i created the old gods

Chapter 220 The Sahara Desert

Chapter 220 The Sahara Desert

The desert is solitary and straight, and the long river falls into the sun.

In the endless golden desert, a thin figure was walking staggeringly in the desert. His movements were very stiff, as if he could not adapt to his body.

"Celtic Celtic. Celtic-!!!"

An extremely angry voice whispered from his throat. His whole body was filled with the intention of killing, and the extremely rich smell of blood could not be concealed at all.

The sound of rapid breathing swirled nearby. He was full of hatred for the three words "Celtic", as if he wanted to crush it to ashes, so that the owner of this name would never be able to stand up again!
Mottled memories flashed through his mind, and he had been confused until half a day ago, when his close relative died in front of him.

This completely ignited the anger in his heart. The anger surged up and his memory gradually recovered. He knew that his name was Will and he also knew who his enemy was.

He tore Park Yisheng into pieces and killed all the creatures in that base, but he knew that these were just lackeys and minions and were not enough to cause any trouble.

The memories in his mind kept flashing, and the figures of Atlaine and Leanna gradually appeared in his mind. To him, these people were enemies, but they were not the culprits that caused the death of his loved ones.

There is only one real culprit.

He swore that he would kill Kelt, crush him to ashes, and make him feel the pain he suffered!
But according to Will's current state, there may be no way to get revenge.

He was imprisoned by Park Yisheng for at least half a year, and his activities were restricted every day. Moreover, the genes in Will's current body are too complex, causing Will to not be able to make good use of his abilities.

Coupled with hunger, a sense of attachment to blood, and injuries caused by unfamiliarity with his abilities, Will now urgently needs some items to replenish his energy, restore himself, and better master his abilities.


Suddenly, a strange color flashed in Will's eyes, like a dragon seeing a gold coin. He couldn't help but licked his lips, feeling a little happy.

He actually discovered the scent of human beings in the vast Sahara Desert!

And there’s not just one, there are at least 18 people!
Will calculated in his mind that as long as he swallowed the blood essence of these eighteen people, he could fundamentally recover a certain amount of injuries and suppress his hunger and attachment to blood.

After experiencing various changes, he is no longer the brave policeman who shot for justice on the streets of London.

Now he doesn't care about fairness and justice, he just wants to kill Celtic.

Kill, Celtic!
If he could, then he wouldn't let Atlayon and Leanna go!
"Hello everyone, I am Bear Gus, and today I will be the most important person in human history."

A relatively strong-looking white man introduced himself to the camera and introduced his current location.

His name is Bear Gus. He once served in the British Air Force. After retiring, he became the host of a wilderness survival program. He popularized science around the world on how to survive in a harsh natural environment.

Before the world became supernatural, his show was already well-known. After becoming extraordinary, his show became even more popular, which also allowed Bell to open new programs one after another.

But now, every episode of his program is no longer just about survival in the wilderness, but also popularizing science about the extraordinary local legends.

The popularity of his new show around the world is inseparable from this. Now is the hottest era of Super Legends, and it is definitely beneficial and harmless to ride on this popularity.

As for becoming a transcendent himself?
Bell has thought it through. He is already in his 30s, not a young man, and his extravagant expectations for extraordinary beings are naturally not very high. Now he just wants to make some money, try to buy another island, and build a bigger villa. Enjoy a better life.

A few hundred meters away from Bell, the special car of the director team was ready there. Although it was said to be survival in the wilderness, and although everything was said to be real guns and live ammunition, protection work still had to be done well, in case the wilderness survival failed and we were in danger. That would be bad.

"The weather is quite cool today."

The director who was observing Bell's every move from behind suddenly felt that the temperature had dropped a little, and he was a little surprised and asked: "Is this really the Sahara Desert?"

In the Sahara Desert, the temperature can roast people. It has been two or three days since the director came here, and this was the first time he felt a cool feeling.

Although it is not as good as the air conditioner in the RV, it is like the refreshing breeze on a hot summer day, the kind that never stops.

Hearing what the director said, other members of the program team nodded in agreement. This was not to please the director. They really felt that it was cooler today, and they didn't know why.

The program continued like this, everything went smoothly, and there was no difference. The director yawned. The coldness made the director feel a little tired, and several yawns came out of his mouth unconsciously.

The director, whose eyelids were a little tired, knew that he would be too unprofessional if he fell asleep here, so he forced his eyes open, but unexpectedly, the moment he opened them, he discovered something, and he was a little shocked.

"Why is there someone there?"

On the left side of the program group, a staggering figure was moving towards them. This figure was in ragged clothes, and there was a vague reddish-brown liquid all over his body. I didn't know what it was.

The director frowned slightly and said to the left and right: "Someone go and see what happened. Ask if it's a tourist who got lost in the desert. If so, we can give him a ride."

As an excellent director, he doesn't mind giving his program a reputation as "rescuing stranded tourists."

The two assistants around him understood and began to walk in the direction of the mysterious figure, shouting as they walked: "Sir, do you need any help?"

The familiar British English reached Will's ears. Will raised his head slightly, glanced at the two assistants who were approaching him, and then looked at the program team members behind him, a total of 16 people.

Will's eyes turned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and did not give an immediate answer.

"Hey, sir, what can we do for you?"

While Will was thinking, the assistant had already arrived in front of Will. They smelled the unpleasant smell of blood on Will's body. One of them couldn't help but cover his nose and frowned: "Friend, you are in Camel tonight." Are you hiding from the wind and sand in your belly? This stinks too much!"

