i created the old gods

Chapter 231 Believe in Science

Chapter 231 Believe in Science
Among the white Kunlun Mountains, there are winding trails lingering among them. On the towering cloud peaks, the cliffs are suddenly shining. A majestic and huge building complex is located here, named 'Kunlun'.

This is the place where many Qi practitioners in Kunlun practice. There are more than a hundred disciples who have learned Qi Kung Fu here. Chen Daoan even sits here. It can be said to be the most mysterious place in the entire country of China.

Not long ago, in the strange fruit incident in Kunlun Mountain, the addition of Lin Chuo and three others completely made up for the embarrassing situation of "Kunlun"'s lack of attack, allowing Kunlun to truly have offensive Qi practitioners.

Don't ask, just ask that the innate magical powers obtained by taking the strange fruit can also be counted as spells.

This is also an extremely helpless move. Although Chen Daoan is extremely talented and unparalleled in the world, creating a basic Qi training method based on the predecessors is the limit. If he wants to further improve it and develop any method, he may not be able to do it. Not enough strength.

Most of the current Kunlun Qi Practitioners' disciples are still cultivating themselves and tempering their spiritual energy, and they don't know how to use spiritual energy at all.

And some disciples who know how to use spiritual energy can only use spiritual energy to bully ordinary people. They don't know any magic, let alone go to the west to slay demons.

Up and down the mountain, Chen Daoan and Lin Chuo may be the only ones who can truly fight with the demons.

No one knew how many strange fruits Lin Chuo had swallowed, nor what kind of talent Lin Chuo had. In just one month, she opened up her meridians and initially completed the body tempering and strengthening.

In such a situation, he could only rank among the top twenty disciples in Kunlun, but the problem was that Lin Chuo was blessed with supernatural powers, and his strength suddenly ranked first among the disciples, second only to the headmaster Chen Daoan.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Liu Shuting was filled with excitement and clenched the mobile phone in her hand, feeling nervous and apprehensive.

The Internet is abuzz these days, with all kinds of news flying all over the place.

The Golden Crow came to the world, the Suzaku was reincarnated, and the statue of the Queen Mother of the West suddenly appeared on the top of Kunlun Mountain.

All kinds of news spread everywhere, coupled with several blurry videos taken by tourists near Kunlun, it aroused people's curiosity. Everyone is full of interest in this mysterious place of Kunlun Mountain. curious.

Liu Shuting is the head anchor of the Douya platform. She is well-known in the live broadcasting industry for her live streaming of games and singing. She can be said to be one of the top players in the live broadcasting industry, and the brand of Douya platform.

However, three days ago, everything changed.

An inexplicable guy who came suddenly broke the original live broadcast pattern, causing the already somewhat fixed live broadcast pattern to be broken again.

That person's live broadcast ID is the Emperor of Fire, and he broadcast live on Pilipili, a platform known as the "novice village" in the live broadcast world, but it became popular all over the Internet, and even the crooked nuts went over the wall to watch the live broadcast.

The 'Fire Emperor' has average looks and no talent, and the live content is just making fires for cooking and live broadcast outdoors, but the number of viewers every day is as high as tens of millions!
Why is this happening?

The reason is very simple. This 'Great Emperor of Fire' is a serious extraordinary person who has the ability to control flames!
His live broadcast of making fire and cooking is truly his own life, and he is also officially certified as a transcendent!
Due to the appearance of the 'Fire Emperor', pilipili seemed to have seen some hope. He suddenly spent a large amount of money to dig out many top anchors of the Douya platform, and acquired several small live broadcast platforms. He officially showed his sword and headed towards the top The live broadcast platform launched a charge.

Obviously, after the joining of extraordinary people and many top anchors, the traffic of Douya platform has dropped significantly, while the traffic of pilipili is getting higher day by day.

Originally, Liu Shuting was also waiting for pilipili to poach her, but two days later, Liu Shuting realized that pilipili didn't seem to have any intention of poaching her.
Pilipili's lack of attention and the fact that Douya Platform gave too much money made Liu Shuting grit her teeth and stay at Douya Platform, becoming the first sister of Douya Platform at this stage to maintain stability.

She knew very well that there was only one reason for the rise of the 'Fire Emperor', and that was his status as a transcendent. Without this status, he would be nothing.

Suppose, at this time, there is a fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged extraordinary girl broadcasting live. How many people will watch him in the live broadcast room of the 'Fire Emperor'?

This result must be self-evident.

And Liu Shuting also knew that if she wanted to get the terrifying traffic of the 'Fire Emperor', she would also have to create some extraordinary content.

