i created the old gods

Chapter 234 The Katana

Chapter 234 The Katana
"Heir of Tsuchimikado?!"

Listening to the police chief's report, the current Japanese Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki couldn't hide the shock on his face, but he was even more ecstatic: "What's going on? I remember I visited Tsuchimikado a few months ago. , why didn’t the successor of Tsuchimikado appear at that time?”

Tsuchimikamon Shinto can be traced back to the Heian period. It was Onmyodo founded by Abe Seimei. Onmyodo was popular in the Heian period and the Edo period.

Tsuchimikamon Shinto is based on the Chinese theory of yin and yang and the five elements and eight trigrams. Its main activities are astronomical research, compilation of calendars, divination of directions, good and bad luck and prayers, as well as exorcism and catching ghosts to balance the yin and yang in the world. It is based on the ancient Japanese national official The Yin Yang House was established as a venue for activities.

The direct descendant of Abe Seimei is the Tsuchimikado family, which has been a prominent organizational family in Japan from the Edo period to the Meiji period.

However, after the Meiji Restoration, Tsuchimikado was abolished, and even Onmyodo was abolished. However, there are still many branches headed by the Tsuchimikado family, who secretly formed the "Tsuchimikado Shinto Association", which has been passed down to this day.

When the extraordinary event occurred, Shuei Miyazaki was the first to visit Tsuchimikado Shinto, and then visited Kankaiyukoji Shinto and Harima Shinto, but all returned without success, thinking that the orthodoxy of Onmyodo had been destroyed. Lost in the long river of history.

But now that the successor of Tsuchimikado suddenly popped up, Miyazaki Shuei was extremely happy, but under this joy, there was still a trace of doubt.

When I went to Sanshen Dao before, why was it said that I had no extraordinary abilities, but now what kind of successor has appeared?
This thought flashed through Miyazaki Shuei's mind, he hid his emotions very well, but said kindly: "Where is that descendant of Tsuchimikado now, take me to see him!"

"According to our information, the descendant from the Tsuchimikado family is currently running around in every corner of Sakura City."

The police chief replied: "Slaying demons and demons has saved at least 40 lives so far. Her Highness Hashimoto Moku, the goddess of Asama Shrine, is also haunting Sakura City. She is erratic, but she has also achieved good results. score."

The police chief answered clearly, but Miyazaki Shihide also understood the information revealed in the police chief's words.

That's because Hashimoto Moku, the goddess of Sengen Shrine, has a lower record than the successor of Tsuchimikado. She just said this to make her reputation sound good.

Although Miyazaki Shuei understood the news, he would not do anything stupid to make a distinction. Instead, he smiled and said: "Since there are goddesses from Sengen Shrine and descendants of Tsuchimikado sitting in Sakura City, there are only monsters and monsters. It should be resolved soon."

"Prime Minister Miyazaki, there is one more thing you need to know."

After seeing that the Tsuchimikado incident had passed, the police chief continued to say seriously: "Similar murder cases have also occurred in major cities outside Sakura City."

"Especially in a town in the mountains in Fukuoka Prefecture, more than 500 people in the whole town died at home, and no one survived!"

The police director stroked his gray hair, and continued to say: "Our police department has accepted more than 400 criminal cases overnight. According to the speculation of our professionals, the number of cases across the country is estimated to have exceeded eight." Hundreds!"

"Eight hundred, overnight?"

Shuei Miyazaki realized the seriousness and urgency of the matter. Although the disasters in various places were not as serious as Sakuradu, combined they could turn Japan upside down!
There are no descendants of Tsuchimikado or goddesses of Sengensha in other places!
"Immediately enter a state of full martial law and distinguish between ghost incidents and man-made incidents!"

Shuei Miyazaki instantly thought of some compensatory measures: "In the next period of time, there is a high probability that someone will commit crimes in the name of ghosts and gods. Your task is to distinguish between ghosts and gods and man-made murderers, and punish those man-made murderers!"

Shuei Miyazaki knew very well that once this kind of murder by ghosts and gods became known to the public, many people would soon start to imitate the crime in order to release the repression and animality in their hearts, and then pretend to be crimes committed by ghosts and gods, so that they would not have to bear the responsibility. Legal liability.

There is no shortage of perverts in the world, but people lack the eyes to detect them.

"Don't worry, we understand."

The police chief nodded solemnly and continued: "But what should we do about those cases involving ghosts and gods?"

"I will communicate with all the extraordinary forces." Miyazaki Shuei said helplessly.

