i created the old gods

Chapter 228 Golden Crow

Chapter 228 Golden Crow
But soon, Liang Xuan couldn't laugh anymore. The situation in front of him was not due to the internal strife among the four alien beasts.

Because in the center of the flesh and blood of the red bird, there is a small figure that is frantically eating the flesh and blood of the red bird.

When Liang Xuan noticed this small figure, his pupils suddenly shrank and he said in surprise: "The extremely dangerous target alongside the red bird, the Jade Rabbit!"

That little figure was the Jade Rabbit. While Liang Xuan was talking to Wang Rui, he quietly killed three strange beasts, seriously injured the wild boar, and monopolized the flesh and blood of the red bird.

Can Liang Xuan still laugh when he encounters this kind of thing?Anyway, I couldn’t laugh, and my stomach was spinning with tears. I have to apologize to the people of the whole country for being a monster like this.

"Don't move!"

Liang Xuan immediately notified his comrades around him. He carefully watched the 'Jade Rabbit' and saw that the 'Jade Rabbit' didn't seem to have any intention of talking to him. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and reported softly: "Headquarters, I It's a canary, the mission target is being eaten by the codename 'Jade Rabbit', please give the command command the next step!"

The Jade Rabbit and the Scarlet Bird are alien beasts of the same level. The Scarlet Bird fell because of the powerful HQ-17 anti-aircraft missiles. It is impossible to destroy this extremely dangerous beast with just the firearms, grenades and other weapons in hand. Jade Rabbit!

"Jade Rabbit?! Everyone is here, move the target and evacuate."

There was a messy signal coming from the other side of the walkie-talkie, as if there was some interference, and it was impossible to hear what was being said. Amidst the noise, Liang Xuan fell silent.

"Command, command! Please repeat the order!"

"Command, command! Please repeat the order!"

Liang Xuan kept repeating this sentence, but there was no sound from the command center opposite the walkie-talkie. Only the "rustling" electronic sound came, making Liang Xuan extremely hesitant and not knowing what to do.

Was the final order to move the target or to retreat?

Liang Xuan was hesitant, he didn't know what to do.

Do you want to complete the task and attack the 'Yutu' desperately, or retreat to save the lives of your comrades?

If the reckless attack resulted in the death of all his comrades-in-arms, and the order issued by the headquarters was to retreat, then would he be sorry for his comrades?

If the command issued by the headquarters is to retreat with the target, then if you go back empty-handed, will you feel sorry for your comrades who died on the battlefield?

Liang Xuan fell into an important fork in life choices and fell into a brief confusion.

The Jade Rabbit, who was eating the carcass of the red bird not far away, certainly noticed the arrival of Liang Xuan and his party. However, the Jade Rabbit did not treat Liang Xuan's team like alien beasts, but treated them like nothing.

From the perspective of life level, Liang Xuan and his party are still in the level of normal creatures. Even with modern weapons, but without efficient individual weapons such as howitzers and rocket launchers, they cannot threaten Yutu at all.

From another perspective, these people are all in the same group as the force that killed Zhuniao.

They can easily kill the Vermilion Bird, and naturally they can easily kill it itself. If there are no possibilities that must be faced, the Jade Rabbit does not want to be its enemy.

Therefore, as long as Liang Xuan's team did not express any hostility, Yutu did not want to cause any trouble for him.

As for the flesh and blood of Zhuniao?
Although the Jade Rabbit was not killed, it is first come, first served. If someone wants to stop it, there is no need to discuss it. This is one of the few opportunities for the Jade Rabbit to further transform at this stage.

Next to Liang Xuan, a special operations team member whispered: "Captain, let's go ahead. We're just cutting off a part of the flesh and blood. The Jade Rabbit shouldn't care about us."

"Yes, captain, judging from the current situation, it is no longer possible for us to bring back the complete flesh and blood of Zhuniao. It is better to bring back part of it for scientists to study. In this way, we have completed the mission." Another special warrior The team members agreed.

Hearing this, Liang Xuan glanced at the other special forces members, who nodded one after another. Liang Xuan knew what he was talking about and whispered in a low voice: "Be careful when you go there to get the flesh and blood. Don't anger the 'Jade Rabbit'. It's the headquarters." The extremely dangerous beast marked is on the same level as the Zhuniao!"


