i created the old gods

Chapter 235: Japan amidst the raging ghosts

Chapter 235: Japan amidst the raging ghosts

The black-robed swordsman retracted the katana and slowly retracted the scabbard. The katana emitting black light rubbed against the scabbard, making a "sizzling" sound.

"Still haven't caught up."

The black-robed swordsman looked at the body lying in a pool of blood. He could only sigh with a complicated expression.

His name is Araki Renku, and he is a ghost-slaying swordsman.

The so-called ghost-slayer swordsman is an extraordinary person who combines swordsmanship, bushido and onmyodo to maintain world peace and protect the people.

Demon-slayer swordsmen are proficient in swordsmanship, bushido and onmyodo, and are the most feared killers of ghosts. Araki Renku is a demon-slayer swordsman. According to his memory, he comes from the Edo period.

"What era are we in now? Why do ghosts slaughter civilians so unscrupulously?"

Araki Renkong frowned. He encountered no less than thirty ghosts along the way. Although they were all killed by his sword, Araki Renkong felt that this place was very weird.

How weird is it?

That is, the ghosts here are extremely arrogant and domineering, making no secret of it. They kill and eat people they meet, but their strength is very low. In the Edo period, they could only be regarded as weak ghosts who had no ability to hide secretly.

In other words, the armored devil that I killed just now had the average level of ghosts in the Edo period.

Just like this, a group of ghosts that would never have been on the stage in the Edo period actually ran rampant throughout Japan, slaughtering humans without restraint!

Seeing such chaos, Araki Renku felt extremely complicated and could only murmur to himself: "Have times changed and there are no onmyojis or ghost-slaying swordsmen in Japan now?"

At this moment, the sobbing little girl hiding in the corner spoke silently, her voice trembling and low: "Sir, this is the Reiwa era, and there are no more Onmyoji and Demon Slayer swordsmen."

"Reiwa era?"

Araki Renku was stunned for a moment. This name was extremely unfamiliar to him. He only remembered that before he fell asleep, Japan was still in the Edo period.

But soon Araki Renku looked at the little girl, sighed, and said, "Do you have any other family members?"

After hearing the words, the little girl gritted her teeth and immediately knelt in front of Araki Renku, buried her head between her sleeves, and shouted loudly with sobs: "Sir, my father and mother are both dead. At the hands of monsters, I want revenge, please teach me the art of swordsmanship!"

"Do you want to become a ghost swordsman?"

Araki Renku looked at the little girl in front of him who was already crying and was a little surprised by this move.

After all, no one has ever worshiped him as a disciple. People always want to become onmyojis, but very few people want to become ghost-slayer swordsmen.

In an era when communication equipment was not yet developed, demon-slayer swordsmen with samurai swords were often mistaken for personal samurai. In people's minds, carrying swords equaled samurai, while those who truly possessed great supernatural powers were people like Abe Seimei. Such an onmyoji.

After the little girl sobbed for a while, she gradually calmed down. She knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing her head. There were blood marks on her forehead. She shouted loudly: "Yes, sir, I want to become a demon-slayer swordsman. Please teach me the art of swordsmanship, and I will serve you wholeheartedly!"

Araki Renkong smiled. He lowered his head, looked at the small figure, and said softly: "A ghost swordsman needs to suffer a lot. Before becoming a ghost swordsman, you will suffer a lot. If you are not careful, you will lose your life in Biliangpo, are you still willing?"

"I do!" The little girl's eyes were firm.

Araki Renku nodded and said seriously: "So, what is your name?"

"Sir, my name is Beidou Molihui." The little girl whispered.


Araki Renkong repeated the girl's name, nodded, and said, "I remember your name. From now on, you are my successor disciple, Araki Renkong."

"Come with me. Someone will handle everything here. We can't waste time here. Every minute we delay, more people will be killed by ghosts."

Having said that, Araki Renku held the dark katana and stepped resolutely, turning around and leaving. Beidou Moli, who was behind him, hesitated for a moment, and then decided to follow Araki Renku's pace.

Although burying the corpse is important, saving the common people is even more important!

Two figures, one big and one small, quickly disappeared in this little-known town, and in the tavern, the police who rushed over looked at the bloody situation and were very panicked.

They hurriedly retrieved the tavern's surveillance camera, and through the surveillance camera, they saw guests being killed one after another until Renku Araki appeared.

