i created the old gods

Chapter 237 The World Focuses on Sakura City (1)

Chapter 237 The world focuses on Sakura City ([-])


The heart-rending roar was so sharp and harsh that many Japanese security personnel who were rushing to Wang Rui's room were stunned. They seemed to have suffered a great fright and almost suffered a cardiac arrest in the corridor.

"what happened?!"

"Don't worry about what's going on, go put out the fire quickly. If Mr. Wang Rui dies in the fire, we will have to commit seppuku!"

"The sharp voice just now, could it be a female ghost coming to the door?!"

"What are you afraid of? Lord Wang Rui is an extraordinary person, how can a mere brat be the opponent of Lord Wang Rui?!"

The security personnel in the corridor looked ugly. In just a few breaths, they quickly completed the exchange. When they were about to bring the fire extinguisher to the room to rescue Wang Rui, the door of the room where Wang Rui lived was opened directly.


With a loud noise, Wang Rui kicked open the door, his upper body was half naked, his body was burning with flames, but Wang Rui remained expressionless, as if he didn't care about the burning temperature at all.

"You guys go put out the fire."

After Wang Rui spoke feebly, he took the initiative to give way, leaned against the window in the corridor, took a deep breath of the gray mist caused by the fire, coughed twice, and then smiled.

It feels so good to be alive.

The surrounding security personnel looked at each other in blank dismay. After they finished translating Wang Rui's words with their mobile phones, they immediately started to act, and joined the fire fighting team one after another, starting to put out the flames in Wang Rui's room.

Wang Rui himself was leaning quietly by the window, looking at the security personnel busy in the room, his expression calm and untroubled.

This appearance greatly shocked the security personnel, and they sighed in their hearts: "Thanks for being an extraordinary person from China. Mount Tai collapsed and did not move. What a great country!" '

However, what they didn't know was that Wang Rui bit the blood from the tip of his tongue and used the blood from the tip of his tongue to activate the flames, which greatly consumed his own energy. He was so tired that he really didn't want to take a few more steps.

At this time, if another fierce ghost pops up, then Wang Rui can only declare GG.

"Master Wang Rui, are you okay?!"

Not long after, Japan's Foreign Minister Nobitaro hurried over, and Wang Rui's translator Xiao Su also appeared at Wang Rui's side in time.

When danger comes, Xiao Su does not exist; when it is safe, Xiao Su exists.

This is not Schrödinger's Xiao Su. There is only one word for all the reasons, and that is cowardice.

Although Xiao Su's room is not around Wang Rui, it is only separated by one floor.

When there were howling ghosts and wolves in Wang Rui's room, Xiao Su was so frightened that he didn't dare to go up for a while. He didn't dare to translate until he heard that Foreign Minister Nobitaro was coming.

Listening to Xiao Su's translation of Nobitaro's words, Wang Rui held the window with both hands and said with a smile: "It took some energy. The long-haired female ghost suddenly appeared, which shocked me, but I have controlled the flames to burn her. He’s dead. But I also burned this room, which may have affected several surrounding rooms, which will cause you some trouble.”

After listening to Xiao Su's translation, Nobitaro's eyes widened and he was a little surprised: "You killed a ghost?!"


Although Wang Rui was extremely excited in his heart, he still showed disdain on the outside, and even said: "This long-haired female ghost is pretty good. She should have killed more than a dozen people, so she is considered a difficult person." Matoi's opponent, but it was her misfortune that she met me."

However, Wang Rui seemed a bit too pushy. After hearing this, Nobitaro immediately bowed to Wang Rui and solemnly expressed his gratitude: "Thank you so much, Mr. Wang Rui!"

Having said that, Nobitaro continued: "Please rest assured, Mr. Wang Rui, all losses today will be borne by us. Not only that, we will tell the whole of Japan about your feat today, so that all Japanese people will know what you have done for us. everything!"

Wang Rui:? ? ?
"Ahem, no need."

Wang Rui opened his mouth quickly, not giving Nobitaro a chance to continue: "Actually, my strength is not very strong. I can deal with ordinary ghosts like this. If I encounter powerful ghosts, I will be finished."

Seeing this, Nobitaro just thought it was Wang Rui's modesty and sighed: "You are so humble, you are worthy of being an extraordinary person from a land of etiquette!"

