i created the old gods

Chapter 245 Shanghai Country on Earth

Chapter 245 Shanghai Country on Earth
"Urgent report from Hokkaido, a group of monsters that emerged from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean have landed in the coastal areas, and Kashiuchi City has fallen!"

Miyazaki Shuei, who was still dealing with the sequelae caused by the ghost king 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaku', heard the news and fainted on the spot. Fortunately, the doctors around him rescued Miyazaki Shuei with quick eyesight and quick hands. woke up.

"Your Excellency the Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister Miyazaki!"

Why do you want to wake me up?
Looking at the friendly shouts around him, Miyazaki Shuei thought desperately in his heart that if he fainted and fell to the ground like this, he would not be able to handle all this, and he could be happy in the hospital, but now
"What kind of monster is it? Have Chiuchi City sent any photos? Are the Hokkaido Self-Defense Forces ready to stand by?" Miyazaki Shuei said leisurely.

"Prime Minister's Cabinet, Pheasant City."

The official standing in front of Miyazaki Shihide hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Chiai City has declared itself to be ruled by the King of the Sea and refused to provide us with any information. The news of the sea monster invasion was not reported by Chiai City half an hour ago. It came out during the fall."

Shuei Miyazaki:? ? ?
"Pheasant City is under the rule of the Sea King? This is incredible. Pheasant City surrendered so quickly. Why did they surrender to the monster?!"

Miyazaki Shuei felt a little unreasonable. Because of the Bushido, people in Japan's upper class rarely surrendered.

Although Kashiuchi City is located in Hokkaido, which is relatively desolate in the eyes of Sakuradu people, the mayor of Kashiuchi is also a high-class person. If he talks about class, he is unlikely to surrender, let alone surrender to monsters. .

Why is this situation happening now in Pheasant City?

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, we don't know, but the person communicating with us is indeed Mayor Chiuchi, and not anyone else."

The official standing in front of Miyazaki Shihide smiled bitterly and said: "Pheasant City has indeed rebelled, and according to our estimates, the monster force named 'Sea King' will continue to move towards Pheasant City and other cities will continue to expand.”

"The Self-Defense Forces are sending troops to Hokkaido. Don't launch an attack for the time being. Since the people of Pheasant City can surrender to Sea King, it proves that Sea King is not a monster that is difficult to communicate with."

Miyazaki Shuei sighed and said: "Gentlemen, the rise and fall of the empire depends on this. We can no longer withstand the invasion of other extraordinary people. If you can make peace, make peace. Don't use weapons without permission."

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I will understand."

The officials nodded solemnly: "The rise and fall of the empire depends on this!"

The words are the same, but the people are not the same.

Today's Japanese officials have their own agendas, and no one knows what they are thinking in their hearts.

Naturally, Miyazaki Shuei didn't know what they were thinking, so he could only sigh: "Then I'll trouble you all."

"Lord Neptune, there are three congressmen from Sakura City who have requested to surrender. They are willing to act as internal agents to defraud Hokkaido."

In Chinai City, the Chinai City officials surrounding Zhao Quan reported to Zhao Quan everything that came from Yingdu: "At the same time, the current Prime Minister of Japan, Miyazaki Shuihide, wants to have peace talks with you."

Before Zhao Quan could speak, the officials from Pheasant City started talking: "Master Haiwang, don't negotiate for peace. Yingdu has just experienced the Ghost King Rebellion and has not fully recovered yet. It is us It’s a great time for the expansion of the Sea Kingdom!”

"They are just a delaying tactic. They will definitely attack us when public order is restored in Sakura City. There is an old saying in China, how can one allow others to snore beside the bed? Miyazaki Shuei will never tolerate you!"

Hokkaido has always been an island that is discriminated against in Japan. Because of the Ainu people, the people here are called barbaric. The cities in the south of Hokkaido are not bad, but the northern cities like Chinai City are basically It is discrimination within discrimination.

Therefore, in the face of Sakuradu's submission, the officials of Shimachichi City, Hokkaido, who have always been in a weak position, certainly refused to let go of this opportunity.

In response, Zhao Quan could only smile and said nothing, but he felt distrustful of these Japanese officials in his heart.

Is he here to conquer Japan?
I just came out to find something. The purpose of ruling here is to kill time, and to use the Japanese people to find what I want to find for myself.

