i created the old gods

Chapter 236 Blood on the tip of the tongue

Chapter 236 Blood on the tip of the tongue
Wang Rui's expression was a little complicated. Beside him, Japanese reporters and entrepreneurs enthusiastically supported Wang Rui, making Wang Rui look like a special character, which was particularly embarrassing.

The Japanese people around him were a little too enthusiastic, which made Wang Rui a little scared. He couldn't help but ask the translator next to him: "Xiao Su, tell me honestly, what are we here for?"

"Brother Wang, to be honest, I don't know what's going on."

Xiao Su, the translator with a middle-parted comb, was also extremely vague: "The honorifics of these people are smoother than the others, and they also talk about ghosts and shelter. This time may be very different from the plan we made before setting off."


Hearing this unfriendly word, Wang Rui trembled subconsciously. When he mentioned ghosts, he thought of the beasts he encountered in the Kunlun Mountains, and said immediately: "Don't ask me to subdue demons, I won't Yes."

Not long ago, the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Nobitaro's talk of "slaying demons and slaying demons" really made Wang Rui a little hairy. Coupled with the attitudes of these people, Wang Rui confirmed his suspicions.

What the hell, I just came here for a trip to see Miss Hashimoto Mokyu, but now I’m here to slay demons out of nowhere?
To slay demons and eliminate demons, you go to Lin Chuo, to the Taoist priests of the Kunlun Taoist Palace, what skills do I have as a little anchor?

Wang Rui knew how much he weighed. He became a transcendent simply because of his luck. If a fight really broke out, it would be difficult for him to survive, and it would be impossible to protect others.

As for slaying demons?Don't be kidding, that's simply not what a young anchor like him can do.

What's more, Wang Rui didn't know what happened to Dongpu at all. He fell asleep on the plane, and after getting off the plane, his entire itinerary changed drastically, and he didn't have time to understand the situation at all.

Wang Rui used his own painful experience to warn his friends not to sleep on airplanes. Not only will the quality of sleep be poor, but it will also make it easier for many things to happen.

After a false business exchange, Wang Rui finally dealt with the Japanese dignitaries who came to get close to him, and came to the hotel room arranged for him by Japan.

Wang Rui's schedule is very secretive, and the news of his private placement in Japan has not been released. Therefore, the residents of Japan do not know that such a transcendent person has arrived. The people of Yingdu are still worried about what happened today. .

From last night to tonight, during the whole day and night, too many things happened, so many things that it was incredible, and it felt like living in dire straits.

Poor Wang Rui, he didn't pay attention to the news in Japan before departure. When the news from Japan reached China, he got on the plane again. When he arrived in Japan, he was surrounded enthusiastically. He still doesn't know what happened in Japan. .

"Wang Rui. Is he an extraordinary person from China?"

Hidden in the darkness, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku murmured the name to himself, feeling a little uncertain in his heart.

In the era when he lived in his memory, although the ancient country of China had begun to gradually weaken, the skinny camels were always bigger than horses. The impression of the extraordinary people of China in the minds of extraordinary people of all levels in Japan was still 'very powerful'.

"Extraordinary beings from China, damn it, why do my plans always have these changes!"

Tsuchimikado Kuoshuo thought fiercely. He was very unhappy with Wang Rui's sudden appearance.

There is no way, the name of China is really well known, especially for countries like them that existed around China in ancient times. The extraordinary people of China have always been well-known, and they are as strong as clouds.

But it was limited to this. Tsuchimikado Kurosaku was not afraid to the point of kneeling down to beg for mercy. At most, he was a little surprised in his heart.

It's like an ordinary old player in the game meets a member of the top five trade unions in the world.

They are all practitioners, and what matters is personal strength, not practice background.

"What can the extraordinary people of China do? I haven't seen any practitioners who have crossed over since I started practicing. This is also an opportunity."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's smile gradually became perverted. He licked his lips and murmured: "I just want to take this opportunity today to taste the delicious food from China."

Sakuradu is the most critical place in Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's plan, and there is no room for any loss.

Although Tsuchimikado Kurosaku acted like he was convinced of Wang Rui, in fact he was still a little afraid in his heart.

After all, a strange transcendent appeared in such a short distance from him, and anyone would be a little afraid.

