i created the old gods

Chapter 232 Japanese Ghost

Chapter 232 Japanese Ghost
On Mount Fuji in Japan, the weather is like spring all year round, with grass growing and orioles flying.

The breeze blows, and the snow-white petals fall from the cherry blossom trees like drizzle and tears, shining brightly in the sunset, and the sweet and sweet smell hits your nostrils.

The cherry blossoms half cover the building, and the trees are full of brilliant cherry blossoms, which are picturesque and poetic, attracting colorful butterflies to wander around. The setting sun makes the scene even more solemn and beautiful, adding to its beauty.

Huge cherry blossom trees stand in the crater. The largest active volcano in the world can no longer emit any flames.

The cherry blossom trees that represent the great god "Konohana no Yuehime" completely block the active volcano, turning Mount Fuji into a graceful wonderland that feels like spring all year round.

Among the colorful cherry blossoms, Asama Shrine is located here. This originally prosperous shrine became even more prominent after the appearance of the goddess Hashimoto Mokyu.

There are endless buildings. In addition to the cherry blossoms, there are shrine buildings on Mount Fuji. There are thousands of priests and shrine maidens of all sizes. There is an endless flow of people every day. It can be said to be the number one attraction in Japan.

The reason why Asama Shrine is so popular is that the beautiful scenery and architecture are only a trivial reason. There are many places with beautiful scenery in the world.

There is only one real reason for the popularity, and that is the goddess of Asama Shrine and the earthly representative of Kōka Yahime, Hashimoto Mohisa.

Who doesn’t want to see this long-famous beauty and extraordinary woman with his own eyes, and who doesn’t want to receive blessings from the gods?

However, it is basically impossible for these tourists to see Hashimoto Mohisa, because only the peripheral areas of Sengen Shrine open for tourists to visit, and the core area where Hashimoto Mohisa lives is prohibited from entering.

Nearby, there is a 300-member self-defense force guarding the safety of Sengen Shrine to prevent any unknown people from nagging His Highness Hashimoto Mohisa.

After all, Hashimoto Mojiu can now be said to be a national treasure in Japan, and there is no room for any loss.

As the sun shone down, Hashimoto Mojiu sat under the huge cherry blossom tree on the top of the mountain, with a pair of beautiful eyes as bright as spring, looking at the cherry blossom capital not far away, with a complicated expression.

She hasn't gone out for a long time. After returning from Europe, she only went out to see Peter off when he left Japan. In the following period, Hashimoto Mojiu has been studying his nerves in Asama Shrine, trying to strengthen his ability.

Unfortunately, her ability is determined by God, and there is no room for growth. No matter how hard she tries, her strength will be limited to this and cannot be reversed.

"The flowers are blooming, Your Majesty, is my strength really limited to this?"

Hashimoto Mojiu murmured to himself, with a hint of unwillingness in his voice. He seemed to be a little dissatisfied with the current situation and wanted to further improve his strength.

Very few people can become saints and gentlemen, not to mention Hashimoto Mokaku, who was originally a teenage girl. She also tried to disguise herself as a goddess who did not eat the fireworks of the world, but failed. .

The eyes of the entire Japan were focused on her, and the country's hopes were focused on it. Huge pressure appeared on her shoulders, and she also suffered tremendous pressure and torture that should not be experienced at this age.

"If Konohana-kayeji's crown is watching your believers, please give your believers strength! The Lord of the Heaven's Palace, Amaterasu's god's crown, cannot come out, Konohana-kaiyeji's crown, you Now it is the hope of the entire Japan!"

Hashimoto Mojiu muttered silently in his heart, at the same time clasping his hands together, closing his eyes, concentrating his whole body and mind as much as possible, looking forward to getting a reply from Konohana Kai Yehime.

However, the truth is always cruel. Even though Hashimoto Mojiu tried his best, he did not get any reply about Konohana Kaiye Himehime.

This feeling of emptiness makes Hashimoto Mojiu feel a little scared. This feeling is as if the flowers blooming and the princess has never existed!
Perhaps Muhuakaiye Ji Mianxia never existed from the beginning to the end, and his abilities were actually given by the Lord of Heaven, God Mianxia?

"Impossible, how could it be possible that Muhuakai Yeji Mianxia doesn't exist? Impossible, impossible."

