i created the old gods

Chapter 239 Sea King Zhao Quan

Chapter 239 Sea King Zhao Quan
There was a hint of melancholy in Zhao Quan's expression, a sense of déjà vu.

If they hadn't known that he only disappeared for nine months, people who didn't know would have thought that he had been away from the land for thousands of years.


The new generation of deep divers stood on the left and right sides of Zhao Quan, their protruding and extremely ugly eyes turned straight, and unknown sounds came from their throats.

Most of the older generation of deep divers followed the "Great Cthulhu" to invade the world of eternal night, leaving only Zhao Quan, Peter and the new generation of deep divers to stay in the Pacific.

This time, Zhao Quan felt the breath of something from Japan and felt the call of the great Cthulhu.

Therefore, he had to dig deep to find that item!
"Peter landed from Shikoku Island, and I landed from Hokkaido. He searched from bottom to top, and I from top to bottom, searching the entire Japan without blind spots. This wave of victory will definitely belong to the deep sea!"

Zhao Quan's eyes were burning like a sea king. He commanded the surrounding deep divers to land on land without any hesitation: "Catch all the humans around here!"

After entering the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and staying with other deep divers for nine months, Zhao Quan's current mentality and thinking are not biased towards humans.

Zhao Quan's ambitions are not small. He doesn't want to become Dagon, who is full of strange things. He doesn't want to just be the leader of the deep divers. He wants to become the king of the sea. He wants to make the humans in the coastal areas surrender to his rule!
Only in this way can Zhao Quan better implement the will of the great Cthulhu and create a better environment for the deep divers.

"Japan, this is the starting point of my journey!"

Following the rising sun, Zhao Quan's eyes sparkled in the sun, full of confidence.

He believes in his abilities and believes that his future will be bright.


Soon, the deep diver came to report and murmured at Zhao Quan for a while, which surprised Zhao Quan.

"The humans in the nearby villages started running away when they saw you, and only one human was captured and came back?"

What could Zhao Quan say? He could only wave his hand, but said: "Bring the captured human being."

When the deep divers heard the words, they immediately followed the instructions. After a while, several deep divers with claws and claws caught Shimada Xiaofu who had originally escaped.

Looking at Mr. Shimada who was trembling all over and looking hopeless, Zhao Quan was happy: It turns out to be you.

Didn't this kid run very fast just now? Why was he caught again now?

"Ghost King, spare your life, Ghost King, spare your life!"

Mr. Shimada, who was only in his twenties this year, was quite clever. After seeing Zhao Quan, he immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Zhao Quan and said: "I don't mean to offend you. Please forgive me. Please forgive me."

Shimada Xiaofu knew that he would definitely not be able to beat them, and he did not have the courage to insult the monsters in front of him. He could only choose to kneel down and beg for mercy and a way out.

"What ghost king?!"

Zhao Quan frowned, seemingly dissatisfied, and the scales between his arms began to grow gradually: "I said goodbye to the land for a long time, what is the situation now, why is the smell of blood so strong?"

As an extraordinary deep diver, Zhao Quan has the innate ability to master languages. As long as it is a complete set of systematic languages, Zhao Quan can understand it. This is also what the 'Great Cthulhu' gave Zhao Quan after his expedition to another world. One of several abilities.

Otherwise, with Zhao Quan's previous ability, let alone reviving the deep divers, he might be captured and sliced ​​up for study by international powers.

Mr. Shimada was stunned. He looked up timidly and saw the faint scales on Zhao Quan's arms. He seemed to understand something and changed his words and shouted: "Your Majesty the Sea King, Your Majesty the Sea King!"

Pretty good.

After Zhao Quan sighed in his heart, he looked at Xiaofu Shimada calmly, without speaking.

An invisible pressure formed around Shimada Xiaofu. This terrifying aura made Shimada Xiaofu tremble, and big beads of sweat gathered on his forehead. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "Master Neptune, Japan suddenly suddenly Many ghosts appeared, and they were killing humans. A ghost once appeared in our town, but it disappeared soon."

After saying that, Mr. Shimada felt uneasy and at the same time cursed himself in his mind. He felt that he really had no discernment and did not answer the questions asked by Lord Neptune in the first place.

Zhao Quan didn't care about Mr. Shimada's little thoughts. After listening to Mr. Shimada's words, he put his chin in his hands and thought quietly.

