i created the old gods

Chapter 226 Missile

Chapter 226 Missile
Late at night, the Kunlun Mountains were filled with the sounds of fighting, the roars of beasts, the sounds of guns, explosions, and trees being burned. All kinds of sounds filled the vicinity of the trio, making them feel extremely terrified. fear.

"Damn, what should we do?!"

Xiao Huohuo's body was trembling. He stood around the woods, holding a whistle stick he picked up on the road in his hand, and stared around shivering, for fear that some wild beast would appear and eat the three of him and his party.

After all, Xiao Huohuo is just a child who graduated from high school. Now that he can behave like this, he can be regarded as a normal student under quality education.

Lin Chuo was a little depressed, she regretted coming out of Kunlun, and Li Jing was in tears, with despair surrounding her.

After sobbing for a while, Li Jing said in a low voice with a cry: "Everyone, don't be discouraged. The army, the army has three regiments stationed here, we. We should be able to wait for the army."

Even though she said this, Li Jing herself didn't quite believe it.

The sound of gunfire and gunfire at night could not have been caused by the wild beasts that ate the fruit. It must have been caused by the army.

I don’t know how many fruits grew overnight, and I don’t know how many ferocious beasts ate the fruits. The army must now find ways to suppress the ferocious beasts and prevent nearby people from being attacked. How can they have the time to control these mountains? Between travel companions?

But this way, everyone still has at least a hope of living, which is much better than no hope at all.

"I don't think we can just sit around like this."

After Xiao Huohuo was silent for a moment, he took the initiative and said: "I have been observing all afternoon. We are now on the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain. There are not many ferocious beasts, and there are not many fruits in bloom. These ferocious beasts are interacting with each other. They are fighting because they don’t have enough fruit.”

After the excitement of the day passed, Xiao Huohuo returned to the IQ that a normal student should have. Although he was afraid, he still had to analyze the problem.

"The brown bear that appeared today and killed Zhao Tianqing was probably killed from the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. The brown bear was more than five meters tall and very strong. It had a certain ability to control lightning. It may have been due to excessive internal competition. It’s intense, so it’s forced to come to the periphery and snatch the fruits from the periphery.”

When Xiao Huohuo said this, he sighed and said: "I studied Kunlun Mountain carefully before setting off. In the deep terrain of Kunlun Mountain, the density of wild animals is much higher than in the outer areas. If we go by today's situation, There will also be more fruits in the depths than in the periphery.”

It is an undisputed fact that there are more fruits in the depths than in the periphery.

All creatures can vaguely feel the existence of the fruit. When they were six people in the group, they asked about the alluring fragrance exuding from the red fruit, and now there is an even greater fragrance coming from the depths. This undoubtedly represents the depth of the Kunlun Mountains. There are more powerful fruits everywhere.

However, it is inaccessible and is a paradise for wild animals. No one has ever appeared there.

"According to the current situation, there should not be many ferocious beasts in the periphery. Some of the fruits in the periphery may not have been collected yet. We still have a chance to transform into extraordinary beings."

Xiao Huohuo took a deep breath and explained to Lin Chuo and Li Jing: "After all, the beasts on the outside are still suppressed by the army. Fighting with the army may not have much chance to seize the fruits. The beasts in the depths are still seizing the fruits. With the resources here, we have no time to care about the periphery. This is the best time. Of course, we can also take this opportunity to escape back to human society."

"Given the current situation, the possibility of us escaping back to human society is higher than the possibility of collecting fruits."

After Xiao Huohuo finished speaking, he took a deep breath, took out his own kettle, took a sip, and stopped talking.

In fact, one thing he did not mention is that their current mortality rate is much higher than that of those who returned to human society and collected fruits.

Kunlun Mountain is so crazy now. In the afternoon, Xiao Huohuo saw a rabbit spitting out frost and freezing a wild boar to death.

Li Jing nodded without any hesitation and said, "Auntie listens to you."

Of course Li Jing knew the difference between the two and the mortality rate, but if there was a chance to become a transcendent, who wouldn't want to give it a try.

After Lin Chuo hesitated for a moment, he finally said, "You decide. We are now grasshoppers on a rope. We will both lose and prosper."

