i created the old gods

Chapter 251 The Spider Nest City

Chapter 251 The Spider Nest City
More and more citizens are controlled by silk threads around them. They close their eyes and wander around as if sleepwalking. They can't distinguish between illusion and reality. They don't seem to notice the traces of Kitano Nobunori, Abe Inaki and the boy.

Seeing this, Abe Insuki said in a small voice: "Huh? They don't seem to be able to see us."

"Let's leave quietly from the eaves without alerting these guys."

Kitano Shincun pointed to the eaves on both sides and said softly: "If you can't fight them, don't fight them."

Although he spoke softly, Kitano Nobunori still spoke at a decibel level similar to his usual speech.

They yelled so loudly before that they didn't wake up these people. How could they wake up immediately now?

The lowering of the voice is just a subconscious action, or it can be said to be a way of self-protection.

Thinking of this, Kitano Nobumura paused, looked at the boy, and said in a deep voice, "Homaru, you go up first."

"Okay, my lord."

The young man named 'Huo Wan' did not dare to have any intention of disobeying him. He quickly jumped up on the eaves and began to tiptoe towards the city gate, trying to avoid the 'sleepwalking' crowd as much as possible.

"Let's go too."

Kitano Nobunaga glanced at the Abe tree, whispered, and immediately jumped towards the eaves.

Just when Kitano Xincun landed steadily on the eaves without making a sound, a very ear-piercing noise suddenly came from the mist.


Kitano Shincun instantly became vigilant. The moment the noise rang out, the appearance of the sleepwalking crowd suddenly changed!

"Ah!!! My Nobuko, Nobuko!!!"

"Where is my dominance?! Where is my daimyo status?!"

It seemed that at this moment, all the 'sleepwalkers' woke up. After they woke up, they became furious and cursed one after another. Their blood-like eyes stared at Kitano Nobunaga, Abe Insuki and Kaori. The three of them were full of resentment.

"It's them! It's them who disturbed the great dream gods. Kill them, and the gods will let us continue to enjoy a beautiful life!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone started to commotion. They rushed to the roof and eaves indiscriminately, trying to drag Kitano Nobunori and Huomaru down and beat them to death. There was even a group of people moving toward Abe Insuki. run in the direction.


Huomaru was still young and had never seen such a scene before, and his face turned pale with fright. Kitano Nobunaga's expression also changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Damn it, we should fight out!"

After saying that, Kitano Nobunaga skillfully drew his sword and chopped off the hands of several 'residents' who tried to climb up. Blood was sprinkled on the faces of others.

I thought this should have some kind of deterrent effect, but other people still came around in a crowd, completely surrounding the place, scrambling to climb up the eaves, and would not give up until they achieved their goal.

Blood was splashed on the faces of the people around them, those people ignored it, their faces were full of anger and resentment, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, they stared at Kitano Xincun, wishing to tear him into pieces!

"My lord, what shall we do now?!"

Firemaru held a samurai sword, inserted it into the face of a resident who was about to climb up, then pulled it out, kicked him down, and asked Kitano Nobunori breathlessly.

The katana in Kitano Nobunori's hand gradually changed color, and he said loudly: "Don't worry about anything else, just run forward. I will take care of the rest!"

"Yes, my lord!"

No matter what kind of orders Kitano Shincun gave, Huomaru would obey them unconditionally. After Kitano Shincun gave the order, Huomaru stepped on the layers of rubble and headed towards the city gate.

Looking at Homaru's retreating back, Kitano Nobunori sighed, feeling a little calmer in his heart, and the surface of the katana in his hand began to bloom with a strange blue color.

"Mr. Kitano, don't feel any psychological pressure. Their minds have been distorted by monsters. According to the usual practice, they cannot recover at all. Now they can no longer be regarded as human beings, they can only be regarded as corpses!"

Abe Chushu spit out a stream of real flames from his mouth, burning a large number of red-eyed residents in front of him. Da Sheng shouted: "At this point, we can only fight a bloody road, wait for support, and then kill the monsters here together, for Revenge on these residents!"

"it is good!"

Kitano Nobunaga nodded solemnly, the blue light of the katana flourished, and he slashed towards the crowd mercilessly!

This slash was like a surging river, flowing rapidly towards the residents. The surging sword energy instantly knocked down a large number of surrounding residents to the ground and cut them in half!

