i created the old gods

Chapter 247 End It All

Chapter 247 End It All

In the evening, there are dots of gorgeous and magnificent colored clouds floating in the sky, reflecting in the afterglow of the setting sun, it has a different flavor.

There are deep forests and tall trees everywhere here, and the vegetation is ignorant, making it look like a primitive forest.

From time to time, there were scattered roars of ferocious beasts, and the evil spirit soared into the sky.

For humans, this majestic and majestic mountain range is not a scenic spot, but an extremely dangerous place. Human beings are just like ants, and they can only struggle to survive in it. If the tyranny is not fiercer than the tiger, Not many people would choose to leave their hometown and come here.


A depressing and dull voice suddenly resounded in the mountains, stretching far and wide, and the sound spread in all directions.

After this sound sounded, the roars of ferocious beasts in the entire mountain range stopped, and the whimpering sounds gradually disappeared, as if the mountain range was originally so silent.

Following the direction of the strange sound, I saw a village entrenched in the rolling hills, and the sound came from a vessel that looked like a 'big drum' in the center of the village.

A trembling old man with white hair stood in front of the drum, looking at the drum being beaten, his lips trembled slightly, but he never said anything.

His face was covered with ravines left by the years. He was holding a wooden stick and barely holding on to the ground to keep himself steady. His cloudy eyes were filled with traces of deathly silence, as if there was not much time left.

The surrounding villagers gathered together, with red eyes and lips trembling violently. Fear bent their waists and made their bodies a little stooped.

The two children were placed in front of the big drum, ignorant and ignorant, as if they didn't know why they were here.

"O Mountain King, guardian of the mountains, your tribute has been prepared. Please condescend to come!"

As the white-haired old man finished speaking, the mountainous area where the entire village was located suddenly began to shake, and the light began to dim rapidly.

An ancient idea suddenly descended from the darkness. Immediately, the huge stone wall opposite the village suddenly formed a pair of facial features that looked both human and inhuman. It stared at everyone in the village, looked at the two children greedily, and let out a deafening roar. Voice: "Two are not enough, I want three!"

A voice like a bell roared out from the mouth of the 'Tiger'. The expressions of the surrounding villagers suddenly changed. The white-haired old man was also a little unbelievable and said tremblingly: "Master Tiger" , we made an appointment, two a month, and one a month for the rest.”

"I keep this place safe, my hard work has paid off, and I have frightened the demons. Naturally, I need more supplies!"

Tiger said naturally: "From now on, three a month, two every other month, do you understand?!"

The old man dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and the villagers were also frightened. I don't know who shouted: "It's too tyrannical. Our children are our darlings, how is it possible?"


Before the man could finish speaking, a roar came from the mouth of the 'Tiger', directly stopping everyone from speaking, as if saying 'who agrees and who opposes' in another form.

No one dared to speak, for fear of offending this 'tiger' and destroying the entire village.

The old people in the village felt sad.

In human society, tyranny is as fierce as a tiger, wars are fought every year, and grain is collected every year. The big shots sing and I come on stage, and the king's flag changes on the city wall. All that brings to the little people is the endless cycle of life and death.

However, among these mountains, demons have kept them captive. What bullshit tigers are just powerful demons. They have trapped humans like them here, allowing them to keep giving birth, so that there will be enough people to come every year. edible.

Are the disappearances of villagers who occasionally go out really missing?Most of it went into the belly of the 'tiger' and turned into food for the 'tiger'.

However, compared to the ten years of human society being completely wiped out, boiling frogs in warm water in the mountains is still kinder.

It's ridiculous to say that the man-eating monster actually looks so kind-hearted and kind-hearted compared to the big shots who have been fighting for years.

"Wow wow wow!"

One of the children who was the 'sacrifice' started to cry, and the other child also started to cry. He seemed to be frightened by the 'tiger' and could only cry non-stop.

Seemingly irritated by the cry, 'Tiger' became a little irritable: "Hurry up, if you don't choose, I will take the initiative!"