Hashimoto Mojiu shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of this ridiculous idea as much as possible. He worshiped under the cherry blossom tree fearfully and devoutly. At the same time, he concentrated again, hoping to receive information about Konohana Kaiyeji's crown. information.

However, once this kind of thought is formed, it is difficult to get rid of it. The more you want to forget, the clearer you remember it. In this environment, Hashimoto Mojiu fell into a distressed situation until an inexplicable signal appeared in Sakura City. middle!

Hashimoto Mojiu was stunned for a moment and murmured: "What is that thing? Why can I sense that signal?"

Before he finished speaking, one dense signal after another was born in Hashimoto Mojiu's mind. From the bustling Sakura City to the unknown mountain villages and countryside, there were such signals everywhere, leaving Hashimoto Mojiu a little confused. measures.

"What happened?!"

Hashimoto Mojiu felt that these signals exuded a strong killing intent and were not holy at all. She quickly stood up and walked towards the mountain gate, planning to go to Sakura City in person to find the source of the signal and see what happened. What happened.

It's just that this signal is strong and weak, and sometimes even disappears, which makes Hashimoto Mojiu fall into great passivity, but this also makes Hashimoto Mojiu more curious and wants to see this What is the source of the signal.

"Your Highness Mojiu!"

"Your Highness Mojiu!"

When the surrounding priests saw Hashimoto Moku coming barefoot, they all turned pale and hurriedly saluted. After receiving the news, the elderly head priest hurried over. Seeing Hashimoto Moku looking in a hurry, he frowned slightly and whispered. : "Mojiu, what's going on? Why are you in such a hurry?"

He is the old priest who adopted Hashimoto Mohisa. He is the closest person to Hashimoto Mohisa and the only person in Asama Shrine who dares to control Hashimoto Mohisa.

"Priest, I feel several signals with murderous intent appearing in Sakuradu. I suspect that the 'Destroyer' has appeared, and there may be some accidents. I plan to go and decipher it myself." Hashimoto Mojiu glanced at the old priest and whispered. road.


The old priest raised his eyebrows: "Just inform the government. Their self-defense forces will handle everything. There is no need for us to get involved. You are the representative of Konohana Kaiyeji, and you cannot show up at will!"

"Master Priest, you can't stop me. I have another identity. I am the only extraordinary person in Japan. It is my responsibility to deal with extraordinary events."

Hashimoto Mojiu stared at the old priest's old face. After he finished speaking word by word, two vines suddenly emerged from the surrounding soil and wrapped around the old priest's body, making the old priest unable to move: "Priest-sama, The vines will disperse on their own in an hour, I’ll leave first, please take care of yourself.”

After saying that, Hashimoto Mohisa's figure quickly disappeared from Asama Shrine, leaving ordinary priests and shrine maidens in a daze.

The old priest hated iron, and because of the vines, he could not move. He could only curse: "Why don't you hurry up and notify the government and ask them to protect His Highness Mojiu? If anything goes wrong with His Highness Mojiu, all the officials The higher-ups must commit seppuku and apologize!"


The sun sets, and night falls.

Although the prosperous and prosperous Sakura City experienced a tragic war, the streets here quickly recovered and returned to prosperity due to the appearance of the gods and the Sengen Shrine on Mount Fuji.

The Sakura City is brightly lit at night, neon lights are on in the streets and alleys, and there are people on the streets in an endless stream. There is no way to tell that it is already night, as if it is still daytime, that moment when there is a lot of people.

In a high-rise building complex in Japan, product salesman Kitahara Sosuke was walking silently along the sidewalk, holding two bags in his hands, looking a little lonely.

He was once a wealthy man who visited high-consumption places. The house here was also purchased when he was rich.

However, due to an accident, all his money was lost, and he could only find a job as a product salesman to make ends meet. Although he lived in a high-end community, he would have to sell the house soon. I went to rent a house in some remote place.

"Kitahara-kun, good evening! Oh, it's not sold."

At the entrance, Kitahara Sosuke accidentally bumped into his neighbor Masao Watanabe in the same unit. Watanabe Masao looked at Kitahara Sosuke in surprise, and the words he blurted out unintentionally made Kitahara Sosuke slightly embarrassed.

But now Kitahara Sosuke no longer cares about face issues, he can only say with a sorry smile: "Good evening Watanabe-kun, business has been difficult recently, and the products cannot be promoted at all."

The two were walking and talking, and while talking, they had already entered the unit building.

