i created the old gods

Chapter 250 Onmyoji Abe Family

Chapter 250 Onmyoji Abe Family

"Sir, we are almost arriving at Xiayi City. We should be able to sell it for a good price this time, right?"

On the main road of Beizhou Island, a young man wearing coarse linen clothes carried a samurai sword and walked on the road with a smile. He looked at the fallen samurai not far away: "This information is from Lord Nara's mortal enemy, the Onihu family. It’s top secret.”


The fallen warrior just glanced back at the young man without saying much.

The young man doesn't know the heights of the sky, but he knows it.

The Nara family, a famous family of ninja assassins, are all-pervasive. Wouldn't they know such rudimentary information as mine?

The Nara family hides many top secrets, and the main reason why they acquire the secrets is for valuation.

If too many people know a secret, then it is no longer a secret and it is time to make it public.

Therefore, their price this time will definitely not be much, it will only be enough for them to live for three or four months at most.

It's better to relax and just treat this time as extra income.

The fallen warrior laughed to himself, looked at the sky, and took a deep breath.

He was once the number one warrior in Beizhou, one of the few warriors in Beizhou Island who could kill monsters as a mortal.

It's a pity
Because in order to kill the big demon, the fallen warrior exhausted his energy. Although his sword skills are still sharp, his energy and blood have begun to decline. Now he is only in his early thirties, but his physical fitness is equivalent to that of an old warrior aged between 60 and [-] years old.


The fallen warrior sighed, looked back at the young man, smiled happily, and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

At least, my swordsmanship can be passed down forever.

After being pleased, the fallen warrior strode toward Xia Yicheng. When the young man saw the fallen warrior speeding up, he could only shout and follow quickly.

However, when the two masters and apprentices came to Xiayi City and looked at the majestic Xiayi City, the young man sighed: "Is this Xiayi City? Is it too much?"

"Xia Yicheng is the number one city in Beizhou. Guitian City cannot be ranked among the top ten in Beizhou. There is naturally a difference."

The fallen warrior spoke calmly without any emotion. He did not have any dissatisfaction with this country boy-like student, but instead felt a sense of nostalgia.

When he came to Xiayi City for the first time, he also felt this kind of surprise.

It's just that the atmosphere now is a little less congested.
"Be careful, there seems to be something wrong with Xia Yicheng, don't let your guard down."

The desolate warrior slowly pulled out his samurai sword, his eyes were like torches, he stared at Xia Yicheng, and slowly said: "Look, there are no soldiers guarding the city, and there is no one in the city gate that should be busy now. , is clearly in preparation for war, is there any news about war recently?"


The young man was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said: "No, sir, and according to the situation, there seems to be no force in the entire Beizhou Island that can attack the core city of the Nara family at lightning speed, right?"

"Yes, this is where the confusion lies."

The fallen warrior nodded and said: "Xiayi City is located in the hinterland of the Nara family. How can it be approached by the enemy? This is a plain. If there is really a war, the Nara family cities we passed should have entered a state of war long ago."

"It is unlikely that the retainers of the Nara family would rebel. The Nara family's ninja organization is world-famous, and Xia Yicheng is naturally impregnable. How could anyone rebel under the eyes of Yong Nara?"

"Furthermore, Xia Yicheng enshrines two great Onmyojis of Onmyoji and several entry-level Onmyojis. With such a configuration, even if an army of [-] comes to attack, it is impossible to create such a situation."

Listening to the words of the fallen warrior, the young man's eyes widened. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Sir, why don't we just forget about it? It's just a piece of information. We'll come back when the situation here is more stable."

"How can you say such a thing?"

The fallen warrior glanced at the young man and said dissatisfiedly: "Is the spirit of a warrior to escape? The population of Xiayi City is nearly 20, and this is the life of 20 people. Now there are some problems in Xiayi City. As a warrior, you, Do you want to back down?"

This kind of thing is fine for him, a poor old warrior, but not for a young boy.

After all, this represents a certain kind of inheritance, and inheritance cannot be lost.

The young man immediately woke up, his hands were trembling a little, and he immediately lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "What you are trying to teach me is that I made a mistake, I...I..."