"this is"

The policeman who had been watching the surveillance was dumbfounded by the way Araki Renkuarafeng appeared. He was so excited that he could not express his thoughts in words: "Swordsman! He is not a sword master. Anyone who can kill ghosts must be a sword master!" "

"Report, must report to Sakura Capital! The Sword Master has appeared!"

The police were very excited. The ghost killings these days have been too shocking. Many colleagues in the Japanese police have died. They are very afraid of ghosts.

Now with the help of Tu Yumen's successors and sword masters, they believe that the society in Dongpu will soon stabilize, and the era of peace will inevitably come to Dongpu again.

News was passed on layer by layer. Due to the changes of the times, in less than an hour, the news about the "Juggernaut" and the images from the tavern surveillance had been transmitted to the computer of Japanese Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki.

Miyazaki Shuei looked at the screen on the computer, his breathing began to become a little rapid, and he quickly asked: "Where is this Mr. Sword Master?"

"Prime Minister Miyazaki, Your Excellency the Juggernaut has left Minna Town with a little girl named Hokuto Marie, and her whereabouts are unknown." The police chief said helplessly.

"With a little girl named Hokuto Morie?"

Shuei Miyazaki fell into deep thought: "How old is Hokuto Morie, where do you live, and where is your family?"

The police chief sighed: "According to the national treasury information, Hokuto Morie is 14 years old and a native of Minna Town. Her parents have died and her body is in the tavern in the video."

"Why did the Sword Master allow Beidou Morie to travel with him? Is he planning to accept Beidou Morie as his successor?"

Shuei Miyazaki has countless questions, but now he is very clear that he needs to find this "juggernaut" to find out all the information: "Pay attention to the situation of the juggernaut, and present it to the Prime Minister's residence as soon as you have information. Trouble."

"Okay, Prime Minister Miyazaki."

The police director bowed slightly, Miyazaki Shuei stood up, looked out the window at the dusk, stretched, and after chatting with the police director a few words about the current issues of public security management across the country, the police director left.

After the police director left, Miyazaki Shuei squinted his small eyes and said to the assistant beside him: "Have you contacted the hotel? Today's dinner is to entertain Tsuchimikado, the direct descendant of Tsuchimikado. Lord Men Heishuo, we must not make any mistakes!"

Hearing this, the Prime Minister's Assistant was about to say something, but before he could move his mouth, a pleasant and crisp voice came from behind Miyazaki Shihide: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, don't bother, I think we can just talk here. good."


Miyazaki Shuei was shocked, and turned around hurriedly, only to see Tsuchimikado Kurosaku already sitting in his original seat, looking at Miyazaki Shuei leisurely, and said with a smile: "Actually, I have been there a long time ago Here you go, um. Probably when the police officer is communicating with you."

"Actually, I'm very interested in the sword master you mentioned. Can you let me know more about it?"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku said with a smile: "I also know a few ghost-slaying swordsman friends. Maybe I know this sword master and can introduce him to you."

A series of words caught Miyazaki Shuei off guard, but he quickly organized his thoughts and replied with a smile: "Master Tsuchimikado, it is too shabby for you to talk to me in my office. , but since you ask for it, I have no choice but to comply with it."

After finishing speaking, Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki began to answer Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's question: "I have film and television information about this Lord Sword Master, but we are unable to confirm other information about this Lord. Please forgive me. .”

Having said that, Miyazaki Shuei quickly stepped forward and skillfully used his own computer to click on and play the encrypted surveillance video.

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku looked at it very seriously. After a long time, he sighed: "It is indeed a ghost-slaying swordsman, but I don't know this swordsman."

"But I believe that this demon-slayer swordsman and I will get to know each other soon, very soon." Tsuchimikado Kurosaku said with a smile.

After Miyazaki Shuei was stunned for a moment, he immediately said: "Then I would like to congratulate the great Demon Slayer Swordsman in advance on your happy cooperation."

The two smiled at each other, and immediately began to discuss the ghost problem in Sakura City and the reconstruction of Tsuchimikado, and reached a partial consensus.

In fact, these were all things that came naturally. All that was missing was a meeting between Prime Minister Miyazaki Shuih and Tsuchimikado's successor, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku.

For Miyazaki Shuei, he stabilized the ghost incident, communicated properly with Tsuchimikado, and brought a supernatural force to the Japanese country that could protect itself.

