Chapter 221
With a cigar in his mouth, Atline lazily sat on the leather sofa, hung up the AC, turned on the TV comfortably, and watched a movie.

Black vampire?
It was just something he did to motivate the Destroyer members in Africa. It was just for expediency. Atline would never recognize them in his heart.

The growth of the Destroyer's followers in America, Europe, and Asia has slowed down. The emergence of many extraordinary organizations such as the Eternal Night Church, the Thunder Church, Jindal Magic Academy, Qianjian Shrine, and the Kunlun Mountain Monk Association have greatly hindered the destruction. The development of the Destroyer has resulted in the Destroyer not being able to recruit too many cannon fodder.

Therefore, the Destroyer's focus can only be shifted to Africa and Australia where there are relatively few traces of the extraordinary, hoping to recruit enough members in these two places.

Because Australia is a member of the British Commonwealth, it is somewhat concerned. Therefore, Africa is the real core area of ​​the Destroyer.

There is no way, the Destroyer who dominated the Americas a year ago can only be reduced to going to Africa to become the extraordinary brother. If the Destroyer had not acted quickly, this extraordinary brother in Africa would not even be there.

At this stage, in the whole world, the number of blood races has skyrocketed to more than 1000. Although Atrein is the only one named Duke among them, overall it should not be underestimated.

At this stage, 1000% of the more than [-] vampires are ordinary vampires without titles. There are only more than [-] barons, more than [-] viscounts, and one earl.

Leanna's figure slowly appeared beside Atline, looked at Atline, and said softly: "Atline, this operation requires you to build momentum, don't let down your guard, do you understand?"

Atline shook the goblet and smiled: "Understood, I will attack Paris at a precise time, attract Merlin's attention as much as possible, and reduce their high-end combat power."

Atline is a Duke, so he should be very strong, but to be honest, if we look at his true strength, Atline is at most a marquis, and he is one of the less powerful among the marquises.

But Atline is the first vampire in the new era, and is the well-deserved ancestor of the vampires. Logically speaking, he should be called the ancestor, but he is too weak to be called the ancestor: the ancestor of the vampires, his strength is comparable to that of the gods. exist!

Therefore, Atline did the next best thing, skipped the prince level, and called himself Grand Duke Atline.

Because in the past nine months, Countess Catherine of the Vampire Clan of the Rome branch of Italy has acted extremely cruelly, killing everyone, and even killed a bishop of the Thunder Church. Such strength naturally makes people a little afraid of the Vampire Clan. .

If a count is like this, doesn't the duke want to be so powerful? !

Because of this misunderstanding, Atline also took the initiative to reduce the time to take action. The entire Destroyer began to establish the strength of the Atline Blood Duke, making other extraordinary forces feel afraid.

This is why the Destroyer branch in Europe has not been eradicated.

After all, European branches are different from other branches around the world.

The Asian branch, the American branch, the African branch, and the Australian branch, these branches are not within the sphere of influence of the extraordinary forces. The main reason is that the territory is vast and the confidentiality is better compared to the price.

But the European branch. In fact, a lot has been exposed, even the person in charge, the former Star of Rome, and now the blood count Catherine has been exposed.

In Europe, only the heavyweight companies hiding Italy and Rome have not been exposed, and the rest have been touched to pieces. Those forces that claim to be righteous may attack the Destroyer at any time.

The main reason for not taking action now is that they mistakenly believe that Atline is in Europe. If they take action rashly, it is likely to cause a new round of massacre.

Both sides have concerns. The Destroyer is worried that the European home is gone and dare not move. The Europa League is jealous of Atrein's strength and is afraid that he will make a London replica, so he dare not do it. This also leads to a delicate balance.

"very good."

Leanna nodded, expressing that she believed in Atline's methods, but she seemed to have thought of something again and couldn't help but frown.

This action is naturally aimed at the opening ceremony of Kamindal Magic Academy, but there must be many difficulties at this opening ceremony.

First of all, Jindal Magic Academy itself has a heavyweight legendary magician like Merlin, and there are also nine senior magicians. These ten magicians are not easy to deal with.

Secondly, the Church of Thunder has accepted the invitation and will lead a large number of Sons of Thunder to attend the opening ceremony. It will also be responsible for surrounding security to prevent sneak attacks.

