could not see Jingchuan's face clearly, he could only see the aura lingering around him.

There are all kinds of auras, but in Jingchuan's body, there is only one aura that the parliament speaker is familiar with.

"Lord of Eternal Night?!"

His eyes were full of astonishment and unwillingness. He didn't know how the Lord of Eternal Night, who had fallen several epochs ago, came back from the dead!


But everything was meaningless. With an earth-shattering explosion, everything came to an end. The nominally strongest person in the Star Territory, the Chairman of the Starry Sky Parliament, and the God-King of the First Era had since fallen.

Along with the destruction of the Starry Sky Council, there were three stars that played no role in the universe.

After the death of the Council Chairman, the source of the star field contained in his body was floating in the universe. Jingchuan stretched out his hand, and the source immediately returned to Jingchuan's hand and surrounded him.

However, this source was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually it was all absorbed into Jingchuan's body.

Unlike the Chairman of the Council, who uses this source as a vessel, which is essentially an external object, Jingchuan absorbs it from within and uses it for his own use.

Only the Lord of the Star Territory can absorb the origin of the Star Territory, there is no doubt about this.

"Most of the origins of the Lord of this Star Territory were lost with the fall of the main body, and only a few were left. One was taken by the Lord of Eternal Night, and later became the basis for me to travel between the two worlds, but one was taken by this meeting. The growth has become the capital for His growth, and most of the rest has been turned into the nutrients of this world, nurturing all living things."

Thinking of this, Jingchuan sighed leisurely and murmured: "If we give him a few more eras, I'm afraid he will be qualified to become the master of this star field, and then the earth will be in trouble."

But now it’s all nonsense.

Because the chairman of the conference is dead, there is no possibility of threatening the earth now.

However, the death of the chairman of the conference does not mean that this star field is officially under Jing Chuan's command.

There is another crucial point, get rid of the self-generated world will of the eternal night world!
As a loser, the earth's will can be reincarnated in dirty earth, and the world's will of the eternal night world can naturally be reincarnated in dirty earth, but this dirty earth reincarnation is not as successful as the earth's will.

Relatively speaking, the world will of the Eternal Night World is more like a system. It is not a living being in essence, otherwise it would not be contracted by the parliament president with part of the star domain origin.

Jingchuan flashed back to the world of Yongye with a thought. Seeing that the world was now riddled with holes by the deep divers, Jingchuan felt that it was time for the Church of Yongye to come forward and deal with all this.

At the same time, he also annexed the systematic world will, formally took control of this intelligent planet, and transformed himself from 1 to 2.

However, the world of Evernight is now under invasion from outside, and the systematic will of the world has also made certain changes. It actually gave birth to a 'brave'!
In other words, it is the Son of Destiny. The systematic will of the world places its hope on this Son of Destiny, allowing him to expel everything and save this devastated world.

But it's not a big problem, Jing Chuan feels that this wave is very stable, so he can do it directly.

The heavy snow is flying like catkins flying.

It was winter in a blink of an eye, and it had been three months since the green devil crawled out of the ocean.

Gendry VII had been having a hard time these past three months.

The entire Kingdom of Karl has been lost, and only the capital is still struggling to support itself. The entire coastline, whether it is Fathi or the grassland countries, has been attacked from the deep sea.

The number of those monsters seemed to be endless. What was even more frightening was that among those monsters, there were also some terrifying creatures named 'Dagon', whose strength was comparable to that of demigods. Angels from major churches also suffered heavy casualties in the battles with them.

Today, the city of Missi, the kingdom of Karl, is filled with flags, including those with lion heads on a red background, silver-gray running wolves, eagles with spread wings, and galloping horses.
They are reinforcements from various countries and extraordinary beings with extraordinary strength. They gather here, in Missi City, to concentrate all their strength to resist the invading monsters.

Missi City is the only hope for mankind at present. A large army of monsters surrounds this place, and it seems that they will not give up until Missi City is conquered.

And the surrounding countries also know that if Missi City is destroyed, the Kingdom of Karl will be destroyed, and the monster army will be free to start crazy attacks on other countries.

Instead of fighting the decisive battle on our own land, it would be better to fight it in the Kingdom of Karl.

Therefore, Misi City continues to expand, and now it has become a qualified fortress-like copper wall with iron walls, with as many as 800 million human soldiers, and the number of extraordinary beings is approaching [-]. This is an unprecedented move in the world of eternal night!

In the past, wars between human countries have always involved tens of thousands of people. A battle involving more than 50 troops would be a big battle. Once the total troops of both sides reach [-], it will definitely be a battle that will be recorded in history.

But now, the number of soldiers gathered in Missi City is as high as 800 million!

Ahem, in fact, there are only just over 60 of them who can truly be called professional soldiers. The remaining more than 700 million soldiers are all made up of raw materials. A long knife is the "replenishment personnel" of the soldiers.

There is no way, there are endless monsters. If you rely solely on 60 professional soldiers from various countries, you will not be able to cause much resistance to these monsters. Only when the number of people is increased can you fight.

Moreover, other countries such as France, Luan and other countries are still recruiting soldiers, and after recruiting them, they will be sent to Carl.

What?Training soldiers' fighting skills?
Let them learn with real swords and guns on the battlefield. Those who are alive are the elite, and those who are dead are worthless.

Gendry VII stood on the broken city wall. The snowflakes had diluted the smell of blood on the city wall, but Gendry VII ignored the blooming snowflakes at all. Instead, he looked into the distance. The green-skinned monsters could be seen in the distance. The name of the soldiers, Green Devil.