As a result, Douya Platform offered a large sum of money, opened up connections with the government, contacted Kunlun Taoist Palace, and expressed its willingness to spend [-] million to contribute to the development of the Taoist Palace.

Liu Shuting also showed great interest in Taoism, so she successfully obtained the qualification to 'visit' the Kunlun Taoist Palace.

The so-called visit was just a name, and Liu Shuting came up for the live interview. Although the money offensive was simple and crude, it was extremely easy to use.

Liu Shuting came back to her senses, shook her head, tried her best to stay calm, and started the live broadcast as usual.

Beside Liu Shuting, several specially hired staff from the Douya platform were paying attention to everything to prevent any problems.

Don't get me wrong, they are not here to protect Liu Shuting, but to prevent Liu Shuting from doing anything that would endanger the Kunlun Qi practitioners.

After all, Liu Shuting is the anchor of their Bean Sprouts platform. If they really annoyed the big shots in Kunlun here, then all the consequences will have to be borne by them.

Since Douya Platform has no intention of taking the blame, it can only prepare in advance to prevent Liu Shuting from suddenly going crazy and causing trouble.

Of course Liu Shuting didn't know all this. She thought she was the savior of the Douya platform now. She happily started broadcasting. Looking at the increasing number of live broadcasts, she smiled sweetly and said: "Welcome everyone to my live broadcast room. Today us."

Anyway, it was just a bunch of nonsense about the opening remarks of the live broadcast, and the barrage was "swish, swish, swish", and it was difficult to see clearly what was being said. Liu Shuting smiled like a flower, and she was happy in her heart: the popularity and number of people in the live broadcast have exceeded her historical high.

For this live broadcast, she planned for a full day. Because she had never been to Kunlun Dao Palace, Liu Shuting had no detailed interview plan at all. She could only improvise and say whatever she encountered.

This will greatly test the anchor's adaptability. Liu Shuting believes that she has the ability to conduct adequate interviews.

"As we all know, the Kunlun Mountains have existed since the beginning of chaos. Together with heaven and earth, they are the ancestors of all mountains in the world. Therefore, they are also the most important one among the dragon veins."

Liu Shuting walked up the steps in front, while awkwardly easing the situation in the live broadcast room, and began to introduce Kunlun Mountain: "The "Book of Mountains and Seas" respects Kunlun Mountain as a sacred mountain. According to legend, the Queen Mother of the West lives in Kunlun Mountain with a human head and a leopard body. Two blue birds serve. It is the Taoist god who divides the hands of men and women with Dong Wanggong to cultivate and become immortals."

While walking and talking, Liu Shuting was a little puzzled: "Why haven't I met a single Qi practitioner in such a majestic Kunlun Taoist Palace?"

The entire steps were empty without a single figure. This ethereal and majestic atmosphere made Liu Shuting feel very uneasy.

Her mission this time is to interview extraordinary Qi practitioners so that they can increase the popularity of their live broadcast rooms so that the Douya platform will not fall too far behind pilipili and become popular again.

But she didn't meet a single person along the way, which made Liu Shuting feel a little scared.

'Could it be that the Qi Practitioners in Kunlun Mountain have some special mission today and I picked the wrong time? '

Liu Shuting couldn't help but think about it in her heart. In a panic, she couldn't help but look at the barrage of the live broadcast, and she was already prepared to be ridiculed.

However, to Liu Shuting's surprise, there were not many people in the barrage criticizing her. Instead, they kept asking her to look back.

"Huh? Is there something behind you?"

Liu Shuting was stunned for a moment, then turned around in confusion, wanting to take a closer look and see what was behind her.

Under the guidance of the barrage, Liu Shuting saw a delicate-looking girl on a large rock halfway up the hillside outside the steps, trying her luck. Visible spiritual energy fluctuations were swirling around her.

"Wow, that young lady is so pretty."

Liu Shuting felt ecstatic for a while, and started to praise the girl. She thought to herself: I finally met an extraordinary person, and my efforts were not in vain this time.

"That Qi Practitioner lady is still practicing. Let's stand here and wait for her to finish her practice before interviewing her."

Liu Shuting stood in the railing, holding up her mobile phone, interacting with the water friends in the live broadcast room, and at the same time live broadcasting the heroic appearance of the Qi practitioner girl.

It has to be said that the appearance of a heroic and beautiful Qigong practitioner in the live broadcast room is indeed very popular. After her appearance, the popularity of Liu Shuting's live broadcast room has skyrocketed again, surpassing the popularity of 'The Emperor of Fire'!

Although everyone in the live broadcast room went to the young lady, Liu Shuting was also happy.

