Chapter 218 End
Since the appearance of the giant crocodile creature, Missi City has been holding firm for more than a month. These days, Gendry VII and the remaining angels patrol the city walls in rotation every day, for fear that another giant crocodile will appear again.

It's easy to say that there are two 'Dagons', but once that kind of crocodile monster appears like a 'siege weapon', the consequences will be unimaginable, and the city of Misi will surely perish.

Gendry VII didn't want to die, nor did he want the Kingdom of Kal to be destroyed.

Gendry VII will always have some feelings for the dynasty that has ruled for more than 600 years, and he doesn't really want it to perish in front of him.

Gendry VII stood on the majestic city wall, looked at the patrolling soldiers everywhere, sighed deeply, and felt a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

Missi City seems to be impregnable. It has held firm for more than four months since the monsters attacked the city. It is the last bastion of hope for mankind, but Gendry VII and the angels know in their hearts that this is not the case at all.

The patrolling soldiers are all paper tigers, and they are useless. If those monsters really attack the city in one go, then Missi City will be able to sustain it for ten days, and it is impossible to last longer.

In recent days, Gendry VII has also gradually felt the aura appearing on the coast, an aura that can make people feel desperate just by feeling it!

That aura was full of despair, madness, and terror. Gendry VII was certain that if he sensed that aura at close range, he would definitely go crazy!
There is no doubt about this. Gendry VII himself is very capable and knows how much he weighs.

What made Gendry VII even more desperate was that the owner of this aura was slowly approaching Missi City. According to predictions at this speed, Missi City could hold on for at most two months.

Two months later, Missi City will suffer a devastating blow, and the last bastion of mankind will no longer exist.

"Two months, it's the last free time."

Gendry VII murmured to himself that he would not have the courage to fight the owner of the breath in two months. He had a vague feeling that the owner of the breath was most likely the culprit that caused the disappearance of the gods.

He has only one plan now, and that is to have a good time eating, drinking and having fun in the next two months. When the owner of that aura arrives in Missi City, he will abandon the country and run away.

Run as far as you can without any hesitation.

Although the Kingdom of Karl has an extraordinary status in his heart, compared with his own wealth and life, it is still a bit stretched.

"Your Majesty St. Joda, the current situation"

Gendry VII casually talked to the angel next to him who was from the Church of the God of War. Suddenly, he suddenly felt that the aura carrying despair and terror was moving rapidly in his direction, and his face suddenly changed!
And the Angel of the God of War Church named 'Joda' was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but angrily scolded in a low voice: "Damn it, he is here!"

Although this Angel of the God of War Church named 'Jorda' is also an angel, he is completely different from the Angel of Death Hela and the Angel of Power Hercules.

Hela and Hercules are both gods. Hercules' current strength is almost the same as that of the Lord of War, and Hela is even comparable to a member of the Starry Sky Parliament. And this Jodha Angel... Well, to put it bluntly, he is a high-level supernatural being. By.

When the terrifying aura from the deep sea appeared, the expression of Joda Angel was almost the same as that of Gendry VII. They were both fighting, almost wanting to run away first.

"I'm going to run away first, Your Majesty Gendry. See you again when we have a chance!"

Qiao Da was about to take off and fly away from Missi City when he suddenly felt something was wrong with his breath.

Gendry VII also felt the strangeness of the breath, although it was still full of death, madness and fear, but this time the breath was obviously a little bumpy.

There can only be one reason for such a breath. He is at war!

Jodha and Gendry VII both had surprised looks in their eyes.

Who else in this world can fight the monster leader?

At present, the countries of the world and the church are temporarily unable to contact the gods during their external publicity, but every angel and every high-level transcendent understands that those gods have fallen and it is impossible for them to receive any reply.

Therefore, in their opinion, only by finding the 'Destined Hero' who has been repeating his dreams, can the world have hope of safety, but now...
Someone is actually fighting the monster leader? !
Gendry VII looked slightly pleased: "Is it the destined hero who appeared in the dream? No, he came to destroy the source of the monsters?"

Joda also felt happy when he heard Gendry VII say this.

If the 'Destined Heroes' destroy the monsters, then these high-level extraordinary beings will be the gods of the future!
After the gods fall, new gods will inevitably rise, and the ones who are easiest to rise are angels and high-level transcendent beings like them!

