i created the old gods

Chapter 217 Eternal Night Empire

Chapter 217 Eternal Night Empire
While the Deep Diver army besieged the city of Missi, a drastic change occurred in the Kingdom of Fathi.

Earl Karen, who was originally cowardly in the Kingdom of Fathi and was played around by others among the nobles, suddenly overthrew the rule of the Kingdom of Fathi with the support of the Church of Eternal Night. An angel personally crowned Earl Cabalon. Build the Eternal Night Empire!

At the same time, the Church of Eternal Night announced that the emperor of the empire would also become the pope of the church. In the territory of Eternal Night, faith and kingship were absolutely unified.

This news that was supposed to shock the world did not detonate the whole world, because the countries did not receive the news at all, and were still discussing how to resist the invasion of green-skinned monsters in Missi City and the issue of the Destined Heroes.

Not only Gendry VII, but almost all the kings and popes on this continent have dreamed of the legend of the destined hero who saves the world.

One person's dream may be just a coincidence, while a group of people's dream may be an oracle.

Therefore, all countries are trying their best to find the destined hero on the border of Fathi, hoping that a hero who can save the world will appear. However...
But this "Hero of Destiny" is deliberately hiding from the various countries to find his envoy, and his performance is a bit ordinary.

The village chief, Raleigh, couldn't help but sigh again and again as he looked at the handsome young man wearing armor and full of energy in front of him.

This handsome young man's name is Walter, and he is the brave man that people say by word of mouth.

Three months ago, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky and landed in Walter's home. From then on, Walter was no longer ordinary. Everyone thought that Walter was the savior who could save the world.

In the early days, Walter led the villagers to defeat the invading green-skinned monsters. His sharp sword was indestructible, and his eyes were like torches that could penetrate all evil.

Originally, the village head of Raleigh was ecstatic, thinking that the world and the village would be saved.

But as time went by, Walter, who was hailed as the 'savior' by all the villagers, changed somewhat.

The mayor of Raleigh knew when Walter began to change.

Two months ago, Walter went out to crusade against a monster that came out to cause trouble during a monster attack, and fought fiercely with it. Although the monster's head was finally beheaded, Walter almost died.

That was the first setback and the first strong enemy that Walt encountered, but this small setback did not make Walt continue to move forward bravely, but made him timid.

A month and a half ago, another crocodile-like beast appeared in the north of the village. If it was the original Walter, he would have been happy to go there. But at that time, Walter refused and said, "If everyone is not as good as the north, it will be fine." Words like
A month ago, the neighboring village was attacked by green-skinned monsters, and Walter said that the incident in the neighboring village had nothing to do with me.

A compulsory conscription order was issued by the Fatesi Kingdom, and all the young men in the village were taken away and sent to the army, but Walter sat back and ignored it. They only got into a dispute when they wanted to force Walter into the army.

Afterwards, Walter explained, 'It's not convenient for me to interfere in national affairs.'

In addition, Walter often bullies men and women in the village, refuses to pay for restaurants, and breaks into other people's homes. He is really the tyrant in the village.

But now no one dares to mess with him. Who makes him the "savior" certified by destiny and justly named?

However, the village head of Raleigh has nothing to do now. All the strong men in the village have been recruited by the army. Only Walter is able to move in the village, so he can only invite Walter to come.

"Walter, Aunt Nari's granddaughter Tina in the village was playing in front of her house last night and disappeared this morning. We have searched all over the village. Can you help us look for her?"

Walter raised his head and glanced at Mayor Raleigh, his eyes widened, as if he felt a little unbelievable: "Village Chief, it's so dangerous outside now. I think Tina is already dead, right?"

After that, Walter ignored Mayor Raleigh's eyes and continued to speak: "For the sake of safety, I suggest everyone not to go out and stay at home. This way everything will be solved!"

Mayor Raleigh's lips trembled slightly, but in the end he said nothing.

Before Walter became the so-called 'savior', he was just a poor boy. Aunt Nari helped him live and took him home to eat.

Now that Aunt Nari's granddaughter Tina is missing, this "savior" who has been under the care of Aunt Narui for several years has such a mentality? !

