Chapter 219
Midsummer is scorching, the sun is high in the sky, the east wind is blowing, and the willow leaves are like catkins, just like the wind.

More than nine months have passed since the dream incident at the New York Airport in the United States. During these nine months, there have been minor incidents, but overall it has been peaceful.

In the past nine months, the world situation has been unpredictable, and the Destroyer has kept a low profile. Only the occasional bad news about the Destroyer can divert people's attention and remind people that there is such an organization.

The Eternal Night Church in the United States began a large-scale crackdown on cultists and carried out crazy attacks on lunatics who believed in the Spider God. However, each time the effect was not considered successful, and there were great hidden dangers.

And every time, the people who believe in the Spider God are struggling. Now, those madmen who believe in the Spider God are like scabies, endangering the safety of the people of America.

The followers of the Spider God understood and established an organization called "Dreamland". The members called themselves "Dream Messengers" and the leader was named Jack.

In Europe, the Thunder Church in Northern Europe encountered big troubles in its development. After expanding to the vicinity of Central Europe, the faith was unable to continue to expand and could only continue to consolidate its own circle.

The main reason that prevents the Thunder Church from continuing to expand is the magic academy that Merlin wants to establish.

Although this so-called magic academy has not yet opened, and European countries are still arguing about it, the emergence of the magic academy has undoubtedly broken the monopoly of the church of gods on the extraordinary system, allowing ordinary people to obtain extraordinary abilities without believing in gods.

In Asia, China officially established the Kunlun Mountain Monks Association. When this organization was established, the world trembled.

The Kunlun Mountain Monk Association is extremely mysterious, and countless countries want to find out, but no news has ever come out.

Only Jingchuan knows that this so-called Kunlun Mountain Monk Association actually has nothing, it is just pretending, it can be said that it is a behind-the-scenes flow.

Another extraordinary force in Asia is the Sengen Shrine, where the shrine maiden has attracted tens of millions of believers. It is said that there is a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes among the shrine, who is very powerful.

News about the one-eyed giant comes from Africa from time to time. People from all over the world swear that they have seen dragons, skeletons, and demons. In particular, a black guy in California, USA, claims to have received the inheritance of the Lord of Fire and can control it. flame.

As a result, for some unknown reason, it went viral on the American Internet. This attracted the attention of the FBI, who then personally visited the site. The black guy gave the FBI a unique skill in 'manipulating flames'.

Under the watchful eyes of FBI agents and local government officials, the black boy raised his buttocks and lit the lighter while farting. Then the lighter exploded and he is still lying in the hospital undergoing suturing surgery.

This is simply a reward for confusing human behavior.

As there are more and more virtual things, occasionally mixed with a few real things, the whole world is suddenly confusing, and the fog of extraordinary events is getting deeper and deeper.

In the streets of London, Serena stood on the street, looking blankly at the streets that had returned to their former bustle, frowning slightly, and sighed.

Nine months ago, she met the wizard Edward at the New York Airport. With the help of Edward's identity, Serena was able to leave New York as early as possible without being able to directly encounter the Spider God. Afterwards, she felt extremely melancholy and confused about this incident. Rejoice.

After she and Edward arrived in London by plane, Edward accepted her as a student and began to teach some simple knowledge about magic before the start of the magic academy, so that Serena could control magic as soon as possible so that she could become a star after the magic academy was established.

In the past nine months, as Merlin, Edward and other magicians from the 'ancient' era have gradually recovered, their strength has also begun to gradually recover. Edward and other magicians from the ancient era have completely recovered to the state before falling asleep, and Merlin has also recovered. Gained most of his strength.

Under the guidance of these people, Serena's progress can be said to be rapid. She can quickly master various magic spells and become a rising star in the magic world.

Although Serena is known as a rising star in the wizarding world, she has always been depressed and feels that she is not doing enough.