"Da da. Da da"

The sound of horse hooves and the sound of horses sounded around, and then Gendry VII discovered that a large group of cavalry carrying star flags appeared outside the monster and were launching an attack on the monster group.

The general of this cavalry unit charged forward, holding a lance, and shouted arrogantly at the deep divers: "Forever Ye, charge for the victory of mankind!"

"Eternal Night is above us, we will win!"

As a large number of cavalry launched a charge, the war horses violently collided with the deep divers. The horses were instantly shaken by the heavy recoil and their center of gravity was unstable. The cavalry were overturned by the impact and fell under the horses, while the deep divers were also hit by the horses. The powerful impact caused his internal organs to rupture, and he vomited blood and died.

Large streams of blood were scattered in the air and spattered on the armor. The cavalry fell from their horses and fell to the ground. They were either crushed or trampled to death by their own horses. It was a tragic moment.The battlefield was suddenly filled with shouts, the screams of war horses, and corpses all over the ground. Blood gathered into small puddles, making people shudder.

Gendry VII stood on the city wall, looking at the monster army that was broken through by the cavalry, and at the deep divers whose reaction speed had dropped significantly. He immediately understood the situation and commanded: "The time has come, get out of the city and attack the monsters from both sides!"

"Archers and musketeers, suppress the monsters in the rear first, don't let them support the front!"

Gendry VII gave an order, and the archers instantly drew their bows like the moon. The moment the bow strings were loosened, a heavy rain of arrows instantly shot towards the formation of the deep divers.

The Musketeers are a bit awkward: their distance is limited and their lethality is not very high.

After several rounds of projectiles, a large number of infantry suddenly emerged from the city and began to attack the deep divers. However, the deep divers were beaten back and began to flee.

Mortal battles are fruitful, but Gendry VII knows that the factor that determines victory is not the mortal weapons, but the war of the gods!
What can really determine the success or failure of mankind is the owner of the terrifying aura and the opponent he is fighting!
Otherwise, even if they kill all the deep divers today, more deep divers will come to Simi City tomorrow, endlessly.

Just as Gendry VII said, at this time, the entire sky has become gloomy, and a sense of oppression of black clouds overwhelming the city descends on the city of Missy, and the color of the entire sky gradually turns towards a different kind of fear Feeling changes!

Gendry VII couldn't help breathing quickly: Did he lose? !
At this moment, a thunder sounded in the sky, breaking the calm. Immediately afterwards, the panic began to dissipate quickly, and a green moon was majestically embedded in the sky, shining peacefully.

Everyone's hearts began to calm down, and the deep divers who were fighting on the battlefield suddenly stopped moving, as if they were sensed by everything, and began to retreat across the board, towards the ocean.

"We are victorious!"

On the battlefield, someone shouted first, and then, the entire battlefield burst into earth-shattering cheers.

Gendry VII and Angel Joda looked at the green moon hanging in the sky, looking at the green moon side by side with the sun. They were a little uncomfortable with it, but they also understood what it meant.

Gendry VII took a breath and slowly said: "The Lord of Eternal Night, it is the great Lord of Eternal Night who saved the world."

Although the Eternal Night Church is working hard to grow and has accepted and inherited the Moon God Church, in fact, before the deep divers attacked humans, there were very few people who believed in the Lord of Eternal Night.

To give a simple example, when the food delivery market is occupied by the Yellow Army and the Blue Army, is it difficult for new food delivery software to rise?
Eternal Night Church is the new takeout software.

Not only is the reputation low, but there is no coupon promotion, just working hard in the one-third of an acre of land.

Ordinary people don't know, but as the king of the Kingdom of Cal and a high-level transcendent, Gendry VII certainly knows about the establishment of the Church of Evernight.

After all, even an extraordinary person would be curious about digging a wall between the Thunder Church and the Yanyu Church, and there is no obvious conflict between the two.

However, Gendry VII has always regarded the Lord of Eternal Night as a new god, but he did not expect that the disaster of world destruction would be solved by the Lord of Eternal Night.

"Times have changed. This Lord of Eternal Night will probably be the number one god in the world."

Angel Joda sighed: "Perhaps we can call him the omniscient and omnipotent God King according to the name of the First Era."