What kind of ghosts? Could it be that there really are ghosts in Japan?
Zhao Quan felt a little ridiculous. It was not like he had never been to Japan. When he escaped from the United States, he came to Japan to see Hokkaido and Mianjin, and then encountered Leviathan. There were no ghosts in Japan at that time.

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Quan said in a tone that could not be rejected: "Are there many ghosts in Dongying, or only in Hokkaido?"

Xiaofu Shimada didn't dare to be careless, and quickly said: "Reporting to Lord Haiwang, ghosts and ghosts have appeared all over the country, especially Sakuradu. I heard that hundreds of people have died, and even the descendants of Tsuchimikado have appeared. .”

Zhao Quan narrowed his eyes and said, "If it's so dangerous, why are you still wandering outside at the break of dawn?"

This is the only unreasonable thing. Since Japan is full of ghosts now, why would anyone travel in the middle of the night?
"Lord Neptune, I am the son of a sinner."

Shimada smiled bitterly and said: "My mother died young and my father is a murderer. I live here alone and everyone excludes me. If I don't take risks, I will starve to death. "

"Very well, I like honest people."

Zhao Quan nodded and said proudly: "I will establish some bases on land. When the time comes, you will be the one to manage the humans under my command."

When Mr. Shimada heard this, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it: "Sir, you mean..."

Zhao Quan did not expect Shimada Xiaofu to react so strongly, but he still said calmly: "Follow me, and the benefits will be indispensable to you."

Because he was ostracized by others, Shimada Xiaofu was the best in the history of the Warring States. He immediately paid homage and said: "I am willing to saddle the Lord's horse in front and behind, and do the work of dogs and horses!"

"Get up."

Zhao Quan just regarded it as a Japanese custom and did not express much: "You Japanese people are really good at keeping things together."

"Now, you lead the way, and I will lead my people into the town and announce that my rule is coming."

No one knows the news about the invasion of "King of the Sea" Zhao Quan in the coastal area of ​​Hokkaido. It can be said that Sakura has completely disrupted Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's plan.

"Zixu Zhenren from the Kunlun Taoist Palace of China?"

"George, the 'Dawn' level night watchman of the Eternal Night Church in the United States?"

"Selena, the student representative from the European Kamindal Academy of Magic, and Edward, the accompanying teacher?"

"Jack, the leader of the Spider Gang?"

Looking at the information about these extraordinary beings, Tsuchimikado felt his head hurt and felt that his plan was far away.

It was me, it was me first, obviously I came first... Whether it is the layout, the ghosts, or the trust of the official, why did things turn out like this.

This is something that makes Kurosaku Tsuchimikado feel helpless. Kurosaku Tsuchimikado has even had the idea of ​​abandoning all ghosts and becoming a successor of Tsuchimikado Shinto wholeheartedly.

Suddenly, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the wooden door of his room, and said calmly: "Who is outside? Come in, don't be so indecisive."

"Excuse me, Tsuchimikado-sama."

After hearing Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's words, the door was opened. A woman in uniform stood at the door nervously and said nervously in a low voice: "Prime Minister Miyazaki asked me to ask you if you can represent Japan for half an hour. The meeting of extraordinary beings afterwards.”

After that, the woman continued to add: "As you know, the current situation in Japan is very bad. Prime Minister Miyazaki is worried that His Highness Hashimoto Mojiu will not be able to scare the extraordinary people of other countries."

"Of course. If Prime Minister Miyazaki doesn't say anything, I will take the initiative."

After Tsuchimikado Kurosaku nodded, he added: "Please tell Prime Minister Miyazaki that I will also bring a friend there, a very powerful swordsman friend. Please prepare two more seats for him."

"I understand. I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

The woman nodded, then left with an apology, and respectfully closed the door.

Although she didn't know who the person Tsuchimikado Kurosaku called a friend was, none of this had anything to do with her. She and Tsuchimikado Kurosaku were destined to be in two different worlds, and nothing would happen at all. intersection.

The woman's figure gradually faded away. In the room, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku put his chin in his hands, a thoughtful look once again flashed in his eyes.

"The Extraordinary Conference, tut tut, we are going to contact them so soon, I really didn't expect it."

"Let's settle down these days. It's impossible for them to stay in Japan for a long time. After they leave, my plan will start again."

