i created the old gods

Chapter 225 The sudden change in Kunlun Mountain

Chapter 225 The sudden change in Kunlun Mountain

The clouds are long and the fog is long, thousands of mountains appear and disappear from time to time, and the rolling peaks tower into the sky.Winding and meandering, head raised and tail raised, covered with dazzling scales, it really looks like a shining silver dragon.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, hikers in twos and threes walked together, talking and laughing as they walked towards the mountain. They were in high spirits and their eyes were shining.

They are all young people from all over China. After getting acquainted on the Internet, they came to Kunlun Mountain together to seek immortality and ask questions, dreaming of becoming extraordinary and free in the world.

The Kunlun Mountains are continuous. The Chinese government has divided part of the Kunlun Mountains into an exclusive training place for Qi practitioners, and arranged for a group of fully armed elite soldiers to be stationed there. The open Kunlun Mountains are all peripheral areas, and there is nothing strange about them. It is a place where ordinary people can travel around as they please.

Those places have already been searched, and basically nothing will be missed, so it doesn't matter if they are open to ordinary people.

This is also the reason why their group appeared here, otherwise they would have been stopped by the military.


The girl Lin Chuo breathed in the fresh air of Kunlun Mountain and felt the beauty of nature. She laid a stone on the mountainside and looked down at the great mountains and rivers. She exhaled and felt not in a good mood. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Ha, seeing such beautiful scenery, Even if we didn't find a Qi trainer, our trip was worthwhile."

"Lin Chuo, don't say that, we will definitely find a Qi practitioner."

A fat man wearing glasses was panting and sitting on a boulder to rest. After hearing Lin Chuo say these words, he immediately surrounded him like a dog, patted his chest and said.

The middle-aged man who led the team had a gentle voice and said with a smile: "Yes, we will definitely find it!"

There are six people in this team, including the young girl Lin Chuo, the urban working girl Li Jing, the fat house Wang Rui, the team leader Zhao Tianqing, high school graduate Xiao Huohuo, and a young man Zhang San who claims to be a white-collar worker in the company.

The six people all met online. However, they had known each other online for a year and had a certain initial familiarity. At the same time, they also registered with the local public security bureau at the foot of Kunlun Mountain before departure. There was not much risk.

After resting for a while halfway up the mountain, the team leader Zhao Tianqing looked at his watch and felt that it was almost time. He stood up and said to everyone: "It's almost time, shall we continue?"

"it is good!"

Lin Chuo and Li Jing nodded, Xiao Huohuo was a little indifferent, and Wang Rui looked a little reluctant. As for Zhang San, he didn't seem to have any expression, as if no one was talking to him.

Zhao Tianqing glanced at Wang Rui, a flash of disdain in his eyes, and then looked at Zhang San, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

Wang Rui slowed down the progress of the team, and Zhang San didn't say much after joining the team, and he didn't seem to take him seriously as the team leader, which made Zhao Tianqing a little annoyed.

His ideal team would be to abandon Wang Rui and Zhang San, and take the two women and the young man Xiao Huohuo on their way. This way, the possibility of finding an opportunity would be greater.

But in a society ruled by law and in times of peace, Zhao Tianqing could not say anything and could only lead the two of them on the road.


Suddenly, a bolt of thunder suddenly came from the sky. In an instant, the whole sky was filled with wind and clouds, and bursts of lightning began to strike quickly!

"what happened?!"

The members of the opportunity-seeking team were frightened by this bolt from the blue. Wang Rui sat directly on the ground, and Zhang San's expression also changed, but he quickly adjusted and recovered.

Zhao Tianqing raised his brows and suddenly saw something strange in the distance. He stretched out his finger and pointed at the top of another mountain and said in a voice: "Look there!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhao Tianqing's finger, and saw that the hillock that was originally empty and just a patch of weeds suddenly changed. The vegetation grew crazily, and the saplings that were only a few dozen centimeters began to grow crazily. , jumped to a height of tens of feet!

Flowers and trees are growing crazily, and various plants and flowers are competing to bloom. The peak of the vast sea of ​​​​trees is rapidly expanding. With that as the center, the forest begins to develop and grow rapidly, as if the entire hill has expanded several times!
"What the hell happened?"

Li Jing was frightened by the scene in front of her and spoke with a tearful voice. Her heart was filled with panic and fear of the current situation.

