i created the old gods

Chapter 224 The Ceremony Ends

Chapter 224 The Ceremony Ends

Edward took a deep breath, and the electric arc in his hand flickered in the rain. It hit a werewolf with teeth and claws as quickly as a swan escaped from the cage, directly electrocuting the werewolf into charcoal and losing consciousness.


The werewolves stared eagerly, and the vampires sneered, secretly baring their fangs, staring at the eight magicians, and making some strange roaring sound from their mouths.

Electric arcs flickered in Edward's fingers, Tormund's snow-white beard was faintly burning with flames, vines spread at Shelley's feet, and Robert's water curtain was brilliant.
The eight magicians did not pay too much attention to the small vampires and werewolves in front of them. Their eyes were focused on the back, focusing on the looming giant worms and Leanna standing on top of the giant worms!

That was the real opponent. If they weren't worried about Leanna's sudden attack, they would have used advanced magic to kill all the vampires and werewolves in front of them!
It also takes time to kill them all. If these werewolves and vampires are not dealt with quickly and some incidents occur, the consequences will be disastrous!


Suddenly, a strange and huge noise sounded in the forest, and giant worms drilled into the soil. Edward's expression tightened, and the arc in his hand was about to be further twisted into an electric ball, but he did not expect that the vampires and werewolves in front of him were like a tide. Start to recede quickly!

Edward was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why the Destroyer suddenly retreated, but Robert, another water magician beside him, was a little excited and said directly: "Should we catch up?!"

"Stop chasing us. Our current defense strength is empty. What if they deliberately want to draw us away?"

The female magician Shelley shook her head, put away the vines, smiled slightly, pointed to the magic academy, and said: "The Destroyer retreated most likely because of the gentleman from China inside."

Hearing Shelley speak like this, everyone retreated from their nervous mood, felt the aura from Chen Daoan, and were immediately moved.

The fire magician Tormund nodded and said carelessly: "We are also grateful to this person this time. However, judging from the current aura, this person is only on the same level as us. Why is the Destroyer Want to retreat?"

When Edward heard this, he felt a little disappointed. He suddenly raised his head, pointed to the north, and said, "I think the answer should be there!"

Tormund followed his reputation, and in the north, the terrifying power of thunder came all over the mountains and plains. The son of thunder in white robes pressed towards the magic academy, leaving behind a few vampires and werewolves who hadn't had time to escape, and purified them on the spot .

Taking a closer look, there were actually hundreds of Sons of Thunder who came. It could be said that all the mid-to-high-end combat power of the Thunder Church had arrived.

"Bishop Nesef, thank you for coming to help, forcing back the monsters of the Destroyer."

Edward calmed down his mood and smiled at Archbishop Nessef of the Thunder Church who came to support him: "I heard that you went to support Paris. What is the current situation in Paris? When will Dean Merlin come back?"

"Lord Merlin is still searching for Atlaine and wants to deal with this vampire duke in a single battle. He has no way to attend the ceremony for the time being."

Nessef answered: "Lord Merlin was aware of the Destroyer's conspiracy and asked us to rush to support him first. Fortunately, we did not miss it."

While chatting with Nessef, Edward walked towards the Magic Academy. After entering the academy, looking at the nervous students, Edward smiled and said: "Children, it's okay, the evil destroyer. We have been repulsed!"

The students started to cheer. Amidst the bursts of cheers, Tormund came straight to Chen Daoan. Under Li Hong's nervous gaze, he grinned and said, "Thank you, Chen, we will always remember you, remember Everything you do for us."

Chen Daoan didn't open his mouth. After listening to Li Hong's translation for him, he smiled and said: "It's nothing to worry about."

Li Hong translated Chen Daoan's meaning to Tormund, and after causing Tormund to laugh for a while, he said seriously: "Chen, I am more straightforward. If you need me in the future, come to us directly, and we will I’ll do my best to help you!”


Chen Daoan smiled and nodded in response. He didn't really care about these things. What he really cared about was the government, that is, Li Hong next to Chen Daoan, who has become a fool now.

Although he did not directly obtain some of the magic hair secrets from the minority, he received a promise from the Magic Academy that the Magic Academy would come to help in critical moments, which was enough to resolve some crises.

