i created the old gods

Chapter 229 Negotiations

Chapter 229 Negotiations
"The failure of radio equipment is related to the strange beasts in Kunlun Mountains?!"

Liang Liang was shocked when he heard the words, and he couldn't believe his ears: "Can the strange beast affect the magnetism, radio and other equipment?!"

"It should just be some chance and it will recover soon."

Chen Daoan shook his head, smacked his lips and said, "But these four ferocious beasts in Kunlun Mountain will definitely become a big obstacle. By the way, I have studied the strange fruit. The essence is vigorous and vast, and it is a good material for alchemy."


Liang Liang didn't know anything about this kind of thing about cultivating immortals. He could only look at Chen Daoan in confusion. After coughing slightly, he whispered: "Daozhang Chen, I have lost contact with the troops at present. The situation is extremely urgent and we urgently need your help." help!"

"Don't panic, the aura of the four beasts in the Kunlun Mountains of the Pindao Temple is stable, and it seems that they don't want to fight us."

Chen Daoan looked like an old monk in meditation, and said calmly: "Besides, the powerful aura near the periphery has killed many peripheral beasts, and it seems to be restraining something."

Hearing Chen Daoan's words, Liang Liang was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and whispered: "Dao Zhang Chen, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the worst."

"Proper precautions are still necessary, but if those alien beasts want to negotiate or something, we can also have a good chat with them for the sake of peace."

Chen Daoan's expression was a little tired. The explosive events in the past few days had happened one after another around him. Even if Chen Daoan was a Qi practitioner, he felt a little tired: "To be able to grow into such powerful beasts in a short period of time, they should also have brains." Yes, there is no benefit in fighting us head-on."

Liang Liang nodded and did not refute Chen Daoan.

In fact, the matter in Kunlun Mountain is not difficult to solve. It only requires a few nuclear weapons, and no matter what kind of strange beast it is, it will be finished.

But in this case, Kunlun Mountain will be gone, so negotiate if you can, and if you can't reach an agreement, fight again.

Although the process of eliminating the alien beasts is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible. The government deliberately wants to regain Kunlun, but the four powerful alien beasts are unable to stop this terrifying war machine.

China has a population of 14 million, and its technological level is at the forefront of the world. It can still achieve some things at all costs while protecting the Kunlun Mountains.

Unless the strength of these four strange beasts is comparable to 'Dagon'.

"Daozhang Chen, there is another most critical question: how do we negotiate with the strange beasts in the Kunlun Mountains?"

After Liang Liang was silent for a moment, he slowly said: "After all, our situation is a bit embarrassing now."

"Leave the negotiation to me. The alien beast in the peripheral area probably wants to negotiate with us. Otherwise, if it gathers its aura, Pindao will never be able to sense it."

Chen Daoan said leisurely: "But there are some conditions that we must prepare in advance, such as the distribution of strange fruits, the ownership of Kunlun Mountain, etc."

After saying that, Chen Daoan continued: "The minds of those who are not of my race must be different. The strange beasts in Kunlun Mountain are not even human beings. We cannot let down our guard because of negotiations with them."

Chen Daoan has sufficient knowledge about the beasts in Kunlun Mountain.

These strange beasts on Kunlun Mountain are not of the same race as humans at all. Nature selects the fittest for survival. Although the little animals in zoos and pet shops are so cute, they still have animalistic nature. If you are not careful, you will be seriously injured. It is possible to be backlashed.

Chen Daoan knew this, and he handed these words to Liang Liang, the guard here, hoping that Liang Liang would not relax his vigilance.

Kunlun Mountain strange beast, what is that?But just because they have a Chinese place name, you can't naively think that they are in the same group as the Chinese.

Liang Liang quickly said yes. Immediately, Chen Daoan narrowed his eyes and sighed: "However, those four terrifying beasts should be called monsters."


Liang Liang still didn't quite understand these Taoist things, so he could only smile awkwardly, and said, "Chen Daochang, when are you going to leave?"

Chen Daoan said leisurely: "Wait for the big figures in the government to explain the bottom line, and see how far we can tolerate the four monsters of Kunlun Mountain."

In a dense forest somewhere on the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain, about 50 to [-] people gathered here, with slightly fearful expressions on their faces.

Among them are Lin Chuo and Wang Rui,

Not far above these 50 people, it was like a red sun hanging high in the starry sky.