Although she already knew that extraordinary people existed in the world, and thought that she could become the protagonist in the novel and fall in love with some ten thousand-year immortal king, her first reaction after seeing extraordinary events with her own eyes was only fear.

Wang Rui was also a little scared, but he controlled his fear, took a deep breath, and tried to make himself feel as calm as possible.

Lin Chuo was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't feel any panic. Xiao Huohuo, Zhao Tianqing and Zhang San's eyes were gleaming, as if they thought there should be a chance here!
The others ignored Li Jing and began to observe the surrounding environment with blazing eyes. Xiao Huohuo suddenly saw something and shouted excitedly: "There is a fruit there. Holy shit, it can't be the fruit of immortality, right?!"

After everyone heard this, they immediately looked around and found that not far away, there were about twenty small fruits half the size of a fist hanging on an ordinary two-meter fragile tree.

These fruits are very transparent, like crystal agate. Just looking at them makes people feel that they are extraordinary things.

From a distance, everyone seemed to have smelled the fragrance of the fruit, which was refreshing and made everyone feel a little intoxicated.

When everyone was surprised, Zhao Tianqing suddenly started to take action and ran wildly towards the fruit tree, his eyes full of fanaticism.

Everyone knows that this fruit must be priceless. Even if you don’t eat it yourself, if you sell it to wealthy businessmen or government officials, you can eat and drink without worry for the rest of your life!
Seeing Zhao Tianqing running so fast, Wang Rui was like a bird escaping from the cage. His fat body burst out with amazing energy, unlike the fat man who had to take a breath after running two steps before!
Xiao Huohuo was anxious and was about to catch up, but Li Jing suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes and shook her head at him.

Xiao Huohuo was shocked and asked quickly: "Auntie, why?!"

Li Jing is Xiao Huohuo's aunt. This relationship is so hidden that the other team members don't know it at all.

Zhang San glanced at the remaining people, shook his head, and walked silently in another direction, his figure gradually disappearing into the jungle.

Faced with such a situation, Xiao Huohuo was dumbfounded and didn't know why this happened.

Li Jing took a deep breath to calm down the fear in her heart. Just as she was about to speak, Lin Chuo said, "Let's hide first. Although these fruits are good, I still think life is more important."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chuo walked towards Zhang San's direction, Li Jing also nodded, and said as she walked, "Didn't you hear the movement around you?"

Before Li Jing could finish speaking, Xiao Huohuo looked in the direction of the fruit tree and said dumbfounded: "Ah, a bird ate most of the fruit!"

Hearing this, Li Jing was stunned for a moment, and looked towards the direction of the fruit tree. She saw a bird that looked like a partridge picked up more than a dozen fruits, spread its wings and flew away. At this time, Zhao Tianqing was still half way away. Only then can we arrive.


The partridge that had swallowed most of the fruit suddenly began to tremble violently, and its flight speed slowed down a bit. All the surrounding birds gathered around and flew fiercely in the direction of the partridge, trying to take away the fruit!

There are all kinds of rare birds, and even sparrows appear in the queue besieging partridges. All beasts seem to have a desire for this fruit.


Suddenly, a huge noise erupted from the partridge's body. Its body emitted a ball of flame, which instantly ignited the entire sky. It was as bright as day. The surrounding birds were all affected by the flames released by the partridge. Burn it up and fall into the clouds!
After sweeping away all the surrounding birds, the "partridge" with its flaming body fluttered its flaming wings and flew to another hilltop.

There seemed to be a strange fragrance surrounding it.

Xiao Huohuo came back to his senses and immediately understood what his aunt meant, and was immediately frightened.

My speed is definitely not as fast as these natural animals. If I let them get the fruit, I will definitely grab it, and the end is self-evident.

When Zhao Tianqing saw the scene in front of him, his face turned pale instantly, but he did not give up, but continued to move forward. At this moment, there were only eleven fruits left on the small fruit tree!
As long as I get the fruit, I can become a transcendent, I can swallow clouds and mist, and be invincible in the world!
Zhao Tianqing continued to run towards the fruit tree with great confidence, and Wang Rui followed closely behind, without any slack, even though there was a slight taste of blood in his mouth.

