i created the old gods

Chapter 249 Immortal Dynasty

Chapter 249 Immortal Dynasty
Life is less than a hundred, and I always have a thousand years of worry.

Kameda Eighth General often thought that if Kenjiro Mouri could listen to his advice and bring more troops, he might not be beheaded.

Kameda Yashiro was now tied with his hands and thrown to the ground. His face was pressed against the sand and mud, feeling only burning pain.

In the past, General Kameda would have been angry. Even if he was defeated, he was the second son of the Kameda family and a retainer of the Mori family, so he could not bear this humiliation.

But now he only felt a chill running down his neck and throughout his body, shivering and not daring to say anything.

He saw with his own eyes that the head of the supercilious Maori Patriarch Mori Kenjiro was separated, the soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and he saw the monsters coming down from the mountain one after another!
There is no doubt that these monsters are controlled by the young man standing on the high platform, the Onmyoji who is so beautiful that one cannot distinguish between illusion and reality.

"Who are you, Kenjiro Mori, and why do you let him attack you?"

Tian Yuqingzhong's voice sounded slowly, gently ringing in the ears of the eight generals of Kameda.

Kameda Hachishou's body trembled, and Amomi Harinaka's voice continued to echo around Kameda Hachishou, as if a ball of sweet gas was flowing around him. This feeling made Kameda Hachishou feel extremely graceful.

It was as if he was not being held captive with his face pressed against the sand and stung, but sitting in a high city enjoying life.

"Replying to this gentleman, my name is Kameda Hachisho. I am the second son of the Kameda family in Huangyou City, and I am also a retainer of Mouri Kenjiro, the nickname of Mengdu City!"

The attitude of the Eighth General Kameda was extremely humble, and he even used a lot of honorifics in his sentences. If he hadn't tied his hands now, some people might have thought that the Eighth General Kameda was a retainer of Tengo Harinaka.

Amano Qingzhong helped Kameda Eight Generals up in a pleasant manner and personally untied them. At the same time, he also complained about the monster soldiers: "They are too rude. My soldiers are really too rude. Mr. Kameda did not Are you injured in any way?"

I would rather be a living Uncle Liu Huang.

However, there is no Romance of the Three Kingdoms in this world. It was the first time for the eight generals of Kameda to feel this kind of spring breeze. They were stunned and burst into tears of gratitude.

"You, me, you."

The eight generals Kameda was so excited that he was speechless, but Tian Yuqingzhong didn't seem to pay too much attention to him. Instead, he helped each soldier up and loosened them enthusiastically.

Tian Yuqingzhong is the aggregation of the great aspirations of this world. There is an inexplicable charm in every word and deed, which will unconsciously awaken the truth, goodness and beauty in human nature, making people respect and worship him even more.

In other words, the passive skill in Tian Yuqing is the aura of intelligence reduction, and all people who come into contact with it will have varying degrees of intelligence reduction reaction.

For example, now, Kameda Hachisho, who is already a retainer of Kenjiro Mori, is bursting with gratitude. He wishes he could live and die without regrets for Tian Yu Qingzhong.

And those warriors who have been supported by the Maori family for several generations and trained since childhood also feel deeply, and feel that they have committed a lot of sins.

This wave, this wave may be the MLM leader from another world, the legendary Long Aotian who only exists.

Tian Yuqingzhong raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the soldiers who were already convinced, Tian Yuqingzhong said: "My dream is to end this troubled world and establish an era where there is no war and everyone can have enough food , would you like to help me?"

"I'm waiting for it!"

"I am willing to secretly serve as an internal agent and help Lord Tianyu attack Mengdu City and eliminate the Maori family!"

"Master Tianyu is the absolute savior, the only one who can save this world!"

"Lord Tianyu will surely establish an everlasting dynasty and end this troubled world!"

Whether they were injured soldiers or uninjured soldiers, their voices were very messy, but after a while, the messy voices converged into a torrent:
"Your Majesty Tianyu!"

"Your Majesty Tianyu!"

Originally it was just the soldiers shouting, but gradually, the people of Tanano Town also began to shout, and the voices gathered together, shaking the sky.

After Tian Yuqingzhong was stunned for a moment, he just looked at his people with a smile without any rebuttal.

Although he is a life formed by the condensed power of great will, there is also a ray of Jingchuan's blood in his body, so he naturally knows what his mission is.

The master of this land, the immortal emperor of the immortal dynasty, he does his duty!
"My lord, I have a plan to defeat the three cities of the Maori family and gain momentum for your lord!"

