i created the old gods

Chapter 248 Maori Family

Chapter 248 Maori Family

The sky is clear and calm, and the sky above and below is bright and blue.

Such good weather made the nickname Kenjiro Mori who ruled the four nearby cities very comfortable. He stood comfortably in his courtyard, squinting and enjoying the wonderful sunbathing.

It's just that such a comfortable life was not enjoyed for too long, and a hurried voice interrupted Mori Kenjiro's beauty: "Master Mori, those who fled to the barren mountains have all returned, and now they are gathered in Tanocho!"

Maori's close confidant hurriedly came to report, which made Kenjiro Maori a little unhappy: "Just come back when you come back. Just be exiled to the army as before. Why are you so impatient?"

"Sir Maori, this time is different from before. There are thousands of people coming back, and most of them are young people!"


Kenjiro Mouri was stunned for a moment, then reacted quickly. He looked at his retainers and cronies excitedly, and said in disbelief: "What did you say, thousands of people?!"

The thick-browed and big-eyed retainer paused and said, "Sir Maori, this is absolutely true. Xiaosheng is willing to guarantee it with his life!"

"If that's the case, that would be great!"

Mori Kenjiro suddenly became excited, and his expression was filled with indescribable excitement: "Thousands of people, as long as there are one thousand more troops in the army, I will definitely be able to break through Qingzhu City, destroy Mudu's family, and become Xiaoju's party." His name!"

The rules for daimyo and nicknames are actually very simple. The lords with a salary of more than 5 koku are called daimyo, and the lords with a salary of less than 5 koku are nicknamed. However, due to the collapse of rituals and music, the lords with a salary of more than [-] koku are now generally classified as daimyo. All the princes were called daimyo.

Kenjiro Mouri is a nickname, and he supports 500 soldiers. He is already a famous and well-known figure in this area, and he is the closest thing to a daimyo.

Don't think that 500 soldiers are very few. You must know that these 500 soldiers are full-time warriors, not the kind of peasant soldiers who usually work as farmers and go to the battlefield.

Once the war breaks out, Kenjiro Mori can summon more than 3000 soldiers at one time to fight. If he can get an additional [-] soldiers this time, his dominance will be achieved, and the Mori family will become the new daimyo!

After finishing reading, Kenjiro Mouri was so happy that he quickly ordered the maid to change clothes. At the same time, he told his retainers: "Quickly, mobilize the soldiers and come with me to Tano Town. Don't let the bastards of the Mudu family get there first!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The retainer did not hesitate at all, and immediately went to find the leader of the soldiers, Junichiro Mouri, the younger brother of Kenjiro Mouri.

In their view, this wave of meat, eggs, onions and chickens is a good opportunity given by God to the Maori family to compete for hegemony.

In Tanano Town, Tian Yuqingzhong has already counted the number of people, and he feels extremely gratified for the working people here.

Because he is a destined person who has condensed the will of the world, Tian Yuqing is still very concerned about people's lives. After personally performing the Yin and Yang technique and allocating farmland and housing, Tian Yuqing looked at the happy smiles of the residents. Chuuya felt a little happy.

"Master Tianyu!"

"Master Tianyu is in trouble!"

Originally a resident of Tanano Town ran out of breath from a distance, came to Tian Yuqingzhong, and reported in a panic: "Sir, I just saw the soldiers of the Mori family gathering in the city. It seems that they are gathering." He heard the news from our side, so he wanted to catch us!"

"Ah, what should I do?"

"If the soldiers of the Maori family know that we are back, they will definitely beat us to death."

"No way, no way, no way, someone really went to Maori's house to tell the news, right?"

"I am willing to take up arms and fight against the Maori family together with Lord Tengo Harinaka. Anyone who wants to destroy our family must die!"

"I would too!"

"What kind of thing is the Mouri family? Master Tian Yuqingchu will protect us!"

"Resist the Maori family! Resist the Maori nickname!"

After the news spread, the public sentiment was heated, and the residents here had a strong sense of resistance. However, Tian Yuqingzhong knew that as long as he left, the residents here would immediately return to their original state, flee or surrender.

There is no way, the people in this world are very similar to the ancient Japanese, they have no sense of resistance, only obedience and escape. Regarding the local princes, they despise themselves because of their weak blood and dare not have any resistance.