The special forces members began to take out special containers and touch them little by little in the direction of Zhuniao's flesh and blood. The Jade Rabbit immediately became vigilant and stared at the movements of the special forces members and began to show its teeth.

The strange energy in the whole body is ready to go, just waiting for the special forces to enter the designated position.

At that time, Jade Rabbit will let them know the consequences of tampering with their own things!

However, before the special forces members arrived at the place Yutu imagined, a burst of galloping and roaring suddenly came from the distance, causing Yutu to be stunned. He instantly ignored the special forces members and turned his attention away. to the direction from which the sound erupted.

Along that direction, countless trees were pushed to the ground, dust was flying, and the violent giant bear was flashing purple thunder all over its body, its eyes were scarlet, and it was attacking crazily in the direction of the Jade Rabbit!
No, it’s not the direction of the Jade Rabbit, it’s the direction of the red bird’s flesh and blood after its death!

This tyrannical giant bear did not hide his intentions at all, his eyes were blood red, and his mind was full of devouring the flesh and blood of Vermilion Bird!

Like a roaring roar coming from the mouth of a giant bear, it appeared completely in front of the Jade Rabbit, its whole body surrounded by purple electricity, and the arcs connected into a network, just like the existence in myths and legends that can control lightning, that kind of feeling of looking down on the world. Liang Xuan's heart sank.


Soon after speaking, the Jade Rabbit didn't hesitate at all. A burst of frost instantly breathed out from its mouth. Then, with the giant bear as the center, it covered an area of ​​50 meters. Ice and snow, hail continued to form, heading towards The giant bear flies away!

The scene in front of him seemed familiar to Liang Xuan, as if he had seen it in a mobile game. It had similar effects to Wang Zhaojun when he turned on the big screen.

Faced with this situation, the giant bear roared into the sky, began to beat the ground with both palms, and the purple electricity in his body began to fly along the ground in the direction of the Jade Rabbit!
Frost fell mercilessly on the giant bear's body, leaving streaks of blood. However, the giant bear didn't react much and kept hammering the ground. The purple lightning also followed the ground and attacked in the direction of the Jade Rabbit. go.

The earth was hammered with cracks one after another, and the Jade Rabbit's figure was extremely flexible and light, dodging back and forth in the terrain of this small hillside, avoiding the attacks of purple lightning.

When it comes to their own interests, neither the Purple Lightning Bear nor the Jade Rabbit want to give up casually.

A cold light flashed in Yutu's eyes, and the whole body began to burst into extremely dazzling white light.

The giant bear also roared, ignoring the gash on its body, and the purple lightning quickly surrounded it, facing the jade rabbit's needle point, without giving in at all!
Purple lightning and wind and snow bloomed here at the same time, and the special operations team members were affected. Several unlucky team members were hit by purple lightning and died suddenly on the spot, while a few were affected by the wind and snow and were frozen into ice sculptures!

Liang Xuan endured his grief, quickly collected two kilograms of flesh and blood, and began to lead the remaining team members to retreat. Now, including Liang Xuan, there were only eight special operations team members left.

"Quick, let's find the tourist who became a transcendent and leave here together. It's too dangerous here!"

After Liang Xuan and the special forces members withdrew from the area, he took a deep breath and said to the other members: "Who has a map? Please confirm our location."

The special operations team member looked at the map carefully, then glanced at the broken compass, sighed, looked up at the starless night sky, and said helplessly: "Captain, I'm not sure, we are completely separated now." , I’m blind, I don’t even know where this is.”

Liang Xuan took out his compass, but found that his own compass started to swing around and seemed to be broken. Most of the compasses of other team members were also like this. This made Liang Xuan's heart sink, and he whispered: "The compass here is broken." There is something wrong with the magnetic field and the compass cannot be used."

It just so happened that today was also a starless night, so stargazing at night was useless.

"To survey the surrounding trees, we must first determine our direction!" Liang Xuan took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

The direction of big trees with lush branches and leaves is south, the direction of north with sparse branches, rough bark and dense grass is south, and the direction of wet and moss is north.

This is a little common sense in nature. As special operations team members, of course they have also learned various methods of identifying directions.

The team member whispered: "Captain, the plants in Kunlun Mountain have undergone changes. I'm afraid it's impossible to identify the direction through this."

