Chapter 243
After receiving a request for assistance from the Japanese government at the Nanbangmi Army Station, the supreme commander fell into deep thought.

Originally, Dongying also had troops garrisoned by the Mi Army, but because Dongying showed too much extraordinary power, the U.S. government reached an agreement with Dongying to cancel the garrison against Dongying, and transferred the troops to Nanbang to strengthen the original Nanbang military force.

"Sir, Japan has asked us to coordinate our actions to attack the monsters in Sakura City!"

Listening to the latest news, Hank, the supreme commander of the Nanbang Station, frowned and couldn't help but said: "Yingdu again, another monster?"

"What does Congress say? Without the order of Congress, I will not fire a single bullet into Japan."

"General, the Congress hopes that we will come forward to deal with the monsters in the sky above Yingdu, and at the same time rescue Mr. 'Dawn' George of the Eternal Night Church from Yingdu."

The soldier answered truthfully: "The president said that the monsters in Sakura City don't matter, but Mr. George must be saved."

"Mr. George from the Eternal Night Church?!"

General Hank was startled and said quickly: "Quick, prepare the missiles. Fighter planes are dispatched, and we will try to bomb the monster in Yingdu within two hours!"

Up to now, the Eternal Night Church has become a huge entity in the United States, and Mr. George is one of the top ten entities in the Eternal Night Church.

Congress knows very well, and General Hank also knows very well that if the people know that Mr. George died in Yingdu, they may be in big trouble.

The current situation in the United States can be described in one sentence: Yongye has the final say whether the country is in chaos or not.

If the Church of Eternal Night takes this opportunity to denounce the U.S. Congress and the military for not rescuing George in time, then the Stars and Stripes will be destroyed overnight, and the starry flag representing the Lord of Eternal Night will fly in every corner of Washington.

General Hank didn't want to die yet, so he could only choose to do his best to rescue George.

"However, with the military strength of our Nanbang garrison, we are not yet powerful enough to directly threaten Yingdu in Nanbang."

At the same time, General Hank also truthfully reported to the United States mainland, saying that he was really beyond his capabilities and unpredictable.

If it was just a monster attacking Yingdu, then he would definitely not report it like this, but mess around casually.

Anyway, it was Dongying people who died, and Dongying buildings collapsed, but now that George is involved, everything is different.

"We understand your difficulties, and we also know that the weapons of the Nanbang garrison are not very advanced. The aircraft carrier battle group in Hawaii has set sail, and the Third Fleet performing missions in the Pacific has also set off, carrying the latest extraordinary weapon, the Poseidon Trident. ’, this time is also a great opportunity for us to test our extraordinary weapons."

The heads of the military high command and Congress made promises to General Hank, which also made General Hank feel slightly at ease.

If something happens, the Seventh Fleet and the Third Fleet will be blamed. The Nanbang garrison on our side is just a small support, which is comfortable.

After reading this, General Hank ended the communication with the American mainland and prepared to start arranging troops to "strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away."

"Sir, we are ready, do you want to take action?!"

Listening to the adjutant's thunderous report, General Hank was very satisfied. He nodded and said: "Start taking action, boys. Don't forget that our main goal is to rescue Mr. George. We are not responsible for the monsters and so on." We need to find Mr. George, understand?!”


"Okay, let's go!"


In the Sakura City, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, who had devilish goat horns, stretched out his six arms. Countless ghosts were lingering around him, and the ghost energy condensed at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye.

George was in a panic, constantly dodging Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's attacks, panting, and could only rest intermittently.

The current situation is a little different from what George imagined.

In his imagination, having received the blessing of the Lord of Eternal Night, he would definitely use the power of the stars to defeat Tsuchimikado Kurosaki with absolute superiority, become the hero who saves Sakura City, and maybe even get something like the Supreme Emperor of Sakura City 's achievements.

Unfortunately, reality is always cruel. Although the power of the stars is huge and can cause considerable damage to Tsuchimikado Kurosaki, George lacks high-level actual combat experience and still uses his low-level experience to deal with the enemy, so that he is defeated by Tsuchimikado. Mikado Kuoshuo rubbed his hands on the ground.