At this moment, Wang Rui realized that he seemed to have gone too far.

Tell the whole of Japan, let all Japanese people know that they are such an international friend?

Now Wang Rui can only pray to those powerful beings among the Japanese ghosts not to watch TV or read newspapers, because they don't know that there is such a number one person like him.

Just when Wang Rui was thinking about how to reject this report, the president of the hotel came in a hurry. When they met, he kept bowing and apologizing: "Sir Wang Rui, I'm sorry! It was us who attacked you this time. I was negligent, please forgive me.”

Taking this opportunity, Nobitaro also began to say goodbye to Wang Rui. The reason he used was very upright, that is, to arrange a new residence for Wang Rui.

Wang Rui:.
What could he say to this.

The attitude of Japanese people is good, but Wang Rui always feels that they have a purpose.

I don’t even have time to think about anything!

Wang Rui's original plan was to get out after finishing this job, at least proving that he had made a contribution, but the hearts of these Japanese people were dirty, layer after layer, not giving Wang Rui time to react at all, leaving Wang Rui unable to do anything. Can't get the words out.

However, during this whole process, Wang Rui was not led by the nose. He did not mention anything about the blood on the tip of the tongue being able to hurt ghosts, as if he deliberately avoided it.

That's right, I deliberately avoided it. How could I just tell people from other countries this kind of thing?

Although it is not a confidential document and can be found by casually searching on the Chinese Internet, but whether you can associate this with it, you can only look at the Japanese government's own.

As for why Wang Rui didn't leave Japan directly, the reason is still the same. Wang Rui now represents more than just personal honor and disgrace.

There is no other way. Wang Rui now only hates himself for why he listened to the bullshit of Pilipili's boss and came to Du Dongying Travel for this crappy trip.

"That guy with the same name as me, I remember this grudge. When I go back, I will switch jobs to Douya!"

Wang Rui spoke viciously. At this moment, an idea flashed in his mind, and he suddenly realized: "I can't defeat the ghosts myself and I'm still a little scared. Can't I go and bring reinforcements?"

"I don't know where Zhang San is now, but Lin Chuo is the descendant of Kunlun Taoist Palace, so he should be capable, right?"

"With the relationship we had as a small team, it shouldn't be a problem to spend a lot of money to hire her to help save the day, right?"

That's what he said, but Wang Rui's voice became smaller and smaller, and he didn't seem to have much confidence.

But Lin Chuo and Kunlun Dao Palace are Wang Rui's only life-saving straw now, and Wang Rui can only count on them.

After reading, Wang Rui immediately turned on his mobile phone and dialed Lin Chuo's number. After waiting for a few seconds, he whispered to Lin Chuo: "Lin Chuo, I am in Japan now. There is a big business here. Do you want to do it?" ?”

"What big business?"

"You know Japan is haunted, right? Come and kill the ghosts, the Japanese government is not short of money!"


On the eaves of an ordinary torii gate 300 meters away from the Fire Hotel where Wang Rui lived, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku squinted his eyes, seeming to find something interesting.

"It took one minute and 15 seconds for this extraordinary person from China to kill my subordinate. It's kind of interesting."

Through the death time of his subordinates, Tsuchimikado Kuosaku gradually became arrogant.

One minute and 15 seconds?What the hell, it only takes five seconds at most for Kurosaku Tsuchimikado to kill the long-haired female ghost.

But even so, Kurosaku Tsuchimikado is still very cautious. No one can be sure whether the extraordinary person is carrying anything special. It would not be fun to give him a fatal blow before death.

You only live once, so Tsuchimikado Kurosaku cherishes his own life.

This isn’t called following one’s heart. How can the Ghost King’s matter be called following one’s heart?This is serious stability and prudence.

If you want to be the mastermind behind the scenes, you must have the mastermind Yazi. If you just rely on your head and have no brains, then you are not the mastermind. It is better to directly reveal your identity and become the big BOSS.

"Min Minzi, go and kill this extraordinary person and bring his body back to me, no"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku ordered softly, but suddenly, his words stopped, his eyes suddenly turned to the north, and his expression became solemn.

"To be able to reach Yingdu in such a short time with just one pair of feet and a burden on him is so fast. This ghost-slaying swordsman is extraordinary."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's expression gradually became serious. He knew that the demon-slayer swordsman who killed his armored general was here. He came to Sakura City, and he brought the little girl with him.