Suddenly, Edward's voice rang in Serena's ears. Edward's figure appeared behind Serena and said softly: "Tomorrow we will hold a press conference to officially announce the opening of the Magic Academy. As the first student representative, Why do you look so depressed?"

Kamindal Magic Academy had the ability to be established nine months ago. However, in order to highlight that Kanjindal Magic Academy was different from other universities, Merlin specially set up many magic circles and used many treasures.

What?Where did the treasure come from, you ask?
The blue dragon Salvester couldn't express his sorrow. Maybe he only realized now that the main purpose of his dispatch was to "donate money."

"I understand, Teacher Edward."

After hearing Edward's inquiry, Serena immediately replied to Edward with respect: "I will definitely adjust my condition, show my best side to my classmates, and set a good example."


"I have entrusted Dean Merlin to divine for you."

Seeing that Serena seemed to have something to say, Edward smiled slightly and said: "Your parents and brothers are still alive, but I don't know where they are now. I have entrusted the British police agency to find you with all their strength. The whereabouts of my parents and brothers.”

Hearing this, Serena's originally depressed and depressed expression was swept away, replaced by a burst of ecstasy!
This is something she has been thinking about for a long time, and today she finally got a clear and happy answer!
"Thank you so much, Teacher Edward. Please express my highest gratitude to Dean Merlin for me. I.I."

Serena was so excited that she stuttered. She held Edward's hand, her whole body trembling with excitement: "Don't worry, I will be proud of the academy and do everything you and Dean Merlin ask!"

"You are the first student of the college, and a student taught by us personally. We are a family. There is no need to say anything more to repeat this." Edward smiled and nodded.

After hearing Edward's words, Serena felt a warm feeling in her heart. Now she is full of enthusiasm for Jindal Magic Academy. From now on, she feels that Jindal Magic Academy is everything to her. , is her warm haven.

Edward shook his head and didn't say anything. He stared into the distance with some worry.

Tomorrow's opening ceremony of Jindal Magic Academy is the most grand event in the past six months. This event involves many things. If something goes wrong tomorrow, the consequences will be disastrous.

Edward calmed down and said to Serena: "Okay, we should go. Dean Merlin is waiting for us in Gaul. If you want to thank Dean Merlin, just thank him in person."

A bright light flashed in Serena's eyes, and she nodded solemnly: "Yes!"

In the famous Sahara Desert in Africa, thousands of miles of yellow sand are everywhere, and a round sunset sticks to the ridgeline of the desert. The earth is darkened, revealing a layer of deep red, and the waves of the desert holding the setting sun are solidified, and the whole area The desert is like a sleeping golden ocean.

In the depths of this golden ocean, a huge factory is running, with a strict division of labor, and countless dark-skinned Destroyer members are completing the tasks assigned to them by the leader in an orderly manner.

Their faces were expressionless, and all of them had Sima faces. From a God's perspective, everything here seemed very strange. These black Destroyer members felt like robots, and they seemed to have no sanity at all.

In a luxurious office in this underground building, Park Yisheng listened to the song elegantly, played with the red wine glass, wore an expensive suit, imitated the appearance of the vampire Atlaine, pretending to be a Western master, Smirking happily there.

Park is now different from what he used to be. He has achieved great success in the 'Will' project. He has perfectly integrated dragon genes, vampire genes, werewolf genes, macrophage worm genes and human genes. Through his unique spirit Intensified, turning Will into a perfect killing machine!
Park's initial estimate is that the killing machine he built himself has surpassed Merlin in London nine months ago (two-tenths of his heyday). Such strength can be said to be the out-and-out trump card among the Destroyers. .

This is why Pu Yiyi was able to become the person in charge of the Destroyer's base in the Sahara Desert in Africa.

The current Destroyer has twelve bases around the world, three in the Americas, four in Europe, two in Africa, two in Asia, and one in Australia.

It can be said that these twelve bases are the core twelve bases of the Destroyer, each of which contains a large amount of blood energy.

