i created the old gods

Chapter 223 Interlude

Chapter 223 Interlude

A huge explosion came from outside the courtyard, and a burst of fire burned violently in the pine forest. The fire was powerful and accurately headed towards the direction of the academy, as if someone was controlling everything.

Edward's face was a little gloomy. He looked at the fire, and a ray of anger surged into his heart. He said solemnly: "Matthew, put out this fire first. The damn Destroyer actually comes to attack at this time!"

Although he had long expected that the Destroyer might cause sabotage, Edward thought he would take action when the ceremony began, but he did not expect that he would take action so early. Even the Sons of Thunder from the Thunder Church had not arrived yet!

What's even more terrible is that news about the vampire Duke Atline came to Paris yesterday. Although everyone knew that this was a conspiracy, Merlin could not ignore it. He rushed to Paris overnight to deal with the incident and promised to come back tonight to attend the last train of the opening ceremony, but Now.
The water magician named Matthew solemnly nodded and said: "Okay, I will cast my beloved rainfall magic immediately, but I will not be able to move for a while, and the enemy will be left to you."

"It's hard to say. I just hope that the extraordinary beings who have arrived now can help us get through this difficulty."

Edward sighed, looked at the other eight magicians, and whispered: "Everyone, we were exiled to America back then. Now we have finally come back, but we can't go back again."

In my memory, they were all unlucky guys who made mistakes in Europe and were exiled to the American colonies to expand their territory and fight with the local indigenous wizards. They were not the same as Merlin at all.

If you really have a choice, who doesn't want to stay in their hometown and make changes, and be a magician that everyone respects?

Although they are more than ten thousand people in America, the foreign land always makes them feel unfamiliar. Only Europe can give them a sense of belonging.

They don't want to go back.

After saying that, Edward looked deeply and seemed to see the werewolves and vampires around the pine forest. A cold look flashed in his eyes, and he and the other eight magicians quickly disappeared and flew out of the academy.

The water magician named Matthew sighed and began to chant a spell. A soft water vapor gradually surrounded him and reached into the sky, seeming to merge with the clouds and cause rainfall.

Rainfall involves the heaven and earth. This is different from ordinary magic. It takes more than ten minutes and cannot be instantaneous within a few seconds.

Moreover, this kind of magic is very complicated, and there are only a few people in the world who can learn it. Merlin can do it, and Matthew could barely do it when he was in his prime.

but now.
Matthew could only hope that he could bring in the rain to quell the monstrous flames like he did in previous years!

The trickling water echoed around Matthew, and Matthew was anxious in his heart. He didn't want the opening ceremony to be delayed, and he didn't want this place to be destroyed!

This was the first thing he did when he returned to Europe. He knew that those 'old guys' in the magic world must still be alive, and he wanted to prove to them that he could still make a difference in America!
Amid this great belief, the sky was covered with dark clouds. In an instant, the raindrops formed a line, and with a "wow" sound, heavy rain poured down from the sky like the sky had collapsed.


Looking at the torrential rain, Matthew breathed a sigh of relief. He felt as if all the magic energy in his body had been used up. He could only sit there and wait for the final result of this war.

"Teacher Matthew!"

Serena's voice appeared in Matthew's ears. Matthew turned his head and saw Serena running towards him anxiously. He smiled slightly, raised his hand reluctantly and said, "Go and support Edward." Come on, don't worry about me, I can't die, just take a rest."

"Edward needs manpower. I can't join the battle for the time being. We only have eight people. There are at least 50 vampires and werewolves among the Destroyer. He needs you."

"Yes, Teacher Matthew!"

After hearing this, Serena could only obey the order, and immediately cast a small wind-attribute magic in the direction of Edward's departure, and threw it away at high speed.

She has just started to learn magic, and she is not as familiar with it as Edward and the other eight people. She can only explore it bit by bit.

But Matthew smiled. He knew that this girl would be the future hope of the magical world.

It is the first hope, but it will definitely not be the last hope.

On the other side, the entire Academy of Magic was in chaos.

The boys and girls aged 21 or [-] were panicking, and the [-] or [-]-year-olds were also a little confused. Coupled with the sudden heavy rain, the whole square was in chaos. Only Chen Daoan, like an old man in meditation, tied up his distracted horse and closed his eyes. Meditate and rest your mind.

