Chapter 233

Inspector Kudo was stubbing out his cigarette, crossing the obstacles set up by the Japanese police, and arrived at the crime scene. He looked at the scene with only half a body left in the elevator and took a deep breath.

He had just arrived from Chiyoda District, and when he learned that there was a suspected supernatural event, his fingers couldn't help but tremble, and he felt great regret.

It’s not that Police Inspector Kudo has never experienced supernatural events. On the contrary, he is the first police cadre in Japan to be exposed to supernatural events.

The Yamata no Orochi and Hydra incident a year ago left a deep impression on him, and he no longer wanted to be exposed to any other extraordinary events.

But very helpless, after a lapse of one year, the incident happened again, and as the future leader of the police, Kudo Police was attracting attention, so he had no choice but to take command and solve the problem.

"What's the situation now?"

Inspector Kudo was depressingly asking the forensic doctor at the scene. He did not know the details of the case. He was communicating with the old priest of Asama Shrine on the phone the whole way and had no time to understand the situation.

"Senior, the deceased's name is Kitahara Sosuke, male, 34 years old, 167cm tall, with normal development, yellowish skin color, black spots on the body. He was cut off from the waist and crotch, and the body showed signs of being bitten."

Biting, biting again, it's really difficult.

The extraordinary incident a year ago was also related to the biting, which made Policeman Kudo couldn't help thinking about it, and the connection between the two cases began to become clear.

However, this alone cannot be used to determine it as an extraordinary event, so Inspector Kudo said again: "Where is the elevator surveillance, please adjust the surveillance screen."

"Kudo-senpai, please take a look."

Speaking of this, a young Dongying policeman hugged the computer, played the surveillance video in the elevator, and whispered at the same time: "From the surveillance at the gate, at 9:34 last night, the deceased Sosuke Kitahara and his neighbor Masao Watanabe We walked into the elevator together, but from the surveillance camera, from 9:34 onwards, there was no sign that the elevator had started!"

As the young police officer reported, in the surveillance video, nothing happened at all. The elevator was empty and there was no one around.

In response to this, Police Inspector Kudo was stunned for a moment and quickly asked: "How was the body discovered?"

"Look at it."

The young police officer started to fast forward the surveillance camera, and it did not return to normal until 9:51, and he stopped talking.

In the surveillance content, Kitahara Sosuke's body fell from the ceiling of the elevator out of thin air and was torn into pieces. Blood flowed freely, dyeing the entire elevator red.


Several young female assistants who came with Inspector Kudo felt extremely sick, but Inspector Kudo, who had experienced many battles, could still remain calm and said rationally: "Which neighbor entered the elevator with Kitahara Sosuke?" Well, where has he gone?"

"Senior, we have already visited Masao Watanabe's home. Masao Watanabe's wife said that Masao Watanabe did not return home last night, and the phone could not be reached. He does not know where he went."

The young policeman whispered: "We suspect that Masao Watanabe may have something to do with this case, or that, like Sosuke Kitahara, he may have died somewhere we haven't found yet."


Inspector Kudo let out a long sigh, rubbed his temples, and came to the elevator where the crime occurred. He looked at the dried blood scab inside, suppressed his nausea, and ordered to the left and right: "Dig out this elevator for me. !"

There have been supernatural and extraordinary events. Who dares to go in and investigate at this time?

Therefore, Kudo Police feels that it is better to move the entire elevator out first. Ensuring safety is the most important thing.

But before Inspector Kudo could continue to say anything, his work-specific mobile phone suddenly rang. He opened the phone quite unhappily. Before he could take the initiative to speak, the voice on the other side of the phone said hurriedly: " Kudo, something big happened!"

Police Inspector Kudo recognized that the owner of the voice was his immediate superior. He immediately looked stern and said seriously: "Your Majesty, Police Director, what happened?"

"A well-known young actor in Shibuya Ward died in his home and was cut into hundreds of pieces!"

The police chief of Yingdu said in a hurried voice: "After the trial of the case and the on-site investigation, there are no traces of any invasion by outsiders. The young actor most likely committed suicide!"

Cutting the body into hundreds of pieces turned out to be suicide?

Kudo Jingjing couldn't believe this news. He felt it was ridiculous and absurd.

