i created the old gods

Chapter 222 Valentina's Magic Experience

Chapter 222 Valentina's Magic Experience

The Gironde province is located in the southwest of Gaul, with the capital Bordeaux. It borders the Bay of Biscay to the west. It has a straight coastline with sand dunes along the coast. The western and southwestern parts of the territory are low-lying, mostly sandy soil and covered with pine forests. The northern part is covered by pine forests. The limestone highlands cut by the Dordogne and Garonne river valleys have a developed dairy industry.

There are a large number of pine forests in the Gironde province, stretching for thousands of miles. They are often infested with wild animals. They are quite inaccessible. It is really a place where birds do not poop. A few decades ago, I am afraid no one would care about this. Every place.

Viewed from a helicopter, the pine forest scenery here is no different from other forests. The trees are lush and lush, but Valentina knows that this is definitely not the case here.

Valentina is a special reporter, and this time she came to represent the Russian news media community to report on this glorious phenomenon.

As an ordinary person, Valentina cherishes this opportunity very much. After all, she has not received any information about extraordinary events for eleven months.

Valentina knew that this was her chance, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

All the extraordinary organizations in the world will appear at this opening ceremony, and I will definitely get first-hand information and become famous all over the world!
It may sound hypocritical, but Valentina has never had the luxury of becoming a transcendent. She only hopes to find first-hand information so that she can understand more about the transcendent.

"Quan, if you were still here, you might be more powerful than these people, right?"

An idea suddenly popped into Valentina's mind. A Chinese face from the East appeared in her mind, which made her feel depressed.

Zhao Quan was the first extraordinary person she met. When she met him, she didn't know that Zhao Quan was an extraordinary person. She only thought that he was a poor victim.

Unexpectedly, when he was in Northern Europe, even His Majesty Hercules noticed him and even thought he was a threat and wanted to eradicate him.
Zhao Quan had left Moscow ten months ago. He said that the King of the Ocean was calling him and he had to leave.

I don’t know how Zhao Quan is doing now. Has he accomplished what he wanted under the king’s command?

Valentina thought absently.

Suddenly, the helicopter began to descend rapidly, and the voice of the Gaul pilot appeared in Valentina's ears: "Reporter Valentina, the college has arrived. Please arrive by yourself. There are dedicated attendants there to receive you. I want to leave first. ”


Valentina nodded, got off the helicopter, took a deep breath, and started to move forward with the camera on her shoulder.

In fact, she had a special photographer when she came to Gaul, but the governments of Gaul and Britain only allowed special reporters to go alone, and no companions were allowed, so Valentina had to come alone.

There is no way, Valentina also seems to have a rule that the dead are alive, but there is no way, people just don't agree.

In order to be able to unearth more extraordinary events to her friends, Valentina had no choice but to bear it. She could only carry the camera and go to Jindal Magic Academy.

But Valentina is a little confused now.

She didn't know how to go. Looking around, she saw that this place was just an ordinary pine forest, with no sign of Jindal Magic Academy at all.

Have you been played by yourself?
Valentina thought absurdly, she couldn't believe that she had been fooled by the officials of Britain and Gaul.

"Hello Hello."

A rather strange voice suddenly reached Valentina's ears. When Valentina heard the words, she immediately looked around, but she couldn't find the owner of the voice: "Stop looking, look up, I'm in the tree!"

Valentina immediately looked up and saw an owl with white feathers. This owl was looking at Valentina with an arrogant expression: "Welcome to Jindal Magic Academy, I am Messenger raised by Professor Tormund, please follow me."

After saying that, the owl took off from the branch and flew deep into the pine forest.

Valentina hurriedly kept up with the pace of the owl, but the owl was still a bit nimble. Knowing that Valentina was here to attend the opening ceremony, its flying speed was not very fast.

In less than 2 minutes, a surprising scene happened in front of Valentina.

The moment the owl touched a wall of air in the pine forest, a strange wave suddenly appeared around it, like ripples caused by a pebble falling on water.

The owl was swallowed up by the wall of air in the blink of an eye, and disappeared between the sky and the earth without any warning, without even a shadow being seen.


Valentina exclaimed, her eyes widened, and she looked around carefully but didn't see why, she just felt incomparably miraculous.

"Miss Valentina, please follow my pace and stop yelling there."

The owl's voice spread again, but this time Valentina did not notice his location: "This is a blinding magic circle designed by the dean to prevent unnecessary troubles. You can just walk over here." .”

Hearing the owl's explanation, Valentina took a deep breath and took a step forward. Soon, Valentina's entire body was wrapped in unknown waves and disappeared in place.

Magic ripples fluctuated around Valentina, and when Valentina opened her eyes again, the world had changed.

What comes into view is the endless forest, which is full of vitality and endless life.

Valentina took a deep breath. She felt that the air here was sweet and the scenery here was beautiful. Every picture made her feel relaxed and happy.

She felt as if she was in a dream, and there was no way this was the earth!

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are rare and exotic plants everywhere. This feeling reminds Valentina of Alice in Wonderland, as well as the wonderland on earth in various fairy tales.

How could there be such a place on earth?

Compared with this place, the so-called 'Internet celebrity holy places' and 'gifts of nature' pale in comparison. Only here is worthy of being a paradise on earth!

Looking at Valentina who looked like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, the owl became a little anxious, and said, "Oh, my lady, don't waste your time here, this is just the outer flower bed of the college, Hua The Qi trainers from China and the night watchman from the United States are about to arrive, you are a reporter, you can't arrive at the scene after the protagonist arrives, right?"

When Valentina heard this, she immediately came to her senses and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Owl, I. The scene here makes me so obsessed. Please forgive me for being unreasonable."

Compared with the environment here, the real purpose of her trip here is those mysterious and unpredictable transcendents!

