Chapter 230
Deep in the Kunlun Mountains, a toad as big as a hill sat in a pool, looking at the golden crow flying in the sky, Jie Jie asked: "Have humans agreed to our terms?"

Jinwu changed his previous honest and honest attitude and said with a smile: "Of course, the Western Half Vein belongs to us!"

From the very beginning, Jinwu's goal was half the mountain range to the west.

On the top of a mountain near the Pamir Plateau, there is a crystal clear spiritual grass still growing.

That spirit grass, no, it shouldn't be called a spirit grass, it should be called a fairy grass!
Even if all the strange fruits are added together, they are still no match for one-half of this fairy grass, so they would rather throw away the entire Kunlun Mountain than give up this fairy grass.

Jinwu pretended to be dumbfounded in order to cover up the existence of the fairy grass. The other three monsters were guarding near the fairy grass, emitting their aura so that humans could not detect the existence of the fairy grass.

When it is mature, the four of them will share it and eat it. At that time, they will soar in the daytime and become gods on the ground. Wouldn't it be beautiful?
As long as the fairy grass is guaranteed, everything can be tolerated, and the reason why Jinwu pretends to be ignorant and vicious is to cover up the fact that the fairy grass exists.

There is a saying that "Zhuge is as wise as a demon", and the demon's IQ is still very high.

Isn’t it true that some people think Jinwu is stupid?

A large white-fronted insect with eye-catching eyes slowly walked out of the woods and sneered in a low voice: "That's good. As long as this fairy grass can grow smoothly, why do we need to care about humans?"

Immediately, unbridled laughter came from Kunlun Mountain, as if everything had been decided and no one could stop them in the future.

This wave, this wave has IQ occupying the high ground, can humans still understand this?
The four Kunlun Mountain demons said they were satisfied and had no problems.

At this time, the rising sun rose in the east, the sky gradually cleared, and the entire Kunlun Mountain began to glow with a new round of vitality, as if the fighting last night had ended and everything had returned to calm.

But in this peaceful and stable situation, it is undoubtedly the calm before the storm.

The matter of the fairy grass could be hidden for a while but not forever. The four demons of Kunlun Mountain just want to seize the opportunity and strive to make the latest progress when the fairy grass matures in the future.

On the other side of Kunlun Mountain, a figure in black robe was walking awkwardly in the outer area of ​​Kunlun Mountain. He was the only figure in the vast mountains.

Stepping on the soft soil, Zhang San looked calm, walking in this vast mountain, carefully observing the surrounding situation, without any hesitation.

It is now the time when the sun is rising, and five hours have passed since last night's negotiation between the Golden Crow and Chen Daoan. At this time, Zhang San has entered the realm of "the mountains are high and birds can fly, and the sea is wide and fish can jump".

When he followed the troops to a safe place, he ran away while the soldiers were not paying attention. He knew that his identity was shady and he could not meet with the government officials at all!
His real name is not Zhang San, but it doesn't matter what he is called now, because he is Zhang San now.

He did many things that cannot be described in detail, including causing traffic accidents and damaging public property, not to mention arson and poisoning.

People give him the nickname Outlaw. He is cruel by nature. Although he was born in a peaceful era, he never treats life well.

He is capable of writing and martial arts, can fight and kill, knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, has read poetry and books all his life, and committed countless cruel crimes by using what he has learned in his life.

Why did he do these unscrupulous things?

There is no other reason, just because Zhang San is naturally indifferent, has severe antisocial personality disorder, and is a born criminal.

"This should avoid the first round of searches by the army."

Zhang San was walking on the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain, his brain spinning rapidly: "Although I am a wanted criminal and my forged identity cannot withstand scrutiny, no one knows that I have arrived in Kunlun Mountain now. When I meet the soldiers, I only need to pretend Just pretend, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

"I have taken more than 70 alien fruits. There should be no problem facing ordinary people and those who have just become extraordinary beings."

Zhang San continued to think: "The attack power is at its peak, but my current body defense is not enough to withstand the power of bullets."