They didn't know anything about the situation in advance. They didn't expect that the Tiger would suddenly make such a move, and they didn't know how to 'allocate' the extra spots.

"Whose house should it be?"

"What to do, what should we do?"

"Father, let me go!"

"Shut up! What do you know?!"

"I know, don't you just want to let that monster eat it? I am willing!"

"Shut up, shut up!"

"Tiger-sama, you have a lot, don't care about it like a child."

The villagers' voices resounded, but the tiger didn't show any particularly angry behavior, he still looked the same.

He is a monster to begin with, so what the hell, for him this is not a shameful identity, it doesn't matter.

To be a monster is to be open and honest, so that you can have prestige and attract more humans, thereby obtaining more sacrifices.

"Have you chosen yet?"

The tiger spoke proudly, looking around at everyone with a pair of stone gray stone eyes, Jie Jie smiled and said: "I can't wait any longer, I'll eat these two first. After eating, I hope to see the third one." !"

After finishing speaking, the huge hand stretched out towards the two crying children, with a greedy look in his eyes.


Suddenly, an angry scream came from nowhere, and then flames rolled and surged, like the fire of hell blooming. Only a loud bang was heard, and the "Tiger" that turned into a stone statue exploded instantly, and his mind was annihilated by the flames. !
In fact, the monster named "Tiger" died on the spot without even letting out a scream!

The changes that occurred in this vain were so great that before everyone present could react, they discovered that the 'Tiger' that they regarded as their patron saint had cracked on the spot and turned into a ball of rubble.

Instead, there was a handsome Onmyoji wearing dark white hunting clothes and a faint smile.

The clean and fair face is sharp and indifferent; the dark and deep eyes are full of charming color; the thick eyebrows, high nose, and beautiful lips all exude nobility and elegance.

This face has both masculine sternness and feminine softness, and the gender cannot be discerned for a while, but one thing is certain, whether men or women see this person, they will feel a throbbing and can't help it I want to take a second look.

"You are"

The young people in the village were excited, looking at this dreamlike figure, their tongues were tied, they didn't know how to speak, their eyes were full of admiration.

The old man was worried, looking at him worriedly and not daring to make any move for fear of attracting his attention.

In their impression, Onmyojis are big shots and belong to the upper class. In the past, they often heard that Onmyojis arrested escaped people under their rule.

Onmyoji looked around at the surrounding villagers, shook his head, and said, "I am Tian Yuqingzhong, who of you is in charge?"

They felt extremely unfamiliar with the name 'Tian Yu Qingzhong', but the fact that this person could kill the 'Tiger' with one blow undoubtedly informed them that he was someone they could not offend. The old man immediately stood up and said flatteringly: "Master Onmyoji, I am the person in charge here. What are your orders?"

"Within five days, move out of here and return to the human world." Onmyoji Yuyou, who calls himself Tian Yuqingzhong, said.

When the old people heard this, they sighed and said that it was indeed the case. Their faces were ashen and they did not dare to make any move.

Those young people have not yet been severely beaten by society, so they naturally do not know what the outside world is like. When they heard that they could move out of the mountains, they immediately burst into cheers.

"I know what you're thinking."

Tian Yuqing glanced at the ashen-faced old people, and slowly said: "You don't have to worry, I'm here to save you from danger."

"This world is too chaotic. I will put everything on track. I will make all injustice disappear. I will end this era!"

Hearing Tian Yuqingzhong's great ambition, several old people looked at each other, not understanding what Tian Yuqingzhong wanted to do.

For such big people, they are like ants at their feet. They don't need to win people's hearts at all. Their choices don't matter, they are just small people.

"If you don't want to leave the mountains, it's okay. I won't force you."

Seeing that the old people seemed to be hesitant, Tian Yuqingzhong shook his head and spoke slowly, without any intention of forcing.

Whether love comes or not, it doesn't come and pull you down.