Blood spewed out, standing in the center of the pool of blood, Kitano Nobumura's expression was a bit uneasy.

Although Abe Shishu had already told the situation of these residents, Kitano Nobunori still felt that he had killed a lot of people in front of the bloody people.


A sound like a thunderbolt suddenly sounded from behind Kitano Nobuncun. Kitano Nobuncun felt a strong sense of crisis and jumped forward on his own initiative.

However, before Kitano Shincun made any move, he felt a strong gust of wind passing by from the side, seemingly traveling parallel to him.

Kitano Nobunaga didn't hesitate, and slashed away with the katana in his hand, cutting off the incoming man's path.


The katana collided with a folding fan. Kitano Nobunaga felt numbness in the tiger's mouth. He jumped back quickly, took a few steps back to stabilize his figure, and looked at the incoming man with a heavy look on his face.

The person who came was actually an onmyoji waving a folding fan!
Kitano Nobunori quickly realized that this onmyoji holding a folding fan also had threads on his back that were similar to those of the residents. It seemed that every move was under the control of some indescribable existence.

What was different from the residents was that those residents had red eyes and wanted to cramp and skin Kitano Nobumura, but the expression of the onmyoji in front of him was very dead, as if he had really died.

'Master Cun Shu said that the magatama of the nine onmyojis in Xia Yicheng broke at the same time. Doesn't that mean that the onmyoji in front of me is dead? ! '

Kitano Nobunaga took a breath of cold air, exerted force with his feet, and slashed at the Onmyoji's neck with the katana in his hand. The blade seemed to turn into a trickling stream in an instant, extremely quickly!
This knife was so fast that Kitano Shincun felt as if he had returned to the night when he was at his peak ten years ago, when he faced the huge monster that swallowed tens of thousands of people.

Just when Kitano Nobunaga's sword was about to hit the Onmyoji's neck, the Onmyoji's head suddenly moved away in a strange movement that was difficult for ordinary people to do. Kitano Nobucun's extremely confident sword was just a scratch It hit the Onmyoji's neck, leaving only a bloody mark.

'how is this possible? ! '

Kitano Nobucun's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that his fatal sword was actually blocked, and the Onmyoji opposite Kitano Nobucun also moved.

With a slight wave of the folding fan in the Onmyoji's hand, a force like the overwhelming force of Mount Tai suddenly hit him, spreading throughout Kitano Nobunaga's whole body!
'It's obviously just a folding fan, why does it give me the feeling of a meteor hammer? ! '

Such a strange feeling made Kitano Nobunori feel extremely frightened. He used all his strength and spirit to forcefully take back the katana. Enduring the pain of fracture caused by forcibly receiving it, he held the katana across his chest and resisted. This folding fan is waved gently!


A harsh sound of metal and metal rang out, and Kitano Nobun felt a sharp pain all over his body. There was a soft 'click' sound, as if a bone somewhere was shattered by this fan!

The aftershocks forced Kitano Nobunaga to take several steps back. A wave of heat seemed to want to surge up in his chest, and his mouth was filled with the smell of blood.

Kitano Nobunori had no choice but to suppress his energy and change the katana in his right hand to his left hand. He tried to maintain an intact appearance and stared at the onmyoji with a dead expression on his face, but there was a feeling of horror in his heart.

'I have faced onmyoji before, but none of those onmyojis gave me this feeling. What is going on? Why can an onmyoji be physically stronger than me? ! '

Doubts filled Kitano Nobuncu's mind. However, Kitano Nobuncu was not given any time to think. The surrounding residents who had lost their minds with dreams once again swarmed in, heading towards Kitano Nobuncu like zombies. Catch him.


After Kitano Nobunori cursed in a low voice, he held the samurai sword in his backhand and forcibly moved his body. He drew the sword very fast and sealed his throat with one blow, directly cutting off many heads on the spot!
If Kitano Nobunori was in his prime, he would naturally be able to control his power and slit his throat to kill each opponent.

However, in his current seriously injured state, Kitano Nobunaga had no ability to adjust at all. He could only use all his strength to kill all the invading enemies as much as possible.