Chen Daoan's whole body's spiritual energy fluctuated and took shape, swinging around like ripples. The panic in the hearts of those who were touched by the spiritual energy disappeared, leaving only peace of mind.

All the people who calmed down looked at this mysterious old man from the east, with a sense of awe in their eyes.

This old man is an expert.

Such an expert does not go to help Professor Edward, but sits here, probably for our safety, right?
Thinking of this, many boys and girls who dreamed of becoming new legends lowered their heads in shame, feeling that they were a burden now.

Before they came, they all thought about becoming a legend, killing the Destroyer, becoming a hero praised by the world, and becoming a famous big shot.

But now I am scared out of my wits by the Destroyer, which is really shameful.

Moreover, at a time when they are young and frivolous, this huge psychological gap naturally makes these young girls feel red-faced and quite self-blame.

However, Chen Daoan didn't think like them. After all, he was already in his 70s, and he still had some level of understanding in his heart.

"Tsk, the demon is coming so fiercely this time, I'm afraid my life will be full of twists and turns."

Chen Daoan sighed, looked at Li Hong beside him, and said: "Pindao has just added another hexagram. Although the hexagrams have changed a little, they are generally the same. There may be opportunities or disasters in the turbulent situation. .”

"But overall, the opportunities outweigh the disasters."

Li Hong was stunned when he heard this, rolled his eyes, lowered his voice, and said: "Master Chen, where does the opportunity come from? Is it the textbook of the Magic Academy?"

What other opportunities are there?Of course it’s a textbook on European magic!
In this world, people's hearts are all the same. No matter who they are, people are greedy. Since there are other extraordinary means, it is natural to find ways to use them and learn from the barbarians to control them.

In the past few months, spies from European countries and the United States captured on Kunlun Mountain were able to form a reinforced group.

After Li Hong hesitated for a while, he then said: "It's just that we are taking advantage of the situation, right?"

It's really not good to go to someone's house and steal something while the magic academy is being invaded.

Chen Daoan looked at Li Hong strangely and said, "We helped Master Edward. Master Edward was grateful for our help and gave us a few harmless magic books. How could we take advantage of it?"

Hearing what Chen Daoan said, Li Hong smiled awkwardly and stopped talking about taking advantage of the situation.

It turns out that what Chen Daoan thought was not what he expected.
Li Hong was thinking silently in his heart, and then thought of something again, and said in a low voice: "Daozhang Chen, don't you know how to do magic? What if there are three advantages and two disadvantages?"

Hearing this, Chen Daoan smiled slightly and said confidently: "I am sitting here, spreading spiritual energy and cultivating myself, and frightening the demons, so why do I need to fight?"

Li Hong was a little stunned when he saw this. After being stunned for a while, he said foolishly: "What if Edward and others are defeated?"

"It's nothing more than a desperate fight, and then be slaughtered."

Chen Daoan is somewhat open-minded and does not seem to take life and death seriously: "Everything has pros and cons. Since we want to bluff, we have to bear the consequences of failure. There is no way to have the best of both worlds."

Afterwards, Chen Daoan closed his eyes and rested his mind, and took the initiative to release his spiritual energy. On purpose, a huge whirlpool of spiritual energy was slowly condensing, the spiritual energy spread, and the aura belonging to Chen Daoan began to spread.

This huge aura has no reservation at all. It is felt by Chen Daoan's 40 years of Taoist heart and the aura of the sun and the moon. It is the purest aura among all the extraordinary people in the world.

Under the spread of this aura, the flowers and trees in the magic academy began to grow, and the surrounding heavy rain fell, and everyone felt that the air seemed to become sweeter.

Valentina's eyes flickered as she looked at Chen Daoan's figure. She lost her mind for a moment and had no choice but to turn the camera towards Chen Daoan to record this Taoist priest from the East.

"I miscalculated. I didn't expect that besides Merlin, several other magicians from the Magic Academy are so strong!"

Leanna stood at the outermost edge of the pine forest, looking at the sky covered with dark clouds, lightning, thunder and heavy rain, her face slightly gloomy.

