i created the old gods

Chapter 242 Past and Present

Chapter 242 Past and Present
The strong spirit of ghosts and gods wandered wantonly in the sky. The morning when the sun was rising has now changed. The sky at this moment is full of terror. Countless blood-red and dark red cyclones condensed one after another. swirl.

The boundless red aura emerged in the sky, and the billowing smoke emitted a heavy sound like a broken bellows. The dark red door carved with a pregnancy and a skull began to burn, and the ghosts and monsters rushed out of the door with their teeth and claws bared, heading towards Attacked from all directions.

"Damn, what are we going to do?!"

George looked at the ghostly sky and the ghosts in all directions with a stern look on his face, and whispered to his companions around him: "There are not many ordinary members of the Evernight Church in Ying, there are only 30 people, and there is no way to stop such a huge number of people. A group of ghosts!”

"I don't think the problem we're dealing with right now is the ghosts around us."

Edward interrupted, looking at the horned ghost king 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaki' in the sky, and said calmly: "What we are facing now is the ghost king 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaki'!"

Living in mid-air, Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo with devil-like horns looked at the buildings below without any movement. He seemed to be increasing the speed of the portal so that the portal could quickly summon ghosts of all levels.

"He doesn't seem to care about us now."

Hashimoto Mojiu, who had been silent until now, took a deep breath and slowly said: "Not long ago, it seemed that this would seriously damage his sanity. Has he forgotten us?"

Lin Chuo also said calmly: "Maybe, so now he is driving the ghosts crazily to attack ordinary people and all living creatures he sees."

Miyazaki Shuei, who was the most impatient among everyone present, said anxiously: "Then what should we do now? What can the Japanese government do?!"

These extraordinary beings could probably just slap their butts and leave, but he, the Prime Minister of Japan, couldn't run around casually. He would still have to take full responsibility for anything that happened.

He was the one who discovered Tsuchimikado Kurosaki and negotiated the cooperation.

There is no way, no matter what, this wave will be blamed on Shuei Miyazaki, the difference is whether the final result is the wise prime minister who made up for his mistakes, or the sinner who caused the destruction of Sakura.

Regardless, reputation is more important.

"Now we can only save civilians and kill ghosts as much as possible."

Edward sighed and slowly said: "As for the ghost king 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaku', it is not within the scope of our response."

George also said: "I will pray to the great Eternal Night, and ask the Lord of Eternal Night to give me the power to destroy evil!"

After speaking, George raised his right hand without hesitation, placed his fist on his mouth, and said solemnly:

"Great Lord of Eternal Night, you are the ruler of the old days, you are the controller of Eternal Night!"

“You are the source of everything, you are the Lord who created everything!”

Looking at George's pious figure, the people around him looked at the ghosts that kept coming, and immediately said: "Stop the ghosts and buy George time!"

Having said that, Araki Renku took the lead, and the katana in his hand struck at the heads of the ghosts like a motorcycle. In an instant, countless ghosts were cut off and disappeared into the world.

Most of the ghosts that swarmed up were at the lower third level, and there were only a few middle and third level ghosts. Even Wang Rui could deal with a few.

In the protected center, streams of silver star power burst out from George's body and flowed through George's body.

This vast, majestic, sacred and solemn feeling surprised everyone.

Although the Lord of Eternal Night sent down so much star power, he did not send it down in person, as if he felt that the Ghost King was not worth the trouble.

However, He did not give nothing, but gave His most devout believer, George, part of the power of the stars.

The powerful power of the stars burst out from George's body, and nebulae visible to the naked eye surrounded George. The ghosts and ghosts that kept coming around seemed to have their bodies distorted by this powerful power of stars, and the entire body began to show signs of... Dots of black spots!
After George finished praying, he felt that every cell in his body was full of fighting power. He held his fencing tightly, and the silver-white star power was somewhat uncontrollable and leaked out bit by bit.

In an instant, George's fencing sword was unsheathed and he performed graceful sword skills towards the surroundings. Like a waltz, the strong power of the stars almost gathered into a small section of the Milky Way and rowed towards the surrounding ghosts and monsters!

The ghosts' waltz sword skills were cut beautifully like a galaxy. Countless ghosts had their heads cut off and their bodies disappeared into the air. After doing all this, George turned his attention to the earth warrior in the sky. Menheisuo!