Just when people were gathering like this, Kameda Eighth General suddenly knelt down on one knee, raised his hands in respect and said: "The Mori family has not yet learned that Kenjiro Mori has fallen. We have a young man as a guide and a soldier's certificate. We can't help ourselves." Enter the city without any effort and clear away the obstacles for your lord!"

"Kenjiro Mori is dead, and the three cities of the Mori family are within easy reach."

Kameda Eighth General swallowed his saliva, without any sense of guilt for betraying the Maori family: "The Mudu family owns two cities, and Qingzhu City is a big city with strong strength. However, as far as I know, the current head of the Mudu family is no more than Eleven or twelve years old, weak by nature, afraid of demons."

"My lord, you can send a team of monster warriors into Qingzhu City. The head of the Mudu family will naturally collapse without a fight. My lord, you can also become famous!"

After saying that, General Kameda seemed to have thought of something again, and quickly explained: "Although we already know that your lord is the immortal emperor, but now that the world is full of wars, it is better to be cautious for the time being, so as not to be attacked by others. The princes rose up to attack him."

Although the Eight Generals of Kameda have determined that Tengo Haruchu will definitely unify the world and become the immortal emperor, it is not the time to proclaim emperor and emperor yet.

If he rashly proclaims himself emperor now, he will be equivalent to Yuan Shu in the late Han Dynasty. Regardless of other forces, he will definitely come to attack Tian Yu Qingzhong.

Although Kameda Hachishang believed that Master Tengo Harunaka would not be afraid of those young people, this was still a bit risky after all.

Why choose a radical way to unify the world in a stable way?
"What Mr. Kameda said is absolutely true. Let Mr. Kameda lead the soldiers to open the city gate in a false way."

Tian Yuqingzhong smiled slightly, without any rebuttal, but highly praised the Eight Generals of Kameda: "I will ask General Toad to go to Qingzhu City to intimidate the little head of the Mudu family, and strive to peacefully surrender. The Mudu family surrenders."

"Thank you for your great love, my lord, Kameda is deeply grateful!" Kameda Eighth General said with emotion.

This kind of spirit of not being suspicious of others makes Hachida Kameda very excited. Hachida Kameda has decided to return to Huangya City in the near future and persuade the lord Kameda's family entrenched there to surrender.

After all, that is Kameda Eighth General's own family. Joining Lord Tengo Harunaka's camp as soon as possible will naturally be of great benefit.

Tian Yuqingzhong smiled slightly but said nothing.

There is a saying that if Tian Yuqingzhong is willing, he can even go to the battle to attack the city in person, break through the city wall with an unworthy gesture, and push all the soldiers horizontally.

But he would not do this, because the Yin and Yang Dao of this world would not be too involved in the battles between mortals.

Tian Yuqingzhong obtained a tiny ray of Jingchuan's essence and blood, and possesses the condensed power of great will. It is very powerful, but there are not no existences that can rival him. Tian Yuqingzhong does not want to break this rule.

What's more, as the number of people under his rule increases, the power of his great will will become stronger and stronger, and he will naturally become more powerful.

Slowly develop, sooner or later you can dominate the world and be invincible.

Time flies, years pass.

More than a month has passed since Amomi Harenaka ambushed Mouri Kenjiro. Although Kameda Hachisho is a dog-headed strategist, he can still win a sure win. He easily captured the three cities of the Mouri family.

It's just that something unexpected happened when the monsters threatened the Mudu family leader. Although the Mudu family leader was frightened to death, he would rather die than surrender at a young age. In the end, the monster soldiers invaded the Qingzhu City. The city was destroyed and everyone died, and the owl's head was displayed to the public. .

Although Tian Yuqingzhong appears to be amiable on the surface, he has no sympathy for his competitors, especially members of big families.

After all, the great willpower that condenses Tian Yuqing comes from the common people at the bottom, not from the rich and powerful.

If they are willing to surrender, then that would be great, and Tian Yuqingzhong will not treat them any differently, but if they are the opposite of themselves, Tian Yuqingzhong will ruthlessly eradicate them.

With the annexation of the two major forces of the Maori family and the Mudu family, Tian Yuqingzhong became a daimyo-level lord in the southern region of Zhongshu, which can be said to be a well-known existence.

The Eight Generals of Kameda also soon set off for Huangya Castle to persuade their families to surrender, intending to work together for Tian Yu Qingzhong to celebrate the arrival of the king.

Everything seemed very orderly, and Tian Yuqingzhong's power was also developing rapidly, but Jingchuan was yawning a little high in the sky.