Entering the elevator, Kitahara Sosuke casually pressed the button for the tenth floor, glanced at Masao Watanabe, and then helped him press the button for the twelfth floor, which elicited a burst of thanks from Masao Watanabe.

"Kitahara-kun, do you have any plans to change your job?"

In the elevator, as if to lighten the atmosphere, Masao Watanabe took the initiative and said: "Our president is recruiting assistants recently. I heard that Kitahara-kun is a top student who graduated from Yingdu University majoring in economics and management. There should be no problem in applying, right?"

"Is that so? Thank you so much, Watanabe-kun."

Kitahara Sosuke was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly bowed to thank him. Now that the position is tight, it is not easy to have a job with a good salary.

"No need to thank me, I."

Before Masao Watanabe could finish speaking, there was a sudden 'ding'. Kitahara Sosuke thought the tenth floor had arrived, and was about to invite Masao Watanabe to sit at his home. Unexpectedly, it was not the tenth floor, but the ninth floor.


After the door opened, it was empty outside, without anyone around, as if nothing existed.

"Baga, what happened? Why did it stop on the ninth floor?!" Masao Watanabe couldn't help complaining, looking a little unhappy.

Japanese people prefer odd numbers, but there is only one odd number that they are not interested in, and that is nine.

The Japanese people did not have the pre-Qin philosophers and hundreds of schools of thought to praise each other in their theories, and there was no royal family that evolved the word "nine" into a symbol of the emperor. In Japan, the status of "nine" is the same as the "four" of the Chinese and the "six" of the Westerners. "Generally, firstly, because it is homophonic with the word "bitter" in the language, people will avoid it when encountering "nine"; secondly, because the number nine is somewhat unlucky among Onmyoji and is a symbol of ghosts.

According to legend, the Japanese version of the Nine-Character Mantra was a technique created to seal away the Nine Ghosts.

Therefore, in the eyes of some Japanese people, the number 9 is unlucky. Masao Watanabe is a relatively superstitious Japanese and feels very uncomfortable when the elevator stops on the ninth floor.

"Kitahara-kun, did you press the wrong button? Why did the elevator stop on the ninth floor?"

Watanabe Masao complained, and Kitahara Sosuke thought he had pressed the wrong button. He looked up and saw that the tenth and twelfth layers on the button were still shining. Kitahara Sosuke had not pressed the wrong button at all!


Kitahara Sosuke felt a little chill in his back, but he still forced out a smile and said stiffly: "The residents on the ninth floor who are waiting for the elevator may have something to do and go back."

After that, he quickly pressed the door-closing button, and the elevator was about to continue rising, but unexpectedly, the button for the ninth floor in the button controller lit up again!
"What are the residents on the ninth floor doing?!"

Masao Watanabe couldn't help it anymore and muttered: "I live in an uneasy floor like the ninth floor and press the buttons over and over again. It is people like this that lower the per capita quality of Japan!"

When the elevator door opened again, there was still no one outside, but this time it was a little different.

A lonely figure stood in front of the door, without any words, just standing there motionless.

"You guy, what are you doing? If you want to come up, come here quickly!"

Seeing that this man was motionless, Watanabe Masao was a little angry, so he couldn't help but speak, and even planned to go up and have a fight.

And Kitahara Sosuke seemed to notice something, his face turned pale, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

The figure slowly raised his head, and the terrifying face gradually appeared in front of the two of them.

Its skin had turned black, its entire head was skinny and bones, and its face was full of pain. The ferocious face looked extremely terrifying, and its empty and dead eyes were staring at Kitahara Sosuke and Watanabe Masao.

"Gluck cluck."

Weird laughter roared from his throat. Masao Watanabe's face instantly turned pale, and a liquid with a strong pungent smell flowed out from his lower body. His whole body collapsed on the ground, shivering uncontrollably.

And Kitahara Sosuke was not much better, the two sides were fighting, and he was extremely frightened.

Soon, a red light flashed, and the figure suddenly disappeared. Sosuke Kitahara shouted, fearing that something would go wrong. He and Masao Watanabe yelled one after another for a long time before realizing that there was no problem.

Kithara Sosuke took a deep breath and was about to say something when he suddenly felt his hair was wet and a terrifying thought appeared in his mind.

Is it
He looked up stiffly, only to see the 'corpse' with obvious death spots staring at the two of them intently, with its fangs exposed.


(End of this chapter)

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