Chapter 244
Tsuchimikado Kurosaku turned into a black shadow and fled into the distance.

He was puzzled and speechless, not knowing what was going on.

Everything was going in an orderly manner, and except for George, basically no one was his opponent.

But how could something like this happen in the end? !
What was the thing that cut off his ghost king body in the end? !

Tsuchimikado Kurosaku didn't know, he was extremely afraid of the power of cutting off the body and felt a little frightened.

He didn't know what it was, and he didn't know what power could cut off his body, but the current situation was that he ran away in a hurry.

Why is this happening? In Sakura City, there is the Gate of Hell. I am invincible and immortal. None of those losers can kill me. Why would anyone be able to defeat me? !
To this day, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's mind is full of questions like this. Although he escaped, his strength was extremely damaged. He even lost the body of the Ghost King. His strength has fallen out of the Ghost King level and has been reduced to the Demon King level. A level A ghost.

Although this was only temporary and he would return to the Ghost King level after decades of cultivation, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku still felt uncomfortable. It felt like he had eaten shit, and he was very aggrieved.

"Did some other big shot come so that yellow-haired Western ghost could defeat me?!"

Kurosaku Tsuchimikado, who had regained his sanity, quickly reacted, his expression extremely ugly, but now was not the time for him to get angry. He quickly flew towards the west, wanting to escape as soon as possible.

He remembered clearly that between China and Japan, there was another country called Goryeo. Although hundreds of years had passed, it was undoubtedly the best place to take refuge.

Tsuchimikado Kurosaki can only choose to restore his strength in Goryeo, develop ghosts, and then lead Goryeo's ghosts back to Japan to regain control of Japan.

There is no other way. ,

A strange color flashed in Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's eyes. If he wanted to make a comeback, he could only rely on Goryeo's population.

I only hope that I can become stronger through the humans of Goryeo.

After finishing reading, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's speed accelerated again, and he flew towards Nanbang at an even faster speed.

Now, all Tsuchimikado Kurosaku had to do was to escape from Japan as soon as possible, lest the enemy take advantage of the victory to pursue him and make himself miserable on the spot.

The corner of Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's mouth rose slightly. Before escaping, he did some tricks and transferred part of his ghost energy to a child, trying to keep Japan in chaos so that the extraordinary people in Japan would not have time to track him. .

After this battle, Tsuchimikado Kurosaku understood a truth.

No matter what, strike first!

In Sakura City, as Tsuchimikado Kurosaki's body collapsed, the gate in the sky with ghosts and skeletons carved on it began to slowly dissipate, and the blood-red ghost aura in the sky gradually became clearer.

George fell from the air and fell weakly to the ground, causing a heavy wave.

At the last moment, he exerted all his strength, turned the fencing sword into a broadsword, and directly used the power of the stars to cut off Tsuchimikado Kurosaku's body!

But because of this, all the power of the stars has been exhausted, and even George's original power is very little left. Now George feels burning pain all over his body, as if every inch of his skin is howling in pain, and every bone is covered with pain. crack.

Even breathing felt stinging, and his whole body was covered in blood and scarred.

The US military's air force quickly located George's location and began to rescue him.

Not far away, the extraordinary beings were still fighting with the ghosts.

Due to the short time, no Class A ghosts have been born in Japan yet. The highest level ghosts at this moment are only Class B, and they were easily dealt with by the extraordinary beings.

In addition, the dark red ghost energy dissipated and the sun shone down. All the ghosts in the lower and third levels had no time to escape and were killed by the sunlight. Most of the ghosts in the middle and third levels also died from the sunlight.

Although ghosts are invulnerable and cannot be attacked by physical attacks, they are very afraid of the sun, which is extremely lethal to them.

The ghosts began to flee crazily. Because the ghosts' escape skills were very strong, the extraordinary beings could not catch up with these ghosts. After killing several ghosts, they could only watch the ghosts escape.

Lin Chuo looked at the escaping ghosts and said calmly: "Tsuchimikado Kuisuo has been defeated. These ghosts have lost their king, so they will naturally run away."

"I know this, but..."