How can you allow others to snore in the place where you lie down?

Thinking of this, Tsuchimikado Kurosaki's eyes flashed with death, and then, a long-haired female ghost with a rotten face came from nearby and lay on the ground.

"Go to this hotel and kill the people staying in that room."

Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo pointed to Wang Rui's room and whispered: "If it succeeds, I will not be stingy with the benefits."

The long-haired female ghost was greatly shocked, and the black shadow under her feet began to gradually expand. Her figure merged into the black shadow little by little, and she began to move towards Wang Rui's room.

Looking at the direction in which the long-haired female ghost was heading, Kurosaku Tsuchimikado sighed deeply and waited for the message to be delivered.

Go up and fight that extraordinary person from China?Don't be ridiculous, how could he be so stubborn? Of course he sent his men to test the opponent's strength.

The ones sent out now are only the more powerful ghosts from nearby neighborhoods. Their strength is not as strong as the armored ghosts, but they can still deal with the new onmyoji.

Let's use this to test the Chinese Extraordinary first. If he fails, then Tsuchimikado Kurosaki will send out the other of his two strongest ghost generals to continue testing.

At this time, if the strength of this Chinese extraordinary person is too strong, then Tsuchimikado Kurosaki will automatically give up his identity as the ghost king and become the successor of Tsuchimikado who is sworn in with ghosts and ghosts.

If the strength of this extraordinary person from the Chinese country was just like that, then Tsuchimikado Kuisuo would have just finished it, which is not a lie at all.

Well prepared and well prepared, this wave is simply perfect!

Something strange flashed in Tsuchimikado Kurosho's eyes, and he murmured to himself: "Oh, extraordinary person from China, let me see how much you weigh."

In an international hotel in Yingdu, Wang Rui sat upright on the bed, seriously inquiring about news about Japan.

Although he is not an extremely smart person, he at least has a normal brain.

Knowing that things are not normal in Japan now, but not checking the information, isn't it considered mentally retarded and cerebral palsy?
Soon, Wang Rui found a lot of news about the ghost incident in Dongying, and there were many uncoded pictures of the scene on Twitter, which made Wang Rui feel terrible: "Damn, I know I have no good intentions!"

However, Wang Rui also confirmed that Pilipili's officials did not cheat him because the earliest ghost murder case happened last night and was reported at noon today, and he just boarded the plane at noon today. Got the news.

After finding out everything, Wang Rui's situation is now very embarrassing.

What should he do, fight against the ghosts or return home in embarrassment?
Without even thinking about it, he had no choice but to fight against the ghosts!

There is no other reason for this. There is only one reason for everything, and that is face and appearance!
This is no longer as simple as personal honor and disgrace. If he goes back in despair now, he can indeed ensure his own safety, but there will definitely be big trouble waiting for him in the country.

He understands netizens very well. After all, he was also one of many netizens back then, so he naturally knows the consequences of retreating without a fight.

Not to mention anything else, even now, many netizens are saying, 'What's the use of live streaming?Instead of killing the Destroyer and making a name for himself, he just became a small anchor.

"I still have to deal with a few ghost incidents here, so I can give an explanation for this trip. If I die in Japan, my life will also be lost."

Wang Rui let out a long sigh and murmured to himself: "That's good. At least I can earn face for the country, and I can leave my name in the world. I don't know how much better than the previous state of being ignorant, eating and waiting to die."

After finishing reading, Wang Rui began to take off his clothes and prepared to take a bath to relieve his fatigue.

This is the room assigned to me by the Japanese government. There should be no problem, right?

After Wang Rui put down the hot water, he murmured and sat in the water, lying on his back in the bathtub, enjoying the good life.

What else can be done?The current Wang Rui is only drunk today when he has wine.

After enjoying everything in front of you first, who can take care of the future?
Wang Rui closed his eyes and swung his hands wantonly in the hot bath water. He felt as if he was in a hot spring. This feeling was extremely comfortable.

Suddenly, Wang Rui suddenly found that his fingertips seemed to touch something!

The water splashed, and Wang Rui stood up quickly, naked, staring at the bathtub, but there was nothing there, as if he had touched nothing at all just now.