But don't let the small lose the big and miss this opportunity in vain!

Thinking of this, Valentina filled her heart with hope and headed towards the building that loomed in the forest.

She has high hopes for this trip, hoping that she can gain something different here and see extraordinary abilities again!
The journey was not long. There was a long road between the flower bed and the main body of Chanjindal Magic Academy. Valentina set out on the road.

The street lamps on both sides of the road looked very primitive, as if they were old. There was a street lamp every seven or eight meters, and on the street lamps stood creatures that Valentina had never seen before.

Seeing Valentina walking along the road, these creatures began to chirp happily, and the cries merged into a moving melody. Valentina felt as if she was in a palace of music, and every cell in her body felt special. of comfort.

Passing the road, Valentina finally saw the whole picture of Jindal Magic Academy.

The building is towering into the clouds, and is full of elegance. It looks very simple at first glance. This huge classical college building seems to have existed for many years and has experienced countless wind and rain.

Valentina couldn't believe it, because she had already received the news that the construction of this building only started nine months ago, and it was an absolutely modern building.

Although this building was completed by several magicians and no modern people intervened, what is the reason for this inexplicable ancient feeling? Do magicians really have this unique charm?
With all kinds of moods, Valentina finally stepped into the building.

According to the guidance of the owl, Valentina passed through mysterious buildings one after another, and finally arrived at an empty square.

In the empty square, Valentina saw many young boys and girls who were full of youthful atmosphere. The oldest of them was only 22, and the youngest was only [-]. They were in their prime and the best age.

Looking at so many young and beautiful boys and girls in front of her, Valentina couldn't help but sigh: "What a pity, I am 25 years old this year, otherwise I would have the opportunity to join the magic academy and become a glorious magician."

She was a little jealous of what she was seeing. After all, she was only two years over the required age. If the Magic Academy had been opened two years ago, if she could be two years younger, if...
It's a pity that there is no if, and Valentina, who has recovered her nerves, is now a little relieved.

"Don't be too sad. Magic is not the only way. The beliefs of Thunder Church and Eternal Night Church, the divine gift of Qianjian Shrine, the spiritual energy of Kunlun Mountain, and even the Destroyer. There are many ways to practice in this world. a lot of."

A friendly female voice suddenly came to Valentina's ears. Valentina looked up and saw a girl wearing a magic robe looking at her with a smile.

Upon seeing this, Valentina immediately became excited and said: "Hello, professor, I am Valentina, a special reporter from the country of Russia. What is your name?"

At present, the students have not yet held the opening ceremony, and most of the people wearing magic robes are professors and teachers of the Magic Academy. That's why Valentina is so happy and wants to interview a wave in advance.

"Me? I'm not a professor. You can call me Serena. I'm a student here. I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Edward a few months ago, and Mr. Edward taught me some magic in advance."

Serena waved her hand quickly, clarified her identity, and then continued: "I just saw you were distracted there and your expression was a little down, so I came to disturb you rashly. I don't want to be wanton."

"It's okay, it's okay. If you have any apology, Serena, just answer a few questions."

A flash of excitement flashed in Valentina's eyes, and she immediately spoke, which really stunned Serena. After Serena reacted, she immediately smiled and said: "Of course."

Valentina was about to ask a question, but unexpectedly there was a sudden noise in the distance. Serena looked up and saw that there were extraordinary people arriving to watch the ceremony.

Looking at Chen Daoan in Taoist robes, Valentina was a little confused and immediately asked: "Who is that, a transcendent from China?"

A few years ago, Valentina might not be able to distinguish the extraordinary costumes and customs of various Asian countries, but now, Valentina may not be able to pick up the classics at will, but she still understands the basic situation and will not mistake Taoist priests for it. Recognize him as a priest.

"Yes, that is a big shot, President Chen of the Kunlun Mountain Qi Practitioners Association!"

After hearing Valentina's soliloquy, Serena immediately became serious and explained to Valentina: "This old gentleman controls the mysterious power from the East, aura."

Seeing that Serena admired Chen Daoan so much, Valentina's eyes lit up, and she immediately asked, "He is very strong, is he comparable to Lord Merlin?"

"Well, this may not be a comparison. President Chen practices spiritual energy, while Lord Merlin practices magic. The two are different."

Serena shook her head immediately, as if she was taboo about this kind of question: "It's like a physics expert and a chemistry expert. Although they are both experts, physics and chemistry are different."

Although Serena still thinks that Dean Merlin is more powerful in her heart, Edward has emphasized several times before that one cannot compare extraordinary people to avoid offending others, so Serena will not say anything.

"I see."

Valentina nodded, as if she understood very well, but in fact she understood nothing. It felt like Serena was changing the subject and did not answer her question directly.

However, Valentina was not the one to break the pot and ask the truth, and continued to ask: "Is this Taoist priest Chen Daoan proficient in magic? How do you know this Taoist priest?"

Serena was confused for a while, then slowly said: "Magic? I don't know this, but I know that President Chen's divination is very powerful. He can use the body of a turtle to predict things within a certain range. There was one time before. Well, I’m sorry, it’s inconvenient to reveal the content of the prophecy.”

Valentina secretly wrote down this word in her heart, and she also had a preliminary understanding of Chen Daoan in her heart, and began to write it down in the notebook: using the mysterious power from the east for divination, the prediction is more accurate, it should be An extraordinary person who belongs to the category of think tank and counselor.

She had no choice but to take the photographer with her, so she had to do this kind of writing work.

After Valentina wrote a rough prototype, she enthusiastically planned to start another line to continue writing her analysis. Suddenly, there was an explosion, which made her hand shake and her words were crooked.

She looked up angrily and saw a wisp of smoke igniting in the forest, followed by a burst of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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