Although from his perspective, Jingchuan seemed to be playing a sandbox hegemony game, such as "Total War: Shogun", the speed was too slow.

So far, Tian Yuqingzhong's power has just started, and it only owns about one-thirtieth of the world's land. If it proceeds at this speed, it will take at least two and a half years to occupy the whole world.

A daimyo trainee who has been fighting for hegemony for two and a half years.

"If this continues, this world will only be the history of Tian Yuqingzhong's unification, and after Tian Yuqingzhong unified the world, the Spider God was born to cope with the disaster. In such an era of belief in gods, wouldn't it be said that Tian Yuqingzhong Is there any great disaster in your dynasty?"

"It's better to let the villain appear now, far away from Tian Yuqingzhong's territory, harm those princes, and create an identity as Tian Yuqingzhong's savior. This will be much better than after unification."

After reading, Jingchuan's eyes unconsciously moved to Beizhou Island.

There are three major islands in this world, Beizhou Island in the north, Zhongzhou Island in the middle and Nanzhou Island in the south.

The naming is so simple and crude, but it is very distinct. You can see the difference in geographical location at a glance and accurately locate the corresponding island.

Just like now, because the name of Beizhou Island is more distinctive and it is far away from the southern part of Zhongzhou Island where Tian Yuqingzhong is located, it has been defined as the place where evil gods descend in a few words.

"The strength of the Spider God far exceeds that of Tian Yuqingzhong. Compared to the Spider God, Tian Yuqingzhong is more like a baby and has no power to fight back at all. His dominance should be greater than that of the Evernight World. Cthulhu is much taller."

Jingchuan waved his hand, summoning the Spider God from the void, and then thought: "But the Spider God will not appear in a short time, and even if it appears, it will not wipe out Tian Yu Qingzhong in one fell swoop. After all, I still have I’m counting on Tian Yuqingzhong to provide me with the faith to gather more bodies.”

Compared with the previous star domain lords who cultivated other extraordinary creatures to work for themselves, Jingchuan believed in his clones more.

After all, the current situation is obvious to all. The capable extraordinary gods trained by the original Earth Will have fled far away into the stars, while the remaining incompetent ones are left on Earth to wait for death, unable to provide any help to the Earth Will at all.

It's better to spend a lot of effort to create some clones. Although the strength of the clones can't match the main body, they are only there for the main body, and there is no need to consider loyalty. They are really excellent helpers and the best assistants.

Beizhou Island has strong winds all year round and the climate is particularly colder than Nakasu Island and Nanshu Island. In Xiayi City in the middle of Beizhou Island, the Nara family, the largest daimyo family in the entire Beizhou Island, is located.

The current head of the Nara family, Yoshi Nara, sat quietly on his knees on the jade leaf, sipping tea slightly to relieve the coldness in his body, while listening to the report of his subordinate ninjas.

The Nara family's ninja assassins are world-famous and can be found all over Beishu. Even Nakashu Island and Nanshu Island have the shadow of Nara ninjas. The reason why the Nara family has become the most powerful family in Beishu is because it has three thousand soldiers. , on the other hand, it was also because of the all-pervasive Nara ninja.

Not only ninja assassins, the spies of the Nara family are also famous in Beishu. No one knows whether a retainer from other families may be a spy planted by the Nara family, and no one knows whether the slave who helps you sleep every night will be an elite. Nara Ninja.

"Isn't it true that the Mudu family and the Maori family in Zhongzhou were both destroyed by Tian Yuqingzhong, and the Kameda family defected to Tian Yuqingzhong overnight?"

Listening to the ninja's report, Nara Yong looked a little incredulous and asked: "Is there any big family named Tianyu in Zhongzhou? I have never heard of it."

"My lord, not only in Zhongzhou, but also in Nanzhou, there has never been a family named Tianyu. This Tianyu Qingzhong seems to have appeared suddenly, and there is no trace of its roots."

Listening to the ninja's report, Nara Yong felt extremely novel. Nara Yong firmly believed that everyone has a heel, the nobility has a family, and the untouchables have an ancestral land. No one will appear from this world out of thin air. Tian Yu Qingzhong Nor will it appear out of thin air.

"Check, be sure to find out the details of Tian Yuqingzhong."

Nara Yong waved his hand, and after giving the instructions, he was about to say something when he suddenly felt a strange fragrance drifting into the room. The next moment Nara Yong felt a little fascinated.

'No, it smells like incense, I've never smelled it before! '

After all, Nara Yong was the leader of the ninjas. He reacted immediately, but unfortunately it had no effect. He still fell into a sweet dream.

(End of this chapter)

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