As for Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, he can also use the credibility of the current Japanese government to carry out his own plan. In general, it is a win-win situation for both parties at this stage.

As for what will happen in the future, it is unknown.

After reaching an agreement, Kurosaku Tsuchimikado quickly left the Prime Minister's residence and fled far away, which made Shuei Miyazaki envious and realized the power of Onmyoji.

As night fell in Sakura City, Kurosaku Tsuchimikado stood under the cherry blossom tree at a scenic spot in Sakura City, his expression calm, but his eyes seemed to be filled with huge waves.

He really didn't know the ghost-slayer swordsman, but he knew what a ghost-slayer swordsman was, and he even knew who the ghost the ghost-slayer swordsman killed in the video was.

That was clearly the younger brother he had just sent out to lead Hokkaido, but he was killed by the Demon Slayer Swordsman in just half a day.

"It seems that there are still ghost-slaying swordsmen in the world, and the plan is about to undergo some changes."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku felt that there was some trouble. He analyzed the simple surveillance video just now and found out that although the strength of this demon-slaying swordsman was not as good as his own, he could still cause him extremely powerful trouble.

The number of Demon Slayer Swordsmen is currently unclear, but Tsuchimikado Kurosaku is certain that Demon Slayer Swordsmen are still cultivating new Demon Slayer Swordsmen.

"Lord, the Ghost Lord of Hokkaido I originally appointed has died. You should temporarily replace him and serve as the Ghost Lord of Hokkaido temporarily."

After pondering for a moment, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku summoned a handsome young man. Hearing the words, the young man nodded and said, "Okay, my lord, I will definitely complete your mission and make Hokkaido look brand new."

After saying that, the young ghost named '蒗休' disappeared out of thin air and headed towards Hokkaido at a terrifying speed under the illumination of the moonlight.

Rōya is one of the two powerful ghosts formed by Tsuchimikado Kurosaku who integrated the resentment of the entire Sakura City in the past two days. In addition to his combat experience, Rōya's strength is not weaker than those famous ghosts in the Edo period. .

After all, this is the resentment condensed by the 500 million people in Sakura City!
"The Demon Slayer Swordsman is really causing me trouble."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's figure completely disappeared from the street, leaving only a black shadow squirming wantonly.


In Yingdu Airport, the sound of the engine was deafening, as if it was about to tear the sky apart, and it was like a continuous muffled thunder in the sky. Amidst the roar, a passenger plane that took off from Huaguo landed in Yingdu International Airport. At the airport.

Wang Rui looked out the window sleepily. He had just had a good sleep in the plane, and when he woke up, he was in Japan.

His mood was very complicated and uneasy. To him, Japan was a familiar yet unfamiliar country.

Many foreign entertainment products such as animation and games have made people feel good about the country of Japan. Wang Rui, as a pilibili old couple, naturally has a certain yearning for Japan to travel, but when he actually arrives in this foreign country, I feel a little strange and unaccustomed to it.

"Mr. Wang, your next itinerary today is relatively simple. Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nobitaro will meet you at the residence in 10 minutes."

"After reaching a consensus with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the famous Japanese businessman Mr. Junichiro Watanabe would like to have dinner with you."

The public relations personnel specially hired by pilipili chattered in Wang Rui's ears about Wang Rui's schedule for the next month. One-third of the time was spent with Japanese dignitaries, and one-third of the time was spent resting. , only one-third of the time is really left for Wang Rui to play.

Moreover, going to Asama Shrine to meet the goddess Moku Hashimoto was also included in his private time.

This kind of behavior makes Wang Rui a little depressed. He is here for tourism and is not a professional diplomat. Why is he so grand?

With doubts, Wang Rui got off the plane, but to his surprise, Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nobitaro was already waiting for Wang Rui's arrival outside the plane.

Seeing Wang Rui get off the plane, Foreign Minister Nobitaro was overjoyed and hurriedly came forward to greet him. At the same time, he said: "Emperor Wang Rui, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Japan to slay demons and demons. We are deeply moved by your spirit. You will always be ours." My friend, all your consumption in Japan will be paid by our Japanese government!"

When the translator beside Wang Rui translated the words to Wang Rui intact, Wang Rui fell into deep thought.

What about slaying demons? Am I not here to travel this time?

(End of this chapter)

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