But this sentence came from the police chief, the highest-ranking person in the Japanese police. It is the most official and authoritative reply from the Japanese police, which makes this incident even more confusing.

At this moment, Police Inspector Kudo seemed to have thought of something and immediately said: "By the way, the priest of Asama Shrine said that the goddess Hashimoto Mojiu arrived in Sakura City. Your Excellency, Police Director, have you seen it? Herself?"

"His Royal Highness Mojiu Hashimoto has come to Sakura City? That's great!"

The police chief obviously didn't know the news. When he heard what Chief Kudo said, he immediately felt comfortable and quickly issued an order: "Okay, you don't need to be responsible for the case anymore. Next, cooperate fully with Hashimoto." His Highness Mojiu handles the situation!"

After saying that, the police chief hung up the phone with lightning speed, leaving Inspector Kudo in a daze.

Kudo police officer:? ? ?

No, I don’t even know where His Highness Hashimoto Mohisa is. Why can he shirk the blame so neatly?
Police officer Kudo said it was very sudden, and he was a little too late to react, so he could only say that the official was overwhelming.


Inspector Kudo sighed, and suddenly found that the police officers around him were looking at Inspector Kudo in high spirits, as if waiting for Inspector Kudo's instructions.

Seeing this, Police Officer Kudo coughed lightly, and said, "Your Excellency, Chief Police Officer, has issued the latest order. From now on, I will cooperate with His Highness Hashimoto Mojiu to deal with the incident!"

"Block this unit building, drive away all the residents, and don't tear down the elevator. From now on, don't move any plants or trees in this building!"

Inspector Kudo was speaking calmly, and felt relieved after finishing speaking.

Now that His Highness Hashimoto Mojiu has taken action, there must have been another extraordinary incident in Sakuradu. In this case, it is beyond his control.

Now, all I need to do is wait for His Highness Mojiu Hashimoto to find this place and cooperate with our side. The success or failure will not be up to me, and there will be no pressure at all.


The sound of short and rapid breathing sounded in the corridor, and the terrifying and desperate roar also echoed in the underground parking lot.

A figure ran desperately in the underground parking lot, staggering, and behind him, a dark shadow chased after him, with no intention of letting him go.

"Please, let me go, let me go!"

The running figure was none other than Masao Watanabe. He felt extremely desperate and had no idea where this place was, so he could only run away helplessly.

He saw his neighbor Sosuke Kitahara being killed with his own eyes. Already at a loss due to fear, he burst out with powerful physical energy and fled like a swan out of its cage, attracting the evil ghost who killed Sosuke Kitahara. Chase him all the way.

Along the way, Masao Watanabe was running in despair and fear, and the evil ghost could take Masao Watanabe's life at any time, but always gave up at the last moment, just like a cat catching its prey after eating and drinking. of banter.

This fierce ghost just regarded Masao Watanabe as a toy and walked him all the way to this underground parking lot.

Masao Watanabe fell to the ground, panting heavily, looking at the ghost approaching him step by step, the feeling of fear surged in his heart, he began to beg for mercy loudly, but the ghost didn't show any signs, staring at the dead silent Empty eyes, staring at Masao Watanabe!

"Ohh Ohh ohh"

At this moment, strange cries came from all directions, breaking the calm. The evil ghost at the head suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction. At this time, Masao Watanabe had already collapsed. up.

He smelled an extremely strong smell of blood, and along with this strange cry, even a fool knew what was going on.

After running all night, can he still not understand?Probably another ghost came!

Even one ghost made him feel scared and desperate, and now another one came. Wouldn't it be death from heaven?
The female ghost in white with disheveled hair climbed out of the trunk of a car in the parking lot. She was covered in blood. She raised her head and looked at Masao Watanabe and the elevator ghost with her dark eyes. Her crying became heavier and heavier. .

Not only that, there was a baby lying on the back of the female ghost in white, staring at Masao Watanabe, full of longing.

The baby's body was blue and black, and his eyes were as black as the night. What was shocking was that he had no pupils, and there were blood and tears on his face.


Masao Watanabe is crazy. His experiences from last night to this morning were so colorful and wonderful that it is difficult to describe them in words. They were so wonderful that his heart could not bear such great excitement!