The main purpose is to find things. After finding what Zhao Quan is looking for, Zhao Quan will naturally return to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and will not stay for too long. The territory here is limited to Pheasant City at most.

If you want to find something, of course you have to cooperate with the Japanese government, so peace talks with Miyazaki Shihide are the inevitable result.

These officials seemed to want to conquer Japan, which was somewhat inconsistent with Zhao Quan's ideas. Zhao Quan just wanted to make Pheasant City behave honestly, not cause trouble, and try not to be banned after he went to sea.

"The peace talks with Miyazaki Shihide are very good."

Zhao Quan said calmly: "Please contact me. I want to meet Miyazaki Shihide. If we can't meet, you can go to the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish."

All the lower and middle-level officials in the city looked at each other and could only say respectfully: "No!"

After saying this, Zhao Quan rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the seaside in a cool manner.

As a deep diver, he now prefers to stay in the sea and enjoy soaking in the water.

After Zhao Quan left, the remaining officials looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Gentlemen, do we really have to compromise with Yingdu?"

One of the officials said: "We were there before."

Before, they thought that Zhao Quan was aiming to unify Japan, so they unscrupulously provoked Yingdu. The result now is this, which is really embarrassing.

Another official said: "If Neptune and Sakura make peace, we will be doomed!"

"Provoke them and let Sakura take the initiative to fight against Lord Neptune. Only in this way can we survive!" One of the officials suddenly became fierce.

"Are you crazy?!"

The official who spoke first widened his eyes, looked at him in disbelief, and said, "Master Neptune said before he left that he must see Miyazaki Shuei, otherwise we will go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish!"

"Why were the heroes of the Warring States Period born? Because it was an era of war!"

The official seemed to be a little crazy: "As long as the war breaks out, we will be the next big name. It's just a risk, it's worth it!"

They started to get a little crazy, and it seemed that this proposal had great appeal to them.

"Okay, done!"

At this time in Sakura City, Miyazaki Shuei, who was comforting the injured citizens, received various provocations from Chinai City officials, which was somewhat inexplicable.

"Neptune requires us to kneel down and enter through the side door when meeting with him?"

Looking at this inexplicable request, Miyazaki Shuei's face was filled with questions. He didn't know what the special purpose was: "Of course, His Majesty the Sea King is the king of the sea. Naturally, we must treat His Majesty the Sea King the same way as a king!"

"Our first batch of envoys have already set off and will meet with His Majesty the King of the Sea soon. All issues will be discussed with His Majesty the King of the Sea. There should be no problems."

Shuei Miyazaki replied with a smile: "I will go to Pheasant City in two hours to meet His Majesty the King of the Sea in person."

After seeing the reply from Miyazaki Shuih, all the officials were dumbfounded. They were confused by Miyazaki Shuih's very humble gesture.

These officials looked very ugly and slumped in their chairs, as if they understood their next fate.

Three or ten minutes later, the officials had already fled for their lives with all their belongings. When Zhao Quan heard the news, he was overjoyed.

"It's pretty good that they left on their own. The next step is to reach cooperation with the Japanese government to achieve a win-win situation."

Zhao Quan murmured to himself, with a slight smile appearing and disappearing at the corner of his mouth: "Miyazaki Shuei, when I was a human being, these people could only see him on TV, but I didn't expect that now I can see him in another person's name." Let’s meet in some way.”

Two hours later, Miyazaki Shihide landed at Chinai City Airport quite tiredly. He looked at the surrounding fields and sighed.

Shuei Miyazaki slowly stepped off the plane and looked at the deep divers who greeted him at the airport. He was trembling with fear, but nothing else happened: after all, he had seen a lot.

'Isn't Neptune also like this? '

Miyazaki Shuei followed Shimada Xiaofu anxiously, heading towards the municipal building.

Shimada Xiaofu was a little excited when he saw a big shot for the first time, while Miyazaki Shihide had been thinking about how to deal with it all the way, but he didn't talk much. There was no communication at all on the whole road, and the atmosphere was very deserted.

"This must be Prime Minister Miyazaki."

Suddenly, a sound like the breeze blowing on the face reached Miyazaki Shuei's ears. Miyazaki Shuei was stunned and looked towards the direction of the sound source. He only saw a handsome man in loose clothes who was smiling but not smiling. Look at him.

"Lord Neptune." Shimada Xiaofu immediately said respectfully.

After hearing this title, Miyazaki Shuei was shocked. He knelt down and saluted on the spot, and at the same time shouted: "His Majesty the King of the Sea!"