If Tian Yuqingzhong hadn't been here, they might not have even dared to say the word 'Maori family'. After all, they were also a group of people without a surname.

The reason why they are resisting now is not because Tian Yuqingzhong gave them the confidence to resist, but because they have regarded themselves as people under Tian Yuqingzhong, and the lord Tian Yuqingzhong is going to attack the Maori family. Lord, isn't it natural for the people under their rule to wave the flag and shout?

Tian Yuqingzhong knew clearly about the mentality of these people, but he would not take any measures.

The purpose of wishing is to unify the three major islands and establish an era without war. It is not a matter of "princes, generals, ministers, etc.", so Tian Yuqingzhong will not have any big reaction.

"Master Tianyu, please give your orders, we are willing to die for you!"

Many residents have already picked up the simple wooden farming tools assigned to them by Tian Yuqingzhong, intending to fight with their lives against the Maori family's soldiers.

For them, it was incredible that such a wise lord could appear in this chaotic era, and of course they wanted to dedicate their lives to such a lord.

"Everyone, I don't need you to sacrifice your lives for me. I persuaded you to come down the mountain. I will be responsible for your safety."

Tian Yuqingzhong spoke cheerfully, seemingly not worried about the soldiers of the Maori family.

"Cocoa, Lord Tianyu, the Maori family's soldiers are coming. Although you have great magical powers, the Maori family has five hundred soldiers and four cities!"

The old man mixed in the crowd widened his eyes, and his stooped back straightened up again and again: "Please allow us to fight for you!"

"Don't worry, the Maori family's soldiers can't do anything to me. I also have soldiers."

Tian Yuqingzhong smiled slightly, looked at the old man, and continued to speak pleasantly.

This posture seemed to be talking not to an ordinary resident under his rule, but to an aristocratic old family head, which also moved the nearby residents.

After that, Tian Yuqingzhong looked at the little boy next to the old man again, smiled slightly, and said: "Besides, Taro's martial arts is also so good. If the soldiers of the Maori family really come, I believe Taro You can also protect me."

"Well, I will also protect Master Tianyu!"

The little boy's eyes widened, he clenched his fists, and nodded fiercely, causing a burst of laughter from the residents nearby.

The inexplicably tragic atmosphere has been diluted a lot, but many residents are still worried about Tian Yuqingzhong.

Lord Tian Yuqingzhong's soldiers?
They have never seen it, maybe this is just a lie by Lord Tian Yuqingzhong to comfort them.


Suddenly, a dull sound sounded behind Tian Yuqingzhong. All the residents were startled and couldn't help but look in that direction.

I saw a light blue four-legged toad suddenly jump from a nearby mountain. Immediately afterwards, various monsters also came down from the mountain, including a sparrow as big as one meter, a human-shaped toad, The wild boar with the face of a dog, the tengu with the head of a dog and the human body.
All kinds of monsters gathered together, and counting carefully, there were seventy or eighty of them. I am afraid that all the more common monsters on the high mountain were recruited by Tian Yuqingzhong and became his "war soldiers". ?
"This is this?!"

The residents who came down from the mountains looked at these monsters with a little panic in their hearts, but more of them felt admiration.

As expected of Lord Amagaki Harunaka, the warriors are completely different from those of the Mori family. They are actually monster warriors!
At this moment, the worries in the hearts of the residents in Tianyu Qingzhong completely disappeared, replaced by awe.

What a powerful force can control these monsters and make them use themselves!
Lord Tian Yuqingzhong is indeed an Onmyoji, he is so awesome!
Tian Yuqingzhong did not let these monsters show off here for too long, and directly gave instructions: "The time has come to wash away your sins. Go and kill the invading Maori nicknames, and capture all the Maori family soldiers. You are not allowed to hurt anyone, do you understand?"

"I'll understand, Lord Tianyu, please rest assured!"

The monsters quickly kowtowed and showed respect to Tian Yuqingzhong, and then rushed towards the direction of the Maori family's intruder.

For them, it was much more comfortable to go and fight the soldiers of the Maori family than to face Tian Yuqingzhong.