After hesitating for a while, Wang Rui, who was standing beside Lin Chuo, said slowly, "Why do I feel that you are different from before?"

"is it?"

Lin Chuo smiled, said nothing, walked quickly towards the direction of Miyazaki Shuei, and said at the same time: "You'd better leave Japan as soon as possible. It's full of dangers now and it's really not suitable for tourism."

"Don't talk about Yingdu, from today on, I won't leave my house for half a step."

Wang Rui nodded angrily: "Who would have thought that foreigners are actually living in dire straits!"

It's a ghost and a ghost king. Wang Rui really has had enough.

"Then go back early."

After Lin Chuo said these words lightly, his figure had left Wang Rui's sight. After Wang Rui was stunned for a moment, he mocked himself and said, "Sure enough, we are no longer in the same world."

There is a saying that as a well-known fat man, Wang Rui still has a good impression of Lin Chuo, but as the two people's identities gradually drifted apart, this good impression has been slowly worn away.

Now Wang Rui couldn't help but have a thought in his mind: If I had joined the Kunlun Dao Palace, would the results have been better?
There is no regret medicine in the world. Now that you have chosen a signing fee of hundreds of millions, you can no longer make other choices.


Suddenly, Wang Rui seemed to spot a figure nearby. A young boy was hiding among the ruins and seemed to be injured.

Wang Rui walked quickly and used all the muscles in his body to pull the boy out. At the same time, he said, "Are you okay?"

"Gujiguji, Waibi Waibi"

The boy immediately bowed to Wang Rui to thank him, and at the same time spoke Japanese that Wang Rui could not understand, which made Wang Rui a little embarrassed.

'Now that I have time, I'd better take the time to learn more foreign languages, so as not to make communication so difficult. '

After Wang Rui sighed in his heart, he had a nonsensical exchange with the young man for a while, and finally got to know the name 'Takeuchi Muichiro'.

When Wang Rui met with the Japanese officials, he handed over the child named Takeuchi Muichiro to the Japanese officials. He didn't pay too much attention to anything. He just felt that this child was very lucky to meet him.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang!"

After bidding farewell to the Japanese officials, Wang Rui heard the voices of translator Xiao Su and his assistant from a distance.

Seeing that the two of them were running around and there were no problems, Wang Rui breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This time is really too dangerous. If Mr. Rui doesn't pay more, I will burn his house down when I go back."

Xiao Su also nodded. If it weren't for good luck, they might have been stained with blood like other ordinary people.

The assistant said nothing, but said: "Mr. Wang, the country has communicated with us and asked us to return with the evacuation warship in half an hour. I hope you will be stationed on the warship to prevent ghosts from getting on board."

"Warship? Of course, don't worry, there won't be a ghost sneaking onto the ship under my nose!" Wang Rui said immediately.

Although the biggest ghost in Japan has escaped from Japan, Wang Rui still doesn't want to stay in Japan anymore. Now, he just wants to go home early and take a nap.

Not far away from Xiao Su, his assistant and Wang Rui, Araki Renkong held a cracked samurai sword, pointed at the ruins of the building, and said to Beidou Moli Hui: "Moli Hui, did you see it? This is a ghost."

"Although they were human beings in life, they were completely different after death. No matter how they behaved, their essence was still a beast full of killing. No matter what time it was, we could not sympathize with them."

"The so-called good ghosts don't exist at all. I have lived for 400 years and have never seen any good ghosts. Those words I said before were just to stabilize Tsuchimikado Kurosaku."

After saying that, Araki Renku sighed again, and slowly said: "After you master the Araki Itto-style of my Araki family, I hope you can kill all the ghosts in the world, and don't let what happened today happen again."

"Please rest assured, teacher, I will never be merciful to ghosts."

Beidou Molihui said solemnly: "My parents and relatives all died at the hands of ghosts. I must kill all the ghosts!"

The tone was full of murderous intent, and he carried endless hope at his young age.

Araki Renkong was in a trance for a while. He seemed to remember a summer hundreds of years ago. He was like this, vowing to kill all the ghosts in the world, but in the end he could only wither in helplessness.