"Ant, find the ant nest!"

The special operations members were in trouble finding their way.

If they can't find the location where the direction is, then I'm afraid they will get lost in this vast mountain.


There was a harsh explosion from behind, and Liang Xuan looked back, only to see a huge explosion appear at the place where the red bird originally fell, and a shining golden bird appeared in it on the horizon, like tomorrow in the dark night!


Lin Chuo, who was covered in blood, raised his head and looked indifferently at the three-legged bird in the distance that looked like the sun. He narrowed his eyes, carried his backpack, and continued to move forward.

High school graduate Xiao Huohuo and urban white-collar Li Jing who were with her are dead, leaving only Lin Chuo.

Lin Chuo's beautiful eyes reflected the figures of Xiao Huohuo and Li Jing, and he couldn't help but think in his mind: "Everyone thinks they are the protagonists, but who can expect that things will be unpredictable?"

Their search for fruits was extremely easy. Under the leadership of Xiao Huohuo, they found more than 30 fruits without spending much time.

After sharing ten fruits each, Xiao Huohuo and Li Jing felt a little bloated.

Xiao Huohuo believes that he is the son of destiny, the protagonist in the novel, and the darling of the world. He feels that there is nothing in this world that can stop him. According to the plot of the novel, he should go into the mountains to find greater opportunities.

As Xiao Huohuo's aunt, Li Jing, who was originally very cautious, became a little swollen after receiving ten strange fruits. She agreed with Xiao Huohuo's arrangement and believed that her nephew was the son of destiny and an omnipotent existence. .

Lin Chuo had no choice but to agree and go with them to the depths of Kunlun Mountain.

After all, there are two of them and only one of them.

Fortunately, Xiao Huohuo, who was extremely sick in his second year of school, seemed to have determined that Lin Chuo was his 'right daughter', so he protected Lin Chuo without hesitation, which made Lin Chuo less worried about his own safety.

However, who would have thought that everything would change just after they passed through several forests and arrived at the depths of Kunlun Mountain referred to in the tourist introduction.

There was no problem in the first half hour, until half an hour later, a ray of light like the sun shone from a distance. At that time, Xiao Huohuo thought that some rare treasure from heaven and earth was born, and went crazy to seize it. Li Jing also followed. Xiao Huohuo's steps went there.

And Lin Chuo hesitated for a moment before following, but it was because of this hesitation for a moment that Lin Chuo took his life.

Even though a day has passed since this incident, Lin Chuo still clearly remembers every detail of the time, and has a new understanding of the fear deep in the Kunlun Mountains!
That dazzling light like the sun was not a rare treasure at all, but the three-legged bird that appeared not far away!
"Golden Crow."

That sun-like feeling and appearance are exactly the same as the Golden Crow in myths and legends. The difference is that the current version is far less powerful than the one in myths and legends!

Lin Chuo didn't see much of the situation clearly at that time. He only saw the golden crow flying into the sky, and all the surrounding animals and plants were wiped out. Xiao Huohuo and Li Jing didn't even scream.

At that time, Lin Chuo was several hundred meters away from them. It was precisely because of these few hundred meters that she survived and was not killed by the Golden Crow.

After that, Lin Chuo escaped from the depths in a daze. It was not until the outside that she got slightly better. Now she no longer had any thoughts about collecting strange fruits. There was only one thought in her mind: go out, leave here, leave this place. Mountains that look like death!
Now she only has this thought.

"What's the situation? Why are most of our communication equipment malfunctioning?!"

"Chief, we are doing our best to restore communication, and it is estimated that communication will be restored in 10 to [-] minutes."

In the headquarters, Liang Liang was a little helpless. Not long ago, all the radio equipment suddenly failed. They couldn't contact the troops in an instant, and they couldn't mobilize any large weapons to suppress them. They didn't know the current situation. where.

"Liang, Kunlun Mountain is a little uneven."

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded behind Liang Liang. Liang Liang followed the sound and Chen Daoan walked into the command center with a tired face and whispered: "I felt four powerful auras from Kunlun Mountain through spiritual energy. Three of them are in the core area of ​​Kunlun Mountains, and one is in the surrounding periphery."

"The radio equipment should be related to one of the beasts. At the same time that the radio equipment failed, a fourth powerful breath was born in the core area of ​​Kunlun Mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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