Ghosts are different from others. Although the worms of the Destroyer organization are terrifying, bullets can still cause damage. But what do ghosts say? Can bullets hit ghosts?

Very helpless, ghosts can kill people, but humans cannot touch ghosts. This is the most important problem facing the Japanese government.

The police director nodded and was about to exit the Prime Minister's room. Unexpectedly, Shuei Miyazaki suddenly said: "By the way, if you encounter a descendant of Tsuchimikado while performing a mission, please let me know. I want to meet him." he."


The police chief didn't think there was any surprise, nodded slightly, and then exited the prime minister's room.

In the room, Miyazaki Shuei was half-leaning on a chair, taking off his glasses and gently rubbing his temples, feeling a little powerless.

Shuei Miyazaki knew that Japan would undergo earth-shaking changes in the near future.

But it probably has nothing to do with him anymore. Now he just needs to do his job well and make the final ending more friendly to the Japanese people. This is all he can do in the end.

"Thank you, Onmyoji-sama, thank you for saving my life, thank you, thank you!"

In an ordinary remote alley in Chiyoda District, Sakura City, an obese Japanese young man who looked extremely fat was kneeling on the ground, kowtowing three times and nine times to Kurosaku Tsuchimikado. The fat all over his body was trembling, as if he was facing Tsuchimikado. Hei Shuo burst into tears of gratitude.

All the brothers who were surfing the Internet with him were dead, and he was the only one left to run away in despair. When the evil ghost was about to kill him, the Onmyoji master fell from the sky, drove away the evil ghost, and saved his own life. , why doesn’t this make him grateful?

"Another pretty good ghost, just so-so. How come hundreds of years later in Japan, ghost abilities are so weak that they can't even materialize?"

Tsuchimikado Kuosaku didn't pay attention to the fat man's words, but murmured to himself: "Forget it, this is a relatively powerful ghost that I have conquered in the past few days, and it is better than the previous ones who couldn't even speak. The trash you talk about must be strong.”


The obese man fell into deep confusion when he listened to Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's words. He couldn't understand what Tsuchimikado Kurosaku was saying: "Sir, you. You."

"Oh, I forgot about you, Fatty."

Hearing this, Tsuchimikado Kurosaki turned around with a smile, looked at the obese man, smiled slightly, and said: "I have saved enough people. It should have attracted the attention of the officials who now rule Japan. You should become my subordinate." Feed and contribute to my great cause."

Having said that, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's shadow suddenly began to stir, and then a tall and fierce ghost wearing armor with an invisible face emerged from the shadows, looking at the man with a sinister smile, sharpening his sword.

The fat man's expression changed from joy to fear. He looked at the armored ghost approaching step by step and shouted desperately: "No! No! No--!!!"


Screams rose to the sky, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku stood there quietly, witnessing the scene of the armored ghost tearing the man into pieces and then eating them piece by piece.

But before the armored devil could eat a third of it, Tsuchimikado Kuisuo raised his hand and said coldly: "Stay back."


After the armored ghost said something tremblingly, he was about to get into the shadow of Tsuchimikado Kuoshuo, who suddenly stopped him and said: "Don't follow me anymore, go." Go to Hokkaido and integrate the ghosts there for me, I don’t want to go too far, understand?”

"I understand that my subordinates are willing to be their masters."

The armored ghost stammered and stumbled when he spoke, which made Kurosaku Tsuchimikado very unhappy. He shouted coldly: "I know, go to Hokkaido!"

The armored ghost trembled in fright, and immediately disappeared into the black shadow in the corner, quickly disappeared in this street, left Sakura City as fast as possible, and ran towards Hokkaido.

Just a few minutes after the armored devil left, a group of heavily armed police officers arrived. They looked at the bloody scene in front of them, their faces a little ugly, but when they saw Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, their expressions changed to Got respect.

"Lord Tsuchimikado, I"

"I came too late and couldn't save this life."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku interrupted the policemen's words, and said with a cold expression: "But I have killed this ghost on the spot, and there should be no second ghost in the vicinity in a short time."

The surrounding police officers were shocked when they heard what Tsuchimikado Kurosaku said, and they burst into tears of gratitude to Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, and the leader of the inspection department even said respectfully: "Tsuchimikado-sama, thank you for everything you have done! "

"My leader asked us to tell you that His Excellency Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki wants to see you. I hope you can take the time from your busy schedule to communicate with Prime Minister Miyazaki."

'Prime Minister Miyazaki Shihide? '

A strange color flashed in Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's eyes, and he nodded immediately and said, "I understand. After I clear an area tonight, I will meet with Prime Minister Miyazaki to talk about Sakura." All problems.”