Looking at Walter's leaving figure, the village chief of Raleigh could only sigh that people's hearts are evil.


Suddenly, there was the sound of galloping horseshoes outside the door, and Village Chief Raleigh's expression changed immediately, as if he was facing an enemy.

In this remote and remote area, even if there were horses, there were only a few at most, so there was no way such a huge sound of horse hooves could be heard!

The village chief of Raleigh still remembers the last time the sound of horse hooves sounded in the village. It was the time when the Fathsi Kingdom's military recruitment edict was issued, and the troops came to the village to recruit troops!

They came only half a month ago, why are they here again? !
Village Chief Raleigh was surprised, quickly put on his shoes and hats, and walked towards the center of the village to meet the cavalry there.

The villagers also heard the unmistakable sound of horse hooves. The women hid in their homes, hiding the eight or nine-year-old boys, trying to prevent the soldiers from finding them.

In their opinion, these soldiers came here to recruit soldiers. This time, even their children might be recruited to fight with those monsters.

Walter yawned, squinted his eyes, and leaned against the window, looking at the situation outside without any worries in his heart.

Who is he?He is the savior appointed by the gods, the king of this world, and an invincible existence. He doesn't take those soldiers seriously at all.

If he didn't have to rely on those soldiers to resist those green-skinned monsters, he even wanted to kill those soldiers directly.


"Ta-ta! Ta-ta! Ta-ta-!!!"

The sound of horse hooves got louder and louder from far to near, and the whole earth was shaking. Village leader Raleigh froze on the spot with fear on his face, and Walter, who was leaning against the window, was also shocked!

Such a huge sound of horseshoes and such a powerful vibration could not be the cavalry squad that came to recruit troops before, this is the Knights!Only the Knights can appear on such a scale!

Walter's expression became serious. He quickly ran out of the house and looked into the distance. Through the layers of forest, he saw a huge team that he had never seen before!
Thousands, no, tens of thousands of cavalry wearing silver robes and armor passed the hills. Among the cavalry, there were sometimes missionaries wearing black robes. The starry sky and the bright stars!

What kind of army is this and why have I never seen it before?
Walter racked his brains in his mind, but he couldn't figure out what the flag meant.

But Walter can be sure that this is definitely not the army of the Fathi Kingdom.

The military flag of the Fathi Kingdom is a griffin with wings spread. That is the military flag of the Fathi Kingdom. The current starry sky flag is unfamiliar to Walt.

This is a remote country with no knowledge and education at all. Moreover, the Yongye Church has mainly started in big cities in the past few years. Beliefs such as wise sages and thunder lords are also spread in border villages. I wonder if the Yongye Church is also normal. .

"The village chief of Raleigh is a large cavalry unit, with at least tens of thousands of people." Walter said while watching.

Walter is the 'savior' and has the ability to see the cavalry team through the forest, but the village chief of Raleigh can't see anything at all. When he heard Walter say this, he was immediately startled and said: "Is it aimed at Are you from our village?”

The village chief of Luoli was very nervous, "Hey, obediently, there are tens of thousands of people, what can we do?" !

When Walter heard this, he laughed loudly and said, "Don't worry, this unit is probably going to fight. It will be fine if it passes by us."

Walter continued to watch the march of the army. Unexpectedly, someone in the army seemed to have discovered something and noticed Walter's prying eyes.

Soon, a small part of the cavalry team dispersed and formed a cavalry regiment of more than [-] people, charging in the direction of Walter!

Walter was looking at the large army, trying to find the general of this army. He didn't even notice that 300 people quietly left the team and came towards him.

"Where did the wizard come from and dared to spy on the army?!"

Suddenly, an ear-splitting shout sounded in Walter's ears, causing Walter's ears to hurt. Before Walter could react, the knight rushed towards Walter!
"Can a mortal be my opponent?"

Walter did not take the charging knight seriously for a moment. He was about to draw his sword and kill all the offenders when he suddenly realized that the knight was already close in front of him!


The lance directly inserted into Walter, picked it up with force, and instantly pierced Walter's chest and heart!
Walter, the destined hero who thought he was the 'savior', died completely like this.

Raleigh, who stood there and witnessed the whole scene, was so shocked that he could not express it in words. He could only kneel on the ground, trembling, and did not dare to look directly at the 300-man cavalry team.