In the desert, it is easy to cause storms at night. If a person sleeps in that environment, he will most likely die directly, so certain protective measures must be taken.

It would be a perfect method to remove the internal organs of a camel and then hide it in the camel's body. In this way, not only would you have a place to stay, but you would also get camel meat and water. It was simply killing three birds with one stone.

However, there is also the most fatal shortcoming in this way. In a short period of time, the bloody smell in the camel's body will always exist. If you hide in it, the smell will be terrible.

Hearing the assistant's words, Will raised his head slightly, his dragon-like eyes quickly opened, and then a cold light flashed, and Will continued to move towards the program group as if nothing had happened.

Behind Will, your two assistants who came to inquire were separated in an instant, and their blood spurted out like a fountain, bleeding all over the floor!

Seeing this situation, the director was almost frightened. He said frantically: "Get a gun, get a gun! Stop him, don't let him come over!"

As a crew member of a wilderness survival show, how could they not carry guns and ammunition?
As the director yelled, other staff members began to rush to get the firearms. They were not normal program crews who had never touched a gun or killed anyone, but they saw two of their companions being beheaded without warning, unless It's those killers and special forces, otherwise everyone would feel panic.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The shotgun and shotgun bullets shot out of the barrel and headed towards Will, but in Will's sight, the speed of these bullets was ridiculously slow.

So Will raised his hand, grabbed the fired bullet, held it in his hand, and crushed it into powder!

Although there was some explosion, it was harmless and not painful at all to Will.

Facing attacks from dozens of automatic machine guns and anti-tank sniper rifles, Will was still able to fight back. Facing such ordinary shotguns and hunting rifles, Will even ignored them.

His eyes are those of a dragon, his limbs are those of a werewolf, his mental state and blood in his body belong to a vampire, and the giant worms give him terrible regeneration abilities.

Although he is not the strongest in every aspect, he is definitely the most balanced!
"Strange. Monster! It's a monster!!!"

The staff member's hand holding the gun began to tremble violently, his eyes were filled with fear of Will, and fear made his voice begin to tremble.

The director looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. Faced with such a situation, he could only take a breath.

Out of the corner of his vision, he saw the RV with the door open. The director quickly reacted and ran towards the RV, planning to escape in the RV!

It is impossible for a human being to catch a bullet with his bare hands and crush the bullet into powder. Human beings can never be in such a situation!

What kind of monster is this? !

There was unspeakable fear in the director's eyes. He quickly started the RV, listening to the screams outside, his body was trembling, and he prayed in his heart that he could start a fire quickly.

"Damn it, hurry up!"

After several tentative starts, the director finally started the RV. He was ecstatic and was about to step on the accelerator to leave when he suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.


The director's neck was broken directly, and his horrified expression fell into the RV. Will looked expressionless, looking at the blood that kept spewing out, and began to drink heavily.

Blood burst out in Will's mouth, and that sense of pleasure filled Will's body. Will soon sucked the director into a mummy.

After everything was done, Will regained a little sense. He looked at the RV, turned off the engine in a familiar manner, stepped out of the RV, looked at a series of program equipment, and smiled.

He recognized the man on the screen, Bear Gus, a well-known figure in Britain.

As a British policeman, Will of course knows about Bell's existence, and Will often watched Will's shows in the past.

"Luckily for you, I suppressed my emotions."

After Will looked at Bell's situation on the screen, he murmured to himself and started to turn towards the RV, intending to leave the Sahara Desert in the RV.

There is a map in the RV, so driving undoubtedly saves energy, and Will has regained his past memory, so of course he knows how to drive.

But Bell and his photographer may not be so lucky.

Will started the engine and quickly started driving, heading in the direction guided by the map. He wanted to go to the nearest city.

As for Bell and his cameraman?

Let them have a real wilderness survival experience. Whether they can survive depends on Bell's expertise.

If he fails to survive, it can only be said that his professional knowledge is not as rich as advertised.

Two hours after Will left, three black men in suits appeared at the scene of the murder of the program crew. They skillfully took photos and transmitted the photos. At the same time, they spoke into the intercom: "Prince, Will killed sixteen people. , the other party has shotguns and shotguns, it should be a survival show group, and the other party also has two unknowing hosts, do you want to continue tracking?"

"Go on, silence the two living people, and you continue to track Will."

A male voice came from the other side of the intercom, which seemed to be very pleasant: "Don't be discovered by Will, just take it step by step and obey your orders."

"I selected three of you among more than 5000 Africans to become noble vampires because of your intelligence. I don't want you to be like your stupid compatriots who do things without thinking."

"If that day comes, I will kill you myself without any enemies. Do you understand?"

The voice on the other side of the intercom obviously put a lot of pressure on the three of them. They quickly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Yes, Grand Duke Atline!"

"Oh, by the way, you don't need to participate in the original planned mission. The Magic Academy will hold its opening ceremony soon. If you can't come back, don't waste time. Just follow Will with peace of mind."

Atline said lazily: "I am very interested in Will, a human child."

After that, Atline mastered Leanna's pie-making skills and casually drew a pie and said: "After this matter is over, I can consider promoting you to baron and becoming the first batch of dark-skinned vampire nobles in history! "

A dark-skinned aristocrat?Dream on, in another era Atline will not allow the appearance of dark-skinned nobles.

PS: Friends, there are still 50 million words of plot left before it is finished, and it will take at least three months to write. I just said that I have a direction for the next book, but I didn’t say that this book will be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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