The black mist on the Elevator Ghost gradually increased. The mother and child ghosts looked very difficult to deal with, but the Elevator Ghost was not afraid of anything. It stared at the mother and child ghosts and roared in a low voice, as if warning something.

Ghosts are all ignorant, and their ability to perceive the outside world is not high. Elementary ghosts are not even Lingzhi, they are just useless killing weapons.

Slightly more powerful ghosts have their own spiritual intelligence, but these spiritual intelligences are very inferior and can only help them barely remember part of their memories of their lifetimes, allowing them to hunt regularly.

Those ghosts who can talk and whose IQ level is almost the same as that of normal people are the most powerful existences among ghosts and are known as the 'Kings of Ghosts'.

This title is what every ghost yearns for, and those ghosts who have some spiritual intelligence and want to continue to recover are working hard.

Whether they are killing each other or hunting humans, they are working hard to increase their strength in order to quickly reach a certain level in a short period of time.

The mother and son want to take advantage of others.Not only eat Masao Watanabe but also the elevator ghost.

And the elevator ghost also wants to devour the mother and son ghosts to increase his own strength. This can be said to be an inevitable struggle.

Masao Watanabe was at a loss and could only sit slumped in the middle, becoming the possession of the victor of the war and being killed and eaten.

He closed his eyes in despair, seeming to have compromised with his fate, just waiting to die. A miserable scream appeared in Masao Watanabe's ears. Curiosity drove Masao Watanabe to secretly open it. Eye.

I saw that the elevator ghost had an extra talisman on his body at some point, and there were three or four kinds of talismans attached to the ground around him!
In an instant, the talismans lit up with various colors of light, intertwined and ignited on the elevator ghost. In an instant, the smoke was lingering, and the originally powerful elevator ghost was killed by these ordinary-looking talismans!

Watanabe Masao's gaze did not stay here for long, but looked at the man in hunting clothes on the other side who was slowly walking towards him.

I saw that man was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and he was wearing black and white hunting clothes, waving a folding fan in his hand, walking confidently towards the mother and child ghosts, with a smile on his face.

The only flaw may be his height. Masao Watanabe made a preliminary estimate and found that this man of great power seemed to be less than 1.6 meters.

But this doesn't mean anything. Masao Watanabe is already excited. He knows what this set of clothes represents.

Onmyoji is a very famous onmyoji in folklore!
Speaking of Onmyoji, Watanabe Masao couldn't help but think of a name. To a certain extent, this name represented Onmyoji.

Watanabe Masao suppressed his excitement and said as respectfully as possible: "Sir, are you... Seimei-sama?"

"I'm not Abe Seimei."

The onmyoji spoke with a smile, looked at the mother and son ghosts, and said with a smile: "I am the current successor of Tsuchimikado. My name is Tsuchimikado Kurosaki. Don't be afraid, you are safe now."

The figures of the mother and son began to tremble, and the next moment they disappeared directly into the underground parking lot. Seeing this, Watanabe Masao admired Tsuchimikado Kurosaku to the extreme.

"Okay, you call the police. Tell the police that Tsuchimikado's successor will revive Tsuchimikado. Tsuchimikado will be fully responsible for the security of ghosts and ghosts in Sakura City." After Tsuchimikado Kurosaku finished speaking, he disappeared. A puff of black smoke disappeared here, making Masao Watanabe even more panicked.

Watanabe Masao stood up tremblingly, quickly dialed the phone, and told the police what he had seen: "I, I."

On the rooftop of the shopping mall above the underground parking lot, the elevator ghost who was supposed to be terrified suddenly appeared in the corridor. Looking at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku who was strutting on the rooftop, he did not dare to disobey him in the slightest.

The mother and son ghosts were also lying on the ground, not daring to make any move so as not to disturb Tsuchimikado Kurosaki.

At this moment, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, whom they feared, was bathing in the sunshine freely without any abnormality. He stood on the rooftop and looked down at the entire Sakura City with an intoxicated expression.

A descendant of Tsuchimikado?
Yes, he is indeed the Onmyoji of Tsuchimikado.

But he also has another identity, an extremely terrifying identity.

The ghost king who has been 'sleeping' for hundreds of years.

 Today is 520, are you happy?

  Anyway, I'm happy. If I don't have a partner, I don't have to spend more money. The plan works.

(End of this chapter)

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