What's even more coincidental is that the Ghost King 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaku' seemed to have sensed something. He turned his scarlet eyes full of murderous intent to George's body and smiled evilly.


A roar roared out from Tsuchimikado Kurosho's mouth. The sound waves seemed to materialize and spread in circles around them. All the creatures who heard the roar felt a sharp pain in their ears, as if they were being beaten. The silver needle pricked me.

George took a deep breath, his expression was a little complicated, he held the fencing sword tightly in his hand, and launched a brazen attack on Tsuchimikado Kurosaki, and the galaxy-like offensive burst out again.

There are ghosts all around Tsuchimikado Kurosaki; in the hands of 'Dawn' George, the Milky Way is waved!

Looking at the current complicated situation, Edward felt a little dangerous, and whispered to Serena: "This Lord 'Dawn' George from the Church of Eternal Night should not be the opponent of the Ghost King. If the situation goes wrong later, you can Use wind magic to escape from the battlefield and report the situation here to Dean Merlin and Guardian Salvester, do you understand?"

"Understood." Serena nodded solemnly, indicating that she was very aware of the current situation.

Judging from the current situation, maybe only the legendary magician Merlin and Salvester, who is obviously a white dragon but claims to be a blue dragon, can calm the situation here, right?


And in the sky, the aftermath of the battle shook the surroundings. Six arms grew out of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's back. The arms were extremely dark. The ghost-turned Tsuchimikado Kurosaku saw a dazzling silver light flying towards him from a distance. Come, a ferocious look immediately appeared on his face, and a big hand from behind suddenly waved forward.

Only a loud noise was heard, the fluctuations in the sky trembled instantly, and the black giant hand like a hill slammed down in the direction of George below!

George's figure was like a fly caught by a fly swatter, falling straight on the buildings of Sakura City, instantly destroying the surrounding buildings. Countless humans began to run away, hide and cry. This scene made people think of Ultra. The scene where Man fights the little monster.
Without giving George any chance, the ghost-turned Tsuchimikado Kurosaki took advantage of the victory and pursued him. His six giant hands immediately turned into tens of feet, pursued George in the direction where he fell, and struck him suddenly!

Bursts of huge noises spread in all directions, and countless pond fish were affected by this giant hand. When the surrounding extraordinary people saw this, there was nothing they could do!
"Your Majesty Muhuakai Yeji, please show up and save the people of Yingdu!"

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Heaven, please show up and save the people of Yingdu!"

"Amaterasu Omikami"

Hashimoto Mojiu was distraught. She knelt in front of the case and kept praying to the gods in Japanese mythology, trying to get help from the gods. However, this voice seemed to be lost in the sea, and there was no response at all.

"Withdraw, keep the fire!"

Seeing this, Jack Pinciman smiled, and after saying something to the Transcendents on the left and right, his body gradually became illusory, and then turned into a phantom, quickly escaping along the few sunlight.

He promised Leon that he would try his best to assist George in Sakura City, but now there is no chance of a turnaround in this situation, so Jack feels that his own survival is the most important thing.

He is not a big shot. His name is still on the bounty list of the United States, with a bounty price of [-] million meters. Since they are unwilling to escape for the sake of the people of Yingdu, Jack will not be stupid enough to follow them. Burial.


Jack Pingciman's escape made the surrounding supernatural beings very angry. Araki Hasora's katana even almost struck in the direction of Jack.

But now he understands that he still has to clean up the ghosts first, even if he spends all his energy to kill them all.

Even if he died of exhaustion here, Araki Renku would not take a step back.

Serena was ready to run away at any time, and Edward used magic to continuously sneak attack Tsuchimikado Kurosaki from the side, which also caused a lot of damage to Tsuchimikado Kurosaki, but compared to getting the Lord of Eternal Night to descend, George, who has the power of the stars, is still less threatening than Edward.

Wang Rui carefully faced the ghosts and monsters from all directions, but Lin Chuo was in a strange state.

She stood in the Prime Minister's Residence in a daze. Although she was still manipulating spiritual energy and using her innate magical power 'stasis' to slay ghosts, if you observed carefully, it was obvious that Lin Chuo seemed to be out of shape.

Lin Chuo's performance made Wang Rui miserable. He was around Lin Chuo. Although Lin Chuo was still killing ghosts, Wang Rui still had to be careful at all times and reminded Lin Chuo to pay attention to safety.