"Moli Hui, I hope you can inherit the will of all the seniors of Araki's Itto-ryu and truly become the swordsman who can end ghosts." Araki Renku said silently in his heart.

Araki Renku feels that he is not normal now, especially after Tsuchimikado Kurosaku transformed into a ghost king.

As we all know, human life is short and bright, but Araki Renku has existed for more than 400 years.

The Demon Slayer Swordsman is different from other extraordinary beings such as Onmyoji. The Demon Slayer Swordsman does not have any means to extend his life and is no different from ordinary people.

How could Araki Renku survive for more than 400 years, and why did he survive for more than 400 years?
After Kurosaku Tsuchimikado transformed into the Ghost King, Renku Araki seemed to understand something, but he kept this information hidden in his heart.

He just didn't want to believe that the ghosts he had killed all his life turned into ghosts when he was dying.

"Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely do it!" Beidou Molihui clenched her fists and nodded solemnly.

Araki Renkong chuckled, held Beidou Moli's hand, and walked in the direction he came from. As he walked, he said: "It is not our habit to deal with the government. Let's go. I will find materials for you and build it for you." A good sword, and I will officially start teaching you the Araki Itto Style!"

Two figures, one big and one small, left as if they had come, quietly, taking nothing from Yingdu with them.

Wang Rui returned home, Araki Renku left, George was seriously injured, and Jack escaped. The original extraordinary beings now only have Edward, Serena and Hashimoto Mojiu. Hashimoto Mojiu is originally from Japan and has no way to retreat. After Edward hesitated for a moment, he looked at the ruins of Yingdu, silently, not knowing what to do.

Looking at the blood and ruins everywhere, Serena was also a little silent. She looked at Edward, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Teacher, do we want to go back?"

"Let's forget it and stay here."

Edward shook his head, with a trace of pity in his heart: "Perhaps, we should stay here and treat those injured people, and this is also a chance to exercise your healing magic."

The young Edward was fiercely competitive and extremely cruel. He had done many unsightly things during his campaign in the New World of America.

However, as he got older, his mentality has changed. Perhaps he wanted to forgive himself for the wrong things he did when he was young, and he became a little compassionate and a good person.

In the coastal area of ​​Hokkaido Island, 'Sea King' Zhao Quan began his rule.

As Zhao Quan ruled more and more areas, a question became more and more serious in Zhao Quan's mind, and he even felt a little confused and doubtful.

"Didn't I say that Japan is now being ravaged by ghosts? Why didn't I see a single ghost along the way?"

Originally, Zhao Quan was still a little excited. He was still imagining what posture he would use to defeat a ghost and establish his own image. However, this journey was extremely stable. Not to mention the ghosts, even the resistance from humans was gone. No.

The various towns in Kashiuchi City almost surrendered after seeing the deep divers. It was not difficult at all.

You know, a few months ago Zhao Quan often encountered resistance from the indigenous people when he conquered the indigenous people on the Pacific islands.

"It's boring."

A group of deep divers followed Zhao Quan without any expression, which made Zhao Quan even more bored. There was no one around him to talk to, and he felt so lonely.

As for the Japanese named Shimada Xiaofu before?

Now he has been appointed by Zhao Quan as the general manager of Pheasant, coordinating the management of the occupied town and responsible for the monthly supply of resources.

They occupy towns on land just to supply resources, and deep divers also need to eat meat.

Eating fish every day will always make you tired. It doesn't matter what happened before, but Zhao Quan, as the leader of the deep divers, must ensure everyone's diet. This is Zhao Quan's way of pastime.

Who didn't have a dream of being a loner when they were young? He just happened to become the leader of the deep divers. Zhao Quan found an opportunity to realize his dream and entertain himself for a while.

"Those towns are not interesting, and they cannot organize large-scale resistance measures at all."

Suddenly, an idea arose in Zhao Quan's mind. Zhao Quan couldn't help but think in his heart: "Go directly to Pheasant City. If we occupy Pheasant City, all the towns in this area will automatically come under my rule." It saves time and effort.”

 I have anisometropia in both eyes and suffer from floaters. I will undergo vision correction surgery after writing this book. Everyone must use their eyes wisely.

(End of this chapter)

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