In this round of red sun, a three-legged figure flickered in it. It had no hair, its whole body was bright, its figure was extremely huge, tall and mighty, its golden pupils shone brightly, and under its illumination, the entire sky was as bright as day.

In the air, there was a constant bursting sound, which seemed to be a small-scale cyclone caused by the surrounding air being unable to withstand some kind of air wave.

It is the Golden Crow, which comes from the depths of Kunlun Mountains.

A day ago, it was just a carefree crow in the Kunlun Mountains. It flapped its wings every night to look for food and lived a happy life. It was unknown which day it would be snatched away by a sudden beast.

One day later, the appearance of the strange fruit completely changed the fate of this ordinary crow.

In a very short period of time, it devoured hundreds of fire-type exotic fruits and killed no less than thirty exotic beasts at the same time!

Its bloodline changed, and its entire body began to become unfamiliar. Then, spiritual wisdom was born from the crow's mind. At this moment, the crow knew that he would no longer be ordinary from now on, and he would be the first in the new era. Golden Crow!
The Golden Crow, also known as the Three-Legged Golden Crow, is a divine bird in ancient mythology and an alias for the sun.In the myth of Hou Yi shooting the sun, after Hou Yi shot the sun, the sun turned into a golden three-legged crow and fell.

Although it doesn't know what kind of existence the Golden Crow is in the mythical story, this is the thought that arises in its mind, so it naturally has to regard itself as the Golden Crow.

After becoming the Golden Crow, it fought for a whole day deep in the Kunlun Mountains. Most of the alien beasts in the depths were dead. In the end, only the four monsters and a few powerful alien beasts survived.

The monsters can detect the location of the strange fruits at the first time, so the strange fruits in the depths have been collected. However, the few monster beasts that gave birth to spiritual intelligence felt that this was not an option, and soon decided to reach a reconciliation with humans and conduct negotiation.

The first step in the negotiation is to kill all the idiots on the periphery who are immature or immature, so that they will not cause trouble and at the same time express their sincerity.

Jinwu not only killed the monsters in the periphery that wanted to attack humans, but also found survivors scattered in Kunlun Mountain. There were 50 people, and only a dozen of them were blessed by the alien fruit. Jinwu didn't care. These superpowers don't care.

In Jinwu's view, these humans are just gifts, which will be given to humans when the time comes to improve humans' credibility towards them.

"finally come."

Jinwu suddenly uttered human words, stared at the south, and his wings began to tremble.

Although his Chinese speech is not very standard now, as a monster, he still has a strong learning ability. It won't be long before he can communicate with humans normally.

In the sight of the Golden Crow, a shadow stepped on the giant trees one after another. The movement was elegant, and it seemed to be a bit of a master's behavior.

"Take these humans away!"

The Golden Crow looked at Chen Daoan who was approaching gradually, spread his wings, and suddenly the golden light was shining. He whispered: "We want Kunlun Mountain, you can't come in!"

After all, he had just gained intelligence and didn't know much about business exchanges, so he went straight to the point and announced his arrangement to Chen Daoan.

Chen Daoan seemed to have anticipated this scene, and said with a smile: "Thank you so much, the king, for rescuing the people of our country. I would like to thank you first."

Jinwu didn't move and looked at the old man Chen Daoan quietly, wanting to see what the old man wanted to do.

Jinwu knew very well that this old man was no match for him. He only needed 1 minute to roast this old man into dried meat. But now looking at the old man's smile, Jinwu felt a little uncomfortable.

"But King Jinwu said that Kunlun Mountain belongs to you. This is a bit unrealistic. It is better for us to be more serious."

After Chen Daoan finished speaking, he continued: "Kunlun Mountain has been my Taoist holy land from the beginning to the end. It is my country of China. Thousands of years ago, Kunlun Mountain lived in Kunlun Mountain, where my Taoist god, His Majesty the Queen Mother of the West, was served. No matter how you look at it, I, the Taoist, are more like the masters of Kunlun Mountain."

Jinwu glared at Chen Daoan, lowered his voice, and seemed to be restraining his anger: "Human, I have never heard of the Queen Mother of the West. I only know that Kunlun Mountain is our territory!"

"You, a little human, are worthy of negotiating terms with us?! Like me, there are three more in the mountains!"

After that, the fire in the eyes of the Golden Crow was so strong that it swooped down in the direction of Chen Daoan. The golden flames swept over and followed the Golden Crow's figure as it circled back and forth around Chen Daoan several times!
And this golden flame fell to the earth like the sun from the nine heavens, it was extremely blazing, the heat wave was rolling, and the surrounding trees were ignited.