"Remember your original intention."

The fallen warrior solemnly ordered the young man, and was about to say "let's retreat" when a hearty laughter suddenly came from his ears: "What this warrior gentleman said is true, we shoulder the trust of mankind, but we can't When you encounter setbacks, run away.”


The fallen warrior reacted instantly. The katana in his hand stood up straight. He glanced around and said in a deep voice, "I don't know which lord is here. Please show up and see me."

"The student is Abe Insuki from the Abe family. He was ordered to go to Xia Yicheng to investigate the disappearance of the onmyoji in Xia Yicheng."

In front of the fallen samurai, an onmyoji who claimed to be the Abe family, Abe Inshu, fell from the sky and spoke to the fallen samurai and the young man in a gentle manner: "I remember you, the best swordsman in Beishu, Kitano Nobunori."

"It turns out it's the great Onmyoji Master Cun Shu who is in charge of Beizhou. I'm rude."

Kitano Nobunori put away his katana and spoke to Abe Inuki solemnly, maintaining enough respect for him.

One is because Abe Abe comes from the Abe family, the Abe family, which is the number one onmyoji family in the world today; the other is because Abe Abe is an onmyoji who is in charge of Hokkaido, and is also the number one onmyoji in Hokkaido, better than himself. The swordsman is much stronger.

"Ah, sir, you are Kitano Shincun, the best swordsman in Beizhou?!"

The young man's eyes widened, he looked at the fallen warrior beside him in disbelief, and blurted out: "Sir, I always thought you were a fallen warrior who failed in the fight for family property."


Kitano Shincun looked at the young man speechlessly. He didn't know what was going on in his little mind every day. He could only change the topic and said to Abe Cunshu: "Master Cunshu, is there any big problem in Xiayi City? , is there anything you need our help with?"

"Ah, it would be great if Mr. Kitano would help."

Abe Insuki is also an old man. He did not introduce the situation first and directly dragged Kitano Nobunaga into the incident without giving Kitano Nobunaga any chance to react.

After all, he is also a swordsman and samurai who has killed monsters before, so it would be nice to have more strength.

Kitano Shincun opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

How to say?I asked you politely, but you, the number one onmyoji in Beizhou, took it seriously?

"Two days ago, I discovered in the Yin Yang Residence that the magatama left behind by the nine Yin Yang masters stationed in Xia Yicheng suddenly shattered. Something seemed to have happened."

Abe Chushu slowly opened his mouth and introduced the situation he had learned so far: "I have sent people to Zhongzhou to ask other Onmyojis from the Abe family to come for help. I am mainly here to find out the situation this time."

"The magatama of the nine onmyojis were shattered together?"

Kitano Shincun spoke in disbelief, with a gaze in his eyes: "Did the Demon King appear again?"


Abe Cunshu nodded and said seriously: "After all, only the Demon King can produce such an effect. The purpose of my exploration this time is to find the traces of the Demon King."

Having said that, Abe Chushu thought of something else and added: "But don't worry, our strength can still escape intact even if we encounter the Demon King."

After hesitating for a moment, Kitano Nobuncun nodded and said, "Well, I believe in Master Cun Shu's ability. It's getting late, so we'd better go into the city. If we go into the city at night, it might have some impact."

After the two discussed everything, they reached a consensus. However, the boy was a little confused and could only follow the footsteps of the 'teacher' and 'adult' and headed towards the seemingly turbulent Xia Yicheng.

The city gate of Xia Yicheng was closed, but this did not trouble Abe Cun Shu. Abe Cun Shu just smiled, waved a huge prairie dog, and said: "Xiao Ni, go and open the city gate." .”

When the groundhog heard the words, he immediately let out an "ah" sound, then got into the soil and sneaked into the city. The garlic-smelling tree opened the city gate.

Just a moment later, Abe Chushu lost contact with the groundhog.

"There is indeed a problem in the city. Xiaoni encountered a vicious attack immediately after entering."

Abe Cunshu was not sad at all, and spoke slowly: "There may be something at the city gate, but there is no need to be afraid. Xiaoni's level is not high, and death is normal."

After that, Abe Insuki skillfully summoned three identical prairie dogs and began to direct them to sneak into the city to gather information.