When there is only one god left in the world, then this god will be revered as the omniscient and omnipotent God-King, just like the chairman of the Starry Sky Parliament.

Gendry VII and Angel Joda were chatting without a word. Not long after, they felt a strong sense of death coming to the sky above them.

This powerful aura chilled Gendry VII and Archangel Joda, and they both bowed and said, "I have seen His Majesty the Lord of Eternal Night!"

"I am not the crown prince, I am the angel under the crown crown of Yongye, Hela."

Hela's figure slowly appeared in the sky above Missi City. His exquisite and beautiful face was full of indifference. An invisible light appeared on his body. The people in the city worshiped him one after another and regarded him as a true god.


Joda instantly felt a sense of bitterness and jaw-dropping shock.

The intimidating power Hela gave to Joda made him feel deep pressure. Even the Lord of War had never brought such huge pressure to him!

Gendry VII was even more frightened and had a trace of self-doubt.

Are all angels so strong? Why do I feel that Jodha is just average, not to mention those angels who died in battle? Is it because I am too self-righteous, and my ability is actually not as good as theirs?
The dream of Gendry VII, who originally dreamed of a true god, was shattered in an instant. Now he is not even comparable to an angel, and the true god is even further out of reach.

Seeing that the only two high-level transcendental beings at this stage had a surrender attitude, Hela was extremely satisfied, nodded slightly, and said in a tone that could not be refused: "From now on, all churches will be deposed, and the Eternal Night Church will be the orthodox church, and the other churches will For a cult.”

"Understood." Gendry VII and Jodha replied at the same time.

Anyway, those churches now exist in name only, and most of the fanatics have died in battles with monsters. It is certain to promote the belief of the Lord of Eternal Night.

Seeing that the two agreed, Hela added: "My Lord has sealed the terrifying existence that once dominated the entire star field in the ancient times on the bottom of the sea. In order to prevent it from coming back in the future, His Majesty Yong Ye has specially ordered me to promote the unification of the continent. From now on, the Karl Kingdom will be merged into the Yongye Empire, do you have any objections?"

This sentence shocked Gendry VII and Joda!
Sealed to the bottom of the sea?Could it be that the Lord of Eternal Night couldn't kill that monster, but could only seal him to the bottom of the sea?The Lord of Eternal Night did not show up, only this angel appeared, could it be because he was injured during the battle?
Qiao Da thought wildly for a while and felt very heavy. He immediately raised his hand and promised: "Your Majesty, Qiao Da is willing to submit to the Yong Ye Empire and serve the great Yong Ye Crown Prince!"

Hela nodded and smiled: "But you are the ninth saint."

And Gendry VII's current mood is like a landslide.

He didn't like to be someone else's dog, so he founded the Kingdom of Karl, pretending to be seven generations, and ruling seven generations. The feeling of having great power was very useful to Gendry.

Now the Lord of Eternal Night actually wants to annex the Kingdom of Karl and integrate all the countries into one country? !

Gendry VII took a deep breath and carefully asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, is there any misunderstanding in this? I think the current situation of the Kingdom of Cal is good. If the Old Dominator revives, I can lead the Kingdom of Cal to resist. .”

Before he finished speaking, Gendry VII suddenly felt his consciousness begin to dissipate. He immediately realized that something was wrong, and was about to give in, but he could never speak again.

Hela looked calmly at Gendry VII who disappeared into the air, without any expression.

If you don't agree, just kill him. Don't let this hinder His Majesty's plan!
Qiao Da felt a chill in his heart, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to express anything.

A few days later, the Karl Kingdom was restored, and the Evernight Empire annexed the Karl Kingdom. A few days later, the grassland came to surrender.

With the power of great victory, the Eternal Night Empire conquered various countries. Due to the lack of help from extraordinary people, the various countries retreated steadily. In only four months, the Eternal Night Empire came to rule the entire continent.

Jingchuan, who was above the clouds, yawned, looked at Laleye under the deep sea, and said with a smile: "I will leave this planet to you. You are the ruler of the old days and the deepest nightmare in this world. Likewise. , you are also the patron saint of this star field."

"My journey is not here, I am going back to Earth."

PS1: Please vote for me, friends.

PS2: Sorry, the paper is too difficult to write, so I have to take a day off tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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