More than 30 werewolves and more than 50 vampires gathered in front, frantically besieging Edward and the other eight people, trying to kill them here. However, the magic moves of these eight people cooperated very well, and they could not get in at all!
Celtic stood next to Leanna and said absently: "After all, these people are people from hundreds of years ago. They are magicians who have fought in the American continent. They have sufficient combat experience and are not the mortals we met before. .”

"Even so, they can only maintain this."

Leanna turned her head and glanced at Celtic, wondering what she was thinking: "Why didn't you bring the Cyclops? If we had the Cyclops, it would be easier for us to win."

Kelt sighed and said: "As you know, the Cyclops are free by nature. I have gone to look for them. They are now living happily in Africa and have no desire to return to Europe to continue fighting."

He didn't lie to Leanna, it was true.

After the Cyclops tribe arrived in Africa, they enjoyed comfortable and exciting treatment in Africa.

The dark-skinned humans there thought they were gods and offered sacrifices every month.

Moreover, in Africa, they are invincible, and there are no extraordinary beings to oppose them, which greatly guarantees their safety.

Life is so comfortable, Cyclops naturally doesn't want to go back to Europe, and fight with gods, churches, and magic schools.

Only fools do this.

"These goddamn bastards!"

Leanna's face became even more gloomy. She had already decided in her heart to teach the Cyclops a lesson and let American aircraft and tanks teach the Cyclops a lesson: "Forget it, Xiao Dai is here. We will take action with Xiao Dai later." , strive to quickly deal with those magicians!"


Kelte nodded, even though he was not very willing to destroy the magician, but Leanna was right in front of him, so he had to nod.

Seeing this, Leanna was about to say something, when a strange aura suddenly rose in the Magic Academy. This majestic feeling made Leanna's face change, and she couldn't help but said: "What's going on?! Could it be? Merlin is back?!"

But then, Leanna overturned her conclusion and murmured: "No, no, I have seen Merlin. This is not Merlin's aura, then whose aura is this?!"

This sudden aura really caught Leanna off guard. She thought Merlin was the only top powerhouse here, but she didn't expect there was a second human with such an aura!

After Leanna calmed down, she analyzed carefully: "No, his strength should not be comparable to Merlin. This is the first time I have seen this aura and I am not familiar with it, so I mistakenly thought it was an opponent at the same level as Merlin. !”

In the past nine months, Leanna has fought against the Sons of Thunder from the Thunder Church, fought against the Night Watchmen from the Eternal Night Church, fought against Merlin from the Magic Academy, and even met the witches of the Asama Shrine.

She has also encountered mysterious supernatural beings in the ocean, as well as monsters such as ghouls.

But this breath does not match any of these extraordinary beings. It is an unfamiliar breath.

Now that things have reached this point, there is only one answer.

"That mysterious Qi Practitioner from China. I thought it was the Thunder Church who arrived first, but I didn't expect it to be the Qi Practitioner."

From the beginning, Leanna did not consider the Kunlun Mountain Monk Association much in her plan.

Because from the geographical point of view, when I launch an attack, the first one to arrive should be the Thunder Church. Even if the Thunder Church is stretched, the first one to arrive should be the Eternal Night Church.

Kunlun Mountain and Asama Shrine were basically impossible to reach before the attack.

But things are always full of drama. The Thunder Church, which is close to the Academy of Magic, is not the first one, nor is the Church of Eternal Night, which is only one ocean away. Kunlun Mountain Monk Association
"Damn it, so the Thunder Church and the Eternal Night Church should be coming soon?!"

Leanna was stunned, and suddenly realized that the entire plan collapsed because of the sudden involvement of Kunlun Mountain!
"Your Highness, times have changed. This is no longer the era that belonged to us a year ago. If the Church of Thunder and the Church of Eternal Night surround us, I am afraid that only Atlaine will be left in the Destroyer!"

Seeing this, Kelt quickly admonished: "We should go."

After Leanna let out a long sigh, she looked at the gate of Jindal Magic Academy with a somewhat complicated expression and said, "Withdraw."

Although she really wanted to fight to the death, this would also make this year's efforts in vain.

In this way, the enemy may be injured, but our own side will definitely be seriously injured and dying.

It’s better to retreat and consider the long term.

"It seems that our direction will also change. From now on, we will hide and disappear."

Leanna murmured: "If we are in the open, they will unite against us, but if we hide and disappear, their internal conflicts will naturally defeat themselves!"

(End of this chapter)

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