Li Jing and Xiao Huohuo were wearing the same pair of pants. What could Lin Chuo do? He could only go on like this.

Xiao Huohuo was greatly surprised. He quickly imitated the protagonist on TV and said, "Okay, let's set off at five o'clock to look for that strange fruit and try to get ten of them each!"

"Master, a group of people encountered a brown bear wrapped in lightning. They are currently engaged in a fierce battle. It is estimated that it will take 10 minutes to kill the brown bear!"

"Can a brown bear turn the world upside down?! Five minutes! In five minutes, let the first group quickly join the second group's battle zone, clean up the area around Huayang Mountain together, and collect as many super powers as possible in the area!"

"Chief, there was trouble when the armored regiment moved in. The willow tree became a spirit and blocked the entrance, but it did not attack us. Should we go around?"

"Moving in, you must enter the combat position at the designated time. The [-]th Brigade is ready to join the battle!"

"The trees in the Kunlun Mountains are growing wildly. Our satellite reconnaissance can only see some trees and plays little role!"

"The third regiment needs artillery support."

The army under the Kunlun Mountains also entered a stage of chaos. Various monsters appeared in Kunlun Mountains in endlessly. The army suppressed them, but the effect was not good. All the surrounding troops except the border guards came to support and tried to seal off the Kunlun Mountains.

Regarding the situation on Kunlun Mountain, the Chinese government was also confused and had no idea why such a situation occurred.

The only information they have now is that there is a rare and exotic fruit in Kunlun Mountain. Animals will gain some abilities after eating these fruits, and the more they eat, the stronger they will become.

At this stage, the military has classified the two mutated animals as extremely dangerous, and missiles are ready to bomb them as soon as they appear.

One is a big red bird that can control flames. According to the analysis of modern equipment, the energy in this big bird has been accumulated to the extreme, which is equivalent to more than 800 fruits!

However, this has reached its limit and cannot be enhanced further, so the military temporarily named this monster "Zhu Bird".

The Vermilion Bird was the first extremely dangerous alien beast to be discovered. When it was discovered, it was eating the corpses of other alien birds, gaining energy from other alien beasts and strengthening itself. This also informed the government of new information. Condition.

Alien beasts can plunder each other's energy through fighting, which not only improves their own strength, but also improves their actual combat capabilities.

The second extremely dangerous beast is a rabbit. Its frost breath can freeze a small lake. Its energy is slightly inferior to that of the red bird. The military temporarily named it "Jade Rabbit".

"The situation is getting more and more serious."

Taking a deep breath, his expression became a little worried. The entire command headquarters was anxious. Tens of thousands of people were mobilized. This war was destined to be a difficult nut to crack.


Suddenly, this Liang surname heard a sonorous and powerful voice, turned his head to look, and saw a young man in Taoist robes appearing at the headquarters, he opened his mouth and said: "I have notified Master, and Master is rushing from Gaul as soon as possible." Come back, you can come back before dawn!"

"That's really great. With Daoist Chen here, we should be able to figure out what happened."

Liang nodded, without expressing too many emotions. He just nodded slightly and said, "How is the association's research on those fruits going?"

Hearing this, the young Qi practitioner praised without thinking: "It's incredible. These fruits are like gifts from nature. We Qi practitioners who take one and train to digest it can probably be worth five to ten days without sleep." Five days of training time!”

"5-15 days? Too short, and why are the times not consistent?" Liang frowned and asked.

"Everyone has different talents. Taoists with good talents can use energy more rationally, while Taoists with poor talents can easily let their energy evaporate."

The young qi practitioner continued to explain: "Liang, it's not long enough to be able to endure five days of hard training. We only have eight hours to practice qi every day, and taking a piece of fruit and refining it for eight hours, we can It’s worth at least 5 hours of practice time!”

"I see."

Liang nodded thoughtfully and continued: "What about ordinary people? What will happen if ordinary people take it?"

"Because ordinary people don't know how to correctly guide the power in the fruit and how to run the Dantian meridians, they can't be like us Qigong practitioners, but they can gain some special abilities, such as fire control."