The little leader of the cavalry troop rode up to Raleigh, pointed his whip at him, and said, "Starting from today, this village will hang the Starry Sky Flag, do you understand?"

Before Raleigh could react, the officer shouted loudly: "King Fatesi is innocent and has been beheaded by my king. His head is hung on the wall of Nantes. Our king has ascended the throne and the founding of our country will last forever. The king is crowned, and from then on, you are residents of the Eternal Night Empire."

After saying that, the officer turned around and called on the soldiers to start retreating to keep up with the large army and head to the new battlefield together.

The soldiers of the Evernight Empire were divided into two groups. Some soldiers went to clean up the deep divers on the coastline, while the other soldiers went to 'conquer' the city-state.

Rather than fighting against deep divers, soldiers prefer fighting humans.

There is no way, human beings are sometimes so bully and afraid of the strong.

When fighting against the deep divers, I am obedient, and when fighting against the human defenders, I strike hard!

Raleigh looked at the galloping cavalry, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

He didn't have any sense of mourning for the fall of the Fatesi Kingdom, and he didn't feel any joy about the establishment of the Eternal Night Empire.

There are only two words in his mind now, confused.

He felt very confused. The way forward was confused and uncertain. He couldn't figure out what his future would be.
This is not just Raleigh’s own opinion, it is the opinion of most residents under the Eternal Night Empire.

The future is uncertain.

With the establishment of the Evernight Empire and the speed with which it dispatched troops, the territory of the original Fatesi Kingdom was quickly wiped out, and there was only one voice left in the country, and that was the Evernight Church.

Emperor Yongye, the former Earl of Kabarun of the Fatesi Kingdom, sat on the throne, looking at his own territory, sighing deeply, and couldn't help but feel that the world is a bit unbelievable, like a dream.

A few years ago, he was just an ordinary nobleman. Although he was called an earl, he was not very impressive in Nantes.

The reason why he believes in the Lord of Eternal Night is entirely because he intends to cultivate a 'cult' so that he can secretly collect money and subsidize his family: the noble family has no food left.

But he never expected that his unintentional act of greed would lead to him ascending to the throne and becoming the master of this country!

He is the emperor of the Evernight Empire and the pope of the Evernight Church.

Now he has great power, but he knows that he has made certain sacrifices in doing so.

In this country where faith and royal power are combined into one, once the emperor dies, the church will re-elect a new emperor and pope. This country is not a country with one surname.

The emperor's descendants can only be hereditary princes, and only one descendant can be hereditary prince, and the remaining children cannot even be barons.

Moreover, in the Church of Eternal Night, the pope and the archbishop have the same authority, but their status is different. The pope cannot remove the bishop or any clergy above the bishop at will.

Generally speaking, the emperor of the Eternal Night Empire can only manage ordinary people, and nominally bears the title of Pope of the Eternal Night Church. Matters in the world of extraordinary beings are still managed by the Archbishop's Council.

But it doesn't matter. Cabalon never thought that he could become the emperor. After his death, it would be bad luck for his descendants to inherit the title of prince.


A cold female voice sounded in Kabalun's ears, the voice was full of the breath of death, and the new emperor who ascended the throne quickly stood up from the throne and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please give me your orders. "

No matter how powerful Kabaron is now, he always knows one thing.

That is, the entire Imperial Church serves the great Lord of Eternal Night. If the Lord of Eternal Night abandons him, then everything will leave him.

Kabalun naturally knew that the person speaking was the Angel of Death under the Lord of Eternal Night, who was in charge of the underworld, reincarnation, and life and death.

"Send troops to Missi City immediately to attack the deep divers gathered there."

The voice of the Death Angel was still cold: "The great Lord will personally deal with the invading monsters. By then, the entire continent will belong to the empire. Be prepared. The Lord does not want trouble to occur at that time!"

The voice echoed in Cabalon's ears. When Cabalon heard 'the whole continent belongs to the empire', his heart beat wildly and his hands trembled with excitement. He put his forehead on the cold floor and said respectfully: " I will definitely follow the angel’s guidance and prepare well!”

(End of this chapter)

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