After reading it, Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo's expression gradually became a bit regretful: "It's a pity that the extraordinary person from China couldn't devour him in the first time, alas."

Later, Tsuchimikado Kurosaki notified Araki Renku again, and after sitting quietly for a short time, Araki Renku hurried over with Hokuto Maori.

"Your Excellency Tsuchimikado, when will the meeting you mentioned start? I am impatient."

Looking at the rising sun outside the window, Araki Renku looked a little excited. He took ghost slaying as his own duty and wanted to kill all the ghosts. Now that foreign extraordinary people have joined, this is of course an excellent opportunity. .


Tsuchimikado Kurosaku glanced at the time, smiled and said, "Let's set off in 10 minutes."

The Prime Minister's official residence in Nagata-cho, Chiyoda District, Sakura, used to be the office of every Japanese Prime Minister. But now, the place is under strict martial law. Countless Self-Defense Forces with live ammunition surrounded the place. Countless reporters tried their best to get in, but there was no trace. Chance.

The conference room was very large and empty. It looked like it could accommodate hundreds of people, but now there were only a dozen or so lonely people sitting here, without any words between them, and it seemed very quiet.

The current Prime Minister of Japan, Miyazaki Shuei, is also sitting here. He doesn't know what to do, so he doesn't say a word, but just sits here blankly, analyzing what may happen next.

The extraordinary beings present are all well-known figures in the world, including George, the "Dawn"-level night watchman of the Eternal Night Church, Lin Chuo of the Kunlun Taoist Palace of China, Wang Rui, the extraordinary anchor, Jack Pingximan of the Spider Gang, Jindal Magic Academy Teacher Edward, student representative Serena and goddess Hashimoto Mohisa of Asama Shrine.

Most of them are today's righteous people. Only one Jack Pingximan is considered a heretic. But since he is sitting here at this moment, and the Eternal Night Church does not seem to have any objections, Miyazaki Shuei can't do anything. What.

After being calm for a long time, night watchman George spoke first and asked Miyazaki Shuei, with a hint of questioning in his tone: "Is the successor of Tsuchimikado Shinto so arrogant? Is it too much for us to wait here for him?" some."

Before Miyazaki Shihide could speak, Jack Pingciman also said: "Yes, this is Japan, not the United States. We can all appear in this meeting ahead of him. Why didn't he, the host, appear here? Could it be A girl is enough to represent you Dongying?"

"Mr. Jack, watch your words and actions."

Hashimoto Mojiu's expression remained unchanged. She just looked at Jack Pingsiman. The floor of the conference room began to loosen slightly, and some green buds seemed to be growing.

Jack Pingsiman frowned and was about to say something when three figures suddenly appeared in the passage entering the conference room, which broke the current situation.

"Tuyumen Heishuo?" Lin Chuo looked at Tuyumen Heishuo and slowly read the name.

"It's me, sorry, I went to pick up a friend just now."

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku spoke apologetically, and Araki Renku also stood up and said, "I am the ghost-slayer swordsman Araki Renku."

Looking at Araki Renku's saber, everyone vaguely noticed a sharp aura, which made everyone a little wary.

George's eyes kept circling on Araki Renku and Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, and finally focused on Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, smiled slightly, and suddenly said: "Why do I feel an uncomfortable feeling in you?" Feel?"

"I also felt such a breath. I thought I felt wrong."

The magician Edward, who had been silent all this time, said: "This feeling is just like those vampires in the Destroyer."

Lin Chuo also looked at Tsuchimikado Kurosaki and said coldly: "I think so too, Mr. Tsuchimikado, aren't you going to explain it?"

Although the three of them spoke tactfully, the core meaning of their words was the same.

There is something wrong with Tsuchimikado Kurosaki, and it may be related to ghosts!
Tsuchimikado Kurosaku did not panic, but responded with a smile: "You have misunderstood, I am an Onmyoji, and I have gathered several shikigami. The shikigami used to be ghosts, and what you feel may just be the aura of my shikigami. .”

"If you are interested in Shikigami, I will demonstrate it to you after the meeting."

"The most important thing now is the ghost thing. Mr. Araki and I are both people who have awakened from the Edo period. We don't know why the current situation is happening."

"So, I hope everyone can put aside their previous suspicions and work together to investigate why the ghosts suddenly started to wreak havoc. Thank you all."

(End of this chapter)

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