i created the old gods

Chapter 238 The World Focuses on Sakura City (2)

Chapter 238 The world focuses on Sakura City ([-])
"The ghost-slaying swordsman who has come from afar welcomes you to join us!"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's figure flashed quickly, standing on the top of the telephone pole, reflecting the moonlight, smiling at Araki Renku: "Sakura has been ravaged for a long time, your arrival will definitely help me Purge the entire Sakura City!"

Araki Renku's voice was relatively calm, and he said calmly to Tsuchimikado Kurosaku: "I am Araki Renku of the Araki family. What do you call me?"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's words were full of pride. Although he welcomed Araki Renku, he didn't seem to really take Araki Renku seriously in every move, giving Araki Renku a very uncomfortable feeling.

A faint smile flashed across the corner of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's lips, and he said proudly: "Heir of Tsuchimikado, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku."

"It turns out that he is the descendant of Tsuchimikado Shinto and the descendant of Abe Seimei."

Seeing Tsuchimikado Kurosaku announcing himself as a family member, Araki Renku realized why this man was so proud.

The descendant of Tsuchimikado Shinto and the descendant of Abe Seimei, with such a prominent status, he is a well-known figure in the inheritance of Onmyodo. If nothing else happens, he will inevitably become the leader of the righteous path and a strong man of the generation.

Although the Tsuchimikado Kurosaku in front of him was a stinker, Araki Renku didn't think anything else, and immediately nodded and said: "Tsuchimikado-dono, I have something to ask you."

"I am not from this era. I come from the era of Tokugawa Iemitsu in Edo. For some reason, I woke up from my deep sleep."

Araki Renku said word by word: "I want to know what's going on in Japan now, why are there so many weak ghosts and monsters, and why are they so unscrupulous?"

"Where are the other ghost-slaying swordsmen, and the other onmyojis? I visited many former Yin-Yang family settlements, but the people there either didn't know any Yin-Yang skills, or they were so dilapidated that no one was inhabited."

Having found an Onmyoji, and one from the Tsuchimikado Shinto, Araki Renku of course wanted to ask all his questions.

Hearing this, Kurosaku Tsuchimikado narrowed his eyes slightly, let out a long sigh, and said, "It turns out Mr. Araki is not from this era either."


Hearing this, Araki Renkong's ears twitched slightly: "Don't you think so?"

"Yes, I am also from the Edo period, but the era I lived in was ruled by Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the fifth shogun of the Edo period."

After sighing, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku continued: "Not long ago, I don't know why, but I suddenly woke up in this era. I remember that I was dead, but now I am standing here fine. .”

"You actually do too."

Araki Renku's eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's words, but he didn't feel any signs of lying. He could only sigh: "In other words, you don't know why you are like this now. What does it look like?"

Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo also said pitifully: "Yes, I have been suppressing ghosts for a long time, but my personal power is limited. The number of ghosts is too huge. I really have no way to suppress them in a short time." Kill them all within time."

"But now that I have met Mr. Araki, I believe that by combining the strength of the two of us, we will be able to clear Sakura City within seven days."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku smiled and said: "By the way, I heard that there is another extraordinary person from China. With his help, we should be faster."

"A transcendent person from China?"

Araki Renkong murmured about this resounding background, and nodded slightly.

In the circle of extraordinary people in Asia, practitioners from China are simply equivalent to college students from the Northern Qing Dynasty. Regardless of their strength, others feel famous when they hear their reputation.

And from a certain point of view, most of the practitioners who came out of China are masters: novices can still go abroad. Isn't it shameful to screw up?

"That's great. With this comrade from China here, we should soon be able to eliminate the ghosts in Japan and re-establish order." Araki Renkong nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Araki Renku said again: "My awakening date is too short, and I have been killing ghosts in the countryside. I wonder if Lord Tsuchimikado can introduce me to the current situation?"

"It's easy to say, the current situation in Dongpu is not optimistic, and the only one left with extraordinary abilities is a shrine maiden from Asama Shrine."

Beidou Maori stood aside timidly, listening to the chat between Tsuchimikado Kurosaki and Araki Renku, not daring to speak, just like a puppet, standing aside obediently without speaking.

She always felt that this big man named "Tsuchimikado Kurosaki" had a familiar smell on him, a smell that made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

But I heard from the master that this is a descendant of Master Abe Seimei, so there should be no problem.

