i created the old gods

Chapter 246 New World

Chapter 246 New World

Miyazaki Shuei and Zhao Quan had a very happy relationship. The next day, the Japanese government released news to the world, announcing that they would jointly govern the Soya Branch Office on Hokkaido Island from the country of the sea from the Pacific.

At the same time, Miyazaki Shihide also announced that the Sotani branch office will provide a portion of meat to the people of Haiguo every month as a diplomatic certificate of "good neighborly and friendly country", hoping that Japan can cooperate with Haiguo to a higher level. .

As soon as these announcements came out, there was an uproar immediately. Before the international public opinion was heard, the Japanese people themselves exploded.

"Miyazaki Shuei is a traitor!"

"Ah, I knew it. Japan is indeed a weak country. When encountering this kind of problem, of course it needs to find a father's country to deal with it. It's just that it used to be a country of humans, but now it has become a marine life. .”

"It's amazing. Japan is so powerful!"

"If something happens to Yingdu, they will immediately cede territory and pay compensation and pay tribute. Sure enough, that's how Japanese people are."

Sometimes, the yin and yang of Japanese netizens is more serious. Unlike the yin and yang of other places, the yin and yang of Japanese netizens seems to be somewhat real.

If you look at it as a foreigner, you would think that the Japanese people are not very angry, and even feel a little complacent.

There is a lot of heated discussion about this matter in Japan right now, and it looks like a storm is about to come.

But everyone knows that most of them will only talk about it on the Internet, and it is impossible to do anything practical by being a keyboard warrior.

"Heisei waste", "Reiwa fierce man", you can understand it. This is the current situation of contemporary Japanese people.

However, this is also a huge pressure from public opinion for Miyazaki Shuei, and Miyazaki Shuei has nothing to do.

We can't directly say that it is actually beneficial to Japan to let Japan and Haiguo jointly govern Zonggu Branch Office, right?

This is too embarrassing and the MPs will definitely not pass it.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, there has been a large-scale gathering in Sakuradu, and there seems to be a precursor to a parade!"

The Prime Minister's Assistant hurriedly came from outside the house and said to the exhausted Miyazaki Shuei: "Those whose families were destroyed by the ghost king 'Tsuchimikado Kurosaku' took to the streets and wanted justice."

Miyazaki Shuei, who was already in a bad mood due to the "sea country public opinion", heard this and was immediately a little angry. He couldn't help but said: "What does it have to do with us? They want to find Tsuchimikado Kurosaki fairly." Those ghosts, their relatives and families were not killed or demolished by us!"

"If we hadn't contacted the reinforcements in time, I'm afraid Sakura would be dead by now. What would they have to do?!"

Shuei Miyazaki was very angry and angry at the behavior of the ignorant people: "Is the Prime Minister just here to bear the infamy?!"

The assistant to the Prime Minister spoke cautiously from the side: "Prime Minister Miyazaki, I suggest you follow your usual routine, hold a press conference, and bow and apologize."


Miyazaki Shuei also calmed down slightly, shook his head, and said: "We can't apologize! If we apologize, what will the Sea Congress think, and what will the Sea King think?!"

"We still don't know the strength of Neptune. He may be a small character, or he may be Leviathan, which can make huge waves like a year ago. Do you dare to bet the entire Hokkaido or even the entire Japan?!"

Although Shuei Miyazaki was a little angry, he was not stupid.

If he apologizes now, will the Japanese people let him go?It's impossible, and it's also possible to offend Sea King Zhao Quan.

In this case, why not be safe and just endure it silently for a while?

At worst, the next prime minister will quit, and it doesn't matter anyway.

'As long as I find what Neptune needs, I too can become a super. '

Miyazaki Shuei thought silently in his heart, and he was already prepared for his future.

Presumably with his ability, if he goes to the Sea Kingdom, he can at least become a minister, right?
Thinking of this, Miyazaki Shuei took a deep breath and decided to ignore the noise of those people and only wanted to 'exhaust the power of Japan and enjoy the joy of the King of the Sea'.

Anyway, when the time comes, you can just pat your butt and leave. Do they have the ability to chase you to Haiguo and kill you?