The original thigh suddenly turned into an ordinary teammate. This feeling made Wang Rui feel like he was in trouble.

In this regard, Wang Rui could only keep reminding: "Lin Chuo, please wake up, this is Yingdu, a Yingdu where ghosts are rampant!"

At this time, Lin Chuo felt that she seemed to be in a wonderful and subtle situation. Her soul seemed to echo with time, as if she had returned to ancient times, as if she had become another familiar yet strange person.

There, she was not Lin Chuo, but her surname was Wei.

The memory of her past and present life was awakened by the power of the stars and the aura of the Ghost King. However, this time, her memory finally only stayed after becoming a disciple of Qingxu Zhenren Wang Bao.

"Tai Shang Bao Wen. This is how it should be used."

Lin Chuo murmured to herself, and the rough spiritual energy around her suddenly became refined. Her spiritual energy seemed to become lighter and more sensitive, as if she had wisdom and contained the great truth.

From the great truth to the simplicity, every move contains the great truth.

Lin Chuo had a complicated expression and murmured to himself: "The past life has passed, and Lord Zixu has passed away. In this life, I am Lin Chuo, and I am Zixu Zhenren. Even if I become Lord Zixu again in the future, it will be the same as the previous life. It doesn’t matter.”

, after awakening some of the memories of her previous life, Lin Chuo became more comfortable in mastering spiritual energy. When she became serious, none of the ghosts around her could defeat them. Only the ghosts of the third level, B, C, and D, could He barely resisted Lin Chuo's moves.

After clearing away some of the ghosts, Lin Chuo breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Tsuchimikado Heishao, who was bombarding not far away and wanted to kill George. He shook his head and killed in the opposite direction. Go and clear out the ghosts there.

Although she awakened part of the memories of her previous life, her strength is still the same, and it has not changed because of her awakening of the memories.

Lin Chuo is a Qi trainer, and Mrs. Wei is a true immortal. No one can change this.

Therefore, Lin Chuo is no match for the Ghost King Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo now, so he will not ask for trouble and die.

Now Lin Chuo can only remember in the little notebook in his heart that he will wait until decades or hundreds of years to practice and become an immortal again, and then seek revenge from Tu Yumen Heishao.

As far as the extraordinary people currently in Sakura City are concerned, only George, who has received part of the power of the stars given by the Lord of Eternal Night, can fight Tsuchimikado Kurosaku. The rest are all younger brothers, and only the professor of the magic academy Edward can hurt Tsuchimikado Kurosaku.


Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion in the sky. Lin Chuo suddenly looked up and saw several fighter jets that she couldn't name flying across the sky and attacking Tsuchimikado Heishao!
Explosions exploded on the six arms of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku. After being bombed by the bomb, a small amount of black energy suddenly separated from Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's arms. Miyazaki Shuei's expression was instantly happy, and he seemed to understand. What.

Unlike ordinary ghosts, ghosts like this can seem to be hit by bombs!
"Great, attack Tsuchimikado Kurosaku immediately, defeat him immediately, don't let him continue to wreak havoc in Sakura City!"

Under the cover of the Self-Defense Forces and officials, Miyazaki Shuei shouted crazily: Now, the prime minister can only have this role.

Although I don’t know why the stronger the ghosts are, the easier they are to be attacked, but this news is undoubtedly great news for the current Japanese government.

After learning that Tsuchimikado Kurosaku could be attacked, the master regiments of the Self-Defense Forces quickly took action, setting up defense lines one after another around Sakuradu and launching artillery bombardments at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku.

However, these defense lines quickly attracted the attention of ghosts and monsters, and the defense lines were quickly disintegrated in the face of those weirdos that could not be harmed by physical attacks.

Although Tsuchimikado Kurosaku can be attacked, it can be seen with the naked eye that the damage to Tsuchimikado Kurosaku is minimal, and there does not seem to be any significant damage. Tsuchimikado Kurosaku is still focused on George.

Seeing this situation, Miyazaki Shihide seemed to have thought of something, and shouted to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: "Military Army! Contact the American Army quickly. The American Military has recently developed extraordinary weapons. Ask them to take action, and they will definitely be able to disintegrate the soil." Mikado Kurosaki!"

(End of this chapter)

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