With no other choice, George was desperate and could only dodge and fight back, hoping at the same time that a new existence would come to contain Tsuchimikado Kurosaku so that he could use the power of the stars to give Tsuchimikado Kurosaku a full blow.

George believes that as long as he is given this opportunity, he will definitely defeat Tsuchimikado Kurosaku in one fell swoop!
Now he just needs to wait, waiting for that fatal blow.


Suddenly, George suddenly noticed a darkness in front of him. He immediately understood it and knew that it was Kurosaku Tsuchimikado who was once again waving his six arms to launch an attack. He quickly dodged in another direction to avoid the attack.

The giant hand fell into the air, dust flew up, buildings were destroyed, and a huge explosion echoed in the streets of Sakura City once again.


Building debris spattered in all directions unscrupulously, like cannonballs. Countless humans who were running for their lives were covered in blood by several types of these debris.

Takeuchi Muichiro was panting and hiding among the ruins of the building, carefully looking at the surrounding situation. Now his heart was in a state of confusion.

He is only 15 years old this year. When Sakuradu was attacked by Hydra and Yamata no Orochi nine months ago, he was lucky enough not to be affected, but the goddess of luck will not always be on his side. This time Tsuchimikado Kurosaki He was lucky enough to be in the center of the storm.

Everyone was running away crying and screaming. The original Muichiro Takeuchi was also like this. He ran away aimlessly with the crowd, then bumped into ghosts and was slaughtered, and then ran away again.

But now, Takeuchi Muichiro seems to have figured out something. Instead of running away aimlessly, he is hiding and trying his luck.

As long as the huge monster doesn't attack him, he can live!

The place in the center of the storm is often safe. Takeuchi Muichiro was betting on this safe place. Obviously, he made the right bet.

No ghosts dared to approach here, and Takeuchi Muichiro also escaped the fate of being killed by ghosts like his classmates, and instead left his fate to Tsuchimikado Kurosaku and George's battle.

"When will this kind of day be the end?"

Takeuchi Muichiro sighed, suppressed the fear in his heart, hid in the ruins, looked at the six-armed black giant in the sky, and murmured to himself: "If I had known this, I should have advised my parents to buy something abroad. It’s really too dangerous to own a house and immigrate abroad.”

But they may not be able to hear it now. Takeuchi Muichiro knows very well that the neighborhood where his home is located has been reduced to dust by Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, and the survival rate is extremely low.

And he escaped because he lived in the school, but from the perspective of Takeuchi Muichiro, his fate is also slim.

"No matter who it is, please kill this monster quickly. I am only 15 years old this year. I really don't want to die, Amaterasu! The Lord of Heaven!"

Takeuchi Muichiro prayed crazily in his heart, looking at the buildings being destroyed around him, his heart was filled with despair.

He knew very well that if he didn't kill this six-armed black monster, he would die sooner or later. All his actions now were just to survive for a while.

He didn't want to live for such a short time. He wanted to live longer, strive for a long life, and die on the bed instead of being crushed by monsters here.

"If I can survive, I will never go back to Sakura City again. Even if I go to the countryside like Hokkaido and Kanto, I will never go to Sakura City!"

Takeuchi Muichiro, a Japanese master from Sakura City, swore secretly in his heart. At the same time, he bent his waist and carefully avoided the dust and gravel splashed from all directions, praying that he would not be discovered by any ghosts.

There are mountains of corpses and rivers of blood on the streets. Although there are supernatural beings assisting in killing ghosts and ghosts, killing is inevitable.


Suddenly, a deafening sound of thunder was heard in Takeuchi Muichiro's ears, which scared Takeuchi Muichiro so much that he trembled and almost wet his pants on the spot.

"What's that sound?!"

After reacting, Takeuchi Muichiro couldn't help but raise his head, wanting to see what the sound was about.

This sound was different from Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's attack, and also different from George's counterattack. This deafening roar had never been heard by Takeuchi Muichiro.

With curiosity, Takeuchi Muichiro looked up slowly, only to see that Tsuchimikado Kurosaku let out a painful hissing sound, and behind Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, a blue explosion of light roared, sending the Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's back exploded with blood and flesh flying everywhere!
"Hoo hoo -!!!"