The young Qi practitioner explained: "It's the same as those beasts on the mountain. If we have enough fruits, we can also cultivate human 'red birds' and 'jade rabbits'!"

After finishing speaking, he added weakly: "Liang, these can only be used as a reference. After all, they are all my guesses based on the actual situation. There may be some deviations. Master should have a reasonable answer when he comes back. "

Liang nodded, naturally having a good idea of ​​the young Qi practitioner's uncertain words.

There may be deviations in the numerical values, but the general meaning should be equal. In this way, China can use fruits to create a top transcendent!

This news is quite exciting, but there is only one really important question, and that is the number of fruits.

After a day of fierce fighting, the military only harvested 51 fruits. Thirty of them were transferred to the Kunlun Mountain Qigong Practitioners Association for research. The remaining 21 cannot be tampered with and need to follow the organization's arrangements.

According to statistics, the black bird ate at least [-] fruits. If you want to get a transcendent who can rival the black bird, the number of fruits will only be much more.

"It's difficult. It's better not to consider this situation."

Liang thought to himself, sighed, and shook his head. He was about to say something to the young Qi practitioner in front of him, but suddenly he heard an emergency report from the side!

"what happened?!"

Liang immediately got into work, looking at the various military equipment, frowning and saying: "What went wrong? The armored division will arrive on the battlefield soon, hold on for a moment!"

It was the Vermilion Bird that appeared, flying towards the town at a speed of 230 kilometers per hour! "

Hearing this, Liang immediately looked towards the drone reconnaissance feedback screen. The red bird with blazing fire lighting up the entire starry sky was like the sun on the first day, triggering an extremely strong heat wave on the Kunlun Mountains!



Countless monsters erupted from the Kunlun Mountains with roars of mountain roars and tsunamis. The beasts throughout the periphery began to become restless and began to attack crazily outside the mountains.

They felt the terrifying aura coming from the depths, and all the beasts that had swallowed the strange fruit understood that if they did not escape now, they would sooner or later be killed by the terrifying monsters in the depths who had lost their minds in order to become stronger.

"Damn it, the vermilion bird has led the surrounding ferocious beasts to start agitating!"

When Liang saw this, he cursed in his heart, pointed at the red bird on the screen, and shouted: "Kill the red bird, you must kill it as soon as possible, we can't let it go!"

"Prepare to launch the HQ-17 anti-aircraft missile and simulate the Zhuniao into a new fighter of the US Army. Be sure to shoot it down accurately!"

Liang spoke decisively without any hesitation: "I will tell Yao, and I will bear all the military consequences!"

Now there is no chance to report the situation. If Zhuniao is flying at this speed, he will arrive at the first town in less than 10 minutes. One mistake will cause thousands of casualties!

With Liang's order, the entire military machine began to operate. A mysterious location in the Western Region Autonomous Region suddenly received a military order and began to push six missiles of the HQ-17 series into the launch silo. Following the instructions, they were launched instantly. , pointed directly at Zhuniao!
In the sky, the red bird's wings are spread out, flames are burning between its wings, its eyes are like torches, and it looks like the flame bird in Pokémon.

Zhu Niao has now gained preliminary sanity, and his intelligence level is roughly the same as that of a ten-year-old child. The fear in his heart and the huge energy that cannot be digested in his body make him unable to help but want to escape from here.

It can't make good use of the energy in its body, and its understanding of the world is not very good, but it knows very well that when the battle in the depths of Kunlun Mountain ends, it will suffer disaster, so it must run, run far Far!
Suddenly, an extremely dazzling white light bloomed from the front. Zhuniao was stunned, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he only heard huge noises that broke the air coming from all directions!

what is that? !

Seeing six HQ-17 anti-aircraft missiles bursting in its direction, Zhuniao looked nervous. It began to speed up, trying to avoid these things it didn't know what they were, but it had no effect. These things seemed to He followed Zhu Niao like he had eyes, and his speed was several times faster than Zhu Niao!

Almost instantly, the missile caught up with Zhu Niao, and exploded on Zhu Niao like a devastating explosion. A powerful impact swept across all directions in an instant, sweeping away all the surrounding air objects!


(End of this chapter)

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