After everything has been said, Tian Yuqing will naturally not stay long, and the figure slowly disappears here without a trace.

The remaining villagers began to discuss heatedly. Everything that happened today had a huge impact on them.

First, the "tiger" who had protected the village for decades was dissipated, and then the onmyoji came in the sky.

Either make changes or maintain the status quo. Either way, it will have a profound impact on the village.

"We should go out! Master Tian Yuqingzhong is right. I am willing to follow Master Tian Yuqingzhong and end this era!"

"They are all deceiving us. We cannot go out. There are wars outside for years. He is tricking us into farming and being the first to board!"

"The Tiger is dead. There is nothing to protect us here. We will die sooner or later if we stay here."

"You can't go out!"

"I'm a person who wants to do great things, I can't just stay in the mountains!"

The people in the village are divided into two groups, but most people want to follow the onmyoji named "Tianyu Qingzhong" to build a new world.The older generation, those who had been 'slaves', are firmly opposed to going out and want to live and die with the village in the mountains.

The two sides broke up unhappy. Early the next morning, a large number of young people gathered together with their families and walked towards the world outside the mountain.

They believe that "the sky is clear" and they also believe in the good impression of the outside world that still exists in their hearts.

When they came down the mountain and returned to this familiar yet unfamiliar village, they were a little stunned when they looked at the bustling crowd.

The number of people here was much greater than they imagined, and most of them had a look of astonishment, which was almost the same as their reaction.

"Did they also come down from the mountains?"

An old man who followed the young man down the mountain unconsciously had an idea in his mind. Seeing so many people gathering together, the beautiful impression in his heart became better and better.

"I have opened up farmland and built houses. Please rest assured that each of you will live here safely and live and work in peace and contentment!"

"Taxation will be at a normal level. No one will force you to join the army, and you will not be required to sacrifice children!"

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded in the old man's ears. This voice was extremely familiar to the old man. It was clearly the voice of Lord Tian Yuqingzhong.

Listening to Master Tian Yuqingzhong's voice, the old man's eyes were a little moist. Looking at this clear new world, he felt that the whole world had changed differently.

"I am not dreaming, am I?"

The old man's eyes filled with tears. After confirming again and again, his impression of Tian Yuqingzhong improved greatly, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his previous words and deeds.

"For such a life, even if Lord Tian Yuqingzhong asks me to go to the battlefield to be the first to advance, I will not hesitate!"

Who are the people in Tianyuqing?

It's just a little trick that Jingchuan did in his spare time, just as a means to rule the world.

Jingchuan traveled around the three major islands in the world, saw hundreds of countries in the world, and understood the situation of the world. He soon took the wishes of all living beings as the guide, mixed with some other things, and created A brand new body.

This 'Tian Yu Qingzhong' contains a ray of Jingchuan's essence and blood, and can barely be regarded as a small clone of Jingchuan. He will walk in every corner of the world, lead the hardworking people, unify the entire continent, and let the people here The people live a life of food, drink and warmth.

Of course, if Jingchuan did not intervene, this would indeed be the ending. After all, this is something condensed from the will of all living beings in this world, who still want to achieve world peace.

Jingchuan has already arranged all the scripts.

After the great onmyoji Tian Yuqingzhong, who was unprecedented and unprecedented, established the immortal dynasty, an evil god suddenly appeared in this world. His name was the "Spider God", and he caused trouble in the world.

To put it simply, it is a classic replica of the Great World of Evernight. The difference is that the Church of Evernight in the Evernight World has become an immortal dynasty, and the terrifying existence under the deep sea has become the leader in the dream.

This is currently the simplest way to control the world. Jingchuan now needs to refine the world core of this world, so there are basically no big loopholes in this plan without any masters.

However, Jingchuan is also a little curious. If after the world is unified, the Japanese on Earth deliberately let Japan discover this place, thus triggering a war, what will be the result?
But just think about this kind of problem. Unless he is invincible, Jingchuan will not do such stupid things that harm himself and others.

(End of this chapter)

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