"There should be very few strange fruits in the periphery, and in the negotiation just now, the periphery has been divided between the government and Kunlun. If I continue to stay here, I may be in danger, so I must escape."

Zhang San was very aware of the seriousness of the crimes he had committed. During his previous journeys to seek immortality and seek immortality, he had brutally killed his companions, and his hands were covered in blood.

If it weren't for the trip to Kunlun Mountain that really made him a transcendent and caused such big trouble, then the people who were traveling with him would have been killed by Zhang San one by one.

If such a person is caught and shot properly, the body after the shooting will be sent to the laboratory for research, and there is no other ending.

Such good deeds as committing crimes and meritorious deeds definitely do not belong to Zhang San, and the title of outlaw is not something he deserves.

"The Western Region is vast. If I can reach the vicinity of the Western Region, no one will be able to catch me."

Zhang San continued to think about his plan: "When the time comes, I will transfer from the Western Region to other provinces and even other countries. With my status as a transcendent, I can eat everywhere without any problems."

The idea gradually became clearer, and Zhang San's thoughts began to expand: "I heard that there is a very good organization called the Destroyer in Maple Leaf Country. Maybe I can replace it and become the king there!"

The Destroyer is notorious and is the dream of every criminal in the world. For Zhang San, it is undoubtedly the best place to realize his dream.

He wants to become the world's outlaw, the idol of the world's criminals, the embodiment of all evil, and the true god of criminals.

The trees on the outskirts of Kunlun Mountain are lush, but there is a faint smell of blood in the air.

The sound of helicopter propellers was heard in the distance, and some militarized spoken words were heard in the distance. The army began to enter the outer area and conduct a blanket search here.

They were not here to arrest Zhang San, and they didn't even know who Zhang San was.

Their real purpose is to collect exotic fruits that may have been missed by wild beasts. Those fruits will be important national property.

"It's time to leave. The army's firearms are still very powerful." Zhang San said slowly, staring at the direction from which the sound came.

After finishing speaking, Zhang San strode forward and disappeared into the vast mountains.

At this time, from a high altitude, the entire periphery of Kunlun Mountain was filled with military soldiers who came to search for strange fruits, searching tirelessly in every inch of the gap.

Wang Rui sat tiredly in the military lounge, thinking about the situation he encountered in the Kunlun Mountains from time to time, and felt very uneasy.

Not long ago, military representatives came in and invited themselves to join the official department related to extraordinary beings.Become an honorable member of the public family, but this was rejected by Wang Rui.

He no longer wanted to get involved in anything involving extraordinary beings, even though he himself had become an extraordinary person by devouring seven strange fruits.

It is fair and just, so Wang Rui did not choose to join the official department, and no one forced him to join, so he did not cause any trouble.

Another reason why he stayed here was to sign an agreement on the extraordinary beings.

For a period of time, government departments will monitor Wang Rui's every move to prevent him from doing anything that endangers homeland security and violates laws and regulations.

"Comrade Wang Rui, thank you for your hard work."

Just as Wang Rui was thinking wildly, a familiar voice came into Wang Rui's ears.

Wang Rui looked up and saw Liang Xuan, the captain of the special operations team whom he had met not long ago, entering from the door and appearing in front of him. He smiled at Wang Rui and said, "You really don't want to join us?"

"It's just that I'm powerless. I no longer have any idea of ​​becoming the protagonist."

Wang Rui spoke with a wry smile, and couldn't help but smile wryly at his extraordinary strength: "You know, I don't have much courage, and joining the government department will also hinder them."

"OK then."

Liang Xuan waved his hand in amusement, and said a few words, 'It's such a pity', and then said: "According to the government's various indicators and the review of documents, you have not had any criminal record before, and you meet the standards. We allow you to leave here."

Before Wang Rui could react, Liang Xuan said again: "Mr. Wang Rui, don't forget the confidentiality agreement and the extraordinary management agreement we signed. If you violate this provision, you will receive a criminal penalty of at least two years."

"Don't worry, I obey the law and am a good citizen."