At the same time, in the rural forest of a certain county on Honshu Island, Araki Renzora also heard passing residents talking about this matter.

"Leave the Soya branch to Haiguo?"

Araki Renku, who felt more and more abnormal about his body, whispered softly, while Hokuto Morie just served beside him quietly without speaking.

Instead of being furious as expected, Araki Renku asked in a normal manner: "Masri Megumi, where is the Soya branch office, and what country is Haiguo?"

"Teacher, the Soya Branch Office is at the northernmost tip of Hokkaido. Kaiguo is a mysterious ocean country from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean."

After saying that, Beidou Morie added: "Haiguo once had a fight with the United States. God Dagon once overturned the American aircraft carrier battle group, and Leviathan almost submerged Hokkaido Island."

Hokuto Mauri didn't quite understand the definition of "sea country", so he regarded all the extraordinary events about the ocean that had happened in the past few months as "sea country" and told Renku Araki about them.

"It turns out to be the northernmost point of Hokkaido."

Hearing this, Renku Araki felt a little strange: "It's okay to give such a desolate land to a country of monsters that can flood Hokkaido. The emperor also promised a lot of territory to monsters from all over the world and allowed onmyojis to establish onmyoji in various places. , why do Japanese people react so strongly now?"

As an ancient person, Araki Renku didn't quite understand the brain circuits of today's Japanese people.

In his time, the northernmost tip of Hokkaido was a notoriously deserted place, and normal people would not go there.

Moreover, dividing land for extraordinary creatures such as monsters and onmyojis is nothing new. Araki Renku really doesn't understand why this situation occurs.

"Teacher, I don't understand very well. Maybe it's because Japan hasn't seen extraordinary creatures like monsters and onmyoji for a long time."

Beidou Ma Lihui gently held the katana that Araki Renku made for him, and said respectfully in a low voice: "I have killed most of the ghosts here. Teacher, where should we go next?"

After Araki Renku pondered for a moment, he suddenly smiled and said: "Let's go to Hokkaido. I want to meet the Sea King of the Sea Kingdom."

Since there will be such an extensive discussion, Haiguo must have done something good, and Araki Renku will not miss it.

In the lush forest of Tsushima Island in Kyushu, Japan, Jingchuan's figure appeared here, looking at the cracks in space surrounded by layers of trees, and fell into inexplicable contemplation.

"I can understand that the world of Eternal Night is connected to the earth at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean because the Lord of the Star Territory there died suddenly. It was a trick played by the previous Lord of Eternal Night. Why are there space cracks here?"

That's right, Jingchuan discovered a new space rift on the earth, so much so that he didn't even bother to manage things like 'Ghost King Chaosing Yingdu' and 'Sea King Occupying Beihai'.

Jingchuan is an absolutely invincible existence on the earth. His spiritual thoughts can basically cover the whole world. Nothing that happens on the entire planet can escape Jingchuan's feeling. Three days ago, Jingchuan felt something abnormal here, and a connection directly appeared. Space rifts to other worlds.

Here, Jingchuan waited for three days and three nights, but did not see anything coming out of the crack in this space.

Therefore, it is preliminarily determined that this spatial crack may not have been found on the opposite side, and in all likelihood, the emergence of this spatial crack is not known yet.

But it's also possible that the other party was as cautious as Jingchuan, and there was no movement after three days and nights.

"If it were another being at the same level as me, he might also be wondering why this space crack appeared."

Jingchuan began to calculate in his mind: "If I go in rashly, I will most likely be ambushed. Although I won't die, I will definitely be seriously injured, which is inappropriate."

"Wouldn't it be nice for me to ambush him when the other party comes first?"

So, Jingchuan began to ambush, and after ten days, the space crack finally began to fluctuate. Jingchuan quickly stopped the intruder, but suddenly discovered that it was just an ordinary human being, and a yellow race.

Without any hesitation, Jingchuan directly invaded the brain, extracted the memory, and after understanding what kind of world was on the other side, he turned on Vision Sharing and threw him back. After confirming that there was no fraud, he suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be a battle of wits and courage with the air, but it doesn't matter, at least it's safe."

Jingchuan chuckled lightly, without any major mood swings.

Thirteen days, to him, was just a blink of an eye and could not waste much time.