'Hair, that's clearly hair! '

A sense of terror gradually rose in Wang Rui's heart. Since he devoured the strange fruit, his physical fitness has completely risen to a level. His perception is very sensitive, it cannot be an illusion.


Wang Rui cursed in a low voice and quickly climbed out of the bathtub. After putting on all his clothes, he walked to the landline phone without saying a word and started dialing!
"Mossy, Mossy."

Soon, the front desk of the landline was connected, and a gentle female voice sounded, chattering a lot, which made Wang Rui feel dizzy and at a loss.

He didn't understand Japanese and couldn't understand what the hotel front desk was saying.

"I am Wang Rui, inform your government and ask them to send someone to see me. I have a fierce ghost here!"

Wang Rui spoke in a hurry, and when he was about to continue speaking, he suddenly felt a sudden coldness on his arm. He looked subconsciously, but suddenly there was a red spot on the white shirt he had just put on.



The sound of dripping water sounded in the room. Wang Rui was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something, he moved his neck stiffly and looked up slightly.

At some point, a woman suddenly lay prone on the ceiling!
The woman's face was covered by her long hair, her body was covered in blood, and her limbs showed an extremely twisted posture. Even a yoga master could not do such an action.

Her head twisted 180 degrees in a weird way, revealing a pair of eyes full of hatred. She looked down at Wang Rui and let out a harsh and weird laugh.

"Cluck cluck cluck."


Without any hesitation, a hot wave of air came from Wang Rui's arms. The sleeves of the white shirt Wang Rui was wearing instantly turned to ashes. Hot flames flew towards the ceiling, and the flames instantly ignited the ceiling!
And the long-haired female ghost was crawling quickly on the ceiling, swimming around recklessly, and the flames had no effect at all!


Wang Rui cursed angrily, feeling something was not good.

These ghosts have no entity, and there is no way for your own flames to harm the ghosts!
"Gluck cluck."

The weird laughter once again came out from the throat of the long-haired female ghost, which was a little penetrating. Wang Rui frowned, knowing that things were not that simple. He was about to rush out of the door, but unexpectedly the long-haired female ghost blocked him. Open the door!

Wang Rui's heart sank, and the long-haired female ghost opened her mouth, a tongue more than one meter long slowly stretched out, and disgusting saliva began to drip!
The long-haired female ghost didn't seem to be in a hurry to end the battle. She seemed to want to tease Wang Rui before ending Wang Rui's life.

Wang Rui also saw the long-haired female ghost's plan. He clenched his fists and let the fire around him burn.

If it were the past, he would definitely have lost his mind now, but now he has experienced the Kunlun Mountain incident, gradually calmed down, concentrated, and sneered.

After all, he is also a person who has eaten more than ten strange fruits. How could he only have such a simple method of controlling flames? !
After Lin Chuo became prosperous in Kunlun Mountain, Wang Rui often consulted Lin Chuo and learned a few tricks to deal with ghosts, which should be no problem.

Wang Ruixin gritted his teeth and bit the tip of his tongue fiercely. Blood spurted out from the tip of his tongue towards the long-haired female ghost. Along with the blood from the tip of his tongue was the flame controlled by Wang Rui!

"Gluck cluck."

The long-haired female ghost roared and laughed again. She had no reaction to Wang Rui's "death struggle" method: ordinary secular flames could not kill her, and they could not even touch her!

But the next moment, the flame with the blood on the tip of the tongue instantly enveloped the long-haired female ghost!

The fierce flames burned instantly on the long-haired female ghost, and a shrill scream resounded from the long-haired female ghost's throat!
The flames burned her hair bit by bit, and every inch of the long-haired female ghost's skin was engulfed by the flames. She experienced the painful torture of the flames and rolled in pain!
"Go to hell, dog!"

Wang Rui didn't hesitate for a moment, raised his right arm with difficulty, slightly bent his fingers, and then an even bigger flame spurted out, instantly burning the long-haired female ghost to ashes!

Looking at the room that was already on fire, Wang Rui was very calm. He was in a daze and walked towards the door step by step. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "I didn't expect the blood on the tip of the tongue to be really useful. I thought it was Lin Chuo who was lying." trick."

"The side effects are really serious, I feel dizzy."

 I typed the wrong chapter name in the last chapter, it should be Chapter 234.

(End of this chapter)

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