Beidou Molihui thought in her heart, feeling a little remorse for the 'wrong' thoughts in her heart.

At the Yanjing International Airport, Lin Chuo, dressed in a Taoist robe, stood in the wind, looking like a fairy who could not eat the fireworks of this world. This attracted a wave of tourists to take photos and heated discussions.

"Then isn't that the Kunlun Fairy who made us believe in science?"

"Yes, yes, Miss Fairy looks better in person than in the video!"

"Fairy Kunlun appears at the airport? Do fairies also need to take a plane?"

"Maybe Fairy's flying sword has a limited number today."

"The fairies have made us believe in science. Of course we have to fly by plane when traveling. If we don't fly by plane, do we have to fly with a sword?"

Listening to the whispers of passers-by around him, Lin Chuo took a deep breath and tried to keep himself as calm as possible.

Who would have thought that what she said casually would become a hot topic on the Internet, and now people are discussing "believe in science" wherever they go?
Sword flying?

How capable is that? Even Chen Daoan, the current head coach of Kunlun, can only fly 800 meters near the Dao Palace. He cannot fly for a long time. His speed is not as good as that of a car. Her flying speed with a sword is even slower than walking. .

At this speed, it would take more than a month to go to Japan. By then, the grass on Wang Rui's grave would be several inches high.

But this time going to Japan, Lin Chuo's mission was not just to save Wang Rui's life.

Her main task is to go to Japan to find out what the cause of the ghosts is and whether it will spread.

After all, so far, no ghosts have appeared in China, nor in any region except Japan.

It's as if ghosts are something exclusive to Japan.

"Yuanjun, Yuanjun!"

The person in charge of the airport called Lin Chuo softly, and then said: "Your special plane has arrived and can take off at any time, may I ask you?"

"Don't waste time, let's leave now." Lin Chuo said directly without any hesitation.

"Go this way!" The person in charge of the airport immediately pointed the way.

Lin Chuo walked towards the direction of the special plane. Soon after, the special plane flying to Japan at a special moment took off.

In the coffee shop at the airport, several extraordinary personnel in Chinese tunic suits looked at the plane taking off. One of them said uneasily: "Is it appropriate to let Zixu from Kunlun Dao Palace go alone?"

"We really don't have any free extraordinary people now. Kunlun Dao Palace is willing to help, but we don't have much choice."

Li Hong, who went to Jindal Magic Academy with Chen Daoan, was also sitting here. He took a sip of coffee and complained feebly: "And this Zixu Zhenren is not ordinary. His talent is a bit scary, and he also has Zixu." This Taoist name may be the reincarnation of a certain Taoist master in ancient times."

One of the junior superhuman department officials was curious: "Li, who is this powerful person?"

Hearing this, Li Hong smiled and said, "With the same Taoist name, of course he is Lord Zixu Yuanjun."

"Zixu Yuanjun?"

The officer looked confused, as if he didn't even know what the words 'Zixu Yuanjun' meant.

"Zixu Yuanjun, his surname is Wei, his given name is Huacun, and his courtesy name is Xian'an. He is also known as Mrs. Nanyue, Mrs. Wei, and also known as Nanzhen."

Li Hong smiled and said, "Mrs. Wei is the daughter of Kang Gongshu, father of Juyang, Situ of Jin Dynasty. She is young and good at Taoism, silent and respectful."

"The Immortal of Zhimu, whose taste is really mysterious and whose desire is impetuous, often takes flax powder and Poria cocos pills to expel the gas and liquid, maintain health and tranquility, and keep relatives away from each other."

Hua Cunming meditated on meditation, devoted himself to practicing Taoism, and his Taoism practice increased day by day.In the ninth year of Emperor Xianhe's reign in the Jin Dynasty, Zhu Zhen gave Hua Cun two doses of herbal medicine.Hua Cun obeyed him, and after seven days, he took the sword and transformed into an immortal. He was promoted to the immortal Zixu Yuanjun, Shangzhen Si, and ordered Mrs. Nanyue, also known as Nanzhen.

He governed Dahuo Mountain in Tiantai, and later descended to Curculigo Mountain many times.He also passed on the Dharma to Yang Xi, a native of Langya Wangshe, and taught him the Shangqing Sutra. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, he was named Gao Yuanchenzhao Zixuyuan Daoyuanjun. Taoism respected him as the first generation master of the Shangqing sect. "

Listening to Li Hong's recitation, other relevant personnel were not surprised at all, only a few newcomers sighed repeatedly.