Pairs of rough, calloused hands grabbed Kitano Nobucun, and Kitano Nobucun quickly cut off the hands. However, the Onmyoji's folding fan struck again, and Kitano Nobucun could only retreat and dodge as much as possible. Get out of the way.


Just as Kitano Nobunaga was avoiding the folding fan, a resident grabbed the corner of his clothes and tore off a piece of fabric.

Kitano Shintoshi turned around and chopped down the resident who had torn off his clothes with a knife. The surrounding residents used it in large numbers. One of the men, who was as strong as a general, threw Kitano Shintoshi to the ground. Immediately, all the residents began to move towards Kitano. Xincun pounced.

Kitano Nobunaga showed a serious look of unwillingness. He felt that every part of his body was extremely tingling, and the weight on his body seemed to be tens of thousands of pounds.

Wounds appeared on his body one after another, and the massive loss of blood left him unable to muster any strength. He could only watch helplessly as those ordinary residents killed him.

Not far away, Abe was dodging the attacks from eight 'Onmyoji' in a panic. He glanced at the former 'Number One Swordsman of Beizhou' and couldn't help but feel his heart sinking: "Kitano Nobunaga is dead, those residents Taiichiro Kazuoko is coming to besiege me soon, damn it!"

Just as Abe Insuki expected, the residents and onmyoji who besieged Kitano Nobunori immediately changed their direction after seeing Kitano Nobunaga's death, and ran wildly in the direction of Abe Inshu.

"Damn it, I'm actually going to die here!"

Abe Cunshu's eyes were filled with despair and disbelief.

Although he is very powerful, under the siege of these nine Onmyoji and thousands of residents who are not afraid of death, there is no way!
In the end, the only way to wait for him is death.

"Damn it——!!!"

"Damn it——!!!"

The screams of Abe Inshu were heard in Xiayi City, and the eyes of the young boy Huomaru who had "luckily" escaped were filled with tears.

He ignored his sorrow and ran away frantically outside the city, not daring to look back.

He knew very well that not long ago, his beloved elder, Kitano Nobumura, was in danger, and the Great Onmyoji, Abe Cunki, could hardly survive.

He has only one purpose now, and that is to run, far away, away from this terrifying city, report all the confidence here, so that the big shots will pay attention to it, and work together to solve the situation here and help Kitano Nobu. Cun and Abe take revenge!
With endless grief and indignation, Huo Wan ran wildly all the way, not running straight for a long time, only dared to turn around when he was sure everything was safe, and stared at the Xiayi City full of terror from a distance.

When Huo Wan looked at Xia Yicheng with a new mood, he found that the scene of Xia Yicheng had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Skeletons gathered on both sides of the city gate, and yin energy condensed in the sky.

Countless spider silk wrapped the entire Xiayi City, and the entire Xiayi City was like a spider's lair, and the white spider silk was entangled layer by layer, as if depicting a human face.

This situation made Huo Wan feel so scared that he did not dare to look at Xia Yicheng again, so he had to leave in a hurry, heading towards Qingyuan City, the nearest city, to report all this to the city lord there.

The current situation is no longer controllable by a few people.

At the end of the day, Jingchuan looked at the leaving Huomaru slightly and nodded with satisfaction.

Xiayi City is now an isolated city. The entire city is occupied by the Spider God. All residents have become believers. All humans enter the city and either die or assimilate. Huowan is the only one who came out of Xiayi City alive.

This is not because of Homaru's strength or luck. The main reason is that Jingchuan needs one person to pass on the information here and attract the attention of other daimyo princes in Beizhou to complete the plan.

When those princes and the Onmyoji family come to attack Xia Yi City, Beizhou will completely fall into the domain of the Spider God, and by then the entire Beizhou will have to rely on the great Tian Yu Qingzhong to save it.

Otherwise, if this continues, it will take at least seven or eight years to invade Beizhou.

The Spider God works slowly and carefully without being in a hurry, but Jingchuan cannot wait for such a long time.

In seven or eight years, maybe the next big world will appear, waiting to be conquered. How can there be such a long time to prepare for it?

If it weren't for the fact that the will of this small world is still a little contradictory, Jingchuan would have wanted to directly appear in front of others and forcefully unify the world, making Tian Yuqingzhong the sole overlord.

If it weren't for the fact that the will of this small world hadn't completely surrendered to Jingchuan, who would have bothered?

(End of this chapter)

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