Wang Rui patted his chest and promised, but he quickly thought of something again and said worriedly: "Oh, by the way, I didn't read carefully when I signed the management agreement for extraordinary people. Is it written in the regulations? Can I live broadcast the situation of extraordinary people? ah?"

"Yes, as long as you don't reveal anything about Kunlun Mountain, and you don't violate any laws."

After Liang Xuan finished speaking, he joked: "Actually, I encourage you to do this, so that you can also publicize our country's extraordinary strength."

Wang Rui scratched his head and smiled honestly. At this moment, Wang Rui looked like an honest man.

Liang Xuan also laughed. He patted Wang Rui on the shoulder, smiled lightly at Wang Rui, and said, "Although we didn't fight side by side, we are also friends of life and death. Don't say that you have no courage. If you don't have courage, how can you?" Will you offer to go with us to fight the enemy at that time?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Xuan left and walked out of the house, while Wang Rui stood where he was, staring blankly at Liang Xuan's leaving figure, as if he was touched by Liang Xuan's words.

But soon, Wang Rui became depressed again. After giving a wry smile, he murmured to himself: "No, I'm just an ordinary person. I don't have such great courage."

After that, he got up and started packing his luggage, preparing to return to his hometown and start his own live broadcast business.

He believes that he can thrive in the live broadcast industry and become a leading anchor.

After all, he is the first transcendent person in the world to broadcast live.

On the other side of the military base, Liang Liang felt a little heavy. The number of soldiers who died this time was quite large, almost comparable to the number of strange fruits they collected.

After a period of extensive search, one thousand one hundred strange fruits were finally obtained, and the same number of soldiers died.

Preliminary estimates suggest that the number of exotics born in Kunlun Mountain overnight should be over 5. However, only more than a thousand came into the hands of humans in the end, and the rest were all devoured by wild beasts. This is also a very helpless thing.

Fortunately, there was a lot of flesh and blood left on the outside, which was worthy of their experiment.

Although there is only the flesh and blood of a high-level alien beast like the Vermilion Bird, it is enough to carry out certain research.

Liang Liang sat in the office with a heavy heart, looking at the latest internal reports, and couldn't help but sneered: "Americans and Europeans want to get involved, hum."

But everyone knows that this is another sweaty verbal fight.

The birth of the supernatural event is a warning to all countries that it is no longer possible to go to war. If a strong supernatural event breaks out when the war starts, then human beings are likely to perish as a result.

The Kunlun Mountains were turbulent and the drama came to an end. However, Jingchuan, the creator of all this, had already left the Kunlun Mountains and came to Japan, a place where he actually did not have much layout.

In Kunlun Mountain, Jingchuan really put a lot of effort into shaping the strange fruits. More than 5 strange fruits were born overnight, and countless strange beasts appeared. The four monsters of Kunlun Mountain were the best among them.

Also taking advantage of this opportunity, Jingchuan shaped the status of Kunlun Mountain. Although more than 5 exotic fruits were born overnight, the exotic fruit trees in Kunlun Mountain are not a one-time occurrence.

In the future, there will still be some strange fruits produced there from time to time, but it is impossible to reproduce the [-] coins a night.

The incident in China has come to an end for the time being, allowing the incident to ferment for a while. Now Jingchuan has arrived in Japan to develop the extraordinary culture here.

As we all know, the most famous professions in Japan are witches, onmyojis, priests, ninjas, samurai, and monks who eat, drink, whore, and gamble.

Except for the ninja warrior, these professions were all born around an era.

A time of rampant ghosts and supernatural protection.

In that era, only onmyoji, shrine maidens, and priests would be able to flourish, and samurai ninjas would also be valued.

Therefore, Jingchuan believes that for the extraordinary development of Japan, it is not unacceptable to return to that era.

It's just that the number of ghosts and ghosts is a bit huge and needs a period of time to settle. Let's just wait for development during this time.

When the ghosts are rampant, there will be a young warrior slaying demons all over Japan, and there will also be an Onmyoji descendant from the Tsuchimikado family to establish a sect.

(End of this chapter)

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