Over the years, he has been disliked by relatives and ridiculed by friends. His parents are still working outside in their 60s. Wang Rui knows that this is his only chance to make a comeback. He must seize the fruit and become a transcendent person respected by everyone!
However, these two people are not the only competitors for the fruit. The surrounding ground is trembling. Animals such as squirrels and rabbits are also coming from all directions, flying madly towards the fruit tree. The instinct of the animals tells them to eat the fruit. , they will make a qualitative leap!

First come first to get the moon near the water tower, Zhao Tianqing was approaching the finish line, he looked happy, and when he was about to reach out to pick the fruit, a pair of rough hands suddenly appeared in front of him. Zhao Tianqing was stunned for a moment, and looked desperately, only to find a The monkey skillfully climbed up the tree, picked all eleven fruits, and immediately started running away!

But now there is a glimmer of hope. Zhao Tianqing shouted almost roaring: "Chase that monkey, it didn't eat the fruit, it didn't eat it!"

The only person who can communicate now is Fat Man Wang Rui. The best way now is for the two of them to cooperate.

Wang Rui immediately looked in the direction of the monkey. He felt a little dizzy, but he managed to hold on and chased in the direction where the monkey escaped. But in an instant, the forest was suddenly pushed down!

The trees that had grown so much that they were tens of feet were pushed down, and the monkey was pushed to the ground by the huge force. The fruit in his arms instantly fell to the ground, and the surrounding creatures swarmed up and began to snatch the fruits!
Zhao Tianqing had quick eyes and quick hands and grabbed a fruit. He laughed loudly and was about to eat it on the spot, but unexpectedly, a deafening roar came from the side. The next moment, the middle-aged man who was lucky enough to grab the fruit was A huge bear paw was slapped to the ground, and the fruit immediately entered the mouth of a huge brown bear!
"This this."

Wang Rui looked horrified. He looked at the brown bear and saw that the bear's whole body was flashing with lightning arcs. It was huge, about five meters tall, and was frantically attacking the surrounding small animals and starting to snatch fruits!
This brown bear has obviously eaten other fruits!

"There's not just one kind of fruit!"

Wang Rui had this thought in his mind, but before he could react, the bear's paws also attacked him.

He is also a fruit-robbing creature!


Wang Rui was so frightened that he closed his eyes, but the pain he imagined did not come. He only heard the roar of the brown bear.

Wang Rui looked in surprise. Two snow leopards came out of nowhere and silently came to the brown bear. With dark pupils and sharp fangs, they bit the brown bear in one bite and tore off several pieces of meat!

Seeing this, Wang Rui ran away in a hurry. He didn't want to stay here for a moment longer. There were dangers everywhere!

The big bird that can breathe fire, the powerful brown bear, the silent snow leopard
After Wang Rui ran several hundred meters, he felt exhausted and could only sit behind a giant tree and pant for a while to rest.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

He panted violently, looking back from time to time, fearing that some monster was chasing him, and his throat hurt like it was being torn.


When he turned his head, he suddenly found a rabbit in the grass. Just after taking a bite of the fruit, it had turned into a ball of meat paste. I am afraid it was the rabbit that had just been beaten away by the brown bear.

"If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later. This is my chance!"

Wang Rui's heart was pounding. He didn't care about the mess or being chewed by an animal. Before the animal noticed him, he directly picked up the red fruit and swallowed it like a jujube!
Immediately afterwards, Wang Rui felt that his body was hot, as if he was in magma, and every cell in his body was roasted on the fire!
In the scorching flames, he vaguely heard the sound of gunfire and aircraft in the distance.

On the other side, Lin Chuo, Li Jing, and Xiao Huohuo walked together, walking fearfully in this wildly growing primeval forest, searching for the fruits, taking them if they could, and running away if they couldn't. It was safer for the three of them to go together.

After all, at the current stage, the ferocious beasts are all vying for the fruit, and they do not hesitate to go across hundreds of miles to snatch the fruit. Now the Kunlun Mountains have become a mess, and it is impossible to tell where there are no ferocious beasts in the periphery!

Zhang San, who was acting alone, seemed to have some ability to argue. He came to a pool of water alone, took out a repeating crossbow from his backpack, and looked at the silver cherry tomato-like fruit in the middle of the water and the surrounding water snakes, eyes filled with confusion. There was a hint of killing intent.

"I have traveled to various famous mountains, and I absolutely cannot miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"


PS: The total number of subscriptions yesterday was 434, breaking through the lowest level in history. Friends, please come to Qidian to support us. We are going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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