"It seems that I can't act on my own. I need to find a reason to transfer him away from Yingdu. Only then will I have a chance to take action!"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku still doesn't dare to face Wang Rui and Araki Renku directly, and he puts everything first.

If the success rate of something is not 80%, he will not take action easily.

So Tsuchimikado Kurosaku decided to hold back his beating heart for the time being, and wait until the ghost-slaying swordsman was fooled away, and then defeat each of them.

"Lucky Chinese boy, let me let you live for a few more days."

After saying that, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's figure disappeared strangely again. This time his whereabouts were mysterious and erratic. I'm afraid only Jingchuan, who was silently watching everything in the sky, knew about it.

"I have already apologized and appeased Wang Rui."

That night, due to the attack on Wang Rui, the senior government officials of Sakura City, led by Prime Minister Shihide Miyazaki, held a meeting overnight. At the meeting, Foreign Minister Nobitaro explained the aftermath of the attack.

Different from the one in front of Wang Rui, Nobitaro's face at this moment was gloomy, resembling an old man who had been in politics for many years.

In their line of work, the most important thing is acting skills. Although Nobitaro was a little too polite in front of Wang Rui, this was all to restrain Wang Rui and let him stay in Yingdu and work.

The fighting power of whoring is free, don’t use it in vain!
Pay Japanese currency?Are things that can be solved with money called problems?
If it were not a ghost but some other fried rice monster, Japan would need at least tens of trillions of Japanese coins in military equipment to attack. Now facing ghosts and monsters, they can only rely on extraordinary beings.

Therefore, those so-called 'rewards' are just drizzle to the Japanese government, which is much more cost-effective than fighting a war.

As of now, there is only one Onmyoji, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, in Sakura City to kill ghosts, and the efficiency is really too slow.

This is Yingdu, and most of the rich people in Japan live here. The sooner Yingdu is calmed down, the sooner they can end the complaints from entrepreneurs and wealthy people.

"Mr. Wang Rui's ability is quite good. He truly killed a ghost."

Miyazaki Shuei, who was sitting at the main table, crossed his hands and held his chin, and said seriously: "According to our investigation, most of the victims near the hotel were committed by the ghost killed by Mr. Wang Rui."

Seeing that an official seemed to want to say something, Miyazaki Shuei looked at the official and said immediately: "A few witnesses who were lucky enough to survive heard our recording and gave a positive answer. "

"So, this ghost has indeed killed many people, and Mr. Wang Rui has indeed killed this ghost. Members should stop talking about 'could it be a pretense' or 'Mr. Wang Rui directed and acted himself'" Such ridiculous words.”

Although Miyazaki Shihide did not mention his name, it was obvious that several members among the members looked a bit unnatural.

But now the officials are no longer interested in paying attention to this little thing about them.

The most important question now is how to quickly kill all the ghosts in Yingdu while retaining Wang Rui for the time being?
This is an important issue and the focus of their discussion tonight.

This question also determines where Wang Rui will live next.

Don't get me wrong, we are not arranging a place with many ghosts and monsters for Wang Rui, but we are arranging an absolutely safe place for Wang Rui to ensure that Wang Rui can quickly recover his energy and create new glory.

Among other things, as long as one more ghost can be killed, it can also bring social security to a higher level.

The moment Renku Araki stepped into Sakura City, he felt that the world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The streets are full of neon lights, technology is everywhere, and high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere, which makes Hasora Araki feel confused about the world.

Unlike Oni King Tsuchimikado Kurosaku who can quickly adapt to the environment, Araki Renku's adaptability is much worse.

The Edo period was the last period of feudal rule by the samurai family in Japanese history.

Although relatively new things such as ships and muskets had appeared in the Edo period, compared with the dreamlike situation now, they can only be said to be insignificant.

Beidou Molihui seemed relatively normal, and took the initiative to act as a tour guide for her teacher, introducing the situation here to him.

At this moment, Araki Renku also felt the aura of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku. He squinted his eyes and felt that the aura was a bit strange. He couldn't help but said: "I have never seen an Onmyoji with such an aura before. "

He slowly pulled out the black blade and stared at the direction Tsuchimikado Kurosaki was coming from, holding his breath and concentrating.

"If we are friends, everything is over; if we are enemies, we will live or die with one sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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