The leaders of the other eleven bases are all famous people, including Leanna at the base camp, Celtic at the South African base, Atline and Jocelyn at the European base.
All of them are people with extraordinary abilities, and among these twelve persons in charge, only Pu Yisheng became the person in charge as an ordinary person!
"As long as Will's plan is completely successful, I can become a transcendent, and I can become a master." Park Yisheng took a sip of red wine from the glass intoxicatedly, and his expression gradually became excited.

There is only one last step away from the success of the 'Avengers' plan, that is, Will's plan.

Next, today is the time to complete the final step.

The corners of Pu Yisheng's mouth raised slightly, and the joy in his heart couldn't stop rising: The last step is very simple, which is to completely destroy Will's original sanity and make him truly become a machine that only knows how to kill!

The plan for this step is very simple, that is, chop Will's relatives and friends into pieces one by one in front of him, and then let him swallow them alive!
Starting with neighbors, colleagues, then his brothers, and finally his parents.

Pu Yisheng's smile grew wider and wider, gradually showing a hint of madness.

There is more or less something wrong with those who engage in human research. After all, if it were normal, who would do any human research?

"President Park, the person you want has been transported from Maple Leaf Country."

At this moment, the voice of his subordinates sounded. Pu Yisheng calmed down his mentality, nodded pretending to be indifferent, and said: "I understand, start executing the plan immediately, don't let me do it, I can't wait any longer Gonna see Will!”

His voice was faintly excited, and every cell in his body seemed eager to try.

In Nanbang Country, president means chairman. Although he is not the chairman, this does not prevent him from having fun.

After waiting for about an hour, until his subordinates said "The operation is over", Pu Yisheng stood up, took his nine months of research materials, and walked excitedly towards the laboratory where Will was detained, with a face on his face. There was countless excitement beating on my head.

Naturally, he would not be the one to perform such an uncomfortable task personally. How tasteful is this? !

He has countless subordinates now, why not let them do such dirty things? He is now a serious and decent person, and he will never do such a derogatory thing. .

The journey was smooth, and all the members in the base took the initiative to say hello to Park Yisheng after seeing him. Park Yisheng did not respond at all, as if this was how it should be.

When Pu Yisheng arrived at the iron gate of the laboratory, he suddenly thought of something and asked the assistant beside him in a low voice: "Is the armed department in place? If a riot breaks out, can it be suppressed as soon as possible?"

"President, please rest assured that everything has been arranged, unless Will can withstand the fire of ten automatic machine guns and two sniper rifles."

The laboratory assistant spoke confidently: "You know Will's physical fitness. If these weapons are fired together, Will will be hindered in everything he does."

"It's even said that there is a layer of glass between you and him, made of special material. It is impossible for him to escape!"

Pu Yisheng nodded, very satisfied with the assistant's attitude, and said: "Let's go in."

The assistant immediately nodded and bowed, which made Park Yisheng feel a little confused: Once upon a time, he had such a status in the laboratory.

But now everything is different, he will get a new life, he will become a transcendent existence!

Pu Yisheng smiled and watched as the door in front of him began to open slowly, but the situation inside made his expression quickly reverse!

The disgusting smell of blood wafts from the laboratory, red blood is everywhere, and the walls are full of bloody handprints. The feeling of despair is impossible to ignore!


Large streams of blood suddenly flowed out from the depths of the laboratory. The extremely rich crimson blood kept gushing out like a small spring!

A strange sound came from the depths. After Pu Shengsheng's explanation, a thin figure with disheveled hair and blood bathed crawled out. The gaps between his nails were filled with flesh foam.

Pu Yisheng swallowed, his legs became weak, and he was about to say something, but he saw the thin figure crawling out and raised his head, revealing his bright red eyes!
Like a giant dragon!

PS: There are still 2600 recommendation votes left and it has exceeded 3. Please give me your recommendation votes~
(End of this chapter)

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