But Chen Daoan still kept a smile, looked at the Golden Crow, and said: "King Golden Crow, although you are very strong, you should be able to feel that there are missiles paying attention to this place now, right?"

Jinwu didn't speak, he really felt a feeling of chills, which is why he negotiated with humans.

He didn't know what a missile was, but he just thought that humans' high-level Qi practitioners were watching here from tens of thousands of miles away, and there was no room for any sloppiness in this negotiation.

After a moment of silence, Golden Crow roared: "The periphery belongs to you, and the core belongs to us!"

Chen Daoan narrowed his eyes and spoke carefully: "From today on, you are only allowed to be of that generation near the Pamir Plateau, and are not allowed to cross thousands of miles!"

That section of the Kunlun Mountains is the westernmost section of the Kunlun Mountains. It is close to the border and is inaccessible and cannot be said to be inaccessible. It can be said that no one will appear there at all, so it is the safest area.

It is also the smallest area.

Jinwu didn't understand what price reduction was, so he grinned directly and said, "Humans, then we will start a war soon."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Chen Daoan asked.

"At least half of the land is required, otherwise we will attack humans!" Golden Crow immediately gave a reply.

At this moment, Chen Daoan smiled.

There is a very simple negotiation technique, which is to first state a condition that the other party cannot accept, and then slowly work around it to finally achieve the condition you want.

The Golden Crow had only been born for a day and had wisdom. How could he know so many twists and turns, so he was easily led in the wrong direction by Chen Daoan.

One demon and one person began to quickly formulate a series of treaties, perfectly achieving the situation that Chen Daoan originally expected.

First of all, the four monsters of Kunlun Mountain and their affiliated beasts are all pushed to within one-third of the western part of Kunlun Mountain. There will be a natural habitat protection area recognized by the government for the monsters of Kunlun Mountain, and a special army will be set up to 'protect' it The development of these monsters.

Secondly, the four Kunlun Mountain demons must not harm humans or attack towns. They must also restrain their subordinates from harming humans. If there is any violation, Taoism has the right to hold them accountable.

Finally, the Four Kunlun Mountain Demons do not belong to any human force. They are independent forces and will not help humans solve problems under any circumstances unless they give too much.

This seemingly fair agreement made Jinwu very satisfied. He generously released all the humans here, nodded to Chen Daoan, and quickly flew to the core area, intending to start leading the other three good brothers to move together.

In fact, Chen Daoan knew very well that their bottom line was actually half of the Kunlun Mountains, and it was the most fertile eastern half.
There is no way, the current monsters are too naive, and Chen Daoan can only lick his face to fight for some benefits for himself.

After all, the Kunlun Mountain Qigong Practitioners Association is still part of Kunlun Mountain. From now on, the four Kunlun Mountain demons will be their 'neighbors'. If they don't plan ahead, it will be very difficult.

After finishing reading, Chen Daoan gently rubbed his temples and simply circled the spiritual energy in his body for a week to replenish his strength. He fell from the leaves, looked at the dozens of terrified tourists, sighed slightly, and quickly named eleven among the crowd. People, said: "Would you like to join my Kunlun?"

Chen Daoan did not mention the words 'Qi Practitioners Association' because Chen Daoan wanted to remove the last five words and officially change the name to Kunlun.

In this way, we may be able to get a taste of the four demons of Kunlun Mountain. Moreover, compared with the "Kunlun Mountain Qi Practitioners Association", the former is undoubtedly more in line with Taoist theory.

Among the 11 people, Lin Chuo stepped forward without hesitation, bowed to Chen Daoan, and respectfully said, "I am willing!"

Lin Chuo stood up, and then three more superpowers came forward, willing to join Kunlun.

Among the remaining seven people, four are somewhat interested in Kunlun, while the remaining three have no interest at all.

Zhang San held the crossbow and looked at Chen Daoan, hiding among the seven people, trying his best to look ordinary.

Wang Rui is a little calm: he just wants to go home and start a live broadcast in pilipili to make money, and has no intention of becoming a Taoist priest.

Being able to receive four superpowers to join was an unexpected joy for Chen Daoan. He glanced at the few ordinary people around him who wanted to join Kunlun, shook his head, and whispered: "The government's rescue will be here soon. Here, you are safe!"

(End of this chapter)

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