This wave, no loss!
After Tormund finished speaking, he quickly left and began to prepare for the opening ceremony. After all, he was the master here. He was not only taking care of one Chen Daoan, but also hundreds of Sons of Thunder and Vigil who had not yet arrived. people.

From the perspective of the current extraordinary structure of the world, these two are the current leaders. The church with the blessing of the true God needs to be treated seriously.

Immediately, all the students began to gather in the square, and Edward gave a lecture on behalf of Dean Merlin. The content of the lecture was still the same.

They were moved and empowered, but the media from various countries who were the interview team and the government officials who were invited here only felt that the day was really fucking hot.

This lecture lasted a whole day, and at night, I thought it was dinner time, but Shelley suddenly brought everyone to the auditorium to start a new round of lectures.

Faced with this situation, Valentina was confused and couldn't distinguish between reality and illusion: Is this a magic school or a lecture school?

After arriving at the auditorium, Valentina saw that the seats in the front row were full of people. Most of them were Sons of Thunder and Night Watchmen. Occasionally, there were a few yellow faces. Naturally, they were extraordinary forces and government officials from Asia. , only three or four positions are empty.

The large-scale auditorium gave Valentina the feeling that it was like an indoor football field, it could seat tens of thousands of people, and it was very spacious.

The seven magicians began to direct the [-] new students, assigning seats to the new students. After the assignment, they returned to the leadership seats and sat there waiting for the opening ceremony to begin.

One thing to say, Valentina was surprised to find that the number of students present was not as large as the Children of Thunder, the Night Watch, and the media and government officials from various countries combined. It was more of an assembly than the opening ceremony of the Magic Academy. held exchange meetings with countries around the world.

Which school's opening ceremony has more students and teachers than guests?

"Ahem, let's start now. The children whose names are called will come up. We will start to divide the classes. This time, you will be divided into ten classes, with 50 people in each class. Starting from the AJ class, the classes will be adjusted every semester. , In the first semester, there is no difference in the classes. From the second semester onwards, the higher the class is, the more advanced the magic taught by the professor is. Class A will be taught by Dean Merlin himself."

"Welcome everyone to the Kamindal Magic Academy. Let me first introduce our Kamindal Magic Academy."

"You are the first batch of students at Jindal Magic Academy, but you will definitely not be the last batch!"

"Originally, my budget was to recruit two thousand students to study, but for some reason, this number can only be reduced to 500. You five hundred classmates will be the rising stars in the magic world and will contribute to Bringing new blood to the silent magic world."

"You are a new star, and you must abide by the school rules and regulations. If the school discovers that any of you violate the school rules and use magic to do anything that violates the regulations, the school will convict you based on your crime. The magic will be deposed on the spot at the least. Behead!"

Odway's voice rang in everyone's ears. Five hundred students had waited all day for this moment. They were extremely excited. Their eyes widened, waiting for their names to be heard from the stage.

"Serena, Class A, the student representative of this period, you will uphold your will and use magic."

"Qiao Delin, Class F, a student of this term, you will uphold your will and use magic."

"Zhandriel, Class C, a student of this term, you will uphold your will and use magic."


The students' names were read out one after another from Edward's mouth, and the students were very excited. The 500 people quickly found their teams.

"In these three months, Teacher Tormund, Teacher Shelley, and Teacher Xinral will be responsible for imparting knowledge to you. Three months later, the selection will officially begin. At that time, there will be 50 students in Class A who will accept Merlin. Dean’s teachings!”

All the students were mobilized by these words and dreamed of being taught by the legendary magician Merlin in ninety days. Each of them believed that they would be students in Class A and that they would become legendary heroes.

Valentina, who was sitting in the front row, felt a little weird, and Li Hong was even more thoughtful, feeling like he had seen this pattern before.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he whispered: "Is this the legendary magic trainee who has been practicing for two and a half years?"

Li Hongren was dumbfounded by what Jindal Magic Academy was doing.