There was a sharp sound of breaking through the sky. Takeuchi Muichiro followed the sound and saw several missiles containing light blue light launched from the sky, launching a brazen attack in the direction of Tsuchimikado Kurosaki.

At the same time, a little starlight suddenly flashed in the sky, and fighter jets with the American flag roared past.

"Mimi Army?!"

Takeuchi Muichiro was stunned. He never thought in his wildest dreams that the American army could directly threaten this monster? !
Not long ago, Japan's Self-Defense Forces launched an attack on this monster, which was not painful at all. All of this was seen by Takeuchi Muichiro. At that time, he had lost confidence in modern technological weapons.

At this moment, Takeuchi Muichiro couldn't help but think: "It turns out that it's not that modern technological weapons are useless, it's just that Japan is too weak."

A strange thought arose in Takeuchi Muichiro's heart. He looked down upon Japan more and more.

"Milican heroes, kill this monster, kill this monster!!!"

At this moment, Takeuchi Muichiro's eyes were full of longing.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The 'Poseidon Trident' type extraordinary missile detonated on Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's body, causing Tsuchimikado Kurosaku to be furious and feeling pain in his heart.

As a result, George suddenly realized that his opportunity had come. The sword in his hand became heavier and heavier, and the power of the stars that covered thousands of miles across the galaxy suddenly gathered together.

"Tsuchimikado Kurosaku, go to hell!"

Following George's roar, the fencing sword in his hand instantly burst into dazzling white light.

The power of the stars increased dramatically, and this sword light containing huge energy tore through the endless ghost energy in an instant, and slashed hard at Tsuchimikado Kurosaki!

That sword light roared into the sky, and that sword light surged and surged, like the Milky Way falling from the sky, or a meteorite hitting the earth!
The dazzling silver light surged, and everything was eclipsed by it. In the entire Sakura City, it seemed that only this fencing that contained thousands of miles of stars was left!
"That's what it feels like!"

This extremely powerful feeling made George feel excited, as if he was so powerful, his eyes were like torches!


Tsuchimikado Kurosaki roared angrily, and the sky fluctuated. The giant black hand of the mountain shot out of the air and fished hard in the direction of George, as if he wanted to hold George in his hand!

You were interested in having a concubine, and the two of them hit it off immediately. Tsuchimikado Kuisaku immediately held George in his hands. Tsuchimikado Kuisaku suddenly exerted force with his five fingers, as if he wanted to crush George to pieces!

But at this moment, the black giant hand once again bloomed with dazzling silver brilliance. The next moment, the Milky Way appeared out of thin air, and countless white dots like 'comets' attacked Tsuchimikado Kuroshuo, densely packed, as if Thousands of them are released at the same time!
Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was about to defend, but the light blue 'Poseidon Trident' extraordinary missile behind him struck again, completely disrupting Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's rhythm!
In an instant, the six arms of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku were cut into countless pieces, and they burst open!
'good chance! '

Naturally, George would not give up this excellent opportunity. He endured the severe pain in his body and continued to attack Tsuchimikado Kurosaki with his fencing sword. There was only a flash of silver light!
A star more than ten feet long soared into the sky, disappeared in a flash, and stabbed hard at Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's head with devilish goat horns!
Tsuchimikado Kurosaki would not sit still and wait for death. He saw the dark red ghost energy swirling and shaking, and the stars were bounced back to other areas.

'so close! '

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku was very angry in his heart. He almost died here just now because of a successful sneak attack by George!
These human ants can't just accept death and must resist? !
Full of anger erupted from Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's heart, he was about to use all his strength to end this cat-and-mouse battle, but he suddenly felt a sharp pain!
In a flash of silver light, the lower half of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's body disappeared. It seemed to have been cut in half. The wound at the waist was smooth and flat, and no blood was seen flowing out. It was as if it was born this way and there was no half body at all. .

"What's going on?!"

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku endured the severe pain, and his body began to shrink rapidly, turning into a black shadow and fleeing quickly towards the west!

(End of this chapter)

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