After all, at this time, all I need to do is hold up my phone and look cheerful. As the reward increases, I don't need to make any extra moves at all.

The person practicing on the mountainside is naturally Lin Chuo. After all, there are only a few Kun Dao in Kunlun, and Lin Chuo is the only one with such skill.

Lin Chuo had already noticed Liu Shuting's figure when she arrived nearby, but Lin Chuo didn't pay much attention to it and planned to stop after completing a circle. It would be a pity to stop now.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chuo finished breathing out, his eyes were bright and lively, he looked at Liu Shuting, and said calmly: "Infinite Lord, this layman is polite, what can I give you?"

Lin Chuofang joined Kunlun. Since she has joined Taoism, she cannot have any problems with Taoist etiquette, so her etiquette seems a bit stiff.

"Hello, hello, I am Liu Shuting, the anchor of the Douya platform. My ID is xxxx. Can I interview you for a few questions?" Liu Shuting was so excited that she nodded crazily at Lin Chuo.


Lin Chuo spoke tepidly. She saw Liu Shuting's cell phone. This kind of behavior made her a little uncomfortable: "Please speak, layman."

"What's your name, miss?"

"I am a poor Taoist named Lin Chuo, my Taoist name is Zixu."

Lin Chuo spoke slightly, saying that this kind of problem was nothing.

Liu Shuting suppressed her excitement, and for some reason she said out of nowhere, "Taoist Priest Zixu, uh, Fairy, can you tell me some experience in cultivating immortals? How did you start cultivating immortals?"

But after saying that, Liu Shuting regretted it.

She is live broadcasting, can the fairy in front of her really answer her questions?

"Cultivation into immortality? It's nothing."

Lin Chuo denied it flatly: "Pindao has always been a Taoist. He cultivates his moral character every day, practices Taoism according to the master's teachings, and understands nature."

After that, Lin Chuo said calmly: "Cultivation to immortality is all feudal superstition. Lay people should be more sober and believe in science."

After saying that, Lin Chuo glanced at the distance below the mountainside, hugged Liu Shuting's fists, and immediately jumped down. A strange green aura gathered around him, and instantly disappeared into the vast Kunlun, leaving Liu Shuting as one of them. I was stunned, at a loss.


You asked me to believe in science, but then I jumped from a mountainside dozens of meters away and disappeared?
You're almost ready to fly with a sword, okay? How do you expect me to believe in science? !

Liu Shuting expressed that she was unable to complain, and the live broadcast room became even more excited. The entire live broadcast room became a little unstable, and occasionally dropped out.

Obviously, because a large number of people poured into the live broadcast room, the technical guys of Douya Platform were urgently trying to maintain stability, and the leaders of Douya Platform were so excited that they could not express themselves in words.

The current traffic not only breaks the traffic record of Douya platform, but also breaks the world traffic record!
Countless netizens flocked here, and foreign netizens climbed over the wall one by one to watch the live broadcast despite extremely high delays.

This is the Kunlun Taoist Palace, the most mysterious extraordinary organization. Of course they are interested in it!

In Handong Province, thousands of miles away from the Kunlun Mountains, Wang Rui watched Liu Shuting's live broadcast and the familiar figure of the live broadcaster, took a deep breath, and looked a little lonely.

Lin Chuo, a member of the Kunlun Mountain Immortal Seeking Team, is fair-skinned and beautiful, and is suspected of being a second-generation rich man. Wang Rui also fancied something in the team.

But now everything is gone.

The ability to jump from a height of tens or even hundreds of meters and disappear is far beyond that of Wang Rui. If it were Wang Rui, he would probably fall to the bottom of the mountain and become a corpse.

Perhaps from the moment Wang Rui rejected the invitation from Kunlun and the government, he and Lin Chuo were in different worlds.

Wang Rui was in a complicated mood and could only comfort himself by saying: "My current signing fee is hundreds of millions, I earn hundreds of thousands every day, and I live a very cool life."

At this moment, the ringtone of an anime theme song rang in Wang Rui's newly bought villa. Wang Rui answered the phone listlessly. It was the boss of the live broadcast platform.

"Mr. Wang Rui, prepare yourself. The company has already started packing for you overnight, and plans to give you a trip to Japan in the next month. We will communicate with Asama Shrine as much as possible. What do you think?"

"You don't need to live broadcast during this period, you just need to take a video and come back. We will help you edit and publish it on the platform. Don't worry, just treat it as a trip, relax and relax. We will bear all the expenses for you. .”

There is such a good thing?
Wang Rui was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I'll pack up and set off the day after tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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