Jingchuan wandered around the corners of the world aimlessly. Although things happened at the opening ceremony of Jindal Magic Academy that shocked the whole world, Jingchuan also paid a little attention to these things and was somewhat aware of the current status of the major extraordinary forces. Number, I am thinking about whether to strengthen the Destroyer in the 'new version' and nerf other powerful characters.

These days, Jingchuan plays in the human world, travels around the world, and gives lectures, which is a bit boring. I feel that it is more interesting to watch those extraordinary people who do trouble for the extraordinary. While watching real TV series, it can also promote the development of the earth's recovery. Why not for.

The Destroyer's nine months were indeed a stretch. The Church of Thunder was able to build hundreds of Sons of Thunder from scratch.

Leanna only developed a few vampires and werewolves there, and Will even defected from the vigorously developed Avengers project.

The Cyclops faction has never been used, the werewolf faction has evil intentions, only the worm and blood clan factions support Leanna, and more importantly, the ghoul faction has not been recruited by Leanna, and I don’t know how she will end up in the past nine months. What are they doing? Even the Eternal Night Church knows how to win over ghouls.

However, the decision-making that Leanna is executing now is still okay. It is also okay to dive into the water and wait for the best opportunity.

The Eternal Night Church is currently the number one in the world, but the current character and attitude of the Eternal Night Church is like that of the American government and the world police when there were no extraordinary people in this world. Under the banner of destroying the destroyers, they are running around the world, conveniently Spreading a wave of religion and wiping out the local indigenous culture would be awesome.

Extraordinary version of the Lighthouse of Liberty.

The only two remaining wizards in India have hidden themselves. One is responsible for lurking in the Church of Evernight, and the other is responsible for communicating with the followers of the Spider God to regularly cause destruction. Evernight seems to be the best in the world, but secretly it is already in danger.

The Church of Thunder quietly made a fortune, and quietly developed more than 300 Sons of Thunder. It was a great event to have internal unity, and it had the capital to launch a challenge with the Church of Evernight.

As for the Jindal Magic Academy, it can only be said that it has great potential. With Merlin and Salvester, the two current top leaders, basically no one dares to mess with it, just waiting to develop.

Asama Shrine has always had only one extraordinary person, Hashimoto Moku, in charge. Since there is no channel for extraordinary people to be promoted, although the current Asama Shrine is famous, it is actually just a decoration.

Deep Diver Peter has returned to the Pacific Ocean, and together with Zhao Quan, he established a kingdom of deep divers in the Pacific. He wants to dominate the ocean and monopolize marine resources. This is great. After all, land resources are far inferior to ocean resources.

As for Chen Daoan, the old Taoist priest from the Kunlun Mountains Qi Practitioners Association who has learned on his own, he is indeed a genius, but it is a pity that he was born in the wrong era. If he were placed in a novel, he would be a supreme genius who can dominate the world, and can be the ultimate villain for the protagonist.

This is probably the current pattern of extraordinary beings. As for the pattern at the national level, each has its own ulterior motives.

Naturally, the ones that are quickest to adapt to the times are: Britain and Gaul have tied up with magic schools, the country of Russia is in good contact with the Church of Thunder. If the Church of Thunder had not originated from Northern Europe, I am afraid it would have moved its base to Moscow, and the United States and the Church of Eternal Night are basically in contact. Regardless of each other, the Kunlun Mountain Qigong Practitioners Association was created by China.

Japan and Maple Leaf Kingdom have also come into the international spotlight relying on extraordinary forces, but the former is a mascot and the latter is an unlucky person.

Jingchuan already has a rough idea of ​​where to strengthen next.

"Bang Country, Japan, and Southeast Asia can carry out a small wave of layout. The Destroyer can be appropriately strengthened and give the Destroyer some powerful extraordinary beings. After all, the role of the Destroyer is to defeat the whole world. It is not enough if the Destroyer is weak."

Jingchuan smiled slightly. These were not what he wanted to do at the moment. He looked towards Asia and murmured: "Kunlun Qi Practitioner, then let Kunlun Mountain truly become a fairy mountain. Just in time, Asia's spiritual energy recovery will begin from now on."

After all, Jing Chuan's figure gradually became unreal, and he began to lay out the layout of Kunlun Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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