The world opposite the space rift is a world similar to ancient Japan, where there are demons and troubles.

Well, that's it, no more.

After all, the person who accidentally encountered the space rift was just an ordinary woodcutter. He accidentally walked in here. He knew nothing about national affairs. He didn't understand how big the world was, let alone anything else.

"I still need to go there in person to know what the situation is."

Jingchuan muttered to himself for a while, left his means behind, stepped into the crack in space, and came to another world in the blink of an eye.

The sky here is blue and clear, as blue as sapphire. There are no white clouds floating around, and the sky is clear.

Light and shadow intersected for a moment, and Jingchuan stood in the new world. After taking a breath of air, Jingchuan was a little surprised.

"The spiritual energy here is more than that of the earth, and slightly lower than that of the Eternal Night World."

Jingchuan waved his sleeves, and his spiritual thoughts immediately began to spread, but not long after, the entire world was explored.

"Is this place so small?"

Jingchuan was a little shocked. This world was very strange. There were three large islands and some scattered small islands, and the rest was the endless ocean.

The area of ​​​​the island is not large, and all the land area combined is almost equivalent to the area of ​​Japan + the entire Europe.

"It's such a small world. After seeing it for a long time, I thought the earth was already small enough."

After Jingchuan sighed, he hid the space crack and looked to the south, looking there with a half-smile.

"Quack, quack, quack! Where do humans come from? They dare to come to the Toad King's territory!"

A blue toad about one meter long jumped from a distance. It stood on its hind legs and stared at Jingchuan with a nervous expression, as if it was a little scared.

The toad monster didn't know who the person in front of it was, but it knew that the aura that this person unconsciously exuded made it feel frightened and frightened.

"Gouli. Ahem, this world has a monster system. By coincidence, the earth also happens to lack creatures of the monster system."

Jingchuan smiled slightly and instantly penetrated the heart of the toad monster.

This light blue toad monster was terrified, and was about to say something to cheer him up, but suddenly he felt dizzy, followed by darkness, and he fainted.

Jingchuan stretched and stepped forward, ignoring the light blue toad monster behind him.

When the toad monster wakes up, it will forget everything and will not even remember that there is such a thing as Jingchuan.

Through the memory of the toad monster, Jingchuan already knows what kind of world this is.

An era where monsters and humans coexist, and wars and ghosts appear together.

The world is currently in a period of war. Hundreds of countries are at war with each other, and monsters and ghosts gather together.

The people at the bottom have no way to survive and are used as food by demons, while the daimyo are protected by onmyoji.

"This is a world very similar to ancient Japan."

Although I have already understood the world through my spiritual consciousness and the light blue toad monster, it is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. It is better to see it with my own eyes.

He had plenty of time anyway.

As for Earth?

If there is an invasion from a foreign enemy, Jingchuan will be able to detect it.According to the current extraordinary level of the earth, it is basically impossible to make any waves.

After all, there are two clones of the 'Ghastly Skeleton God' and the 'Spider God' on Earth.

Even if Kurosaku Tsuchimikado suddenly wants to destroy the earth, a clone will press him to the ground and rub him, letting him know that the overall situation is the most important thing.

According to the memory of the toad monster, there is a human settlement nearby, but the situation of humans in that settlement is not very good.

Those human beings are hiding from the world to avoid war, miscellaneous taxes and many other reasons, just like in Peach Blossom Spring.

The only difference is that if Peach Blossom Spring doesn't engage in any conspiracy theories, it will indeed find a good place, but they are different.

There are so many monsters in the mountains that they can only sacrifice a boy every year to provide temporary peace.

Jingchuan casually used some small tricks to make himself a more noble person in other people's impressions, and then strode towards the place where humans live.

He didn't mean anything else. Jingchuan just wanted to take a look at what the human beings in this world were like.

How humble are ordinary people that they need to sacrifice to demons to survive?

He also wanted to see what kind of monster he was, one that only needed to feed one child for a year.

After Jingchuan comes here, everything in this world will belong to Jingchuan. It would be too bloody to offer sacrifices, so it would be better to offer incense.

After all, Jingchuan is also a good and considerate god.

(End of this chapter)

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