The moment the three marmots opened the way, Abe Insuki immediately chanted the onmyoji spell, and fire burst out between his fingers!

A fiery flame ignited from Abe's fingertips and rushed towards the city gate like a meteor. It burned the moment it touched the city gate. In just a few breaths, the city gate was burned away and spread out. Make a burning sound!

Kitano Nobunori was not surprised by this kind of operation, but when the boy saw it, his eyes widened and he was a little excited: "It turns out that Onmyoji-sama can really control flames!"

"Hehe, little Doyle."

Abe Chushu said with a smile, without any ambiguity: "I thought the monster was waiting for us to enter at the door, and even sent three little clays in to attract attention. It turned out that I was overly worried."

"The first little clay may have touched Xia Yicheng's protective formation. Let's go."

Abe Insuki's voice easily gave people a sense of security. Kitano Nobunori's nervous heart gradually calmed down. He held the katana in his hand and followed Abe Insuki's pace without saying a word. Advance towards the depths of Xia Yicheng.

"Xiayi City is as quiet as death. There is no movement. Even the houses on both sides of the street are empty."

After Abe Insuki became aware of the surrounding environment, he said to Kitano Nobunori: "It's not easy here. Be prepared to leave at any time."

"Well, but it's too early to say retreat now."

Kitano Shincun spoke in a deep voice. Although he had resisted entering Xiayi City before, now that he has entered here, he naturally has to consider all aspects: "Retreating now will most likely give the monsters here the impression that we are weak. , not good for us.”

After all, monsters also have emotions and desires. If they encounter a strong enemy, they will avoid their sharp edges. If I leave now, it will undoubtedly give the monster the impression that I am weak.

If the monsters here are not strong, then this is just to lure the snake out of the hole, but the monsters entrenched here are most likely to be monster king level beings, so naturally they cannot make such a choice.

Abe Insuki nodded and said: "Let's go, first go to the Nara family's Shogun's Mansion. That's the core of everything. Monster Siege's favorite place is the Shogun's Mansion. There may be some unexpected news there. .”

The moment Abe Cunju finished speaking, a thick fog suddenly rose in Xiayi City, as if thousands of white yarns to be dyed were slowly swinging, curling up in the city, and this fog gave people a strange feeling. a feeling of.

An empty city, a heavy fog without warning.

Kitano Nobunori and Abe Insuki didn't speak. They clenched their weapons in tacit understanding, knowing that the war was coming.

The young man was extremely nervous. Seeing Kitano Nobunori and Abe Shiki being so serious, he also learned to draw his samurai sword. He did not dare to speak and just stared around.

The young man stared at the heavy fog on the left and right, as if he had found something in the fog, which appeared and disappeared, making it difficult to see clearly.


Strange sounds accompanied the appearance of these disappearing figures, and footsteps sounded in the mist, which put a lot of psychological pressure on the three of them.

"Who the hell is this monster that dares to tease us?!"

Abe Cunshu's face was gloomy, and he suddenly took out a few talismans from his waist, muttering something in his mouth, and then the talismans began to burn themselves.

The talisman still had some effect. The fog in front of them seemed to have partially dissipated. The figures that originally appeared and disappeared in the fog were now clear, and they were clearly human beings with their eyes closed!

These people closed their eyes tightly, and their movements were a little stiff, as if they were puppets. They had an indescribable mechanical feel, as if they did not have any vital characteristics.

Behind them, in the direction of the city gate, there were such people as far as the eye could see, with no end in sight.


The boy was startled, and shouted out loudly, almost falling off the samurai sword in his hand.

Kitano Nobucun's eyesight was so bad that he immediately discovered the threads behind these Xiayi City residents, and reminded him: "There are threads behind these people, and someone is controlling them!"

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the entire residents of Xiayi City would be manipulated by this monster!"

Abe Cunshu held the talisman between his fingers and couldn't help but said: "These threads seem to have no end. Could it be that the demon king is controlling them out of thin air?!"

"Let's break out of the siege first. This requires a large number of manpower. There is no way the three of us can face the more than 20 residents of Xiayi City!"

(End of this chapter)

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