The Eternal Night Church, the Kunlun Mountain Qi Practitioners Association and the Asama Shrine all attach great importance to the opening ceremony of the Jindal Magic Academy. They will all send corresponding personnel to observe the ceremony. At present, the witch Hashimoto Mojiu of the Asama Shrine has made it clear Will arrive at the venue to watch the ceremony.

The Kunlun Mountain Qigong Practitioners Association and the Eternal Night Church will definitely send corresponding personnel there, but who it is and whether it will be a transcendent person is unknown. Leanna can only use the worst guess. When the time comes, There will be at least thirty senior extraordinary beings present.

At the same time, Europe's leading organization, the Europa Union, will definitely attach great importance to this opening ceremony, even if Britain has left the Europa Union.

Even today, Leanna has to admit one thing.

Although the Destroyer is still the world's first-tier extreme evil organization, its influence is far from what it was a year ago.

A year ago, the Destroyer was coercing the whole world, and the only one who was qualified to compete with it was the Church of Eternal Night, and to a certain extent, the Church of Eternal Night was not the opponent of the Destroyer at that time.

Now let alone the whole world, the Eternal Night Church can make the Destroyer a little bit overwhelmed. Now the Destroyer can only bully ordinary middle-level countries and relatively weak extraordinary organizations like Asama Shrine.

The attack on the opening ceremony of the Kanjindal Academy of Magic is really a bit powerless, so we can only start with some small actions.

"My wreaking havoc in Paris should only attract some people, such as the abominable exorcist Van Helsing, but it's hard to say whether Merlin will come. After all, this is the opening ceremony of the Jindal Academy of Magic. As Merlin, Dean, you may not be able to leave."

Atline yawned and said helplessly: "And Merlin is from Britain. In ancient times, everyone knew the relationship between Britain and Gaul. What if something happens in Paris and Merlin doesn't come? ?”

Among these extraordinary beings, the one they fear the most is Merlin. If Merlin does not follow their plan by then, everything may fall short.

"The pawns we have placed in Thunder Church for more than half a year will play a certain role."

Leanna said calmly: "Half a year is enough. It's time for them to devote themselves to the organization."

"Yes, and Will."

Suddenly, Leanna seemed to have thought of something, and her voice was slightly annoyed: "Park Yisheng is a loser. It doesn't matter if the plan fails, he actually let Will come out alive."

The African base didn't consume too many resources, so Leanna didn't feel bad if the group killed her, but letting Will escape from their control made Leanna very angry.

An extraordinary person with great hatred for the Destroyer will have a profound impact!
Moreover, according to Park's experimental records during his lifetime, this Will is no ordinary transcendent at all. His strength has even surpassed that of Atline!
Unfortunately, such strength cannot be replicated.

Will was a miracle. After Will, Leanna also arranged a large number of similar experiments. All the experimental subjects in the first batch had died, and most of the second batch had also been killed or injured.

The number of these two batches of experimental subjects added together can reach more than 1000 people!
What's more, the dragon's blood has been consumed and they can no longer continue the experiment. Therefore, of the two batches of experimental subjects, Will is the only successful case.

In this case, there was a special defection. This blow was much more serious than the destruction of an African base.

"I have arranged for several African members to pay attention to Will. When things here are over, I will go with that stupid wolf from Celtic and bring the giant worm to capture him alive."

Atline said lazily: "This was originally the fault of that stupid Celtic wolf. It's good enough for me to wipe his butt now."

The base where Will is imprisoned is naturally guarded by extraordinary beings. Celtic personally leads thirty werewolves there to prevent Will from making mistakes.

Unfortunately, a week before Will's defection, Celtic took thirty werewolves to South Africa, and no one knew what he did there.

It was because of Celtic's absence that Will successfully escaped. It can be said that among the living people, Celtic is the first person responsible for the accident.

Leanna stopped Atline and said, "Don't mention this matter again. I will have a good talk with Celtic after the plan is over."


Atline nodded, stood up, gave Leanna a smile, and said, "I'll go to Paris to make preparations first. Take care of yourself."

After saying that, Atline walked towards the outside of the house with a graceful pace.