"Your Majesty the King, the situation on the field is critical, please"

An officer who looked like a general rushed over in a hurry and admonished Gendry VII. However, Gendry VII shook his head, stopped his next words, and said directly: "When did the monster stop attacking? There are still people on the wall. How many archers, how many musketeers, and how many cannonballs are there?”

"Reporting to your majesty, the monsters stopped attacking about a day ago and instead surrounded us like this."

The general was stunned for a moment, and after taking a breath, he responded, "At present, we still have 25 cannons, [-] archers, and [-] musketeers on the city wall."

"One more thing, Your Majesty, according to the plan you and the cabinet made, General Kyle's Pioneer Knights and the barbarians in the grassland attacked the monsters together, and the entire army was annihilated."

Gendry VII nodded slightly, and he could accept this result. The Pioneer Knights and Prairie Barbarian Cavalry were originally sent to deliver them, and Gendry VII just hoped that a few of them could escape and call more people over.

Now, most of the troops are gathered on the other side of Missi City, fighting the monsters head-on. Missi City is mainly defensive, with an endless supply of 'high-tech' equipment such as artillery and muskets.

In each army, those low-level and intermediate-level extraordinary beings are placed in them, responsible for managing ordinary people.

As for why senior extraordinary beings and angels don’t participate in the war?

The reason is simple. The angels have suffered heavy casualties in the first month, and now there are only five angels left barely protecting Missi City.More importantly, they discovered that as long as angels do not participate in the war, the monsters named "Dagon" among the monsters will not participate in the war. Once angels participate in the war, the number of "Dagon" will far exceed the number of angels participating in the war. .

As far as humans are concerned, those angels participating in the war are worse than not participating in the war.


Gendry VII sighed deeply, looked up at the sky, there was not only some melancholy in his eyes.

He really couldn't figure out why on the day before March, all the gods in the sky suddenly lost their senses, as if they had never existed.

Not long ago, there was an inexplicable explosion in the sky, which made people panic even more.

Gendry VII felt that he was too useless as a king.

Is it really going to be the end of the world?

Gendry VII sighed. He remembered the dream he had been having a few days ago. In the dream, in a village on the border between Fathi and Karl, there was a destined hero. Only he could solve this crisis.

One could have been a coincidence, but Gendry VII had had the same dream several times.

Gendry VII was an extraordinary person who was no less than an angel, so he chose to believe it and sent troops to break out again and again, just to find the destined hero and save the world.

However, more than half a month had passed, and there was still no news. Gendry VII had to wait over and over again to see if there would be any new dreams.


Suddenly, loud noises were heard, disrupting Gendry VII's thoughts. Gendry VII hurriedly looked around, only to find that under the city wall, various monsters with snarling teeth and claws gathered there, attacking the city wall from time to time!


A huge crocodile-like creature sprang out from the pile of monsters in the distance. His eyes exuded a magical red light, and his long claws were embedded in the ground like barbs. He stepped on countless green monster corpses and started to take a step forward. Climbing up the city wall, Gendry VII couldn't help but feel cold!
What is that? I haven’t seen it in three months!

Gendry VII's face changed in panic. Although the strength of this giant crocodile-like creature was not at the angel level, it was many times more powerful than an ordinary transcendent!
If the high-level transcendent does not participate in the battle, it will probably cost a lot to destroy this monster!

"Quick, stop them!"

Gendry VII shouted loudly, and the surrounding soldiers immediately jumped into the battle, shooting arrows like rain at the monsters under the city!
He could clearly see the fearful expressions on the soldiers on the wall.

Gendry VII could only take a deep breath, and began to command: "Musketeers, artillery, bomb that crocodile monster!"

One after another, the muskets were placed on the city wall. When the projectiles were filled, a crisp sound sounded. The deep divers under the city were hit instantly, killing and injuring several.

The defense of crudely made deep divers is naturally not as good as that of normal deep divers, but the reason is that they are large in size.


The artillery was also fired successfully, and it hit the crocodile monster accurately, but the crocodile monster didn't feel any pain, as if it hadn't suffered any attack, and continued to attack the city wall ferociously!

Almost in a few seconds, the crocodile monster climbed up the city wall, raised its claws high, and quickly fell down, crushing many soldiers into meat in an instant, making Gendry VII feel the seriousness of the matter.

Several ordinary extraordinary beings tried to rush up to kill it, but they all came to die and were killed by the crocodile within a few breaths.

Gendry VII knew that if he didn't take action, he would probably be doomed!
As a result, Gendry VII quickly climbed along the front paws of the huge crocodile monster towards the neck, forming an extremely powerful pressure around him. Immediately after the sword was unsheathed, it reached its peak!

The moment he raised his hand, the power representing the royal power surged, instantly tearing apart the scales of the huge crocodile monster and slashing towards its neck.

The power of royal power roared into the sky with unparalleled pressure. It roared and stirred up, and the entire city wall was eclipsed by it.

It seems that there is only this endless sword light left under the sky!


The blood of the huge crocodile spurted out, and the huge monster was split in half by Gendry VII.

At the same time, two black shadows suddenly appeared from the camp of deep divers, they were exactly two Dagons!
Gendry VII knew that he was in big trouble.

He clenched the sword in his hand and looked sternly at Dagon, who was rushing towards him. He took a deep breath and was about to fight to the death. However, he did not expect that a divine light suddenly fell from the horizon, and the two giants Dagon disappeared in an instant.

And the deep divers also began to recede like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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