"My lord, after we went to Tanano Town this time, Xiaosheng suggested that we attack Qingzhu City immediately to catch them off guard."

The retainer who reported the situation to Kenjiro Mori followed Kenjiro Mori and said to Kenjiro Mori: "The Mudu family does not know that we have added a new population. At this time, we can use an information gap to catch it off guard. If we use If done properly, perhaps the Mudu family’s power can be wiped out in one fell swoop.”

"Well, you and I have similar thoughts. I think so too."

Kenjiro Maori rode his horse and advanced easily under the protection of many soldiers. He nodded to the retainer's opinion and seemed very satisfied: "The young boy from the Mudu family never thought that we would suddenly attack them and dominate them in this way. It’s just around the corner.”

"My lord is wise!"

The retainer quickly offered a flattery, which made Kenjiro Mouri feel very comfortable. He felt that his retainer was indeed a very loyal retainer.

"This time we."

Before Kenjiro Mouri could finish speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, and the surrounding sand quickly rolled up and flew around, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

"Damn, what's going on?!"

Kenjiro Maori was a little angry, and the war horse was a little frightened. Kenjiro Maori pulled the reins forcefully to prevent the horse from moving around. He said angrily: "What is happening around here?!"

"Quack, quack"

"Monster, it's a monster!"

"Prepare to defend!"

"Protect your lord, please come and protect your lord!"


Listening to the voices of the soldiers around him, Kenjiro Mouri felt a little nervous. He pulled out the saber he carried with him and carefully watched the surrounding situation in the vast sand.

'Monster, why would a monster attack me? ! '

'Damn it, didn't the elder of the Abe family say that he had reached an agreement with the tiger on the mountain and would not let any monster come down the mountain? ! '

'Could it be that the monsters that appear here are monsters from other places? This is really terrible! '

Kenjiro Mouri was thinking wildly in his mind, and he felt extremely anxious: the soldiers around him had been trained by him for several years, and each of them had sufficient combat experience.

If he died here like this, he would be very distressed.


Suddenly, there was a flash of purple light, and a thick purple mist suddenly appeared from the front, spraying straight in the direction of Kenjiro Mori. Kenjiro Mori was so frightened that he dismounted in a hurry.

But at the moment he jumped off the horse, a sharp pain suddenly came from the back of his neck. Kenjiro Mouri screamed and fell to the ground.

He struggled to get up, but something seemed to step on his back, preventing him from moving.

"Let me go. I am the head of the Oshimagawa Mori family. My nickname here is Kenjiro Mori. Let me go and I will give you a ransom!"

Kenjiro Mouri hurriedly shouted that his own life was the most important thing at the moment.

"Hey, the head of the Mori family, Kenjiro Mori?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind Kenjiro Maori. Kenjiro Maori was stunned for a moment, and then said frantically: "Yes, it's me, it's me. Please spare me, I will prepare it for you."

Unfortunately, before Kenjiro Mori could finish speaking, the monster behind him picked up Kenjiro Mori's own katana and chopped off Kenjiro Mori's head.

The light blue toad monster grabbed Mouri Kenjiro's hair, lifted his head, looked at the frightened Mouri Kenjiro, and nodded with satisfaction: "It's him, gua, it's him that Lord Tenmoku Harinaka wants." Head!”

After the recitation, the light blue toad monster hung Mori Kenjiro's head on his waist, swaggered towards the outside, and began to subdue other Maori soldiers.

Kenjiro Mori brought few soldiers on this trip, only 130, including his younger brother, and the remaining 370 to defend the main city to prevent other nearby forces from coming to attack the city after learning the news.

However, it was precisely because Kenjiro Mouri led relatively few people that he was brutally attacked. If he brought out all the soldiers, there would still be a chance that Kenjiro Mouri could escape when the soldiers were fighting to the death.

But now that the battle is over, many soldiers have sacrificed their salary to serve for you, attacking these monsters with suicide attacks. The monsters were also injured in such attacks, and one even died.

Naturally, the monsters could not control their actions. They killed more than 40 people, injured more than 60 people, and left less than 30 people intact.

The monsters now are uneasy, fearing that they will be punished by Tian Yuqingzhong.

After all, Tian Yuqingzhong's order was for them to capture the soldiers alive.

(End of this chapter)

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