The inspection director was extremely happy and quickly thanked you: "Thank you very much, Lord Tsuchimikado!"

"You're welcome. As a descendant of Tsuchimikado, it's my duty to exorcise demons and catch ghosts to balance the yin and yang in the world." Tsuchimikado Kurosaku said.

Having said that, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's figure began to gradually disappear in front of many Japanese policemen, disappearing without a trace in full view of the public, which made these policemen lament that Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's onmyoji had reached its peak.

In the shadows, Tsuchimikado Heisuo's expression was indifferent, like a dead person.

His goal has been achieved, and tonight he will reach a consensus with the current Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki.

He will "exorcise" all the ghosts in Sakura City, and Japan needs to open up venues and publicity to allow talented children from all over Japan to join Tsuchimikado Shinto and train them to become future great onmyojis.

In this way, he can save himself the trouble of looking for people with high talents, and he can also devour human beings without anyone noticing.

Ordinary humans simply cannot meet Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's requirements for strength growth. Therefore, Tsuchimikado Kurasaku plans to integrate the black and white sides and gather the power of Japan to make her stronger and stronger.

This method is called "captivity" by humans. Only in this way can Tsuchimikado Kurosaki obtain a steady stream of resources and improve his strength step by step.

Who would have thought that Tsuchimikado Shinto, which maintains the stability of Sakura City, would be a refuge for ghosts and monsters?

This is Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's idea, a simple and crude idea that few people will see through.

Even if someone discovers the truth in the future, who will believe this so-called truth when Tsuchimikado Shinto has already covered the sky with one hand at that time?
Shikoku, Kyushu, Hokkaido, and all the islands have been sent to have demons by Tsuchimikado Kurosaku. This system will be a pyramid layered one after another, with only Tsuchimikado Kurosaku standing at the top!
Once this wave succeeds, then Tsuchimikado Kurosaki will be the undisputed king of Japan!

In Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, on the narrow paths in the fields, swordsmen wearing bamboo hats and samurai swords walked gently on the muddy road step by step, but their shoes were not stained by the mud.

The swordsman smelled the smell and suddenly stopped. He raised his head and looked at the wisp of smoke rising in front of him. His pupils that were originally as calm as water suddenly shrank!
"not good!"

In an instant, the figure of the swordsman turned into an afterimage, galloping forward with the force of wind and clouds, the momentum was huge, and the wind on both sides rang.

Not far ahead, the tavern in Komachi was filled with blood. The owner had fallen into a pool of blood. The guests screamed in pain and despair. In front of the tavern, a headless corpse wearing a Japanese police uniform was oozing blood.

The armored ghost was very unhappy. He vented his emotions violently, and his murderous mentality was now even more violent.

He knew very well that it seemed that he was sent to Hokkaido with an important task by his 'master', but in fact he was eliminated!

There are so many ghosts around the Lord, why should he go?

It wasn't because he wasn't strong enough. If he was strong enough, how could he be transferred? !
'I want to kill, I want to eat, the more I eat, the stronger I am, ahhhhhh-! ! ! '

The armored ghost killed everyone in the entire street, and this tavern was the last stop. He was about to go out through the wall and go to kill other people, but suddenly he sensed that there was a human here.

This human being was almost missed by him.

'No way, I can't miss any human beings, is that so'

The armored ghost's eyes lit up, and he rushed straight into the second floor of the tavern. Looking at the girl hiding in the corner, covering her mouth and crying, he grinned, revealing his terrifying fangs.

Born with weak senses, she is a perfect delicacy for ghosts. Eating her is worth eating NO. 80 people!

The armored evil spirit approached the girl ferociously step by step. He liked this feeling of slowly sinking human beings into despair, and he felt intoxicated by it.

'Cry, struggle, and finally be swallowed up by me in despair! '

The armored ghost kept thinking in his mind, and he approached the girl with great excitement. When he showed his fangs and planned to eat the girl alive, there was a sudden flash of sword light, and the armored ghost was stunned, and immediately felt a chill on his neck. , gray light passed in front of my eyes, and then the sky and the earth swirled, and I saw only a headless body slowly dissipating, which felt a bit familiar.

isn't it me?
The armored devil reacted instantly, and then felt his body dissipating. He knew that he had been chopped off. His eyes widened. The moment his head was about to disappear, he saw the weapon that chopped him off.

A katana that glows with black light.

 '' is a psychological description.

(End of this chapter)

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