"It's so polite to kneel down when you meet someone."

Seeing Shuying Miyazaki like this, Zhao Quan couldn't help but speak.


Miyazaki Shuei was stunned for a moment: "This is not you."

Halfway through the words, Miyazaki Shuei stopped speaking in a tacit agreement: it was not that he realized that he should not continue speaking, but that he slurped out the meaning.

After Zhao Quan spoke, Miyazaki Shuei realized that he was being tricked, so he deliberately pointed out something to let Zhao Quan know that someone was doing something secretly from him.

In this way, he can not only create an image that he has little emotional intelligence, but also notify Zhao Quan that someone is causing trouble around him, and avenge himself, killing three birds with one stone.


After Zhao Quan heard this, he thought for a moment and nodded. He also knew why those officials ran so fast.

Immediately, Zhao Quan immediately called in the deep divers and ordered them to kill the few officials who escaped: "Gurgling, grunting, grunting."

Although Zhao Quan has a good personality, he is still called the "King of the Sea" after all, and the king cannot be deceived.

Those few officials deceived their superiors and did this kind of thing, and they naturally wanted to be killed as a warning. If this matter is not dealt with, countless people will commit the same thing in the future, which is not conducive to Zhao Quan's rule of Wakkanai City.

Miyazaki Shuying just stood aside. Although he didn't know what Zhao Quan said, he could guess the content in the big question.

As for those officials who were rescued?
Just kidding, I have no idea what's going on.

In the current environment, it is normal for a few corpses to appear occasionally. It will be over in a few days. Who can prove that it was the Japanese partner Neptune who did it?

"Prime Minister Miyazaki, you have been waiting for a long time. Please take a seat."

After giving the instructions, Zhao Quan asked Miyazaki Shuei to sit down quite casually, and said lazily: "I know very well what Prime Minister Miyazaki wants, so Prime Minister Miyazaki doesn't have to worry, I will only occupy Wakkanai City and nearby areas. In some areas, it will not sweep across Hokkaido or even Japan."

"Even, I can promise that this place will still belong to Dongpu, but I will put my name on it, and I will offer a supply to my subjects every month."

"Same, I naturally have the obligation to protect my people. My subjects will wander around Wakkanai City to protect the safety of Wakkanai City."

Listening to Zhao Quan's eloquent words, Miyazaki Shuei was shocked and even felt a little unreal.

When he came, he was already prepared for the fall of Hokkaido, but who would have thought that Zhao Quan's conditions would be so loose.

To put it simply, Wakkanai City pays a monthly protection fee, and the deep divers will protect this place.

If this is the case, let alone Wakkanai City, you will be fine with Sakuradu’s protection fee!

Between face and lizi, lizi is more important.

"That's great. Thank you very much for His Majesty the Sea King's protection. Please rest assured that not only Wakkanai City, but the entire Soya Branch Office, including the former Kitami Kuni Soya County, Edayuki County, Rishiri County, and Rebun County, are all divided into you!"

Shuei Miyazaki could squeeze in a little bit, and at the same time, he had already arranged the evacuation policy of the Soya branch office in his mind.

I believe that after today, the land price in Zongya Branch will surpass Yingdu and become the most expensive place in Japan.

"Well, that's fine too."

Zhao Quan nodded calmly. It is very rare for people to take the initiative to send tribute like this: "At the same time, I also need you to help me with a private matter."

"Please open your mouth, His Majesty Neptune, we will do our best to satisfy your wishes." Shuei Miyazaki said.

"I want to find a special item related to the extraordinary. I don't know exactly what it looks like, so please try to collect as many things related to the extraordinary as possible."

Zhao Quan gave a not-so-clear answer: "I will not be stingy with my rewards. I will grant you three deep diver quotas at that time, so seize the opportunity."

Having said that, before Miyazaki Shuei could speak, Zhao Quan continued: "Similarly, if you let me know that you have hidden what I want, then the previous officials will be your fate."

Before he finished speaking, a deep diver came back carrying five heads. The expressions on the heads were very painful and frightening, as if they had suffered something terrible.

Zhao Quan stared at Miyazaki Shuei's ugly expression, and then said: "Believe me, your cannons have no effect on me."

"Dagon once defeated an aircraft carrier battle group. I am his successor. I am not as powerful as him, but I can still bully you."

(End of this chapter)

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