i created the old gods

Chapter 241 Ghost King

Chapter 241 Ghost King

"excuse me!"

As soon as Araki Renku finished speaking, the katana he had been wearing on his waist was instantly unsheathed and pulled out from his waist. Lightning swirled in it and struck hard towards Tsuchimikado's neck!

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku didn't react at all to Araki Renku's sudden attack. He only saw a flash of lightning, and Araki Renku's katana was blocked in the air by the dark Yin Qi. There was no way to cut off Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's sword. Neck.

Seeing this, Araki Renku sneered, and then continued to press down with the katana, directly cutting off the Yin Qi!

The katana was as fast as lightning, and he slashed at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's neck. However, the imagined separation of human heads did not appear. Instead, a sound of gold and iron was heard. Looking carefully, he found that it was just a sound. A white mark appeared on Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's neck.

The others quickly realized that Lin Chuo was the closest, and instantly threw out three talismans, blocking Tuyumen Heishuo's retreat. At the same time, he shouted: "Don't talk about moral principles with evil heretics, let's stand together! "

George also drew out his Western sword, and the power of Eternal Night was concentrated on one point, and the star-like light shone out instantly. Edward also had no reservations, and dazzling light magic bloomed from the magic wand!

'I don't think anyone wants to talk about the morality of the world. '

After Wang Rui complained in his heart, a stream of flames immediately shot out from his palm, rushing towards Tuyumen Heishuo.

Others may not know it, but Wang Rui knows very well that he is just making up the numbers. Now he can just go up and do some operations and pretend that he has dealt damage.


I don't know whose attack worked. Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's left hand began to show slight signs of burning. He looked at Araki Renku with burning eyes and said angrily: "When did you see through me?!"

"When I arrived in Sakura City, the ghosts in Sakura City began to disappear quickly!"

Araki Renku sneered and continued to use the 'Iai Slash', slashing at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku continuously: "How could it be such a coincidence that as soon as I came to Sakura City, all the ghosts and monsters in Sakura City disappeared?!"

"It turns out there was an oversight here."

Tsuchimikado Kuoshuo tore off Lin Chuo's talisman, and with the power of stars and light magic, he endured the spreading flames and walked towards Araki Renku step by step: "It doesn't matter, you will all die today. Here, my identity will not be exposed."

"Arrogant monster!"

Professor Edward was slightly annoyed when he saw that Kurosaku Tsuchimikado only had Araki Renku in his eyes, and then he quickly waved the magic wand in his hand.

Although he is not a light magician, as a top magician, he can still control some high-end light magic, but he is not that skilled.


Tsuchimikado Kurosaku looked at Edward with great interest and did not interrupt Edward's magic: he wanted to see how far Edward's magic could go.

A few seconds later, the golden light suddenly appeared in the magic wand and began to solidify in the air quickly, turning into a smooth golden arc. This arc began to expand rapidly, like a network, and quickly moved toward Tsuchimikado Kurosho. Package away.

Metal-like edges and corners quickly enveloped Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, like an upside-down bowl, holding Tsuchimikado Kurosaku inside.

At the same time, the golden light shield began to emit light quickly. Tsuchimikado Kurosaku stretched out his finger and touched the light shield. In an instant, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's finger was burned to death. The rustling sound of corrosion appeared, as if it had caused some fatal damage to Kurosaku Tsuchimikado.


Following Edward's magic spell, the entire light shield began to shrink rapidly, constantly squeezing the space of Tsuchimikado Kurosaki, and compressing Tsuchimikado Kurosaku in an instant!
Lin Chuo held five talismans in his hand and looked solemnly at Tu Yumen Hei Shuo. George did not dare to put down his fencing for a moment. Everyone looked nervous. Only Jack seemed shameless and sat on the chair arrogantly. It's like watching a movie here.

"It's interesting, it can hurt me, but it's not enough!"

A huge light burst out, but then, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's voice echoed from the center of the light. The next moment, a figure with rotten skin walked out of the light, looked around at the humans around him, and said 'Cackle' laughter.

Now he looks more like a ghost king and a monster.

"The sky is bright and clear, the three rays of light are bright, the golden house and the jade chamber, the five treasures are growing, the black clouds and the purple canopy, come and reflect me!"

The Shangqing Big Cave Scripture was spit out from Lin Chuo's mouth. Lin Chuo's hands quickly formed a seal. The five talismans that had always been there were instantly activated, spinning rapidly around Tuyumen Heishuo, and began to emit streams of energy. light!

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku slowly raised his burned right hand, and the ghost energy visible to the naked eye began to condense rapidly. The five talismans seemed very weak under the layers of ghost energy.

Serena, who had always acted as a recorder, suddenly started chanting a spell. Frost fell from the top of the magic wand, covering the floor, and began to spread rapidly towards Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, trying to freeze his feet.

And Edward didn't hesitate at all. The light spot on the top of the magic wand popped out, and the light spot flew straight towards Tsuchimikado Kurosho, like bullets, one after another, one after another!


The light spot exploded on Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's skin in an instant, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant. At this moment, the fencing sword wrapped in the power of the stars seemed to pierce the space, and accurately stabbed Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's eyebrows. a little!

A broken sound came from the center of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's eyebrows, but it did not cause his whole body to collapse. Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's figure began to become illusory, and multiple black shadows suddenly appeared on the ground!


A crisp golden sound came, and Renku Araki's katana broke through the layers of ghost energy, and once again slashed at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's neck. The scene reappeared, but this time the difference was that Tsuchimikado Hei Shuo's neck was cut off immediately, and his head fell to the ground!
Such a series of things happened within a few minutes. Miyazaki Shuei was dumbfounded. When he saw Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's head falling to the ground, he couldn't help asking: "How about killing it?!"


Everyone ignored Miyazaki Shuei, but continued to look at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's body that had begun to collapse. Everyone was as if they were facing a powerful enemy, and there was no unnecessary movement.

"I don't want to. If this happens, my intelligence will be extremely seriously damaged. Wouldn't it be good to let Tsuchimikado Shinto eat away at you little by little?!"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's voice came from above. As Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's body collapsed, a brand new Tsuchimikado Kurosaku appeared in the conference room.

The moment he appeared, the entire conference room couldn't bear Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's current momentum!
Tsuchimikado Kurosaki's new figure continued to grow larger, passing through the entire conference room, gradually.A vague shadow with horns suddenly appeared, with a ghostly air, looking down at the extraordinary beings in the conference room.

With him as the center, countless ghost energy quickly rotated around, and the color of the entire sky changed drastically. Countless ghosts came from all directions, screams were heard one after another, and blood began to overflow on both sides of the road. Among them, corpses were floating among them, lying thousands of miles away.

Above the sky, behind Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, a strange gate with ghosts and skeletons engraved on it is slowly forming. All the ghosts on Honshu Island begin to pass through this gate and swarm towards Sakura City!

Araki Renkong took a deep breath and stared at the strange door. The hand holding the knife was trembling: "This is the complete form of the Ghost King. Even if it is daytime, it can still exert its powerful strength and kill nearby ghosts." Everyone is summoned!"

"It's just Honshu Island now. Over time, ghosts from all over Japan will be summoned!"

(End of this chapter)

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