Leanna, who was standing there with a calm expression, suddenly experienced a huge change in her face, and her entire face became completely different from before!

Rhianna's face before was extremely delicate, like an angel, beautiful and elegant.

But now, Leanna's face is plain, even with some freckles, looking like an ordinary white girl.

Leanna smiled, looking full of virginity and expectation: "It's time for me to prepare in advance. After all, I am now a new student at Jindal Magic Academy."

Between the blue sky and white clouds, a plane taking off from China was heading towards Gaul.

On the plane, a veteran who was about 80 or [-] years old was a little uneasy and seemed not to adapt to the environment on the plane.

His name is Chen Daoan and he is a Taoist priest.

40 years ago, his name was Chen Baojia, a worker in an iron-making factory, and he had been a bachelor. After an accident, he suddenly realized that he abandoned his hometown, went to the Kunlun Mountains, changed his name to Chen Daoan, and started to work hard. Xiuxian asked' and became an ordinary Qi practitioner in Kunlun Mountain.

Over the past 40 years, Chen Daoan has collected many Taoist scriptures and carefully studied the cultivation techniques in Taoism. Over the past 40 years, he has been studying, combining, and finally integrating his own unique cultivation techniques.

But this had no effect, as he had not come into contact with any immortality.

Until one evening a year ago, he clearly remembered that day.

He suddenly felt the aura recorded in the ancient books!

Chen Daoan was ecstatic, so he continued to practice on Kunlun Mountain for more than half a year. In the end, he just barely mastered the use of spiritual energy, and there was no big gain.

This may also be because the Taoist practice method is not complete, or it may be that Chen Daoan is old, but he has indeed become a transcendent: although this transcendent does not have fancy offensive methods, but only has the effect of maintaining health and extending life. .

Three months ago, he was discovered by the staff of the Transcendent Office of the Chinese government, and immediately Chen Daoan's life changed dramatically.

Whatever cultivation materials he wants, the government will satisfy him as soon as possible, such as century-old Ganoderma lucidum and thousand-year-old Coptis chinensis. Chen Daoan's cultivation has also improved greatly, and he has established the Kunlun Mountain Qi Practitioners Association, which is commonly known as the monks. Association, he began to teach the new generation of young people carefully selected by the government the 'cultivation skills' that he had studied and pondered for 40 years.

It can be said that the Kunlun Mountain Qi Practitioners Association is somewhat unworthy of its name, but it is already very powerful.

Among the many extraordinary forces, the Monk Association under Chen Daoan is the only extraordinary force that was established on its own without receiving help from Jingchuan. Chen Daoan is also the only extraordinary person who has no relationship with Jingchuan.

If the earth's spiritual energy had not been blocked before, Chen Daoan might have become an immortal and an ancestor, free and at ease.

It's a pity he was born in the wrong era.

Having said that, Chen Daoan is the representative of the Monk Association this time, representing the extraordinary world of China to attend the opening ceremony of the Magic Academy.

As an old Taoist priest who has practiced in the mountains and forests for more than 40 years, he has never done anything new like an airplane, and he has no way to adapt to it. He always feels that something is not right.

Although it was also flying, it was a little different from the flying sword he imagined.

"Daozhang Chen, we will arrive in Gaul in half an hour."

Sitting behind Chen Daoan was Li Hong, a staff member of the Extraordinary Office. He whispered to Chen Daoan: "You should try not to fight with others there. After all, you are so old."

"Jushi Li, an old Taoist."

After Li Hong spoke, Chen Daoan breathed steadily and seemed to have adapted to the aircraft environment: "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Hearing this, Li Hong continued respectfully: "One more thing, do you think there will be any surprises in this industry?"

Chen Daoan does not have many attack methods, but he is quite proficient in fortune telling and can be called an expert.

When he heard Li Hong's words, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "The winds and clouds are surging, and water benefits everything without fighting. As long as we are careful and don't interfere, there shouldn't be any big problem."

"It's a pity that in the Age of Dharma Ending, all the techniques have been lost, otherwise I would have wanted to meet these foreign devils for a while."

 These chapters mainly introduce the development trends of the world in the past nine months.

  Nine months have passed in the other world, so time on Earth cannot stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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