After all, the old members are very familiar with this thing, and only the new members think it is very advanced.

Seeing that he had frightened several newcomers, Li Hong nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Generally, the temple dedicated to Lord Zixu Yuanjun is called Huangtingguan. Lord Zixu Yuanjun is a Taoist immortal figure. If Lin Chuo is really Zixu Yuanjun is reincarnated, so the future is limitless."

"We don't believe that Lin Chuo should also believe in Zixu Yuanjun, the number one master of the Qing Dynasty. How can a mere Dongying brat be Zixu Yuanjun's opponent?"

The newcomer nodded hurriedly, and words of appreciation kept coming. Until the relevant departments received the news, they interrupted Li Hong: "Okay, stop bragging. We just received news that the United States also took off a plane not long ago." Take a plane, and the destination is Japan."

"Are you going to the Eternal Night Church too?"

Li Hong was stunned, and immediately felt a little regretful: "It's a pity that the task of accompanying Lord Zixu Yuan this time did not fall on me, otherwise I would have seen a lot of extraordinary people, alas."

Looking at Li Hong, he said speechlessly: "That's right, the situation this time is more complicated than the previous opening ceremony of the Magic Academy. After all, it was just a sudden attack by the Destroyer, but this time it is a ghost!"

"Okay, we should go back and wait, call it a day!"

In the sky on the other side of the ocean, a plane marked with the United States Air Force soared over the Pacific Ocean. George, the 'Dawn' class night watchman of the Church of Eternal Night, sat expressionlessly on the plane seat, looking at the person opposite, with a flash in his eyes. A hint of killing intent.

"Although I don't know what means you used to deceive that idiot Lyon, but if I find you doing something that violates the teachings in Japan, I will personally kill you!"

Hearing George's threatening words, the man sitting across from him was not surprised at all. He could only smile bitterly and said: "Sir George, I have no intention of being your enemy. Our Spider Gang is just a group of poor people who just want to enjoy a sweet dream at night. That’s all, why do we need to kill them all?”

Sitting opposite George was Jack Pingciman, a believer in the Spider God, the guy who killed many people to sacrifice to the Spider God, just for a sweet dream.

"If you dream every day, will anyone care about you? But if you use my Lord's followers to sacrifice, you will not be tolerated!"

George almost stood up and gave Jack a knife, but he restrained himself: "Lyon can't protect himself now, and he won't be able to hold the position of archbishop for long. After Lyon steps down, the church will list you as wanted again, and I will chase you personally. kill you."

Jack showed a weird smile, half leaned on the plane seat, and said with a smile: "Mr. George is welcome to come and hunt down."

For a moment, there was silence on the plane.

A moon hangs above the starry sky, shining brightly for thousands of miles.

But everyone knows that the moon will set soon, and the rising sun will rise.


The loud noise caused by the plane breaking through the sky appeared in his ears. Shimada Xiaofu was awakened by the sound. He quickly looked up at the plane that had just left overhead and complained a little: "What's going on? There are so many planes recently?"

He is a fisherman in Hokkaido, making a living at the seaside. Tonight, he was watching the "pool" on the seaside to prevent anyone from stealing the fish, but he was too sleepy, so he took a nap without realizing it. He was awakened by the sound of the plane, which made him a little nervous. angry.

"Forget it, cheer up, you can't sleep anymore."

Mr. Shimada yawned, stretched, and shifted his gaze towards the sea. Suddenly, he was stunned.

Shimada Xiaofu turned his head and saw a scene that shocked him.

The originally calm sea surface under the moonlight began to fluctuate rapidly, and vortices condensed in the center of the sea surface, like a water hurricane!
The water hurricane began to slowly condense into one monster after another!

The monster had a fish head and a human body. It was ugly, with protruding eyes, and grinned like a beast. It was extremely terrifying.

The difference is that in the center of these monsters, there is a figure standing there, who seems to be the leader of this group of monsters.

"Weird. Monster, monster!"

Mr. Shimada was so frightened that he peeed and hurriedly ran towards home, falling many times along the way.

The leader of these "monsters" on the sea ignored Shimada Xiaoo, but stared at the land, with a trace of nostalgia flashing on his face.

"Land, I, Zhao Quan, am back again."

(End of this chapter)

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